Mustangs Win Two, Lose Three on Diamond -1 Hlttnzn GAZETTE-TIMES. TaMdT. Apttl U. IH$ lip acalnat Iouki piuhlntf llr'fwf lllfh'a bwhll Irani l Ihrv of IU live hall Ramra tturlnit the week. The WuUiii; tinril 'he I'onrtim Plue iwiU In Iwu eame. ukinif 17 7 vic tory last Tuetlay line, anil then travelliijt t "it'lon to win a U 7 rutra limlrnf aflalr, Ili-iin-r laye lut to Slu-r. man lllh'ti Saturday In thrlr Cn-atcr iHtgtm lauu eiier ami Buffered i 1 0 acthatk. Her niHton rami In llipi'iirr in a makeup doublrheader ami tmk both cimU, 2 I and 3 I. KxlMlintr Ut a blit 10 run flrnt Innlnit that aaw every man In the HriHT lint'Up wine In the flrt Condon it ami. t Mu larK kM adding runa In lake the victory. Ileppner rolli-eted the Hi rum on three hit. lur walka, ami four rrrma The Blue Ik-Vila outhlt the Muhtang It to aeven hut llMtnr tk advan la bp of aeven Condon error to win. Tnuradav the Mualansa found themaelvea up again! a much Improved Conduit tram and It took nine InnlnR before Heppner could pull out tho Kami. The Muntanit tram drew flnit utnt hen Slu Dirk hanjf. ed a Mini;) ond then arored on lion Munkera' one-hanger. The Blue Ivvlla rime right bak to aoore three runa In the aeconil frame, cahlnn In on one hit and three Heppner mtivcuca. The Hub lane tld Ihlnga up at 3 3 with a alne ) tally In the third and the game atayed that way un til the aUth when Condon went In front. 7-6. With two outa In the top of the arventh. Dennla O'Dunnell trpK-d up to pinch hit and arored Carl Bauman on an In field alngle. The Mualanga arored two more In the ninth and held off the Condon rlub for the win. Carl Bauman went the mute for Heppner aa he took hi third win without a lot. Saturday's league opener was a well played ball cam but error hurt the Mustang filtchrr Hill Snvder allowed the lufklca only three hit. Pitcher (hm of Sherman fired one. hit ball at the Mtitanf but that one hit. a triple by Jim iM.hifty. almiHil mvH tlu i'ii U'fct. .M.i ri)i4ii K"t Da 1"mI tun In the lant Innliti! when Hie lead off man hit a l" fly that the centeitlelder ilrop'd. He wa later put out at iMt-ond but that one riror nx tied the gate for the only run. I'laylng without three aenlor regular, the Mutang iHpl the twin bill with the Itulldog here Tueaday. HermMon umm! Mx lUlrliera in me iwu live in nlng conlenta. In the oiH-ner, ll I'pni r cot it only run lit me third and the Hulldoga cot their two talllea In the name Innlntf. In the fcecond tame. HermU Ion ot I1 flrt run In the ond but the MuMani,' Ixiumvd back to tie It up In the name InnlnK The llulldo! cinched it with two more talllea In the third and the Mustangs couldn't I'et any more runa Bauman auf fered hla first aetback In four Mart, IIKI'I'Nr'lt 1000 1 42 0 17 CONDON 203 010 1 7 I.nKue. D'Avlnon tl), (ironholm Kihaffer 171. and .Stench field; Snyder. Uoherty Hi, O. (Xinnell 161. and DaKirrtt. IIKTI'NKH 2tl .H) 102 9 CONDON 0.11 2U1 (XW 7 Bauman and Juhnton; IAvln on. 1-aUue i7. and Stenehfleld SIIKHMAN fx UK 1 1 IIKITNKK OmiWOO 0 Owena and B, Wilson; Snyder and Dapi'ett. HWMISTON 002 00 2 IIKI'I'NWt H 00 I Mlrhlell. Itov (31. Slhrl (3), and Crali;; Snyder and John ston. 1 1 Kit M ISTON 012 00 IIKITNKK 010 00 SIIhI. Wletzel 2). Wllllama (41, and Bauer. Caraway (4); Bauman and Johnston. ROLL TICKETS for aale In klnsle and double roll. U for drawings, admlsaloas to rvrnta. liarette-Tlmea. Hepp nrr. I'h. 676 922H. 37 iff rrt 1,1. V t I- i Mil ir ' SFCEDSTEM baud for tha flnUh Una In a baot el tha 100 yard dah at tba Happoar Invitational track inaat Saturday, fr an kiln o4 MacLaitn School. Woodburn, won tha arant lor A -2 acboola. Tha maat, bald for tha flrat tuna on Hrppaer'a oaw track, crttractad many ichoolj and a aood-iiiad crowd of latarastad apactatora. (C-T Fboto) Hilanders Claim Trophy At Invitational Track Meet lb r t -: 'Li"'- 1 : -v But it makes a great antique mailbox It's a good Idea to keep that old-fashioned pump around. It'll remind you of that happy day when you brought modern living Into your home with a wonderful electric water system. Running water means so much to your family's health and comfort. Makes so many chores easier. Yet an electric water system costs only pennies a day to operate, thanks to low-cost rural electricity. An effective elec tric water system Is Indeed