Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 20, 1965, Page 4, Image 4

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    J 1965 C
Northwestern Motel
PH. 676 5817 Heppoei
For Those Who Still
Have Gifts To Buy:
And Many Other
S&H Green Stomps
Ph. 676-5561 Heppnw
J! iElPliL
4 a' Z
M If i; l
!S ;
t4i ( i aa .
I Mll I
Spring Travelers
Visit in Kinzua
KINZUA Mr. and lit. Frnk
rVnl.wi ad -" V'etUn and
David of Brooking pent from
Saturday until Wednesday t
Itlng friend and relative here
and In Koil and Condon.
Recent gueU of Mr. and Mr.
Rod Hasting were Mr. and Mr.
George June and family ol Wal
Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ceo
II and family of Heppner, Mr.
and Mr. Kiehard Uotham and
daughter of Wallowa.
Mr. and Mr. Leonard Mudd
and family of Richland. Wash.,
spent Sunday here visaing Mr.
and Mr. Lout Lorengel and at
tending the baccalaureate serv
ice of Mr. Ruth Ann Carey.
Mr. and Mr. William Eld-
ridge and Ml Darlene Swanson
of Milton-Kreewater arrived
Monday to spend the week visit
in Mr. and Mr. Doyal Hubbell
and family.
Mr. Forrest Graham received
a severe cut on me iop oi m-r
head Friday while at work.
uh.n m haMrA fell and hit her.
Several witches were required to
close the wound.
Mrs. Marvin Hlne and Mr.
Lee Asher were business visit
or to Heppner the middle of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hollomon
returned home Friday evening
from Heppner where they had
spent the past week having
mmlirat ear for Rocer.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nlstad and
Carol went to Boise. Idaho, Fri
day upon receiving word of the
illness of Mrs. Nistad's mother.
Mrs. Victor Dahlberg.
Winners of the drawing at the
last movie held at the Kinzua
Grade school on May 11 were
John Freeman. Billie Jo Marler.
Jimmy Benson. Mike Craig. V'er
la Conner, and Rebecca Stubble
field. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Howerton
and three children and Dan
Conner of Baker spent the week
end visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Verlin Conner and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Perry
Ph. 676-5811 Heppner
I lll'l 1111
were In Heppner Wedneday for
medical care.
Mr. Jack Ball was taken to
Heppner Tuesday by Mr. Arden
Tripp where she entered the Hep
pner hMiitl for treatment of a
severe noe bleed.
Mr. Betty Shell returned
home last week -end from sever
al months vtittng relatlse In
Florida and Kentucky. She wa
accompanied bv Martha Lee
Shell and sun Bradley.
Mrs. Richard Franks received
Injuries Tuesday evening In a
car accident between Klnrua
and Camp 5- She was given first
aid and taken to the Condon
Clinic where she received furth
er treatment.
Mr. and Mr. Wayland Hyatt
and daughter Theresa were bus
Ines visitors to lrtland over
the week-end.
The Friendship club was en
tertained last Wednesday at the
hn uiih Rilllo Jean Sttton as
hostess. High was won by Mavis
Oyler. low py vomue iinn-u.
and floating by KOie v.ranam
and Irene Sample. Other pres
ent were Doris Stubblefield.
Naomi Kice. Rita Con lee. Carol
NorrK Barbara Mortlmore. Pat
sy McMtnn. and VI Sltnkard.
Mr. ana Mr, uiuy oe nu--uinn
onii-rtiilnd lat Tuesday
evening with a birthday dinner
honoring their daughter Cherl
on her first blrthdav and her
-nt grandfather. Mel Wham
on his 72nd birthday. Those
making this a festive occasion
were Mr. and Mr. Ed Wham
n,i f.miK- Mr. and Mrs. Harlan
Schroeder and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Joe McMlnn and family and
Mrs. John Meadow ana lamuy.
Th rfi-ular meetlnir of the
Camp 5 Womens card club was
held Monaay ai me vamp .
community hall with Marie Hul
ett as hostess. High was won
by Marie Rhoton. low by Lola
Ferrel, and floating by Nancy
Hawk and Eva DeMerritt. Grand
high for the series went to Mar
io Rhoton and second high to
Jean Medloek. Others playing
were Carol Norrls. Barbara Mor
tlmore. Shirley Kyle. Hazel Hul
ett. Sue Mattison. and Connie
Mr. anl Mrs. Homer Grogan
of Weston spent Friday visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell snarp.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk and
f.imiiv wpn in Prineville Satur
day for business and shopping.
