Band Concert Entertains Large Audience Friday f XAT11EBINK UNDSTROM IONK The annual spring concert of the lone aehuola held In the gymnasium Friday evening undrr the direction of Carol Miller. musU' Instructor Tli 'Top Concert" was an riuurwid by 8ld .Inter, uluilonl fax) ealdent. and iH-gan with the entrance of I ha chorus sink ing "Say It With Music." Cheryle l.undrll waa accompanist lr Ihe chorus numbers and Karen Nelson layrd a flute solo. The Junior riljjh band m Joined in three numbers by members of the fifth cral who are In their first yrar of band work. Trumpet oia were leav ed by Jim Kwanson and lUm Chrlslophcraon. A Elrle trio corn iMiard of Connie ChrUtopherson. iu.nnle II) nil. and Cathy llaus Irr san acveral numbrn. Mra. Hill KJrtmann wii their accrn. jianUt and waa presented a rift in appreciation of her work with Ihe KlrU Ihla sprln. Robert Mnert and Fid Zlnter entertained with their cultars and aang "King of the Head" They aantf some novrlly num. hers and were Jilnfd by the trio In dedicating one- number to Mr. Miller. The senior hlth school band played an excellent variety of mucU-al number Including a meUley of tunea from the hit Hroadway ahow "My Fair Udy." Solo pans were piayru vy n' Wllev on the LlndMrom and on trumpet. Virgil Susan Morgan Following the concert, refresh ments were served from beau llfully decorated tea tablea. Mra. Thill Kinert made I ha lovely red and white renlerpleeea and Mra. Garland Swanaon, Mra. I. N, Ilcrrkk. Mra. James and Mra. Wallace Matthew were In charge of other arrange nieiita. Pour I nir, were Mra. Carol Miller and Mr. II. It Krrha, jun ior pant 1TA prealdent. A good dnatlon was made to the band uniform fund In the ailver duti es on the tablea. Ilev. Kenneth Itoblnson, paator of Valby arid Mm" Lutheran t-hurt-hea, delivered the bacca laureate address to the VMA graduating f lan of lone Huh t.h.u.l in ihe rafetorium on Sun day evening. May 21 Tcrrl O' Connor played the processional ami rercMional marthea for the ten graduatea and accompanied Terea Tucker, who aang "You'll Never Walk Alone." Invocation and the benediction were given by the iu-v. waiter o i rowt ii of the lone United Church of Christ. Mr. and Mra. Lewi llalvorscn . Ulark r,.lnrru- KslLTdjlV evening from llend, vkhere they attended ine slate crass o irain mM.i Tholr un Joe. returned with Le Matthew In hi plane. Joe waa first place winner in ih- hli'h hurdle with a SIH-C- lucular 15 wt. run which lied the record made in r.oi ami ai'iiln in 1!Hk1 He also ttlaced fifth In the low hurdle with a 21 2. lone United Church Of Christ Auction And Barbecue Saturday, June 12 Mr, and Mra- Gcorga Griffith and Glen aprnt latt week end In Portland, whrre they attend ed a play at the Emily school In which their daughter. Char lotte. took part. They also at tended tha Ice Follle. A work day will b held at Ihe lone United Church of Chrlal on Wednesday, June 2. begin ning at 10. am., followed by a pot luck lunch at 12M. Clothes, which have bet n col lected In the month'a rlothini dilve, will 1m aorled. repaired and packed for ahlpment. Al l::w pm. Wornen'a Kellowatilp will have a hjrt meeting and li.ktall the offltvr for the com trig year. Nuriwry care for child ren will b provided. Frlenda o the hurch are reminded to get their good, uaeable, discarded clothing Intc the lioxea at the church, Urlxtow'a Markel, or lllck's Market before May 31- Mr. and Mr. Llnday Klncatd and family were railed to Cald well, Idaho, on Friday by Uh death of her grandmother. The Arnica Club enjoyed a pla party at the home of Mr. and Mr. Dick Kreb at Cecil 1am Saturday nlht. Twenty-two tncmbcra and their hubnd enjoyed the party. Mr. Kobcrt JcpM-n waa chairman of the no hokt affair and Mr. Bill Kiel niann and Mra. Dick Krebs a-it.