your first step to modern living I ELECTRIC WATER SYSTEMS Wa'H ba glad to help you plan tha best alectric water tysttm tor your liomi or farm. Phone or visit ut for free Information. No oblgaton, of course! COLUMBIA Basin Electric Co-op SEBV1NG WHEELER. GILLIAM AND MORROW COUNTIES By KIT ANDERSON Settlnir four new meet record and taking alx first places, the Bums High inlander took first Dlace and the rotating trophy aa they claimed It for the third time In aucreaxlon at the Hep ncr Invitational Track Meet held In Heppner Saturday. Thirteen -fool attended. comlne from aa far aa Portland (Columbia Christian) and Wood- burn (MacLarenl. Burns amass ed 141 points In the meet, the only team to break the century mark. MacLarcn was second with 92. Nine new marks were set. with the inlanders cettinir four of them. Wahtonka had three new record and Franklin of Mac Laren set the other two marks with a fust time of 10.0 In the 100-yard dash and 231 In the I!ftpner dpikers did not R(-t any firsts but the Mustang had two wconda. one by Tim Drls coll In the 410 and the other by John Wacenblast in the KS0. A- 2 meet results: Top three, finishers In each event. B Burns, PIMMlot Rock, M MacLaren. II Heppner. S Sherman. JD John Dav. K-Enterprise. W-Vahtonka. SHOT PUT Bradshaw, (B); Black. (M); Hamrncl, (W). Dis tance 17'8" I new meet record). JAVIXIN r.arrlion, (B); Black. (M: Teal, (B). Distance; IfiN'H" (new meet record). HIGH JUMP Aschenbrenner, (K; 2. Barnett (B); 3, Hickey, (B). Helcht 5'10 3 4". POLK VAULT- Crittenden. ( B ) ; Gentry (SI; Daves (M . Height 11' (new meet record). DISCUS Yrlate (B): Hawk (Tit); Bradshaw (B). Distance j I:. I (new meet record i. BROAD JUMP Davidson (M); Buchanan (Ml; Crittenden (V. Distance 20'54". HIGH HURDLES Barnett (B); Rvtvt iw- Awhenbrenner (K). Time 15.4' (new meet record). MILE RUN Rhen B; Bert hold tW); Fenley (B). Time 4.3.H.2 410 YARD DASH Hughes (PR); Drlscoll (11); Kowalskl (B). Time 53.4. 100 YARD DASH Franklin (Ml; Tal B: Davidson M). XI me 10 0 (new mwl rwrd). 2 MILK RUN Bert hold (V); Fots (S); Asher (M). Time 21,7 (new meet record). WO YARD DASH Aschenbren ner IE); Wacenblast (ID; Run le (W). Time 2 07. LOW HURDLES Byrd (W); Barnett (B); Drincoll (H). Time 21.7 (new met record). KW) YARD RELAY Burns; Wahtonka; John Day. Time 1:35.7. ....Team Scores Burns 141, Mac Larcn 92. Wahtonka 83'. Pilot Rock 37, Heppner 35, Enterprise 34. Sherman 28. John Day 144. Umatilla swept the B com petition with a total of 148 loints. followed by Columbia Christian of Portland with 133. Athena was third In team standings with 92'. points. B results: DISCUS Barber (U): Hunter (W); Hansell A. Distance 13T7 V. I"OLE VAULT Lewis (U) (no other vaulters cleared opening height). Height W. HIGH JUMP Kennedy (A); Hlatt (U); Lovelace (CO. Height-5'8". (new meet record). SHOT PUT Benson (U); Har rls (A); Hunter (W). Distance 45'4". BROAD JUM P Lovelace ; (CO; Anderson (U); Rackley (CO. Distance.i8'2". JAVELIN Lewis (U); McMil lan (A); Hansell (A). Distance 161T HIGH HURDLES R e n f r o w (W); Durand (U); White (A). Time-17.5. MILE RUN Haver (CO; Nord- qulst (U); Goodman (A). Time 4:48.7. 4 10 YARD DASH Rackley (CO; Whitney (A); Pile (CO. Time-56.2. 100 YARD DASH Lawrence (CO; Anderson (U); Harris (A). TIme-10.6. 2-MILE RUN Palmer (CO; Bernle (R) ; Cotter (U). Time-' 10:21.5. (new meet record). LOW HURDLES Lovelace (CO; Lewis (U); Matlock (U). Tlme-23.4. 220 YARD DASH Lawrence (CO; Rackley (CO; Anderson One Small Ad Finds One Small Lost Pup "You won't need to run that ad again." said the voice over the phone- "Our pup Is baik home." .The voice was that of Larry frock who had Inserted a cli.fUfled ad in the Gazette Times last week In the hope of locating the little family pet that had been lost. Larry explained that some one from Lexington had not h.d the wandering little pup on the atreet and picked It up, not knowing the owner. She turned to the classified page In the paper Thursday, spot ted the ad and promptly re turned the family pet to the owners. You, too. can locate your 1' ft pup ... or cat ... or duck ... or chimpanz.'e through the classads. (We he;). Heppner Postal Receipts $41,000 (Continued from page 1) tabllshed and five-digit numbers have been assigned to 553 sec tional centers within 10 zones. The first three numbers desig- nate a speciilc secunoai center, and the first of th ethree des ignates the major zone Involved. Heppner Is In zone 9. The last two numbers of the five tell the inriononHont deliverv Station. Establishment of the new star route from Pendleton to zua as of July 1. 