rtttnit CAnm Twa n. j . Studenl Awards Given lo Many (Continued from PC 1 Section 3 relarytreaaurrr and Cherllyn Smoue. editor of the Ionian- preceding claa nlfiht, the en lor were entertained ty the JTA with a dinner at Stefan!' banquet room. Guests preaent wrre the ten member of the senior (Uu, and Mr. and Mr. Everett HoUtctn. The Ion High school student body voted on Friday for two cttUeruhlp award mad to member of the nlor cuo. in wards went to Cher) le Lun drU and Hatvorsen, Thr-tr ntmri wtll be engraved on the rltuenthlp plaque hanging in the front hall ol the gymnasium. Garette-Tlme adt pay DEALERS YAIITED BRIDOESTONE .1 ,-v : C J Call NOW vii.4 234-0717 YAUrtfC e0UlPCNT0lTRI8UT0 JUWnt JM0l.e,7Pa''a".O.i 25 Get Diplomas Al Commencement In North Morrow Ir MABT IXC HARLOW POARPMAN-Dr. Frank Ben rwtt ol Milwaukt. pt l of IXX". ooke to th grad uatint cUa ol KlvrrLW High school Ut Friday nlcht. Ap nni&lmatrlv VJ people were i.r.nt for the aervlcea. The In vocation wai riven by Rv. rorir l(ah. rtor of tlx IVm munlty Baptut church at IrTtgon, and Rev. Herman K. urg. !' tor o the Boardman IVmmunl. ty church. Rave the benediction. Terry Lynn McCoy wa val edictorian, and lioy Raymond Obrrmcler and Lyie Dexter Hobb were coaalulatorlan. Mm. Frank Slrwart aang The IXid ol a Perfect Pay." Ron Daniel. RlveraUle prtncL pal. Introduced the speaker and Ihe claw, Harvey Warner, Mor row eountv achool board mem- twr nnMnted the diplomas to 25 students. Daniel save out the follow ing scholarships: Terry McCoy, a Jjnrt I'nlon l"aclfle award, and a $3U Standard Oil award; Anna Mae Mrtjuaw. a $3fc) tutt ton acholamhlu to Pacific t'nl verUy at Forest Grove; Lyle Hobb. $240 tuition to Blue Mountain College, rendleton; Notice of Budget Hearing The budget for Heppner Rural Fire District for the 13. a detailed ana wmmanzea in , n- k-;., , ki insistent wltn inai usea in prior '-"? " -'v statement. A copv of tne ounm o are set forth In an accompanying Interested persons or any portion A meetine of t . c-.i. Annov for th NlfDOM to discuss the budget, or any part ol It beginning July I. rnoared on n accounting n, their effects on this budeet ncument may be Inspected by ! ..o ".j k .t .h r.ai.tt.Time!L The bud Cot document. pctween ine ' nour. w ... - m -. Vhoet at the Cazette-Ttmcs. he Heppner Rural Fl Protection D Wrict 6 619 will be held June H 19G3 at 8:00 pm or noiainz a puouc nrumn r-- - DICK T. WILKINSON Chairman of Governing Body FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOB THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAH BEGINNING JULT I, l5-6 TAX LEVY COMPUTATION Total Budget Rcq u i re m p n ts ... Less Budget Resources. Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget - Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 6 Limitation TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED Total Gnral All Funds Fund $ 5.3O9.0O $ 5-TO.OO 755.00 755.00 ... 4.554.00 4-55400 136.00 136.00 4.690.00 S 4.690.00 ..$ 4.600.00 $ 4.690.00 .4 4.690.00 $ 4.690.00 AH reserve funds and special revenue funds, if any, are included. FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAH BEGINNING JULY 1. 1964-65 TAX LEVY COMPUTATION Total Budget Requirements . ; :r Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to uaiance duukci Total All Funds .....$ Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received During Ensuing Year TOTAL TAXES TO BE LKVltU ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED Within 6 Limitation r TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 6.750.00 900.00 5,850.00 234.00 6.0&1.0O 6.084.00 6.084.00 General Fund $ 6.750.00 900.00 5.850.00 234.00 $ 6,084.00 6.O84.00 6,08-1.00 All reserve funds and special revenue funds, if any, are included. STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding July 1 Ensuing Authorised, Not July 1 Incurred TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonds Interest Bearing Warrants . Short Term Notes ....... TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS Current Year (Actual) None None None None Year (Estimated) None None None None Current Year (Actual) None Ensuing Year (Estimated) None PETTY CASH Balance July 1 . Current Year (Actual) None' Ensuing Year (Estimated) None Notice of Approval By Budget Committee Approved toy Budget Committee May 17, 19C5 DONALD BENNETT Chairman of Budget Committee John Uthrop. 