-d her. Grand AdvUor Utta Jane Schroeder of Myrtle Point, grand worthy advisor of International Order of Kalnbow fr Olrla In tregon, paid an of ficial vUlt to lone A-HM-mbly No H'J on Tueaday evening, other honored gueta were Mrs. Harold 1h- ket, grand deputy, and Sus. an Llndstrom, grand choir dirc tor. The Rainbow girls gave a friendship addendum for Jane and pn-M-nted her with an arm basket Into which they put arti ficial flowers of all colors. They alno presented her a chi-ck for philanthropic projects for the year. Tcreaa Tucker sang "God's ituinbow bhlnea For ou" ac companied by Terrl O'Connor. Hcfreshments were aened fol lowing the meeting by the Rain Imjw advisory board, Mrs. K. R Schaffer. Mrs. Omar Kletmann, Mrs. Adon Ham left, Mrs. LewU llalvorxen and Mrs. Roy W. U ndstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Van Rietmann and family of Condon were hosts to a family reunion on Sunday. Going from lone were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rictmanr. and twm, Omar Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rietmann and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riet mann and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann and Wayne. Mrs. M. K. Cotter spent Wed nesday In rioneer Memorial hos pital, where she had minor sur gery on her car. Mrs. Ted Hall of South Bend, Wash., and Mrs. Jalmar Koskl of Vashon Island visited their cousins, Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. Walter Roberts, and Joe Englemann from Sunday to Tuesday of this week. TEST THE BEST: far d pads the biggest mew k m the Pacific Noraiwest In fact, Ford's now 240-cu. In. standard engine Is America's biggest new Six. In tests conducted by Automobile Racing Club of America experts, It beat both Chevy and Plymouth In acceleration, city passing and fuel economy. Test It now! , SlMk. Unt Ford 0ImI 00 l-Door Hwdtap Test... and invest... in the bestl See your birdDesiler m PPMER AUTO SALES, One. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursdoy, Moy 27, 1965 Scc.2-4poges Ion Garden club will have a special meeting at the home of Mr. Wallace Wolff In lleppner on Saturday, May 29. The rnrm txr will nave the opportunity to see the Wolfra fine Iris col lection and a planned pot -luck dinner will be enjoyed. Mra, f. T. Martin la In Port land this week to attend the National Federation of Garden ub. She U Dutrlct Uirector of Blue Mountain Dtt. Mra. Robert Jepsen entertain ed her Sunday School dim re cently. They pent part of the evening ktudylng the rule of etiquette for howling and prac ticing bowling. They played irames and had refreshments. Mra. jarnea tsarneu ana Anon Hamlett helped transport the ytiuncstera to the Jepaen ranch. On Saturday morning they had a bowling party in lleppner ana met afterwards at tne VtUhtnz Well for lunch. Making the trip were Cathy llausler, Tanya Tucker, brenda llolsteln. Debbie Wliiklcrnan, Cindy Nedry, Jane Krebs, ChrUtlne McCate, Cathy Cannon, Ricky Harnett. Kirky Boyce, Richard Hamlett, Greg Jacobs, Clint Krebs, and Susan Jane and bill Jepaen. They were accompanied by Mrs- Joe llaua-.-r and Mrs. John Jepnen, be sides their teacher. Church Schedule Chanoed The lone United Church of Chrlt will beyln the nummer schedule this coming Sunday, May 30, with worship service to begin at 10:00 a.m. Primary church school classes held in Ihe basement rooms will con tinue the same as usual. The Home Ivconomlcs Club of Willows Grange met on Friday. May 21, at the home of Mr. Hcrold Shorer with Mrs. Bcrl Akera as co-hostess. Since the State Grange con vention meets on June Ills, it was decided that the li.K.C would postpone its regular minting from June 18 to Sun day, June 27. This will be a no hast potluck picnic at the moun tain cabin of Mrs. L C Heli ker. Husbands, children, and orange friends will make this a gala all day occasion. Tre next regular meeting of Willows Grange will be June 19. The H.EX1 is planning an in teresting program. Morrow County Pomona Grange will meet Saturday eve ning. July 3L The meeting will be precceddd by a pot-luck aup- Citizenship Grants Announced for 4-H "CltUenshlp In Action- grants rani'injf from S-VJ to W) will be available to county and lora! i II clubs In Oregon next year aa a result of a grant from the Header's Digest Foundation, re- Srta Burton 8. Hutton. twegon ate University 4 II club leader. The cltlienhip program, de signed for older 411 club mem bers, will aid either county 4 II r roups, euch aa 4 II empire builders clubs, or local 4 It cluoa that desire to Initiate or expand their educational activities In this area, he explained. Oregon Is one of eight state designated to participate In the 1'ji1 oroirram. Hutton points out. The S10.