Uofehr o lrftrIIWhr 6 l)l'LL o U IHIHg)to o VlriAl-fe- 0 WlHl DTO Off DC3 TJCOd COTfi Classified Rates t pew rrd enlaUatua 7tc Cwds Tbenks 1.U CLASStnZD DEADUXI Neon Wedaeedav Te r14 bUllaa, cash U 9wMt4 lav small ad 1 bcvwgbl to U Hie. 1 Cards of Thanks CARD OF TIIANKS By Ihla means I would Ilka to eipreaa my sincere appreciation for tha time and efforts or com- milt' member working on the Elks Easter Buffet dinner. Many thanka to each of you. Frank Hamlin. Committee chairman 8c CARD OK TIIANKS With our hearta Cull of loving appreciation, we wjh to thank each and every one whose thouehtfulneas gave ua ao much comfort during our dayi of sad ness. May the Lord repay and bless each one. Mm. R. B. Hire Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Rice Mr. and Mra. Richard Obenau. Be CARD OK TIIANKS To all the dear frlenda and gentle people who showered me with flower, gifts, card and meage during my recent hos pltallratlon. I extend my moat grateful thanka. Ella S. Burgoyne 9 c CARD OF TIIANKS The thoughtfulneaa and sym pathy extended by our frlenda and neighbor during our recent aorrow will alwaya remain with ua a a a precioua memory. We extend our alncercat thanka to all. The Rons Doherty family 8P 2 Notices DIGGING and Indian artifact hunting la now prohibited on all lands In the Rock Creek area owned by Campbell Live atock Co. Jim nd John Cason, and Van Scholack Broa. 810p IPCRRYl HURRY! Glldden Paint Sale continues, now at 20 off. PETTYJOHN'S FARM BUILDERS SUPPLY. Ph. 676 9157. Be 8PEIDEL SWEEPSTAKES CON TEST headquarters. Come In and auk us how you may win a free watch band by Speldel. Pctcraon'a Jeweler. 7-tfc 3 Lost and Found IDfiT Australian shepherd dog near Tum A Lum uumocr co. on Easter Sunday. Dog Is white, has long hair and leather collar. Contact Merlyn Stone at Hardman. 8 p 4 Help Wanted WANTED Man or woman for light house work on ranch, must be capable. Write Box A4. co Gazette-Times, Hepp ner. 8-c 5 Work Wanted I HAVE D 6 Cat. Will fill ditches, dig ponds, do channel work, etc. Ernest Chrlstopherson, ph. 422-7474. M-tfC WANTED Baby sitting In my home, $2 per day. Mrs. Line oln Nash, ph. 676-MOi. 8-p Wanted WANT A CHANCE TO DUNK YOUR ENEMY? Try your hand at the Band Carnival, Saturday, April 24. Fair Pa vlllon. J8c 9 Livestock, Poultry MARKET April 20. 1965 Hogs V Sheep 17; Cattle 307 Consignors 34; Buyers 25. SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls 15.00 to 17.70 Young Standard Cows 15.00 to 17.6C Commercial Cows ..13.75 to 15.00 Utility Cows 11.75 to 13.73 Cenncr & Cutter Cows 8.75 to 1175 FEEDER CATTLE Yc-fcrllng Steers, 750 to 900 Pds. .. .22 00 to 24.00 Sttrrs, 500 to 600 Pds. ....21.50 to 24.00 Steers, 300 to 400 Pds 23.00 to 25.60 Yearling Heifers, 650 to 700 Pds 18 00 to 20.00 Heifers, 500 to 600 Pds 18.50 to 20.10 Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Highway 80, Hamilton DON WINK, Mar. Bra. W7-S1U Wanted contribute to the tt)UN THY STOKE for the Bsnd Carnival on Saturday, April 24, Students will nlik up on your doorstep Friday Bam to 6 d ra.. or call 676 MM. 7-8c For Rent FOR RKNT or KALE Furnished two brdruom hue Available rnw. f'oniati Lucille t'arrUh, tih. 676 5317. 7 flp FOR UK NT Three bedroom furnished apartment, utilities furnished. AUo 2 bedroom house for rrnt. partly furn lahed. Ph. 6769-l'JH. 7 Be FOR RENT Sod busting 6 h p Rotary Tiller, two apeeda for ward, aUo reverse; deep Imuph dlffvlncp. miv handling Contact lA-wey Brltt or Mike Sallng fur cuatom work. 79c rOft RENT One downstairs bedroom apartment Furnish 0. Call 676 9431. 1-tffl FOR RENT One bedroom furnished houae. I'h. 676 9272 6 tfc 8 Services FREE KODAK FILM OFFER Kodacolor 8 exposures: devel oned. orlntcd. Plus roll of film $300; 12 exposures J3.90. Black and White 8 ex posure; developed, printed, plua roll of film $90; 12 ex powurcs $1.15. Send for Free Mailer and Price LI at. PACIK. IC FREE FILM SERVICE P.O. Box 11W. Lvpt. 18. Port land. Ore. 8 U15p FLOOR AND RUG CARE equip ment for aale and for rrnt. L. E. Dick. 676 9020. 35 tfc SAND AND GRAVE!. HAULING. Contact Ham Truck Line, lone, ph. 422 7277. 41-tfc KODACOLOR JUMBO PRINTS, 19 ccnta. H exjwaure Kodacolor roll developed and printed. $215. 12exposure roll, $2.90. Black and White Sexposure rolls developed and printed. 40 cents. Free mailers and price lists. PHOTO FINISH SERVICE P.O. Box 1189, Dept. 18, Portland. Oregon. 813 17p SHEETROCK FINISHING All kinds of building painting, new homo contract basis. " The Painting Weatlunda, Ph. 5C7 5348. Hermiston. 