1100 A C. IHMiin. ton IT A M-holarahip: T)ra Nurd- trom, UUO Union l acuic The prooelonal an.l reces sional were plaed bv Mr. AL bert Fan low. ocanit, and Mr. LaVern Fart low. lanlt. Fi the flrwt time lit the hU torv of Itlverttde IU6h 'hMi h tune affiliate,! National llonr SiHrtF. pa this Oher- th. Terry pewena Q!w. McKlrov and Junior ttudents mu.it inant average or 11 their year oi ha received n ' Ant who are memher year Include .-nlor Roy Mctoy. Hinwn Writ, Anna w- pick SkouUX and Rirtwira u- "' p e n n v r l-huck Jackson and " i t becmw a member of the aoclrty make a srade l or over for al hlsh achool. The BUlv Craham film. nv. Id an.t Udlath-. be hown .J rommunttv Churvh the eve nlng ol June 6 at 7:30. friend, are Invited to attend. Vacation Bible Uart at Community tlturcn June 2 and will run through June 11. Theme of the -ChrUt Is Our reace." Mr. Herman R. Burg will be supor Intendent. Children ol through 13 are welcome to at tend. Hour will be from nine to 11:45 a.m. Mrs. Phil Lafombe will teach the primary depart ment. Mrs. Burg the bee nners. and Rev. Herman R. Burg the lunlor. Helpers will be LuAnn Burg. Shirley Dixon. Jeanette Htigel. Mr. Rotert Lom and ram Kuhn. The missionary project will be the Navajo Indian. The final program will be elven the evening of June lo at 7:30. Gold fish will be presented to the children as perfect attend ance awards. Any children wishing trans portation should contact the church. The children presented a pro gram for the mother, and wor moit at boards mad of lh colors they learned duties kindergart en. They were made of roiwtruc Hon paper with white tael. Punch and cokJea were terved after the prtram. VUltor lt week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Sutton ere their son In law an. Im ghter, Mr. and Mr. Virgil Mor- rtofl and children Ray ami Haydell ol Rlverton. Wyo. Mr and Mr. 1-eo Htta spent the wwk end In The llle Ma lung PIU' rKuln, Mr, and Mr. lavne t"twhrnur. and Mr. an.t Mrs. Ceoree ltamey. Mr and Mr. Rotten lw and dauthter Tarlna. Cynthia and Ki4in spent the week end VUH lug relative In Buhl, Idaho, and at the home ol t-owe'a untie and aunt. Mr. and Mr Clarence Uwe in Mihine. Idaho. R,ijer Hull Wahougal. Waah. M week end vlaltof at Ihe home of Mr, and Mr. Arnold Hoffman. Kfr. and Mr. Gene Allen and children Wc. H'uart and Stephanie of Walla .VValla. Wi.li. rre Monday vUltois at the lnne of Alten'a parent. Mr. and Mr Arthur Allen. Week, end vUttoi at the Allen hme were Mr. and Mr rrnk Jone of VawHmver. Wah. Notice of Budget Hearing The bud,e, for Heppner CVmHery M. rirtwi an a liar iiini ii'nni - -. . . ma . . a . t.k.'a . .i.ii a m m .a m ning juiy i. orni-i -" atakir rhaneea. If any. and tneir enecia accounting batla conUtent with that ued In ptl r year MiN cm ny "w J , dlK.umrnt may on this budget are set forth In an accunpanylng u,m7 a m nd "I l M at Heppner City HalL t tnMted bv Interented Persons between the " Jipnrr A meeting : of the Board of lr " f k WudeV. ?iron may appear to Oty llaii for tne purie o nuium .... - - - dtM-ua the budget, or any pan or it. joiin prriFFKR fhalrman of (vvrnlng Body FINANCIAL SUMMARY rot Tha EattU Flacal Year Bealnalag July 1. 15 GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAH 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULY 1, 1965 HISTORICAL DATA -v . , Budget For ActuaI m . . Ensuing Year Second First J?S? Approred Preceding Preceding Current Year tTe2roo $Ye60000 'Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) $ 630.00 $ Nrwrn 2Mi00 270 00 Previously Levied Taxes Estimated Nona IVW To Be Received During Ensuing Year 100.00 Other Resources - m Interest on Investment . ........... - 72 J Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied S A&27Z Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget - ! Total Resources - o.w.ov Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. . DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND Fire Department General Fund FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1965-1966, BEGINNING JULY 1, 1965 HISTORICAL DATA Actual Second Preceding Tear $ 10.00 None 5.862.00 75.00 1.00 18.00 None None 30.24 10.00 None None $ 6,006.24 First Preceding Year $ 35.00 None 5,700.00 75.00 None 18.00 None None 41-16 10.00 None 5.00 $ 5,884.16 Budget Current Year $ 35.00 100.00 5,700.00 125.00 30.00 50.00 545.00 100.00 60.00 5.00 None None S 6.750.