MOIETY New Officers Chosen For Legion Auxiliary, Plans Coming Events Nrw fifncm for thu Amrrhan IKlon Aualllary wrr rlr-ctMl at rnrrtltitf follrtUtf A romWwtl politick rtlniwr with IvTL'lon mrmbrra Monday evrnlnjr, May The lat of n-w offlrrra In rlul.a: Mm. In Munhrra, prra Idrnl: Mra. .Sylvia Wella. vlr lealiiint; Mra. Smxla Make, 2nd vlf-r (.(ruliUnt; Mra. r'rank Hamlin. arcrrlary. and Mra. Or aid I(hh. trraaurrr. 1 Iwmi of fltvra will Im InntaUcd at a rwrtlnji In Juw, DlM-upnion and prcparatlona wrr mad for the Memorial IVn'I'V 1-V I'lannod for Inn wrrk-f-nd it May ami 29. A f.xnl aU wnt lannrd fur Sat urday. May 22. Arnwxuiwmriit waa made i the atale convention, to be hM In July at S"aiile. and f the national cunvrntlon planned for IVrtlarut In Auuat. lrrtnration are ttrlnc made to aend dole Katra. Church to Observe 50th Anniversary At Sunday Functions The lxlnctnn Churrh of ChrUt will olmerv It .Mill an-rilv-rry thla romlnir Sunday, May H'. with C'erll Warner f Snli-m aa tin-st iH-akrr. The Ix-xlnfton t'liurrh wn or ganized nn Jununrv lO, 1 H 1 .. A l- tul effort la being made to contact aa many of the former 1'iistor nd memVera aa tftaible. Following the morning wort-hip. there will he a fellowship dinner at the I(X.)K lode hall with the women of the church furnishing the turkey and dreaa I nn. Thoe fil-innlng to attend are ak-d to tiring other cilahea for Die dinner. The public la Invited to attend the II. fa) am. worship arlcc and the dinner at !: m. MUD AT. Mar U Carnation Club. pjn. Jibea Cmk Grange IATUBDAT. Mav IS Clk'a Mot IXT aworyoabord (7 B.m-1 nd done (I pja.) SUNDAY. May II fubll Rainbow Inatallatloa. I p.m, Maaonte HalL MONDAY. Mar 17 Chamber el Com mars a, Wagon Wheat noon. Order c4 Rainbow for GtrU. Ma aonte holL 7iM am. CWIc League, klnoarqartan room. iv m. WEDNESDAY. Mat l Junior Chamber of Commote. Jaycee balL tv.m. Odd rUowa, lOOT balL I p-m. THURSDAY. May M SoroptlmUU. Hotal Grill. Dooa. Rhea Croak Crong It EC. Har old Wright homo, potluck. Elka Brldgo leaaooa. I Coming from Portland for tbo Motrx-r'a Dv week-rnd were Mr. and Mra. I'uul Doolittlo and their aona. DennW and Ronald, wh visited Saturday ami Sun day with Mr. IfcNdlttle'M mother. Mm. Millie Doolittle. Shower of Dahlias Helps Replace Loss Mr. and Mra. William Kawllna were denaantly aurfrlvd with a "dahlia root ahower" at their home In the Klfc'htmlle area on Sunday. May 2. wh,.n rroup of frlnda eathered. The i.artv waa idanned by the lono Cunlen rluh with the MUnce Mr ami Mra. Tom llualon. The dahlias were to replace the prize collection or over u. an Icrent varlctli-a. which the Raw Una loxt In Ihe U-cemtT freze. Since May 1 waa also Mr. Haw Un a birthday. Mr. and Mra. Hus ton preaented them with a gar den cart. Into which K"eit had plated their dahlias. Mrs. F. T. .Martin also presented them with a money tree with which to pur chase more dahlias. A lace covered tea table was attractive with a centerpiece of yellow tulips. Illuca, and daffo dils arranged bv Mrs. Omar Ku-t-mann. Several (iarden Club memlM-ra brought cakes and Mrs. Halph I'rum bnuRht one aieclallv decorated for the oc casion. Mrs. Martin poured rf fc. tea. and punch, and Mrs. ( rum ercd the cake. Seclal Ruests present were Mrs. Kawlin's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ben I. Phillip of Vancouver. Wn.. and another aunt. Mrs. Kula Kix of Orch ards. Wn. fMher RUits were present from Heppner and lone. c inderella Fairyland Setting For Junior-Senior Events a rova! t n Ifc'n 60RHAM STERLING F0I THE JUNE GRADUATE .1 4 I I I a n . i Graduating is the end of a chapter in a girl s life, she is on the verge of a new undertaking the first look ahead toward her future home. To one who cares for a graduate, a start toward that home is important. A start on a service of famous Gorham Sterling is a perfect gift to say you care. Why not do this for your favorite graduate? Prli iHown or tor 4 p! place tlin(j end inctud F.'Jcial