Mttttttn OAXtmC TIMCS. Thursday. April It. IMS Mrs. Martin Elected District Garden Club Director for Year Mn, Fredrick T. Martin of the lone (rdvri Club was elected iHetrlct Dim-tor fc the Blue Mountain District Number 10 of ( Hvun Mate Federation of cr den Clubs at In annual spring mooting at Columbia Grange Hall In Hermlston on Thursday. April Zi, Mrs. DeVorss, pendle ton, was elected assistant direct or and Mm. Charles C Junes of Lexington, mrmbrr of the lone dub, was elected secretary treasurer. All will serve a two year term. The Hermlston Garden rlub was hoatesa to 10U registered rlub mrmbers and unit repre senting twelve club from Mil-ton-Frcewatfr, Frndleton. Echo, lllot Itock, Umatilla. Hoard man, Stanfield, and lone. Mrs. I Tarry Andrews of Echo, outgoing district director, was pre-ntcd a state life member ship and a cash vlft for her three years of continuous sorv Ice. She had been In garden rlub work fur many years and wan organlxer of the lone Garden club, when the was dlMrlrt director In WX 1,4-wis Gregory of llrrmlnton n amateur chrysanthemum ex hlbltor, gave an Informative I r mount r I Ion on chr)'anthe mum culture and growing mum for exhibition purposes. Mrs. Ardls Carter, a Hermlston florist, dlt useil flower arrang Int a she made many for ex hlhlts. Three state officer were pre rnt for the all day meeting: Mrs. J. W. Schecl of Corvalll. Male president of the Oregon Fedcra lion of Garden clubs; Mrs. Al len n. Scott, recording secrctady of Corva'lls. and Mrs. Ben And rews, corresponding secretary of r.XiKene. "nioM- attending from font' Garden club were Mrs. Ounr lAjndell, local preHldcnt, Mrs Kenneth Palmer. Mrs. Alono Henderson. Mrs. Charles C. Jones, and Mrs. Martin. Oregon will be host to the National Federation of Garden Clubs at the Hilton Hotel In Portland May 23 27. Mrs. Martin will nerve as a page at this meeting. On display at the district meeting were a few of the .VK) decorative rock heads made by the Umatilla Garden Club for favors at an evening banquet at the national convention. The new district directors of the state will be Installed at the annual state convention In Klamath Falls June 14-16. Coming Cwnts ritlDAT, April JO iff for Tth and Ith erode lose. te Elk's students, tfeppaer and Clk'a Temple, 1:00 1 1 1 00 run. Mather's Club Dinner, Episcopal Parish balL 7i00 p-m, lollewed by slides ef England by Bob Lew. IATUR0AT. Mar t Temple. Ilka Party Kite. tike dinner et Ii30 D-m. Junior-Senior From, feign school Multi-purpose room. I Dance let Wrong Ur members and wests. Lea ion hall p.m. OES Social Qub combiner wlin lone lone Topic Club, card Party, Maseale Hall. I3i4$ ML Get restaurant guest checki and salosbooka. both carbonized and non carbonized, at the Ga-lette-Tlmea. SATURDAY and SUNDAY MAT 11 Cow Cuttina Contest. MONDAY. MAY 3 Chamber of Commerce, Wejcs WbeeL noon. American Lealoa and Auxiliary, Leqloa bait 1:30 pan pot luck. Order ef Rainbow for Girls. Ma sonic balL 7:30 pjn. TUESDAY. MAY 4 Wranglers, Wrangler dub bouse, I WEDNESDAY, MAY S Junior Chamber of Commerce banquet and Installation. Wagon Wheel. S pan. Women's Society ef Christian Service ef the Methodist church, church parlor. I p-m. Odd fellows lOOr halt p-m. High school awards assembly, Multipurpose Room, S p.m. THURSDAY. MAY Soroptomltt. Hotel Grill. Elks Mothers Day Service, Temple. refreshments cards after service. electronics In Maryland three enrs. Is employed with the Hew. litt Cadillac Electronic Co. In Colorado Springs. noon. They are now at home at 813 EUa' North Custer St.. Colorado and Springs. Colo. Friends Greet Couple On 25th Anniversary The home of Father and Mrs C. IJruce Spencer was the scene of a pleasant oix-n houve gnth ering Saturday evening when friends and relatives called to compliment them on their 2rth wedding anniversary. Planning the arrangements were their daughter. Mrs. Ned Clark, and their Kon. Bruce. Trie couple was presented many lovely gilts and extended good wishes from thowe who called. Guests were served re froKhments of anniversary cake, tea and coffee by the hosts. Sieclal guests for the occas ion were the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Moynlhan of Toledo, parents of Mrs. Spencer, who were house guests from Thursday until Tuesday. How could then be i fit nttkire ly I frankly tin timental ilt that tymboliiti htr lift, htr mirrligi, htr children, htr htppintn. Sht'll cherish Thi Mothtr'i Ring lortvtr btciuit she'll know you could give her nothing more Individual, more ptr tonal, more significant. Special occation or "just be came", givt htr tht gift of i million happy memories The Mother's Ring! Buy with confidence. ONLY tht ' Mother's Ring" carries I tag with U.S. Patent 186,183 for It. look V.'in Mitt- o (;-.