CHARLIE KIK COMPANY Till 1!ML1 IfcrmUtoit rhulnrt Itrvlrw trlvr t bring lo our y-Mtltr I hi' Infcrrotlfig facta about the prominent rulnr houar of Ih-rrnlalon. One of the mMl auccennful and If rowing entcrprlM n llrrmls- H Charli Klk Company. This company U headquarters lor Ihe finest In boating needs and carries many fine brand In boata, Mrrrury ami LMnrude boat motor. trailers, anl ac rcsanrle. Their nut complete stork of all boating nwU and good scrvliv have helcd them Ui become mm of the largest marina to be found In Oregon. Now the Charlie Klk Comiwny haa added something new. ft recently became the dealer for thla area fur the popular Dat- sun rara and Datsun lk-up. Ilrto la a rar and pick up trurk that have Itemm national bct sellers In Jut two year. The pick up haa become extremely iMipular aa a rugged, low priced, mnmmlrnl. "bcaU of burden" for the farmers, ranchers, and suburban amall acreage owners all over the country. Mr. Kik and the ataff at Charlie Klk would like to Invito you to drop In and lk over a Rood display J these fin "all purpose ' Vrhlc a. W( believe that you will be pleasantly surprised at some thing really nrw In rara and li k upa. Charlie Klk Company a o aird jUKt north f llcrmln- ton McNary lllway. I'hone 57). 5!Cf. DATGUM PICKUP chat by iUilf t.'eonomv flua liig Load Spat I II IT NOW AT AVALYN'S CAFE MAST fONTAINE OWNER There la a good reason for the Avalyn'a Cafe being ao popular The ahort order arrvrd here have real "pulling power" and draw lovrra of fine food for many ml lea around. It'a better than eating at home. At Avalyn'a Cafe located at i'J2 N. lat In llermlalon, phone 967-8718, you will find a friend ly atmosphere. Your orders will receive prompt attention and everything aerved you will be of the bent quality. It ln I oiten that we ran find a rafe aervlng aurh delicious food at aurh fair price. Try them for real service and good food, and we are sure you will tell your friends about them. Mr a. Fontaine, the owner, la proud of thla establishment and haa good reaaon to be because of the excellent food and serv Ice. We suggest that you atop here for a good meal the next time you re In Ilermlston ahopplng. Itemcmbcr they are located a few blocks north of the down town atop light and you are In vited to atop In for "coffee and" or a fine lunch or dinner. JONES RADIATOR SHOP DAVID Z. JONES-OWNER The Jones Radiator Shop Is lo rated at 2105 N. Ut In Ilermlston. Iltone 567 fcJl6. They clean, repair and reeore all makea and sues of radlatora and all work la guar antced. Leaky radlatora demand thrlr service, ace that youra geta It. Thla ia Indent an age of spe rlaluita and with cars becoming more complicated each year, the rtecesMty for specialists to keep them In running order becomes more evident. Although your motor may be In perfect condition and run ning order and other parta of your car in the beat condition. If you do not have proper clrcu lation for the water, your car la aoon out or commission, vuin the help of a radiator apeclalUt, it U a very almple thing to have your radiator permanently re- iialred and taken care of right, ones Hadlator Shop makea a sncclaltv of re coring and re building your radiator which dix-a away with the expense of citing a new one. Thla well- known concern makea a specla ty of radiator work and la only too glad to do the kind of work they guarantee. For car, truck, tractor, or any engine radiator repair, thla ahop In llermiston Is recommended. Out of town work la given spec lal attention ao that there la no long walling. Soil Conservation Service Reviews 30 Years' Work JffiMlfflMr NEWS County Agent's OfHct Visits to 4-H Clubs Prove 'Delightful' FHA Offers Loans In Rural Areas Farmers Home Administration will carry out the loan program under the new Kconomlc Oppor tunity Art In rural areas. Loans will be made to farmer for ag- Whcat League Essay Deadline Ncaring The Oregon Wheat Growers League thla week reminded Oregon high arhool students that Its VM'A Newspaper Article contest officially closes on mid night. May 1. Cash awards of $75. $50, $13 and $15 will be made to the rlcultural proj.-rts and to amall Ynl by wheat" League ludg- Intr committee. Lntries win ie rural ctHipcratlvr T)io new loans are available to farm and rural families as well as Individuals who need a small amount of capital to Im prove their earnings but can not qualify for credit from exist Ing public or private sources. including other niA loans. Loans to farm families or In dividuals to develop amall bus inesses will range up to $2,500. Thev will carry an interest rate of 4V percent and must be re paid within 15 years. In addition to loans for non farm enterprises, FHA can mnke opportunity loans to farmers for farm Improvement and develop ment that will raise family earn ings. The agency now also ad ministers a new loan and tech nical assistance