lone High School Seniors Halfway Riders Set Junior Rodeo TiriTfz II nice nr iQfil I llililil III I 1 V f ' 1 T.S I . ii rrnr sr I . 4 - " " . . J- .?.. II You re headed in the ngnr. airecnvn. j Mjy all th roads you travel be fruitful I FARLEY MOTOR CO. II lUlftav. are planning th;lr 5ih annual' Hell Canyon NNeMem Stair Junior Rodeo for July 1 IS at the Halfway Fair ground in Halfway. n. date ha been set ior m- quivn contest to bo held on June 3 for royanv o -; the rvnl.iv Contest H Mart at t p.m. followed by a play ' Several event have been pun ned with riooons io n. AL'M-n't contest li open . . in nr'iin wisn IK' ton. Idaho or California from the m through 18 inclusive. mil attendln school ana un i .1 .,.i..n u 111 tu ftfleCt t 1S.thmuth IS vear ru 4iuu " " T . - . ...... n.liliWKkittf old group nu ,wu - from the 9 through lV;oU croup, winners m uu"" in Western apparel. The queen .1. i. - imnhv an welL will inrnr a --- Thev will be required to appear at several ruui-vo nj'..-.--the Hells Canyon Junior Rodeo. A Queen's Ball is scheduled for the night of June 5 at the fair hall in Halfway so the Queen can be crowned and prln cesses named. Kntry blanks for the contest may re obtained by wTitlng to Mrs. Robert Brown at Halfway, PO no- ". or call SHl-Kvii. The girls will b ..:-,d to fol low a pattern which win . drawn on the entry blanks so It Is advisable to write for one as soon as possioie io u- Plan Demonstrations A ..A A t ' ; ; . W V . a U;':? 4 ! f( ' N . I -'t -Mil :V TEH SENIORS will product. Jh-ng-J M-T ,4S Iit) Morjona wwvv.. - - Krnn.th URoy Jon and Trank Edwaxd WlUy VVUUVII Heppner High School Seniors at the last meetlne by members of the Nellies nu jwua club that they Intend to give either at the county fair or at one oi me meetings. .r .i - . .1 nuilr In !' meet again me sewnu ..... June. . . ' t Linda Cooper, reporter I r- A ',r - i - ; VA J , A . X . iri J 'L. 1 -- .Ax-. U a 7? ; ihrA- a ( ! .. xAr 1 I :. m 1 1 , - .; 'A- , v- : v- .V A- ; " ' , h I "- xc . : r . An' t ; t , " 'f r1-Af- . 'N ' 1 J f j f x j f A j; ' J ' A ' ! I WA : ' r: ! 1 " A v' 1 ' f ' : -JUL. . L k . . J , ,....,.,A.tn " "" " - mm "'"" Congratulate our grad uates, wish them success ... and show them you mean it! Best way to give the grads a hand is to provide them with more job opportunities, here at home. When you do, you help yourself and aU our community. Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc. amrrivf Twrmr who will graduate with the class of 1965 of A H?pNectool SnVeanesday. May 26. Top", JtU "- XcSSTeSu Sherrill Pateicla Van Winkle. Third row-Michael Sweek. Sharon Hams. Don Munkert. Inex (Kathy) Ray and Greg fourth row- Doug Anderson. Dan McQuarrle. Bruce Thomson, f00 "f and Dale Adlard. Bottom row-Gary th"m A.nn?.. Brlndle, Ronald Jones. Karen McCurdy and Thomaa Eugen. Laird. Ray McGill U not pictured.