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approred Materials and Services Insurance Bond - Legal Fees imno Contract to City - '7500 Audit - Nnn'o Stamps and Envelopes onn Hiiettiina Operating Contingency Traveling Expense - - Advertising Budget - Filing Fees Tacho graphy - Emergency Miscellaneous TOTAL - - - ..4 960.00 40.00 96.50 5.00 200.00 None 5,309.00 tr- rv,n rviwnev was hostess for the Boardman TUHcum club last week at her home. More money was turned In for the Cancer Fund, making the final total $235.85. Mrs. Joe Tatone gave a report on the state convention at Gear hart, and Mrs. Ronald Black read an article from the morn ing Oregonlan about the convention. The club's rummage sale will be held June 4-5. Pie and coffee will be sold. It will be held at the grange hall. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Roy Partlow June 8. St. Mary's Altar Society held its last meeting for the summer last week at the home of Mrs. Delmer Hug. Mrs. Shirley Zlel Inskl will be In charge of the church for June. The next meet ing will be some time In Sep tember. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zcarl Gillespie were Gillespie's nieces and fa m llies, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Willkle and children Barbara and David of Mattawa. Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and children Wallene and Ronnie of Madras. Other visitors were Bob Botts of Burbank. Wash., and Mrs. ni.nh Rarinw of IIcoDnor and her sister, Alma Gilliam of Portland. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marlow and daughters Anita, Judy and Carla of Medford were week end visitors at the home of Mar- low's parents, Mr. ana mr. Frank Marlow. Sunday visitors - - . 1 a u A In 1 a tar were wanows otuimri -" and sister, Mr. and Mrs. nany Shlpp of Pendleton, and Ms. Marlow'- sisters. Mrs. Clarence Thomas of Riggins, Idaho, ana Lafe Smith of Fenaieion. Mon day visitors were Marlovs niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nelson and son uig 01 Medford. . . Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ely and children Larry, Gary, Rfnee, Kicky, Rena and Danny of Seat tle, Wash., and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. EI- rlrWl I fill on h children Jimmy, Janet, Jay, Jerry and Joyce or La Grande . Mr. and Mrs. Vern Carpenter and sons Russell and Tommy of Payette, , Idaho, were week end visitors at the home of Mrs. Carpenter's mother, Mrs. Russell Miller. Pat Miller, who has re turned home from Marylnurst icolleee. returned home with them to visit a week. Mrs. Glenn Mallery of Seattle, Wash, visited last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats. Mrs. S. R. Wilkie, Mrs. Shirley Ziellnskl and Mrs. Delmer Hug took 19 members of the catechism- classes of St. Marys Church to the Umatilla Park last week for a picnic and wel ner roast. Mrs. Earl Briggs has been scr im.ciu ill the nast week in bt. Anthony's hospital In Pendleton. Her son, W. D. Maxwell of Port land, was here last week to see heI't a meeting o the city budget committee last week the annual budget of $397,340 was adopted. This does not include the budg et of the Urban Renewal Agency. The following children finish ed the kindergarten school here with Mrs. Harold Baker as teach er: Karen Baker, Kathy Barron, Fred Bruce, Terry Clayton, Day id Gregg, David Gregg. David Hug, Scott HHgel, Charolett Hill lng, Darlene Kerby, Randall Matthews, Tina Thornhill, San dy Ramsey, Linda Skoubo, Diana Snodderly and Kay Wright. TAX LEVY COMPUTATION AuTtSda Total Budget Requirements - f 29.7W)00 Lena Budget Reaourwa, Except , 40) Taxerto Be Levied - - m'doOO Taxes Necenary to Balance Budget - n Add Taxes Estimated Not 4, 00 to Be Received During Fnulng car -Tni TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED TWU" ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO Bt LEVIED rtmOO Within 6 Limitation -- - J Etiuoo TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED -.. - 8.7M.UU AU reserve funds and special revenue funds. If any. are Included. For The Current r fecal Year Beginning July 1. lt4 TAX LEVY COMPUTATION AUSafda Total Budget Requirements WW-00 Les Budget Resources. 