2-7p 9 Livestock, Poultry AT STUD Foundation Registered APPALOOSA Axboledo's Tinker Tom 38 174 Sire: Arboledo Joe F-3706 (Undefeated Mile) Speed. Color, Conformation Breed your solid coloredmares, get colts with color. Reasonable Rates PAT IRIBARREN Star Route. Box 22, Echo (Butter Creek) 6-8p 10 Farm and Garden WHY SPADE that garden? Use the new Choremaster garden tiller, heavy duty with reverse, was $16-t.i, now $159.95. PET TYJOHN'S FARM & BUILD ERS SUPPLY. Ph. 676 9157. 8-c NOW YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER Highland Machin ery Company, Condon, Oregon, phone 384-6452. 35-tfc 12 Furn., Appliances FOR SALE Hoover Vacuum cleaners, limited supply, $39.95, at L. E. DICK, ph. 676 9920. 7-8C FOR SALE Box spring and mauress sci wnn iiouywoou frame. No headboard. Ruby Moscr. Ph. 676-558C. 6-tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry REPORT Heifers, 300 to 450 Pds 18.00 to 21.00 Heavy Holftcln Steers, 700 to 90( Pds 17.10 to 13 60 Young Stock Cows, calves at side 175.00 to 19.100 Old Stock Cows, calves at side 135.00 to 162.50 Baby Calves, Boel 25.00 to 31. 00 Old Ewes and Imbs 11.00 to 16 00 COMMENT: Horse sale last Saturday and Sunday. 419 horses tola at steady prices. Big suc cess. General market $1.00 h(pher on all classes of gras; and feed lot cattle. The market Is the best It has been for some time Northwestern has the buy ers. This Is a good time to sell your cattle if you have toa many for your pasture. Phona 667-4655 ETR1UBTT SNYDER. Etc M7-2S61 12 Furn., Appliances PIANO and Organ Rentals. $10 monthly. Rent applies OIIJ-EITES MUSIC CO. 2 S E. Durlon, Pendleton, Ph. 276 7161. B tfc 13 Misc. For Sole SPRING PAINT UP time I here! SAVE NOW with Glldden Spred Satin and Spred Lustre. JiTX off! PETTYJOHN'S FARM BUILDERS SUPPLY. Ph. 7 9117. 8 c TYPEWRITER RIBBONS and Mimeograph Menciis now available at the Gazette Times office. 49 tlx LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 STUDS Ranch Pack No. 9 $18 nit per M TIMBERS TO 16 FT. 4x4 Ports 2i2's 30c ea. 10c ea. Open until noon Saturdays Heppner Lumber Co. Ph. 676-9440 FOR SALE Hereford Roper Saddle, excellent condltloa Contact Dale Edwards, Fossil, ph. 763 4931. 8 c LATEST In Men's and Ladle' ELGIN watches, priced from $12.95. at Pctcraon'a Jewelers. Heppner. 7-tfc SAVE ON Camping Trailers and Travel Trailers. Phone Vi 3348. Bentley Trailer Sale Service. h k North Main. IrrlKon. Oregon. 1-Uc GOOD FUN! Good Food and Good Music! Join the crowd at the Band Carnival for sup- ter and lots of tames and orUes. 7-8c TYPING PAPER, Mimeograph paper and other olilce sup piles for sale at the Gazette Times office. 14 Automotive FOR SALE Over 100 Travel i rawer, ricnup warn pen Covers, to choose from. Fred die's Tradinir Post. Kennewlck. Wash. 7-tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE '63 Ford Falrlane, 2 dr. hardtop, standard transmission with overdrive. Call 676-9781. 7-tfc THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS 1959 Great Lakes 3 bedroom trailer house furnished. Also 1 1964 Imperial range, top of the line. Has been used less than 3 months. 1964 Bulck LeSabre full power, air condition, low mileage, ex ceptionally clean car, 5 brand new tires. 1963 F-85 2 dr. hardtop bucket seats, 4-speed stick shift, V-8 motor with Turbo Charger. 1960 Pontlac, 4 dr. sedan. 1959 Rambler American. 1955 Pontiac Starchlcf 1955 Olds 4-Dr. sedan 1955 Rambler station wagon Used 4-Wheel Drives 1963 Jeep pickup, like new. New set tires, free-wheeling hubs. 1963 Jeep 4-wheel Drive Station Wagon. 1958 4-wheel drive Dodge, brand new motor. 21955 Willys pickups Pickups and Trucks 1954 GMC pickup ton. This Is a good unit 1950 Ford ton pickup, very clean, with new paint job. SPECIAL All used cars carry Guaranteed Warranty plan for one year. Number of good fishing andj hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDA1RE DEALER Good choice of used washers and dryers. 1 used refrigerator. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontlac Bulck-Willys-CMC Rambler Phone 676-9116 14 Automotive Phone 676 9921 Call FREE to Prndlrton Say "279-3CU Collect" AuthorUed V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395.00 Down (your car paid for or Dot) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. so. ONE STOP SHOPPING L O-O K ot these Deals! Used Cars 1963 Chevy II 4 -door sedan $1650 1962 Chevrolet Monza 4-dr. $1650 1961 Chev. 4-4r. Sedan. air conditioning I960 Chev. 4-dr. hardtop 1PQ Oisv Tmnata 2-dr hardtop $1250 1955 Willys 4-wheel drive, rebuilt engine $350 1957 Ford 4-dr. sedan 6 cyl., auto, trans. $600 Commercials 1963 Chevrolet H ton pickup, heavy duty canopy $1995 $1200 . $150 1958 Int Pickup, 4 wheel 1941 Chevrolet pickup We Are Now Dealers For CIRCLE J HORSE TRAILERS PRICES START AT $855 WElec. Brakes See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PH. 676-9921 15 Real Estate FOR SALE 55 x 10 Deluxe High Style 2-bedroom, center kitchen, all electric Mobile Home. Wall to wall carpeting throughout; piped electric fur nace; 30" Custom Imperial Westinghouse range; 13 C.F. Custom Deluxe Westlnghouse refrigerator; hide-a-bed dav enport; patio doors; $130 evaporator cooler; $300 alum inum patio awning; $100 storm windows. The best one can buy for Mobile Living. Like new. Call Spray, 637 2686. 8-9c FOR SALE Newly appraised 3 bedroom home, 1882 sq. ft., fireplace, 1H bath, patio, wall oven, vented range, $17,250, FHA. Call J. W. Norene 676 9656. 6-tfc FOR SALE Corley house and lots In lone. Three bedroom home, hardwood floors, fire place, nice yard, landscaped, well kept and clean. Partial basement Chicken house, gar age, barn, and barnyard can be watered from creek and needs reseeded to permanent pasture grass since the flood. See week-ends or evenings. Eulenna Corley. ph. 422-7470. 3-tfc FOR SALE Three bedroom house, recently remodeled, 590 N. Elder. Also have large lot with new foundation. Call 676- 5352. 48-tfc 115 Real Estate POR SALE 2 bedroom house, redecorated, prlted reaaonably, food terma. Charles pheelry. Ph. J76 5Wii7. I tie FOR SALE Two bedroom houa in lone; living dining rom combination, kltrhen. Phone 422 71W. 37-tfc Public Notices NOTICE OF riNAL HEABINO NOTICE IS IILREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed his Final Account In the estate of Allee K. Clark, drceaaed. and the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County has fixed Monday, the 26th day of April. 190V at the hour of 10 00 A M. of said day as me time and the County Court Room In the County Court House at Heppner. Morrow County, Ore gon, as the place for the hearing of exceptions and objections to Mid Final Account. Objections to said Final Account ahould be filed on or before said date. HOWARD KEITH LEY Administrator eta. of the Estate of Alice K. dark. Deceased LSAMINCER L HANZEN Attorneys for Administrator eta. 123 S. E. Court Avenue Pendleton. Oregon NOTICE Of ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION AND MEETING Notice is hereby given in com- ollanc with Sec. 331.010. ORS. to the legal voters of School Dis trict No. R 1. of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that the Annual School Election of aaid District will be held at Heppner Elemen- tarv School Cafeteria. Riverside High school, Boardman; lone School Cafeteria; Lexington City Hall. Rhea Creek Grange Hall. Ruggs; and Irrlgon School Multi purpose Room, between the hours of 2:00 P. M. and 8:00 P. M. on the first Monday of May. being the 3rd day of May, 1905. for the purpose of electing one director from Zone I. Boardman, for Four Year term; Zone II L lone, for Five Year Term; and Zone IV, Lexington, Five Year Term. Dated this 15th day of April, 1965. Howard Cleveland, Chair man, Board of Directors Beverly Gunderson, Dist rict Clerk. Morrow Coun - ty School District No. R-l (7-8c) NOTICE OF FINAL REARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed his Final Account in the estate of Alex Huber, deceased, and the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of May. 1965, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. of said day as the time and the County Court Room In the County Court House at Heppner. Morrow County, Ore gon, as the place for the hear ing of exceptions and objections to said Final Account Objec tions to said Final Account should be filed on or before said date. JOHN KREBS Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Alex Huber. Deceased WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law Heppner, Oregon (6-9p) NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, State of Oregon, as administrator of the estate of Cora Allyn, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed are hereby required to pre sent same with proper vouchers duly verified to the undersigned at the office of Winter and Balfe, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 8th dav of April. 