Mrs. Richara Monimore ami
Mr Knuard Mortlmore of
Twickenham went to Prineville
Monday for business and shop
ping and for medical care for
Mrs. Howard Mortimore.
(Held over from last week)
Mrs. Roh Slinkard was the
tjicit nf honor Friday evening
when the members of her bowl
ing team hosted a stork snower
fnr htr at Jeffmore Hall. Several
games were played with win
ners being Kosie uranam, uui
Hoovpr Virginia Sitton. and Vir
ginia Kelso. Her many lovely
gifts were displayed on a dec
orated round table centered
with a baby doll and she was
assisted in opening them by her
sister, Mrs. Marvin Saddler, and
by Verla Conner. Afterward,
salad wfth assorted crackers was
corvoH to th quests bv the host
esses LaVina Conner, Marilyn
Bailey. Naomi Kice, jean aic
Roberts, and Hazel Kandle.
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Medloek
and son Mike were in Heppner
Saturday for business and shop
ping. Mrs. Earl Norrls and Mrs. Rus
ty Medloek: were In Condon Mon
day for dental care lor Jean.
Mr anH Mrs. Richard Morti
more went to Portland Friday
for a medical checKup ior oar
bara. Th larf PTA meeting for the
Kinzua Grade school was held
last Monday evening at tne
grade school. The group voted
to keep the PTA dishes, silver
ware and coffee makers here for
community use. Refreshments
were served by the PTA.
Charlotte Hatter received min
or injuries Tuesday noon when
she fell while on her way home
for lunch. She was taken to Hep
pner by ambulance for medical
on a job well
Economy Market
And Lockers
'Flyup' Ceremony Advances Girls
IRRlGON Irrlgon Bluebird
croup under the leadership of
Kir. iv ii lu-iehton and Mr
t aa- ini a -----
Jarl Sirtutenv'. partklpate! In
the Vet DUUU't tlrand IVuncil
Kir held at the HermUion jun
lor htth sthool auditorium Sun
day afternoon. May Iti
The folowlng clrU partlclpat-
ed In the "flyup" ceremony that
Kromoted them from Blue
lrd to Campfire glrU: Danelte
Uighton. KoiH-rta Awk, Karen
Richards, Sharon Stewart. Shenl
Partlow. Itlscilla lUxvlall. lil-
bte Keith. Ann Gasser ana Keb-
ra Iluwe. Girls attending, wno
will be Bluebirds for another
. I'hrtl S'ltltanhaUL'h.
Tamrlo Schmeder. KAlthe Brasel
and Nora Fourier, uuring mr
"flyup" ceremony, I h e glrU
ni.nhi-r narticlpated by ting
the campflre girls' neck scarves.
Juanita Goodall. daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Ihll Good.ll. is
nvupratlng at her home after
undergoing surgery on her arm
at the Walla Walla General
hospital. Juanita fed from a
tree Monday while playing, and
fractured her left arm In two
different place. The fracture
at her elbow required surgery to
pin and wire the shattered bone.
The 3rd and 4th grade classes
of A. C Houghton school will
make an educational field trip
to Whitman Mission at Walla
WalU. Wash.. Thursday. May
Darrel Pummel and Phillip
Proctor are roommates at the
Umatilla hospital. Both boys
are suftcrlng irom sore throats
and chest congestion.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker re
turned to Irrlgon Monday after
spending a week at Victoria,
B. C visiting friend.
Mrs. Leon Bentlcy. Mrs. Rob
ert Smith and Mrs. Floyd Hobbs
attended a Delta Kappa Gamma
lady teacher luncheon and bus
iness meeting at Heppner Satur
day. The meeting was held t
the Methodist church. Mrs.
Floyd Hobbs sang a vocal solo
during the program, accompan
ied by Mrs. Albert Tartlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner
drove to Salem Friday, and
spent the week-end with their
son-in-law and daughter. Mr.
and Mrs. rantclts Vrontakis
and son.
The following youngsters
completed a spring session of
kindergarten under the instruc
tion of Mrs. Moreland, at A. C
Houghton school, and receivea
their certificates Friday: James
Ri.inh.nirr Donald Leichton.