program for small cooperatives serving rural families who have limited In- assessed on originality, research, subject matter, spelling and comMsltion, and conclusion or summary. Winners of the annual com petition will be announced at the Wheat Leaguc'a state meet ing to be held In Tendlcton In early December. come and resources. Additional information may be obtained from Farmers Home Administration office at 105 S. K. Bvers Avenue. Pendleton. This offlre services Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco counties. Need extra cash? Sell unused items around your Diace wun a Cazette-Tlmcs classified ad FARM TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT TUESDAY, MAY 4, 10 A. M. AT SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON FAIRGROUND. NEW EXPOSITION BUILDING. UNDER COVER IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER. 13 WHEEL TRACTORS 6 Fords, 0 John Deere, Case 3 CRAWLERS 1 Caterpillar, 1 AC, 1 2 TRACTOR-LOADER BACKHOE COMBINATIONS 1 IHC with Sherman, 1 202 Work Ferguson 6 HAT RACKS LIFT TTPE DISCS 3 point PLOWS PULL TYPE DISCS IHC SPRINGTOOTH HARROWS CORN PLANTERS AND CULTIVATORS NEW REAR BLADES Bull-Masaey NEW rqTARY CUTTERS PLUS TRADE-INS 7 HAY BALERS 15 MOWERS 11 rear mount and 4 mounts, 4 of the mounts are for Fords During the next two weeks on feeder boxes, sprayers, side etc. rear MANY MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ALL EQUIPMENT IN THIS SALE RECONDITIONED, REPAINTED AND READY TO GO TO WORK TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED PRIOR TO SALE IN PERSON OR BY PHONE LUNCH AVAILABLE ON THE GROUNDS ADAMS TRACTOR Uth and Roa BUI DlppeL Auctioneer Walla Wcdla JA 5-4550 Call Runarup, Clerk Thirty years ago. April 27. 1X13, a new United Slates agency waa fighting the dust bowls and the gullies of an eroded Amer Iran iandsrape. Today that agency the Soli i onscrvatlon Service of the U. a. Department of Agrlrulture haa enlarged Its com towards In tegrated conservation of re sources for a more beautiful countryside, the man who heads S S activities In the Heppner Work Unit aald. Ralph Richards. SCS work unit conservationist at lleppner, aald SOJ began work with the Joe- Ily-governrd lleppner soli and water conservation district In llltl. Now there are more than 1I9.0TjO acres of land In the district. SCS works with 313 co- operators through the district program. Icieharus said. SCS was preceded by the boll Erosion Service, the first at tempt to bring scientific know- how In land treatment and man agement to bear on the dust storms which swept out from the midwest to cloud the skies along the Atlantic Coant. SCS was created April 27. 1935. The first soil const-nation district was created two years later. Now there are nearly 3,"X) districts in the country and 02 In the stale, In the 21 years SCS has been working with the district these soil and water conservation measures have tn-en applied to he land In Morrow county: A total of 21.132 acres in strip cropping; 4.5W) acres leveled for belter water utilization: 23 miles of canals and ditches: Go miles ! of diversion ditches; 1200 acres has been put under conserva tlon rotation; 274 farms have been put under conservation planning. Basic to the program Is the soil aurvey. The survey Is part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey In which both private and public agencies are cooper ating to provide for the first time a full Inventory of this re source, Richards said. Conservation and man a g e ment of land and related re sources are baaed on what these surveys reveal about capabil ities, characteristics and hazards of soils. Relatively new are in terpretations for engineers, con tractors, planners, utilities and others. Snow surveys, coordinated by SCS, are important to conserva tlon and management In west ern states, Richards said. Snow surveyors make monthly trips Into mountain snowpack areas to measure and sample snow. This provides data for estimat ing total water stored in these natural storage areas and what the seasonal runoff and stream flows will bo, Richards said. The Small Watershed (Public Law 5f6) program is growing In importance, as Is the farm rec reation enterprise, Richards said. Other programs also reflect an Integrated community or area wide approach: Resource con servation and development; rur al areas development; river ba sin planning. "The soil and water conser vation concept has shifted from healing to prevention of damage and waste through development and management or these nat ural resources," Richards said. If K. C ANDERSON ine past wet-H end waa a buiv but delightful one working with 4 II club member. Saturday evening, "flea'a Buy BuddunT 4 II club of the Cecil area, held heir annual achievement night Thla la a amall rlub with only four member but aa the name applle, they are buy and ac complishing many things. This