1965. JOSEPH D. BALFE. Administrator WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law Heppner, Oregon (6-10c) IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of MARTHA GERTRUDE O'HAR RA, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 1543 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the estate of Martha Gertrude O'Harra, de ceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly veri fied as bv law reauired. to the undersigned. Newton O'Harra, at Lexington, Oregon, wunin six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published April 8, 1965. Last publication May o. iyto. NEWTON O'HARRA Executor GENE B. CON KLIN Attorney for Executor 412 S. E. Dorion Avenue P. O. Box 1122 Pendleton, Oregon tB 9C) HZttniM CAZETTE TIMEJ. Thunder. April 22. IMS !M THE COUNTY COOWT Of THE STATE Of OREGON rrtOlATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Guardian ship of th Per"n and KtaU of IN A BERTHA NICHOLS, an In eumpHent lrron. NOTICE OP GUARDIAN'S SALE Or REAL FROrCRTT .OTICE LS HEREBY GIVfJN that pursuant to and by virtu of an order mad and entered in the ttio.e entitled Court a id taue on the 2tth day of Apill. signed by the Honorable I ALL W. JONLS. Judge rf aald court. the undertone!, a ruardlan of the estate of If. A LEKTIIA NICHOLS, an Incompe tent person, will on and artrr 'Jfih day of May. 13, at the hour of 10.00 o'clock A.M. pro ceed to sell real property ot Mid BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Building Construction Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL, REMODELING All Types of Building We Can Help You With Plans Let V Modernize Your Kitchen Free Estimates Ph. 676 5546 Heppner. Ore. H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Homes And Remodeling Henry (Hank) Pedersen 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7776 Pendleton City Council Heppner City r- : I BUM VUUri(ll Ec Moat Citizens having matters for discussion please bring them before the coundL Ph. 676-9618 Electricians PendletonElectricCo. Bonded and Licensed Commercial. Industrial. Resi dential wiring. Electric heat Wiring supplies. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE 1802 S. W. Emigrant Pendle- ton, Oregon. Phone 276-2672. Exterminating Service Ayers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7211 Farm Chemicals Bi-County Chemical Fertilisers of ATI Type Spraying Farm Chemicals 3 Convenient Locations lone, 423-7631 Lexington. 983-8422 Condon. S84-SS51 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Heatina Co. Williams Furnace Complete In stallations Carpeting Linoleum Oil Burner RefrlgeraUon Service Domestic and Commercial Fre Estimates All Work Guaranteed Ph. g7-9418 Hepprmr Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Heppner. Oregon n iKttni i ? eut at privat sale for cash or for part rah and part credit at may to the guardian seem sdwiahle, tut)rct to the con futation tf the above entl.'cd court, aald real property being Moated In Morrow County, State of Oregon, and being m pe'tirularly described a t Iowa, to wit: The Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 1. South. Range 23, East of the WilUmrite Meridian. Bd will be received by the wndenignrd guardian at 126 E. Willow, P. O. Bo 53, Heppner. Oregon. ARCHIE II. NICHOLS Ouarrllan of the lxon and Estate of IMA BERTi.'A NICHOLS, an Incompetent person 8 11c Insurance Turner Van Marter ond Bryant CENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 67S-9632 Monuments Wylie Monument Co. Represented by JERRY SWEENEY SWEENEY MORTUARY Mortuary Sweeney Mortuary Licensed Funeral Ph. 676-9600 Directors Ueppneff Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 676-9942 Home 676-9718 Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician Surgeon 1st National Bank Bid. Res. Ph. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 The Heppner Clinic C. M. Wagner, M.D. Physician & Surgeon 233 N. Gale St Oft 676-9114 Res. 676-9208 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff M D. Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 530 Mon Tues., Wed. and FrL 1 to 5:30, Thursday. Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 Printing The Gazette-Times offers complete Printing Service Dealer, Moore Business Forma J Ph. 676-9228 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps made to your order All sizes all types Prompt service Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9913 Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry It Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Fk. 978-8200 I