RcrrNca cJunrnx TiMcs. TbrdT. Aptti u. mi L - s M i 'J f 1 ' f. i' ' RICKY ROSE. Quorttrhon ownd br Moot and Mary Ana Barclay, won tha taUir we at Taldma Mtodows April IT. the first win ol the racina seaaoa for the Morrow "Jf r AA tlm. locker U Tom Simms and trainer U Warn McMeana. Mr. and Mr. Barclay "ana eonToaTth. Irft. Ricky Boee wili go to Portland Meadow, at the cloee of tbo Yakima mooo about May H Plans Moving Ahead For Annual Barbecue And Church Auction IONE Plans for the third an i.aal bwf barbooue and auction sponsored by the lone UnKd Church of Christ are underway with Carry Tullls as general chairman. The event wHl take p'ace at tne wniows Grange r'all on Saturday, June 12. Many Interesting items will he up for auction including the large, old iron church bell from tne belfry of the old lone Bip t'st church. Furniture, animals, mac hincry, appliances, and nr-any other things will also be sold. A snack bar. delicious din ner, a silent auction (which is always extremely popular with tne crowd , will also be features of the day. - . . . Articles for auction are need ed and anyone desiring to con tribute may notify Lindsay Kin caid or Donald Bristow for list ing. Other committee chairmen are tickets, Mrs. Milton Morgan: arrangements, John Jepsen; din ner, Mrs. Phin tmert; siiir.i auction, Mrs. Norman Nelson; barbecue, Pete Cannon; sack bar, Mrs. Walter Jacobs, and publicity. Donald Bristow. A preliminary meeting of all thairmen will be held at tne church on Monday evemng, Apii! 26, according to an an r.nrncemcnt by Mr. TuUis. Judge Paul Jones and Larry Cook attended the annual Grand Chapter meeting of the Royal Arch Masons last Tuesday through Thusday at the Mason ic Temple in Portland. Jones was appointed Grand Principal So journer of Oregon. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital during the past week and still receiving medical care are the following: Paul Volet. Condon; Nina Sny der. Heppner; Frank DeMerrltt,! Klnzua; Vivian Elder, Heppner. and Michael Sweek, Heppner. Those who received medical care, and were then dismissed.! were the following: Tillle Me- Qulnn, Spray; Karen Cox. Lex ington; Lawrence juuesun, HeDoner: Robert Irbv. Olex; and Dyrk Dunlay, Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Charley H. Pad hcrc of Lfxineton became par- nic rf thrtr Rpconrt son on Tues day, April 20. His birth weight was 8 lbs.. 10 ol. ana nas oeen named Kenneth Jay. He joins a brotner. Larry Lee, ana a sis ter, Debbie Kay. at home. Ma ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr O E Raker and Daternal grand parernts are Mr. and Mrs. Oris Padoerg, ail oi Lexingron. County Health Group Sets Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Morrow County TB and Health Association has been announced for Tuesday evening, April 27, in the conference room at the Bank of Eastern Oregon, start ing at 8:00 p.m. Rav Buckwalter. program dir ector for the Eastern Region of TB and Health Assoc.. will be present to speak on the newly adopted reorganization program in the county and will answer questions regarding it There will be an election of new officers for the coming year. The meeting is open to the public. Services in Monument For Mrs. Fergerson MONUMENT Funeral services for Xamie Bell Fergerson. a,- 79, were held Thursday. April 15, at the Monument Commum'y church at 2:00 p.m. Rev. Phillip kvan of John Dav Christian church officiated. Organist was Mrs. Neva Jones and hyrmu wpro nunc hv Dick George. Wayne Leathers. Jr. Kay Harris and Mrs- Clyde Cavender. Mi. FjM-pprson was bo. n March 5. 1SS at Fox. Oregon, to Francis Marlon and Nancy Jos ephine Round. She died April 12 in the John Day hospital and wa-: buried at Hamilton be-M.c her husband Jesse who with t vo sons Floyd and Marion, pre ceded her in death. Surviving are one daughter. Mrs. Winona Williams of Huich Inson. Kan., a daughter-ln-lav Erma Fergerson of John Day who took care of her; one sUier, Mr?. Lottie Foss of Boise, Idaho, two brothers. Chester and Ed Round of Monument; several nieci-s and nephews. Library Week Set The week of April 25 to May 1 has been designated as Na tional Library Week and special emphasis will be given at the Heppner Public Library during those days, according to Blanche Brown, librarian. She