(:( e,ft. viTflinr: 'towa :nr" m ,(iHiT?iiHij' tiKtrj(K wm(i ma 0' itl- 'tiWiil- $25 WITH ONE STONE $5.00 Each Additional "Something from the Jeweler's. Is always something I pedal." JEWELERS pi... u..... a A ft T A D M mmmF"? Easter Wedding Vows Unite Cheryl Crist To Raymond F. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Winn I. Crist are annourwlnif the marrff o! Ihelr daughter, Chery l Wynn, to itaymonu rrsnsun iirrry. eon a Mr. and Mrs. William Kranklin fw-rry, of Colorado Fprlnire. ilo Trie I -aster marriage ceremo ny was performed Saturday, Al.rll 17. at lllrrlm Holiness ( hurth In Colorado Springs, In the presence of relatives and many friends. Parents of the bride, however, were unable to attend. The bride, given In marriage by her uncle, Meredith Kranklin (rlst. Sr., or Sterllnr. Colo., an peared In full length gown of lace over taffeta, with Isre rdg Ing the abort Illusion veil. Her bridal bouquet was of rosebuds, centered with an orchid. Matron of honor was Mrs. Raymond Holme, who cho to wear a gown of pale rose, and A floral headdress. Serving as bridesmaids were Misses Sandra and Judy Hender son, twin rlasamates or the bride. They wore matching gowns of pale pink and floral neaddres. Attending as best man was Raymond Holme. All the attendants were of Colorado Springs. A large reception was ar ranged and given In their hon or by their many frlenda In the church and community. The couple took a short wed ding trip. For going away the bride wore a pal blue suit with navy blue and white accessories. and the orchid from her bridal bouquet. The new Mrs. BcrTy. after her graduation from Heppner High school In r.H',2. hat studied for two years at Northwestern Jun lor college at Sterling. Colo., Is now taking advanced business training at Colorado Springs, and has otrice employment. The bridegroom, after studying OES Club to Join Topic Club Saturday The Order of Eastern Star So clal rlub will not convene for Its regularly e heduied monthly meeting this Saturday, aa mem bers have been Invited to attend a benefit card party, sponsored by lit Jufte Tt'pK iiub. . PrweeHls from the rsrd party, to be l.eld this Saturday after noon at the lone Masonie hall. will be donated to the lone U brary. The afternoon will start With deeeert at 12:43. Pinochle, bridge and court whlat will be In play, with prues awarded the winners. The special parly Is In ob servant or national Library week mrougnoui inrs weeK. Teachers' Honoraries From 2 Counties Join For Luncheon Meeting Iota Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society, inter national honorary organization for women teachers, met Satur day. April 17. at the Civic Rec reation Center In Hermlston. About 40 members from Uma tilla and Morrow counties at tended. The hostess committee, chair- maned by Mrs. Willis Crampton of Hermlston. had decorated the room with flowers, hats and other Items appropriate for the Faster season. Following the collect, given by Mrs. Earle Cochran of Pendleton, the luncheon, which had been pre pared by DeMolay mothers, was served by the boys of DeMolay. Following the luncheon, singing was led by Mrs. Floyd Hobbs of Irrlgon. with Mrs. LaVern Part- low of Bonrdman as pianist. Mrs. Ernest Wheeler of Milton- Freewater Introduced the guest six-nker. Mrs. William Walker of the same city, who spoke of her four years' experience while living with her family among the Japanese. Mrs. Walker Illus trated her talk with slides and displayed klmonas and other items of Interest brought from Japan. The business meeting was conducted by Mrs. David Van derhorst, president, of Umatilla. Business items Included plans for attending the state conven tion in The Dalles, April 30 to May 2. The next meeting of the chapter will be held In Heppner on .May 15. Attending from Morrow coun ty were Zoc Billings and La Verne Partlow, Boardman; Ruth Bontley, Joyce Smith, Gladys Hobbs, irrlgon; Gladys Ely, lone, and Velva Bechdolt. Hardman. . v t) CABALETTO Cheleeo vest and pants . . . both with our exclusive back yokes . . . tailored to oer- (ection, In rich fabric of Fortrel poly ester and cotton sat off by a coordinated print Shirt . . . striking Lasso combina tion. Vest, 30 38, $8.95. Pants, 21-30, $13.95. Both machine washable. Cotton shirt, 30 38, $9.95. Black, emerald. Indigo