(M grant la admin. lstered nationally by the nat ional 4 II Club Foundation on behalf of the Cooperative txten alon Service. This la the first year that Xltizenshlp In Action" grants have been made available for local activities. For the past two yeart. the Reader's Digest Foun dation has aupported citizenship laboratories at the National 4 II Club Center In Washington. D. C Basically, the program will supplement local funds avail able to older 4 II club members Involved In citizenship activities, Hutton points out Although a wide variety of citizenship edu cation activities Is acceptable under the program, the action planned should reflect a recog nized need of the local commun ity or county, he stresses. The emphasis will be on pro. grams through whk-h better clt Uenshio understanding will be developed among 4-H club mem bers and others. Offers Prixe Ducklo A beautiful trophy for winner of the bull riding event In Ihe Morrow county rodeo will be given by the New York More of Pendleton this vear. Jack Sail, owner of the ire. announcp. He also presented an award for the event Ut year but reports T)ii will be much nicer than last year's " Adding machine tape, 23c roll, Gazette-Times. WE GOOFED - The Air Step Shoe It pr dative Will Net Se Here Thursday. Mar 27 As Previously Artaeuaced. He Will Be At GONTY'S Friday, May 28 At 7:00 p.m. with lEAunnn. hew FAXX. LINES GONTY'S per at the Lexington Grange Hall. Due to the harvest season, this waa voted to be an evening meeting. Vacation church school for four-year-olds through sixth grade students will be held at the United Church of Christ June 7 through 11. Memrters 01 the eighth grade graduation class were honored with a party on Saturday eve ning at the cafetorlum hosted by their parents. A mexican mo ld was used for the tables of the planned potluck dinner and lovely Mexican ornaments and clothing were used as decora tions in the entire room. Dan ting and games were enjoyed by the students and the parents played cards and other games loliowing the dinner. In charge of the dinner was Mrs. Berl Akers. Mrs. Ted Palmateer, en tertainment, and Mrs. Phlll Em crt, decorations. Punch and cookies were served during the party hour. Mr. and Mrs- Leo Crabtree drove to Colfax. Wash, this week-end and got her mother. Mrs. Blanche Scheelar, and brought their grandson, Jimmie McCabe, for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White flew to California this week-end to visit relatives and meet their son, Gerry, who was meeting them from Schilling Air Force In Kansas. . ... 6 Days Left TO GET YOUR CLOTHING IN For The United Clothing Appeal MORE IS NEEDED Clothing May Be Left At Either Grocery Store in lone And the lone United Church of Christ THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY BANK of EASTERN OREGON IONE BRANCH Member. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. fresh from the Northwest... automated nail way Famed Northwest apples and pears are "year-round" fresh ... thanks to improved storage processes, including Controlled Atmosphere storage, which preserve their natural freshness and flavor, and extend the marketing season by months. The Union Pacific is a vital link in speeding these perishables to distant markets. Moving to temperature-controlled refrigerator cars and piggyback trailers-under the watchful eyes of skilled personnel - these fruits are delivered to consumers in "Orchard Fresh" condition. This is another example of rail service at its best by union racinc. MATTU H imius fjirtifl " 1 '- . , H M iwiuient (t.louw ..Si .mio"" '3"1 eAKUW UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD J. M. LANDAU. GENERAL TRAFFIC AGENT WALLA WALLA HEPPNER, OREGON