urges res idents to visit the library. Reg ular hours will be Monday and Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., and on Saturday, 2 to o p.m. Book fines owed during this week will be cancelled, she said. Visiting here last week from Port Townsend, Wn., with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hayden were Mrs. Hayden's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Comrlne. Oregon Industries Subject of Report At lone Topic Club IONE T1U? Club met at t.i. home vt Mr. Uiy W. Un.ls.ir-.in Itr the April meeting witn Mri. lom rniu.tliwt and Mr. Omar Kwtmann auung rucM-. Miv Pniudf. tfav a riu t on Oregon Induktty. She tainted out Dial duo to the tiiola. (rtm rad miK-ti, Oregon wj a p'tnluivr of quality rtlu-- ratlur than quantity. Itilo.ly. he ureed the lumber hu.. in- and It many by-prod t. agriculture, apparel Industry, metal wvtklng. ehemleata and mt-taiturgy, rleetronun and i entitle intrumcnt. and t:e fitod canning and freezing buJ-ne!i-. She listed owt win panie that are Oregon's alone J.ne Krebu and Marlene Mo Gilt Rave ewlng and knlttlr.g ilerrmnstratlona to the groui. Ttuy are member vt "lUv Buky Bee" 4 11 club and thvl: h-ajer U Mr. llng llynd ' Civ.!. Vklxa wa alni a ;uel. Plan were made at the meet. Ing for the dewrt card party to be held at the Masonic 1UU on Saturday atternoon. May 1, at 12:. Pinivhle. bridge aim court whist will tie played ami ptlw awarded to the wlnm.i. All rrtKeetU will co toward par- chasing book for the public library which Is sponsored fy the Tepic Club. T.ie library has abiut 5,0 volumes at present anl ten er lodicfcls on the ahelvea. Ih-muc numerous referenee rxKk and raniphlets. Over 100 books ai. issued on library days to school children by librarians. Mrs. Ron aid Bishop and Mrs. Walter Rob erts. Thereafter the dub speiio the bulk of Its income on liic purchase of new books for the chllaien's shelve. Tlie library Is managed by a boerd compsed of Mrs. Bishop. Mrs. John Proudfoot. scretary. Mrs. Verner Troedson. Mrs. Elm it Griffith, and Mrs. Roy W. LlrJjlom, president of the eiub. Library day are Monday nnd Thu'suay from 2:30 to 4:30 put. and on Wednesday for visita tions from the school childien, accompanied by their teacher. lining National Library Week beginning April 23. member of the community are urgeil to visit the library and become ac quainted with the books avail ble and enjoy checking out a book. Over The Tee Cup lone Band Gets Superior Rating lone High School's band re ceived a superior rating at the band competition held Saturday at La Grande. The Cardinal band was one of only two class D schools to receive the 1 rating. Class D schools are those under 100 enrollment. Judges said that the lone group was outstanding and com plimented Carol Miller, director, and members for their appear ance, spirit and orderliness, as well as the "sound of the band." Three numbers played by the Cards were "Burnished Brass," "An Occasional Suite." and "Variation Overture." The band plans to give a concert on May 14. FORD'S TIRE SERVICE 7TH ANNUAL Br DEC CRIIBLC Tuesday found nine golf minded kU at the lut Ihhi for ftandvtlch, colfix and cake, a promiMst. lHt of l"oh ! rusnlon. came the following: n-w officer for the golfing gal are Ikmna McOurdy, general chairman. alted tv VI l-an ham, Juanlta Carmlchael and ttev Gunderson; and for non golfer are Mary KlU-n Myer. H.ttv SpauKtlng. 'Ma Piln.llo. Lib IViggrtt and Virginia Rom--wall lUrel Mahonev generous ly offered her ervlcv for a sec ond term as secretary treasurer. We al dreamiMl up some "slr-prlre" for the nrt few Sumtav. On April 25 the Wil low Creek golfer are Imlted to play at I'matill iMcNaryl. Tm' off time l :u am. tda light alng, with plav for llh men and gal. Lunch will be served. Past eniH-rleiu-e ha taught u thl ha been much fun o turn out! On May 5 will be Twilight League play for men. Marling at 3.tu so come on out ami sup port your activity chairman. War ha been declared for Mav 2 the north against the south, with the courthouse as the determining factor, t.ouer living north of It will be the "north" team, and those living south will be the 'south" team. Member living on ranches are Invited to come on In and you'll be "drafted" to a team. Tee-off time is 9:00 a.m. Gals. Monday, April 