Paris Atmosphere Adds To Gaiety of Prom Evening iv xatiiemne undstoom IONK An IVrnlnn In I'arUM litutided ttit motif if the Junior. hirnUtt J.jiiiju.l r.,1 i..,,t J. 14 t iiu ion iiit:h MiitMi on Hti unlay evenlnjf, May H Wlih rally variegated colored cafe ImniIIi utitU-r a reallntlc starlit ky Ihe Junior seniors, ami llu'lr guents itarned to lh inuMC of The ialrunni'ra frm La Crande. A rotating rrylal lwr lit with mi liehta haiik'lnit in till leilter l)f til IINMII provided M'luMe t tin candle lit tables In the booths. Other disoratlons ut Ui by tlii i:nlur Included fiani'lni! flower basket, a loin fhmer rrt filled with lilimiMiiitK, ami fl.nter boxes full of many kind of blooms. A timral if tlu r.lltel Tower ti on the wall at one and of the rm with the Arc d Trlomhe on the wall at the other end. ! Miller and I) J. l.u)n. ailvMia of tho Junior claa, and other far illy members, Tm l.omt, wMh wtn ! ired by the Junior class moth er. wa served In the rafetor I urn in alMtut iA fruet Mark llalvorwn MM mauler of cere monies ami rleomed the euekts. whti h Included seniors, their imiinl", juniors, faculty a'lviMuy iHtjinl, Itev. and Mrs. Walter II. t'rowt'll and l(-v. and Mr. Kciini'th IEoblnon. ehior clans president Koltcrt I'leerl reunnded to Ihe wr. come and ifave the la of 1!M3 liWtorv. Mulral selections were turn! ty a quartet comiioocci 01 Connie t liiUtophrmon, Ibmnle llwui. Kuaan l.lmtMrom. and lathy Haulier. They were ac eom.nled by Mr, lull Met in a nn. Hie dinner fables were ecu (red with miniature Klffcl Tiiuiia mul fill tu I Hm Th sen- At Intermission time Mik i,,r t,u and the head table had ILilsoriuii, Junior rlaas ieal- arrangements of white clad iimI thcrle l-ufuirii an. l.lur m am alAaM . t W GAZE HEPPNER TTE-TMES Heppner, Oregon, Thursdoy, Moy 13, 1965 Scc.2-4poges ui'iit. rrowniM na qiM-u of thv prom, and uaan UiiiMfuin rrownrd Jo llalvoi-M-n, klnj? of the nm. Ilii-y vi w dioM-n lv iwHfi'i ballot by th Junior rUtu tnl li Krad kIiU wrvi-d jiunch and riMkli' duilnt; thr rvi'iilrifj. 1 liiiN-rin wrri I'arul POWER CONTROL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE WE RCFAIRt Elactrte Motors Powar Tool a Hydraulic Jock a Atamlta Cqulpmant 421 8. C 4th Pandlaton fhona 27-5862 Inilrh lilt (iui sU were MTn by ti-n aojdioriMiria. Iha boy woir Krrnt'h lri'ta and the i'IiU r it-ni h lat e band In their hair and white rcfHed organdy lt"IIV Mi-inlM-r i-f the aenlor elasji are: t'unnle t'hriloihern. Itoh t it KriM it. Jin llahorM'ii. Shirley llliki. Siiplra lloNtiin. Ken Joni'H. t'hiri' l.undi'll, l-e ((loiinor. Frank Wiley, Sidney .inter. Junior rl.i nii'tiilx-rft jre: llnli linker. Herb Idwm. M.ik II ili vi ii, Karen ll.iius. Susjh l.lnditroin. Il'ulnev l.lnnell, John MiKlii'oit. Mike I'almer. fher l!n NimiU:e, and Mnnley Hob ateln. f k v . J Mr. inl Mia. KInio arrived on Saturday from their home In Salem to vlnlt her mother. Mr Mary SwnsMi. Mm. McMillan will remain for n longer vMl, bi t Mr. Mt MHIan went home on Monday. Mr. I'ete Crawford nd fum- I Hy of IVirtland dMiit the week-j end here with her mother. Mr, i bin fulemnn. I ' ' '9 m A1 Kenneth June and Mr. Jonea are th proud parent aof uieir iiri iriuu. The oaby girl, A lire Kay, waa txirn May 6 and welched 7 pund 1 ot Ttia Jorteaea ara llvlnc at San An tonlo. Tel., wher h la atatlone.1 unnBWiT.i4 mi ir. and Mrm. Lawremj