year's main project la home Im provement. This was their 11th meeting thla year. - . The achievement nlrht started out with a formal dinner with attractive plact card settings In the form of leather nut and mint cups made by the rlub members. An attractive menu and program carried the 411 emblem. Jane Krebo. preslb-nt. presided with Gary Thomas glv Ing the welcome and Mrs. Thomas the response. Clinton Krebs entertained the group with a good variety of "dinner Jokes including some elephant stories. During the evening pro gram, we found out Just what these club members are dolnir. the activities being many and varied. F-ach member gave a demon stration which we thoroughly enjoyed. Jane Krebs showed how to measure for various knit ting stitches. Marlene Maglll how to cover a shoe box. Gary Thomaa how to lace a leather item and Clinton Krebs how to make a leather tie holder. We heard of the work that they were doing In courtesy, safety. Introductions, alter-dinner speeches, table settings, as well as a variety of leather work Items, shoe holders, laundry bags, dish towels and what have you. These club members arc getting a lot of invaluable ex perience that will be helpful as they prow up Into good citizens. Mrs. Ewlng llynd and Mrs. Hen ry Krebs are the leaders. Sunday afternoon members of the lone Livestock club with leader Herbert Kkstrom. Jr.. had a good livestock Judging work out. The day was excellent and the members worked hard all afternoon. Judging and giving reasons on two classes of Here ford bulls, a class of Hereford heifers and a class of feeder steers. Club members, Carl Smouse. Kerry Peterson, Krlsten, Keith and Charles Nelson, Paul iTouaioot and Herbert tkstrom III, all had an ODDortunitv to give oral reasons. Later Sunday afternoon mem bers and parents of the Hoof and Horn Livestock club were hosts for the Black Horse Live stock club at a picnic at the Howard Pettyjohn home. This was a friendly get-to gether and the club members and their parents enjoyed the evenlnc wnicn was made to order for the first "picnic weather" of the season. Grade Tour on May 7. ft and 9. Tho present had the oppor tunltv to see the premier show Ing of a narrated slide story of work that Wheat Associate are doing In marketing In foreign countries. This 2 minute UJus tratetf dtsrusMon takes one to all of then countries and shows what Wheat Associates are doing In establishing mar keta in Japan. Pakistan, the Philippines, and India. It will be shown as a part of the program of the annual spring meeting. wnirn win include aio brief re rru of standing committees, bringing up to date accomplish ment of the League since Its an nual meeting last fall, aa well as a report on what's new In AM., a projected road Improve ment program to be reported on by Judge Paul Jones and also a progress report on national farm legislation at the time. Tad Miller, a member of the 2. 4 D committee of the Oregon Wheat Growers League reported that the present 2. 4 D law has rx-en extended for another four years and research on 2. 4 D will be supported by a small tax as had been the case during the past two years. Considerable re search on drift and Its effect on susceptible crops is being found through this work. National wheat programs were discussed, comparing the several bills In troduced In Congress. Government Provides Vaccine Livestock growers will be happy to hear that calfhood brucellosis vaccination will be handled through state and fed eral cooperation again after Julv 1 of this year. Since the cut In the Oregon Dept. of Agri cultures budget following the October 13. 19G3 tax referendum, cattle owners have been footing the bill for the vaccination. The Federal Government will pro vide the vaccine and pick up the bill for vaccination of calves in range counties. HEPPirtM GAIETTE -TIMES. Tawradgy. April t IKS Choti From Your Home Agent Wheat Grower Activities Get Underway for Spring Executive committee mem bers of the Morrow Countv Wheat Growers Association made plans last week for its annual spring meeting sched uled for the Lexington Grange hall on Thursday evening, June l. Bob Jepscn, president, review ed pertinent activities of the Oregon Wheat Growers League ana mvuea an committee mem bers to attend the quarterly ex ecutive committee meetine at Condon on April 26. Also announced was the State Conservation Man of the Year field day to be held at the Willis Nartz ranch in Jefferson county on Thursday, June 10; the Junior Livestock Show and Sale at The Dalles on June 6. 