Mark Gollyhorn. Juanita Good
all. Vickie Keith, Donald Estes,
Barbara Ritzer. Susan Tiller,
Kathy Pulfrey and Valerie Sulli
van. The Riverside High school
hAnri under the direction of Al
Reeves presented a "selection of
numbers at a band concert held
at the A. C Houghton cafetorl
um Friday evening. Following
the concert, members of the
band had a party In the cafe
torlum, and served cookies and
Mrs. Houghton Takes Tour
Mrs. Marguerite Houghton re
turned to lrrigon after taking
the "Painted Desert Tour" spon
sored by Trailways' Motor
Coaches. The 17-day holiday
took in the Oregon coast, uie
Redwood Empire, two nights in
San Francisco, Carmel, Hearst
Castle at San Simeon, Santa
Barbara, Hollywood, two nights
In Los Angeles, Disneyland,
Marine Land. Knotts Berry
Farm, Palm Springs; two nights
in Phoenix, tour of the Painted
Desert and Petrified Forests,
Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Las
Vegas and Lake Tahoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart,
Sharon and Tom drove to Port
land Friday and spent the week-
Need extra cash? Sell unused
items around your -place with
a Gazette-Times classified aa.
& a at S. akw'
proud of
OF y
n.t ulih her brother and sister
Inlaw, Mr. and Mr. Duane
Iteeder and family. While there,
they to. In the Ice Follies, ami
attended the titter 4m allowing
t . -
of 'Tlie t;reatet Story LVer
The A. 0. Houghton Primary
trackmeet wa held on the
ruhool ground Friday. May 14
The children were divided Into
groups al. and participated
In racing, standing and run
ning broad Jump, soltball thniw,
high Jump, chinning and relay
race. Rlhton were given for 1st,
2nd. 3rd and 4th placing.
Mr. and Mr. Russell McCoy.
Vancouver. Wash, visited at the
home of hU sister, Mr. Myrtle
Markham. Sunday afternoon af
ter spending the week-end visit
ing Mr. McCoy's mother, Mr.
U-ta True, a patient at the Valle
Vista Home. They also vWltrd
Mr. and Mr. Alfred todwln
and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Cec
il Goodwin and daughters.
Mr. and Mr. Ernest Jorgenscn
and Mr. and Mr. Vestle Elgin
drove Mrs. May Young to her
home In Vancouver, B. C Satur
day and vnt the week end
there, returning to lrrigon Mon
day evening. Mr. Young had
visited In lrrigon with her bro
ther and sister-in-law, the Jor
gensens, since Easter.
Vickl Cayman was honored on
her 10th birthday Saturday with
a party at her home, with the
following guests present: Deb
bie McCoy. Sharon Stewart.
Marilyn Fourier, Debbie McCork
i Out nt town euests were Car
olyn. Jackie and Marilyn Corliss
of Stanfield. After gift were
opened, refreshment were
There will be a kindergarten
meeting Monday night. May 21.
at the kindergarten room In the
old school building, at 7:30
The fcth grade class of A- C.
Houghton school made a trip to
Portland Saturday and toured
the Oregon Museum of Science
and Industry. After lunch, the
group visited the zoo. nicy were
rharwrnncri bv Mick Tolar. prin
cipal of A. C. Houghton. Mr. and
Ph. 676-9933
Mrs. Ted TallM.tl, Mi lU n l.ur
ler, Mr lVrry IMmmel. Mr
Still ley .lelinskl and Mrs W il
bur Olln.
The A C. Houghton annual
aihotd picnic will In held o"
the ihIuhI ground Suml.iy a(
i-rnon. May 21. at lM pm
Ttie public U Invited to attend
the picnic and participate In
the activitle of the day. Follow
ing the iNitluck dinner, there
will be race with prte and
baeball games.
lrrigon ladle will Mn. a
rummage sate and auction on
iho a t'. lloUL'hton mIiooI
ground Satvrday. May 22. pro-
ived to h used lor rnmmumiv
proj'vt. The rummage aale will
be held In the hacnicnt of the
old school building, and the
auction will be on the football
field from 2 t. 4;U p.m. Cof
r.w. Kiitu-h and ri-frt-shmenta
will available at -iiiceslon
atamls. Anyone wishing to do
nate rummage or Item for the
auction may call Marge Shade,
922 3613.
To the class of 1965
wo salute you and join
your other friends in
wishing you unlimited
I . I
..,,11 iii,..
linn iimiiiiiiiii ii
Ph. 676-9218
Here's to a
bright and
happy future!
We wlh to congratu
late ou on your achieve
ment and hope the
future U bright and clear
for you.
Builder's Supply
fh. 7 f27 Mppo
1 1 1 1 i
OF 1965
- 1
Heppner I
676 CSC2
Ph. 676-9322
Ph. 676-5515
Ph. 676-9921