lo. "Something from tbo lowoler'a. la always something special.' Th tnybok splendor t-t "I'lndcfrlU" was evbhrnt with I ha lavlah rerailona tor the annual banquet and prom, hon orlnff tho llijipner Utah arnd claa of I'-XkV. In tle whml' rnultlporoe room April 1H4 and May I- Th same them was carried out In decorations at both banquet and prom. Sophomore glila, serving a waitresses, lrijd fnin pagea of the OnderelU atory, dre-d In brown Jumpers with pink blouses, to serve their aubjitta. Urj;e foil -linderella' ailpjera, filled with flowera and greenery, surrounded by pink and while anjje hair, centered the attract Ive tables, link ond white cand le, entwined with flowera and anh'rl hair, centered with attract amall jjold slipper nut cups placed lor each jjuest. Mothers of the Junior clas atudenta pre pared tho roast beef dinner. With Mark Brown serving as toastmaater. Introductions In cluded Uremia Young. Junior class president, who gave an addreaa of welciiine to the sen iors. Ijouj; Anderson responded to the welcome with a brief talk. Humorous after dinner aeeihes were given by Judy Jortcs and Sheridan Wyman, and a special musical numtx-r was presented bv Carol Miller, band Instructor of lone, playing a trumpet solo. N-onard Toll entertained with si. me vocal numbers, accompan ied by bis electric guitar. Chairman of the banquet dec orating committee was Brend.i Young .assisted by Karen French. l.ct-lle Meador. Karla lAKlanl. Theresa Munkera and Diutie Schafdtz. Jean llealy M-rved as chairman of the food committee, with Susan lrake. Maureen Ioherty and David Clark, assisting. With Sheridan Wyman as chairman, the enter tainment committee consisted of ;ayle Batty, Barbara Grlbhlc and Tncrcsa Monahan, and in charge of waltresv-s was Karla Luclanl, hiliH-d by hrna Win chester, Theresa Munkera. Gin ger MaJeske, Shirley hrwin and handy MclXnald.. Ine seniors were again letea ty the junior class Jaiuruay, May 1 , at the formal prom. Couples danced to the music ol The Shantellea of Kennewick. In the magical ballroom atmos phere tit the Cinderella story Lavish figures of the famous characters, Cinderella, her prince, mother and sisters, com plete with coach and horses, were placed before laree outdoor mural backgrounds of colonial colonnades and windows. Altar Society Starts Applegate Memorial Scholarship Fund The May meeting of St. Pat rick's Altar Society was held at the home of Mrs. Harry O'Don nell, Jr., on Tuesday evening. May 1. After some discussion, It was decided to hold a food sale on Friday, May 28, with proceeds to go toward the Gertrude Applegate Memorial Scholarship fund. This fund has been set up by the society and a $50 schol arship will be awarded each year to a deserving .senior boy or girl of St. Patrick's parish. It Is the hope that the fund will grow through the years, and any donations by interested persons will be appreciated. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. O'Donnell and Mrs. Tim Moore. Rainbow Assembly To Install Sunday Miss Shirley Erwln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold FIrwIn, will be installed worthy advisor of Ruth Assembly No. 50, Order of Rainbow for Girls, on Sunday afternoon, May 16. The Instal lation, open to the public, will start at 1:30 p.m. In the Hepp ner Masonic hall, with special invitation to friends and rela tives to attend. Shirley also holds the office of grand rep resentative to the State of Maryland, and has been active in many other offices of the organization. At the regular assembly meet Ins Mondnv eveninc. several of the state officers are expected to be present, with special activ ities planned In their honor. JEWELERS Store Hours: 9 A.M. To 6 P.M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN STh HEPPNEB GREEN We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat iVl TA Free vwv 1 " Charge Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE! Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Ph. 567-6651 Hermiston. Oregon On Hermiston-McNarf Highway At curt was announced mi-r the feativitlea. t rowneii aa queen waa Barbara Blake, dau ghter of Mr. and Ma. UU BUke, now of Monm'rtith, and i hoaen aa king waa la-e iJaggett, .n of Mr. and Mra. Jerry ftoreH! Comptetinjr the court were I'rin ceaa Tamara Smith arid I'rline Doug Anderson. Tho hours of art work were under the direction of Krna l.ynn Wtncliester. She was aa alted by Maureen Ixtierty. Mlko I'lerte, Mark Murray. Gayle Batty, Jean llealy and Shirley Krwln. R-freahmenU of punch and fancy cookies were served under the direction of Susan Drake, chairman, along with J -an Sttrkard. Diane Sk tiaff itx. Judy Jones. Janice Baker and Karen French. Chairman of tbi music com mittee waa One lleliker, and obtaining chapcrone were Mark Murray and Tim Drlseoll. After the prom. Mr- and Mrs. Dave McLeod opened their home to seniors and their dates and acrved an early morning breakfast. Program Features Founding of Lodge The anniversary of the ftmndlng of tM fellowship in America on April 20 was com memorated by Sana Smjc lie bekah lU'e No. 31 at l'a last meeting on May 7. A special rrt f the program, led by Mrs. M N. Kirk, waa a riuestton and anawrr aaslon on laws and rit ualistic l.HAtilut of Old rriiuw htp. Mother's Day was observed with ctlc readings by Mra. Larry Cook, Mra. U na Kelly and Mr. Frank Avert. Noblo Grand Lucille parrUh presented a gift to all members present and to mcmoera in at the hospital or at home, and to the ! year members. Mra. Ola Kugglea, serving as hostewt, allowed alidea of her I'sJol trip to Canada and Wasiiington. D. C, which orovei of lnteret to alL June Wedding Date Set by Miss Slocum Mist Nancy Jane Slocum and Stanley DeWayne Nclwon have M-t their weuoing date lor june The pair plana an 8 pm ceremony In the Westminster Presbyterian church In Salem. The bride-elect Is tne ttaugmer of .Sirs. Lawrence Klmer Slocum of Heppner. parents of the bride-groom-to be are Mr. and Mrs. hdward Svend-scn of Salem. RZPPNCI GAZETTt TIMES, TburadoT. Mr 11. IHS Reception to Honor Susan Lindstrom Susan Kay Lindstrom, grand choir director of the grand as aembly. International toiler of Kainpow t Gtrla. will be hon ored Hh a program and rep lion at the Masonic Hall In lm on Wednealay evening. May I'J. a I 7 pm All Hfftnrriw Girls. lUstern Star memrnrs. Masona, and friends In the area are cor dially Invited to attend. A fecial guest will be Jane Shroeder of Myrtle Point, grand worthy advisor of Oregon. Mra. Harold Uecket, grand deputy of the International Order ol Batn- bow for Glrla will alw be present. gpoadlaa aether'a tHrf week. end at the home of Mr. and Mra. F.rvln Anderson were their wn In law and daughter, Mr and Mra. Al Parrnt, and children. Lisa, Jvhelly and Allison of Sa lem. . Mr. end Mrs. Harlan McCurdy. Sr. relumed to their home tn Heppner early thla month, after vacationing during the winter months with friend and tela tlves In California and ArUona, y v ' INSURANCE TODAY! C. A. Ruggles Insurance Agency Ph. 67-?5 Hi aM FOODS A E21TTI People Pleasin' : or. CUCUMBER CHIPS BEG. 49c 30 OZ. GARLIC DILLS ! A LOW P Pickles BEG. 4Sc 22 OZ. r h REG. 43c IP OZ. WHOLE SWEETS EA. REG. 59c WHOLE SWEETS, 22 ox. REG. 97c CUCUMBER CHIPS, 48 oz. RELISHES, 13 ox SWEET. HAMBUBGEH. HOT DOG, SWEET BANQUET 55e 29e 1SQUICK S I B I k K- OX. r : StO '. ' J 4k NBC Z L3. SUGAR HONEY GRAHAMS 59 BOT H-DEE FHOZEN PIZZA CHEESE 49' SAUSAGE 59' BETTY CROCKER, 4 LBS. Pancake Mix 490 11 OZ. Mandarin Oranges 4 or 85c FHOZEN Shrimp Gorton, 1 lb 99c MJB COFFEE Lb. 75c 2 LB. $1.45 3 LB. $2.15 Instant $1.49 10 1 ox. 3 BOXES Asjsesiragus i J9 LeBaHB1S 5 f 29 2 for 255 at our hw.X low prices USDA GOOD AND CHOICE Pot ROA ARM CUT lb. 65c BLADE CUTIb.49c BARS Wiewers Lb. Pkg. WISCONSIN 2 LB. BRICK Mild Cheddar Cheese FRESH FILLET OF Red Sncap per lb. 4 5c PRICES GOOD MAY 14 and 15 Phones; (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET GREEN STAM PS