Jonra. Ion, and Mr. and Mra. John Brandt of Thill- I'l'ine Inlands. SU. tsrandt U al m In the Air Korr. Mri. Carol Mller waa horwed at a aurorl morninK rffee I'urty at the horn of Mr. Kob ert JenM?n on Wednejay. (Mher hosti-Nsea were Mr Gordon Mey er. Mra. 1). U. LAiJan. and Mr. ISoy (;olrow, Mr. Carry TulJIa waa hotdetoi for a birthday party honoring Mr. Marlon I'almer on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Berg atrom ami family were hre over the week end from their home In Portland. They were truest! of hi brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bergstrom, and al mj visited at the home of hi tiarenu. Mr. and Mrs. Carl riergMrom. Mr. and Mr. Bill Kubank and two aona of Portland pent the week--nd In lone visiting relative. On Mother's Day they Joined his brother, Mr. and Mrs. John t'ubanks and Sandra, Mr. j and Mrs. Imall Fu banks, Mr.1 Sowing Club On Skirt Projects Th Busy Beavers 4 II flub met at the home of Kathy ( run on May 3. We worked on our Mothers Day trenta. We re ceived 4 II clothing iHdebooka Members are working on aktrt frojecls. After our metlrf, Mrk. rum senretl refreshments. Our net meeting will be cur eighth rneetlntr. and will be at the h'ne of Karen frowell on June 7. Karen Cmwell, rejxirter and Mrs. C. E. Brenner, and Judy, Mr. and Mn, Howard Ku banka and family of Arlington, and tslarxt MiiUI at the Ku banks cabin In the rmuntains. Members of the Ctrl Ipaj;u of lone High -hd entertained the mothers of the Mxh iM-hool students, and the wives of fc ulty members at a lea In the srhool caietorlum on Tveiulay afternoon. Connie Hirljtojher sjn, pr,llnt it the League. welcomed the mothers. Shirley Hicks gave a reading. The girl' quartet, accompanied by Mrs. bill Kietmann, aang two num bers. Mrs. Krne! t hrUtophT- von. it. and Mr Charles O'Con nor served punch and coffee. The tea table had a centeri!ece of yellow and white accented with yellow taper. A TRUCKLOAD of wheat on the Car Swansea ranch wai as much fun as the old swimmin' hole to vUltina Portland eighth qradrs on their annual Morrow County tour Saturday. One lad is "swim mlng" la It while wheat pours In from a grain tin and other eighth graders Join the fun. (G-T Photo) mam ieto AIRPLANE SPRAYING CO. OWNED AND OPERATED BY PAUL fJ. HANSEN Now spraying grain for weeda and applying liquid fertiliser, using nsw high density spray system and concentrate 2-4-D for more uniform coverage and better control of hard to kill woods. John Lane's Apt. No. 5 PH. Heppner 676 9286 or 676-9294 Mr. Mud Mrv Donald Kubanki brought their baby h-y, Damn. home from Doer n bis her nnjiit- nl in Portland on Tuesday, where he ha oeen nmv a few day ntier birth for observation ; ii rid treatment Mr. Oscar Lumlell v. a. h n orecl on her Hist birthday with ; a collee party at the home of ; Mr.. ;.irl.nnl Swanson. Mrs. I Mary S'.vnnvn was asslstlni; liiteK. After the opening of gift., birthday rake, lee cream and coffee were served to four teen guest.. Mr. and Mrs, I-o Crabtne an. I grandson, Kevin Mi-Caln. drove to pert land over the weekend to say giMMlbye to tlu-ir son, Ron ald, wiio lelt by plane on Tups-d.