7, 8 and 9 and the Portland 8th Sprays Help Control Red or Clover Mites While it is getting quite late In the spring for red or clover mite damage we continue to get calls each day on their con trol. These pests have been quite a nuisance to a lot of home owners since February and continue to Dersist II not con trolled on shrubbery and other foliage where they originate they soon move into the house and take over. Malathion. Kelthane or Dia zinen SDravs are effective if used as recommended on the label. Spray outside walls and foundation and an area 10 feet out from the sides of buildings whenever mites are active. Spraying the surrounding fol iage will helD in getting rid of them at the source. Repeated ap plications are often necessary. If vou have SDrav on hand with out recommendations for clover mites. Kelthane is used at the rate of cup of the 18tt wet table powder; Diazinen, V cup of 50 wettable powder; or Malathion. 14 cuds of 25 wet- table powder in each gallon of water. Wool Pool Prices Decline Wool dooIs continue to sell throughout the country with the Klamath county wool pool sell ing on April 10 for 57.81c a pound grease basis. The 17,000 fleeces mostly medium grade were purchased by the same buver that boueht the 1964 wool for 63.27c. The Lakevlew pool of 38,000 fleeces with ana blood sold for 53.93c. The Wheeler-Grant pool sold for 55c, down 5Vi cents from 1964. When you patronize Gazette Times advertisers, you help make a better paper. Tell them you saw it In the Gazette-Times. We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat JkL J f Of Charge tAjCl-J Heppner. 2Jt! Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE I Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed.. Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Ph. 567-6651 Hennlaton. Oregon On Hermlston-McNory Highway TEXMO POLE FRAME STRUCTURES Low Cost Farm and Commercial Buildings Ideal and Practical For Barns, Milk Parlors, Machine Sheds, Loafing Sheds, Hay Storage Sheds FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND INQUIRIES WRITE OR PHONE HAROLD STIWCt! FIELD BOX 266. CONDON. ORE. PHONE 384-5453 TEXMO FRAN CHIS ED DEALER FOR GILLIAM. MORROW. AND UMATILLA COUNTIES Family Camping Program Offered Public on Sunda" By DONNA GEORGE A publjc program featuring "Family Camping" will b given Sunday, May 2. at 2 .' pm. at the llrptmer Fair An nrs by Donna (rge, home e lenalon agent. The Foment Set' vie film "Woodland Manners will be shown. All Interested persona are en couraged to attend the aeuion which will feature suggeMions tor camping as a form of rec rration of famJJl' what to take, selection of en u I omen t. handy camp foods, etc. Special emphails will be given to selec tion and storage of roods for prevention of food spoilage. Persons attending are encour- aged to bring articles of rimo equipment which they have found useful so that these ar ticle tan be shown to others who are Interested. Women To Attend Hometnaker's Meetl&g Attending the Oregon Exten sion Ilomemaker'a council meet ing In Corvallis May 4. 5. and 6 will be Mrs. Hazel Carpenter ana Mrs. William Seehafer of Boardman: Mrs. Alda Gravbeal ana Atrs. warren McCoy, Irrigon; Mrs. Lean Graves and Mrs Frank Connor. Heppner; and Mrs. Carl Rhea of Lexlnirton. They will be accompanied bv ixuniy uiension Agent Donna George. Theme for the 3-day program Is "You are the Key1 based upon the Importance of the homemakrr in today's world and rw-U and oiiiort unit lea fr her education. Thu la the an nual meeting which will be at-tend-d by home t&trnalon unit member from throughout Ore gon. I FTC Available Te Speak Organizations or community group who would b Interested In hearing Miss Nellie Van Cat car. International Farm Youth Delegate to Jamaica, report her eaprrlenres are encouraged to contact the county extension of fice. She will arrive in Morrow county on Thursday evening. May 13. and remain until Sun day, May 16. RANCHERS! SELF FEEDERS FOR CATTLE 1 1 J CREEP FEEDERS FOR CALVES QUALITY PRODUCTS AT QUANTITY PRICES For All Tour Bulldlag Needs Come Te WEATHER LY SUPPLY CO. 1035 W. 11th St Hermiston, Ore. PH. 567-8222 It s 1 J" Get to the bottom of your heating problems These are the bare facts .T. Electric Heat offers a new concept of comfort and convenv lenco for your home . . . Electrfc Heat Is safe because it's flameless . . . Electric Heat costs less to Install because it doesn't require ex pensive ductwork or chimneys . . . Electric Heat is inexpensive to operate, thanks to tow-' cost rural electric power. But most importantly, Electric Heat Is so comfortable. That's because you select the best temperature for each room. There are never "cold" or "hot" spotsl Don't take our word for It. Ask your neigh bors who heat the modern way . . . with Elec tric Heat. Be sure to ask about how clean it is, tool ELECTRIC HEAT Whether you plan to build or re-mod. It'll pa you to consider Electric Heat Our heating tpe delists will gladly review your plans and make suggestions that will not only save you money but also Increase the overall comfort and value of your house. There's no obligation, of course. COLUMBIA Basin Electric Co-op SFrtVTNG WHEELER. GILLIAM AND MORBOW COUNTIES