1965, is a spe ntf Avtenslnn of the ZiD Code concept which will place mail from this area more rapiajy into the main flow of mail, Post master Driscoll said. As a part of his program, he showed a film showing how 73 billion pieces of mail are hand in hv the nostal department annually in the United States. Cards Oufscore Echo Diamondmen For 22-14 Win lone High's baiw-ball team, starting off the arain with a 9 6 loss to Stanfteld'a Tigers, came back lo lake their second game of the season, handing the Echo Cougars a 22 14 defeat. Error hurt the Cards agalrutt the Tlgera and lone'a hitting was not up to par. The Card collect ed only four hits while the Stan field club had 12 baw raps. Jay Ball led Cardinal hitlers aa he had three of the team's bits In four trips to the plate. Clark, winning pitcher for tha Tigers, wao a not hr r 3 for 4 man. Herb Davidson ataned for lone, walking three and giving up five hits and six runs In hut brief 2 13 Inning stint. Ball took over from there, allowing seven hits, walking five and giving up three tallies. Masauda chucked for Stanfield, striking out eight and walking four. He gave up all Card hits and runs. Clark pitched a fine game In relief, fanning four, walking the same number and allowing no hits. A three hour and 45 minute game at Echo saw the lone club on top of a 22-14 score. Cardinal hitting was much Improved over the first game as they collected 13 hits while lone pitchers al lowed only five hits. The Cards had two big frames as they got seven runs In the second and six In the sixth. Vlr;! Mor gan and Stan Hoist el n were the big bats for lone, both having 2 for-4 plate shows. lone High's baseball team has two games In the ensuing week, against Stanfield there at 3 p. m. Friday and against Echo at lone at 3 p. m. Tuesday, April 27. IONE 201 030 0 6 STANFIELD 321 002 1 9 Davidson. Ball (3) and Lovgren; Masauda. Clark (5) and Walls. IONE 170 326 3 22 ECHO 200 514 2 14 HoLstein. Ball (5) and Lovgren; Savers. Rosenburg (2), Williams (6) and Furnlss. Two Teams Coming For Track Meet Wahtonka and Umatilla cln- drrmrn will rw.t to ISrrprxr Saturday for a 3 way track meet with the Heppner Mutanf track team at the new track back of the high school. Bawball action will find the Mustangs traveling lo Pilot Rork Saturday for a game at 1 pm. Meanwhile, the golf team, which lout a close match lo Wahtonka, ft to 7, in Ha last out ing, will travel to La Grande Friday for a match with Coach Glenn Blehl'a swingera. Blehl formerly coached sports at lone. NOW HERE rOB TOO- SUMMER WEIGHT SPORTS JACKETS ill By CTTRLEE LOOK TOUR BEST IN COMFORT GARDNER'S Men's Wear Eeppnar (U). Time-24.2. 880 YARD RUN Turney (W) Havens (CO; Cobain (U). Time O.AC ssn vapti RFI.AY Columbia Christian; Umatilla; Athena. Time-1:38.7. TP A vr smRFiS Umatilla 148 Columbia Christian 133, Athena 924, Weston 434, Kiversiae u Feeling adventurous? Buy a Le Sabre with a Wildcat lurking under the hood. (And a lot of action behind the wheel.) v Jl lit VOIR LOCAL AVTttOfilXD IUICX DAltt AUTHORIZED BUICK MAIB IN THIS AREA:. tsctt Moron em iion FARLEY MOTOR CO., May ond Chase, Heppner, Oregon . TUNE IN "LOWEIL THOMAS AND THE NEWS"-CBS RADIO Enough hot water. . and then some! Children and dirt have always gone together but a little soap and plenty of Jtot water can do wonders to separate them! As'a matter of fact, having plenty of hot water always avail able makes many of your everyday chores so much easier. That's why more and more families insist on an electric water heater ... the surest way of having all the hot water you want . . . when you want it. An electric water heater is one of the wisest investments you'll ever make for your family's health, safety and comfort. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Learn how easy it Is to Install an electric water heater In your home. We'll be delighted to give '.' you tree Information. No obligation, of course. COLUMBIA Basin Electric Co-op MRCA$ SF.HV1NG WHEELER. GILLIAM AND MORROW COUNTIES