1215 00 Excel Taxes to Be Uvled - 7 71111 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget - - i.oiow Add Taxes Estimated Not mono to Be Received During Ensuing Year - - ,!f TOTAL TAXIS TO BE LEVIED - H.-r7.0U ANALYSIS OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED KXllOO Within 6 Limitation - htiii TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED 8.347.00 All reserve funds and special revenue funds. If any. are included. CBral Fund 14.13500 5.A35 00 i)00 44VtOO R.764.00 R.7IV4 00 $ R,704(W Perpetual Car Fund $ 15.tC5.0O 15 625.00 None Nona None None None General Fund S 14.023.00 fi.34500 7,678 UO era 00 $ 8,347.00 oadd Dbt Fuad 13.lMl.0rt 13.90000 None R.317.00 K.317.00 None None None None STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS Ron d TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS ... Ensuing Year (Eauraatd) None None PETTY CASH .None Approved by Budget Committee May 24. 19G5 JOHN PFEIFFER Chairman of Budget Committee GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1965-66-BEGINNING JULY 1. 196S H ISTO RCA LD ATA ACT0Ail . . . Bdgt For Second First Budget . Enaufng Yof Preceding Preceding Current Approred Year Year Year $ 11849.39 $ 6.126.86 $ 2,000.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) 2.000.00 Other Resource 75000 975.00 660.00 750.00 Grave Openings j ;M 1015 00 525.00 600.00 Grave Liners - 200 00 255 00 650 00 10000 Space Old Cemetery - 52500 1.050.0() 500.00 Space New Cemetery - 930 00 630.00 750.00 Annual Care W50 2K)00 400.00 Perpetual Care Vt whn i33.32 S:SS 420.00 Mjscel.aneous: TCD Interest f-gg 75.00 S4-'t Stones " ... 2146 55 148-125 750.00 Water Credit - City of Heppner 19026 76 13 866 11 6345.00 Total Resources Except Taxes to Be Levied ... Nofe 2,613 14 778.00 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget J3W.0J r.ono 14023.00 Total Resources - 1i.iao.uu Includes Unappropriated Balance Budgeted last year. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1965-66-BEGINNING JULY 1. 196$ General Department Fund HISTORICALJDATA CTUAL Budget For Second First ud9 Ensuing Yof Preceding Preceding Current Approved vsar Year Yar . I0OT Personal Service! . . S 5170 60 $ 7,707.91 $ 5,139.60 Sexton 1 500 00 188013 Included 2,160.40 Assistant Sexton mm l3o8 Included oR 720.00 Secretary : -- WM0 TOO 00 305.25 350.00 Legal 200 f)0 imoo no.00 auauo Audu mSo Materials and Services: w 1 1377.64 1,898.57 1,500.00 Operating Materials and Supplies imm 14216 255.15 120.00 Office Expense 1 550 00 99.02 151-02 850.00 UtUitles - 'Jgg;gg 3448 426.68 400.00 Insurance - - oiiono None 10O00 600.00 Old Lot Purchases 200.00 included Included 200.00 Elections and Publications 200.00 lnciuaea i"tiu Miscellaneous r-V" No?e Norm 500.00 General Operating Contingency oOO.OO xone Capital Outlay 72.00 664.29 300.00 Equipment None 24l2 173 20 None Roads and fences tnvsnn None None .0O Unappropriated Balance k wSiS? 10,342.68 11,887-07 $ 14,023,00 Total Requirements S 14,135,00 Z PERPETUAL CARE RESERVE FUND SUMMARY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1965-66 BEGINNING JULY I, 1965 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Year $ 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 First Preceding Year $ 10,595.00 855.00 11,450.00 1L.450.00 Budget Current Year $ 13,000.00 900.00 13,900.00 $ 13,900.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approved Resources: ' 14'.?S Available Cash on Hand ........ .00 Transferred From Other Funds ........... ...OO Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied .... 15,625.00 TOTA LREQU1REMENTS S 15,625.00