-y frr Vr-rt Ord." Calif , where he wa inducted into the army. Wednesday they took Kevin to Walla Walla to meet his par ent, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Mc "a be of Colfax. Wash. Mr.. Iloland Berstrom and daughter, Cnrley, drove to Port land on Tuesday for dental ap pointment. Mr. KhIp, I'ynd of Ce il accompanied them. Shower Honors Mrs. Kllnger Mrs. Kenneth Klinger and baby son, Michael, of L-xing-ton were honored at a shower at the Masonic Hall In lone on Monday afternoon. Assisting with the gifts were Mr. Wayne Hams of lone and .Mrs. Bill Kllnger of Lexington. Thp room was attractively decorated with blue satin bows and bouquet of blue Dutch iris, yellow tulips, and white splrea. Serving at trie lace covered tea table were Mrs. Klinger's mother, Mrs. Karl M Cane, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Kenneth Klinger. Sr., of Lexington. Hostesses were Mr. Lloyd Morgan, Mrs. Paul Petty John, Sr., Mrs. Hoy Martin. Mrs Marlon Palmer,- Mrs. Harold Sherer, Mr. Ijlx- Palmer. Mr.. Berl Aker.. and Mrs. Milton Morgan. Mrs Lewis Halvorsen was h -stess for the OKS Social club last Wednesday afternoon. After the busintss Hireling, conducted by Mrs. ileibert Kkstrom Jr., re freshments of hot cinnamon rt lis and coffif were yerved to f ( warn mmt , . , x"v . 't is,. i ten guests by the hostess. lrs. Kenneth Smouse received the door prize. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherer were Dean Gil man of Heppner and his mother. Mrs. Viola Gilman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Linds trom and John and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Coleman spent the week-end at Ochoco Reservoir fishing. They brought home their limit in fish. Kenneth Jones Welcome Daughter Mrs. Carl Bergstrom was able to come home from Pioneer Memorial hospital on Friday. She is progressing slowly. On Trursday their son. Norman, was here for a few hours' visit. He Is principal at Winston and was on a business trip to Portland. A Complete Line Of MGHAWSC CARPETS Let Us Give You An Estimate On Your Carpet Needs ACRILON NYLON HERCULON AND WOOL NO CHARGE FOR INSTALLATION OR MATERIALS Case furniture Co. 249 N. Main Ph. 676-9432 ; i ( io - - !: iiL "SSIilm i ' ' - s- .,liW'WWw w' " '9 I Choose Your Graduation Gifts and Cards at Humphreys Drug O CAMERAS O SHAVING SETS O TRAVEL ALARM CLOCKS O BOOKS DICTIONARIES O TIE PINS A-- VT5 4 ? : - 1 S '1 I 111 I ! I Ml ,Jl JJIUJIW Jmpala Sport Sedan, just oni of IS model in (A Number On lint MM Success hasn't gone to its price After all, you don't get tho No. 1 place (or stay there year after year after year) unless you give people a lot for their money. That, Chevrolet does. Look what's new for 1965. Everything. Like the handsomest new styling you've ever turned around for another glance at. Like Chevrolet's Jet-smooth ride, even better now with Wide-Stance to steady SEE THE U.S.A. THE NO. 1 WAY things as you go. Like however much economy or excitement you'd want, our miserly 140-hp Six to our ferocious Turbo-Jet V8, 325 hp on order. Besides price, one other thing hasn't changed: Chevrolet's traditional resale value . . . still so good you won't believe it until you get it. So get it (along with all that's new) at your Chevrolet dealer's. Red Hot and Rolling! See your Chevrolet dealer for a new Chevrolet chevelle chevy n CORVAIR FEiBleSoEi CIiewIe8 Cfiipasi TOILETRIES JEWELRY STATIONERY-FOIL IMPRINTING GLASSWARE TRINA BAGS AND BONNETS FREE GIFT WRAPPING i i I nn InllOGi .phreys ail Pirtf Heppner, Oregon Heppner ROD AND MEG MURRAY Ph. 676-9610