26. will be a clean-up day for the club house, starting at 9:30. Many hands make light work, so we'll see ya" there. Day's play will re main at 11 o'clock until weath er gets settled. Hazel Mahoney was the low score-maker this week with a 43. and Cora Mae Ferguson had least putts. Would you believe It? One of our good Lexington golfers car ries a "litter bag" on ner can. and never passes a twig! Long Illness Takes Miss Dona E. Barnctt Funeral services for Dona E. Barnett, 82, a daughter of a pio neering Lexington family, will be held Sunday. April 25. at 2 p.m. at the Lexington Christian church. Rev. Earl Soward will officiate, with interment follow ing at the Lexington cemetery. Miss Barnett died Wednesday. April 21, at the Emanuel Hospit al in Portland, where she had been a natlent periodically for the past 14 months. She was born August 20. 18S2, in Arkansas, the daughter of William F. and Mary E. Barn-1 ctt, pioneer ranchers and owners or tne w. t. Barnett store in Lexington. She had In recent years made her home In Lexing ton with her sister, Mrs- Henry (Trannle B. Parker. Cascade Funeral Chapel. Port land, and Sweeney Mortuary are In charge of funeral arrangements. Opal Driggs Attends Tclephono Reunion A wllt came true for Mi1 Opal Ittlgg thl week when I. uni t thai he would he able lit mend two day of the Plone-r 'lelei l.one Homecoming week lit IS'll.tlctoii. hoiiollng retired tele- hunt employee that hit. I gi.cn 2t or nuue year if service She participated In II oming ly actlUtles Wed net u.V with rt-il banquet .ifid piogtaiit honoiing the plner mployee. Thursday, set mI.' h Vxprsson liy. saw the it neer dress In keeping with llu ir favorite hobble or of the past M ss Huge wa a swltchbo.-.l oerator between the year t ltPJ and 1W9 and a tnembef f tl, e lreg.in lYatl cvumil. Masonic Old-Timers Honored Tuesday Old timer of Heppner Unlge v.i A v M. A . M . were lion- onM bv the lslge TuestUy night. Six of the 10 who were recog til...l mi ihit mwllrnr were pres ent. Oscar lUirg and Lu Hlsbee, tH)th of whom had earned CO year pin were unahle to attend. Forty-five year pin went to John Wlghlman. and 40-year pins to Leonard L Gilliam and VV. C. Cox. Earl Gilliam quail- Mrs. Eckman Chosen To Lead Heppner Unit Heppner Extension Unit mem. ber met last Tuesday at the home of Mr. Dave lUktnaii for a Hittuck lun lii-oii and projivt lesson entitled, 'nnancln High rr Education." Mr, Lett it an and Mr. I'aut War.en Mere the April project leader. New county nunndtte mem er. Mr, riank 'oniM. wni rhosen to rrorrsent the Heppner Extension I 'nit at the Oregon Slate llomemnker Coutuil to Ih held May 4. and tl In Con-al ll. Mr. Connor replace Mi. J.e Wright, who ha nerved on thl committee the past three year. Officer elected fr the ensu ing extension year are Mr. 1). W. EX-kman. thalrman; Mr. Creslon Robinson, vice chair man, and Mr. Riley Munker. MN-retary treasurer. Proceed frin the Easter fon sale, held Friday at Central Market, were donated to the Es ther Klrml Memorial Scholar ship Fund. led for a 35 year pin and Ter rl Itenee of lone for a 30 year fled for re iiln Honored a year mrmwr were Harold IMnket, Howard Hrvant. Paul W. Jone and Don Turner. Wide Selection of NYLON ACRIL0N HERCUL0N AND WOOL CARPETING AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP ON INSTALLATION ALSO Linoleum And Counter Top Work At Reasonable Rates Case Furniture Co. 249 N. MAIN PH. 678-9432 PSfflKB FOUR-FOR-THREE ALE All Tires On Sale New Tires Recap Tires, Truck, Tractor or Passenger Cars Everything Goes! Buy 4 Tires - You Pay For Only 3 Why worry about Price, Level, Grade Rating, Ply, Tyrex, Nylon or other Jargon? Come in and pick out the tire to suit your driving needs. Put on 4-pay for 3-Get one FREE! "USE OUR . 100 OK CREDIT PLAN" ' fll IE: SERVICE An yuuKVJariSUUin' n i U $W W) 0PEN,NG 1 A ilC' DATE: vwmiM SATURDAYn Get One n i f Tire U tilLW:; iKiMrl FREE! hllmSl Li - ,iJ Xi S rW u ' 7! Dual 90 Jet Air GENERAL r Price Excbange Plus Fed. Tax C GENERAL TIRE Jj 1 1 "i - posits m Get Tackle And Licenses At WESTERN AUTO "rillE North Main The Men Who Know PHONE V TIRE J J I I V "- Heppner Tire Ber 676-9481 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 71 rT3 EZZJ ! ! THE FAMILY STORE JOHN AND BETTY PFEIFFER HEPPNER If