Red, Royal, Shocking Pink. STYLE 5603 Portlandert Travel To Relatives' Homes Mrs. Frances Mitchell of Port end spent the week end with relatives In thlt locality. Those visited Included her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith, and family of Cecil; her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Tarker. and her broth er-in-law and surter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred liosklns, Jr.. and fam ily of Heppner. Accompanying her on the trip were her niece, oali nosklna. and Martha Peterson, daughter of Mrs. Lucy Peterson. Rainbow Reception Honors Miss Erwin ilono Church Women At public reception, held Ut Monday at the Masonic hall, many Ruth AsM-mbiy members and guesta wer on hand to compliment Mia Shir ley Erwin. grand rrprenrnlative to lite State of Maryland for the InUroalional Order ol Rainbow tor Girls. MUs Erwin. daughter of Mr and Mr. Harold Erwin, chose for her formal reception, the col ors of green and white, carried out with her pale green formal gown and floral arrangemrnU of Calla lilies and white carna tiona. After gathering white carna Hons Into an arm bouquet, col lectrd from girls at each of the orders lour stations. Miss l-rwln was presented a bracelet laden with harms representing all the stations held by her during her Rainbow membership. The bracelet waa a gift from the assembly. Die Impressive program also Included a duet by kalhy Mel- y and Judy Jones entitled May Each Day " They were ac companied at the piano by Jan- Ice baker. Sarah Miller, accom panied at the piano by her mother, Mrs. Warren Miller, pre sented a selection from the mus ical, The Great Sound of Mus ic." Mrs. Harley Young served to I member and gueau a sheet cake, decorated In areen and white. Mrs Harold Beckett. grand deputy of the Internatlon a Order of luirtoow for Girls, iioured coffee, and Mrs. Jim My era, past mother advisor, noured u(mI, Gueata Included the prevrnce of Mrs. Lou la llalverson, mother advltor of the lone Assembly, along with four members of the lone Order, and Miss rfcjsan Undnirorn from lone, who hold the office of Grand Choir Dlree tor. On hand to compliment their niece at her reception were Mrs. Lule Mae Cameron of Wal la Walla. Wn, and Mrs. Wyona Duck worts of Ciarkaton. Wn. lovely Attend Fellowship Club Makes Cases Sew a Bit RIP a Bit I II sew ing club Is making scissors cates. Our last meeting was at the home of Mrs. John Prtvett, April 22. Our next meeting Is April 2J. Cathy Jo Sherman, reporter C C fOiat) McQworrU speat most of last week in Mlaaoula, Mont., where his elderly moth er. Mrs. Grace McQuarrie, under went major surgery. He return ed Saturday night and reported that ahe was showing very good Improvement following the op eration. Mr. Markham Baker, Mrs. Al fred Nelson, Jr, Mrs. Walter Crowe 11 and Mrs. IredrUk Mar tin, all of the lone United Church of Christ, attended the spring BasocUtlon mtln of the Mid Columbia Women's Fel lowship at Enterprise on April 26. Those on the ogram were Dr. Adelbert Buttrey, conference minister of the Oregon Confer enoe of Ihe United Church of Christ; Miae Kuth Bailey, con ference director of Christian Ed ucation, and Mrs- Brian Tlchnor, Sherwood, state president of the Women's Fellowship. Mrs. Tlch nor conducted a panel discus sion on leadership, assisted by some of the association officers. The worship service was eon- ducted by Mrs. Markham Baker, state, association, and local worship chairman. The business session was presided over by Mrs. Bruce Mercer. Condon. Mid- Columbia Association president. New officers elected and in stalled were Mrs. Mildred Gallo way, president: MUa Dorothy Eakin. aecretary treasurer. botn of The Dalles; Mrs. Kay Harris. Enterprise, study chairman; Mrs. Bud Owen, Milton-Free-water, worship chairman, and Mrs- Fredrick Martin. lone, wit- nesa chairman. NA7y Dundee 2Vi Can uunaee c vi wan fr I APPtESAUCE N b' 1 Lb PILLSBUHT 10 LB. CRISCO cookie FLOUR JfJ (0rOM " PETER PAN LIGHT CHUNK 3 fer $lTOMA4forl 26 OZ. I N ALLEY'S Banquet DILL SPEARS POLISH SPEARS DILL SPEARS Without Garlic YOUR CHOICE WHITE h !0 9 3b oxes o TOMATOES " W 1 BONED AND TIED PORK SHOULDER ROUND-UP ASSORTED IT I lunch fltat -sf 55c DEL MONTE SWEETHEART BRAND WOE oz. pkg. NERS PRICES GOOD APRIL 30 and May 1 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps iivui t nta-M aw w PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST. HEPPNEB NEW YORK STORE S. W. Emigrant and Main MARKET PENDLETON PH. 276-4551 C R.EEN STAMPS GREEN STTAMre