MOETY Easter is Observed At Elks Buffet Dinner (iaily cxilorni tarl decora Itiiim chhunirtl hi Ksstrr sra Mm mmii')irtt that j-rrvalled Mimlay, Hhrn "V famlllrs tratlirrrd at th lilks Tfmle fur thw Kiss annual Kastrr buffet itlnnrr. Ham anil turkey were mtvciI with mantu'ii Hhltf) xtaliira, gravy, caritlli'd iwccl otaiN-a, fruit naiad and divert t.flwirn th houra of on and five In the aftrrniMin. Working with dinner comm li tre chairman. Frank Hamlin, wrr Mrs. Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thor,. Mr. and Mr. Mar vin CanrtM-rr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott. Mr. anl Mra. lavt Barn rtt, Mr. and Mra. Jack I'loyhar. Mr. and Mra. Ln Kay SihwarU. Mr. and Mra. AIN-rt Connor, Mr. and Mra. )un Ikllrnlmx k. Mr. and Mra. Norma n Jew. I. Mr. and Mra. Calvin Sherman. Mr. and Mra. Wayne Harsln and Mr. and Mra. Vern Kelthtry. Juniors Make Plans To Entertain Seniors Commlttrea and advlaora of the Junior t-lasa of Jirppnrr High school are busy cHiIng the fin al tnurhra completed fur the an nual Junior Senior banquet and prom, scheduled for the coming week. Both affalra will be held In the hleh school multipurpose rtom. The banquet, mi for Wed-m-Kday evening. April 2H, at 6:30 p.m., will be prepared by mothera of the Junior claim mem bers, with Sheridan Wyman Cicnts serving aa general chairman. The formal prom will follow on Saturday evening, May I, be tween the hours of 9:0o p m. and 1:00 a.m. Couple will dance to the live music of a combo from Paitro. Chairman of the decorat ing committee la Erna Winchest er. Claa advlaora are Mra. Ber- nice Struckmrler, and Pete Glennle. Com I a j Events FRIDAY and tAlUkDAY. April 23 and U Sprlnv lummoft fal. Tfl-C bulldlnq, I cum. I ft p.m. SATURDAY. A pf U 24 and Carnival, lair pavilion. upper at pjn. SUNDAY. April M Wrangler 1 1 a j d j. Wrangler ground i. politick. MONDAY. April 21 Chamber si Comnterc. Wogan WbeoL neon. Order of Eastern Star, Masenl? ball. I p-nt. WEDNESDAY. AprU 21 Odd Fellows. lOOr bait I pja. THURSDAY. April 71 SareptomtsU. nooa. Nash Home is Scene Of Family Gathering Kater Sunday waa observed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Nash when their child ren and their families joined them In the first family reun ion In several years. Coming from Beaverton were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parsons and daughters Terr! Lee and 3-month-old Michelle Kene, who was baptized Sunday morning at the Methodist church. Others present Included Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer and dau ghters of lone. Mr. and Mra. Lyle Jenaen and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Connor and daughter of Heppner. Open House Reception To Honor B. Spencers A nubile reception will com pllment Father and Mrs. C. Bruce Swncer at their home at 340 Green Street on Saturday evening, April 24. honoring the couple on their th wedding anniversary. Plans are being made by their children. Inviting their many friends In the area to call be twecn the hours of 7 and 9:00 Bill Nelson p.m. to extend their greetings I to their parenti. Only ELGIN Harmonizes so beautifully in every decorating theme Club Marks Charter Anniversary Date; Plans Service Project lal recognition was flvrn the founding f the HoroplimUt cluti of llrppner at Its meeting in (ill M and 1 as It reach.! I. a i f Ih annlvetasry on April 10 Two of the il original rrwmtwra Mra. hd (.only and Mrs. Loal Parker wh signed the rhartt-r April 10, I!M(i. were prer. Other still on the ineintM-rnhlp loafer, although Inactive, ai Mrs. (irar-f Ni hernon. Mrs. I-ta Thomas, Mrs Olive Hughi-a and Mrs. Lucy lingers. Al the April 13 meeting, Mrs Jrn ll'ger, chairman of IJie pub lic relations committee, i.rt'avnt rtl a drawing of the 'Tree of UtV of the organization, wilt Its roots naming !h chartrr niertil.ers. and the limr.s sus talnlng the names of the club officers on Its branches) through the past 17 years. A sx-ia tiub birthday rake was prepared by Mrs. Gonty, courtesy chairman. ' DiM-uaalon waa held on the servk-e trolft recently voted by the club, the sponftorln of a (ldi n Age club for retired and clocrly cttirens of the comrr.ur.- ny. Mrs. Wavel Wllklnwwi re- ported on the aurc-css whtrh a similar club has had In lle.m i .ton and felt it would be well received here. Mrs. RoUe Fulleton, you-h (hal'tnan, announced plans for serving the t'lk'a youth parties on Atrll 23 and 30 for h gh tchoo) and Junior high studi-nta In lleppner and lone. The K-kh llre furnishes the refresh- merits and Soroptimtst members prepare and serve the food. I wo members- Mrs. w en sner- man, president, and Mrs. Charles Starks, recording a-?re-lory, will represent the clun at the 47th Northwestern Regional conference In Salem thla wecl -end. with headquarters in tne Marlon Hotel. It la expected that com of the 95 cluba In the Noithwesteni Region will be represented, with clubs of Cer tain, Eugene, Hood River, Klamath Falls MrMlnrvlUe, Oregon City. Portland and The )alls assisting the host Sa!ein iH'h. Rhea Unit to Host Homemakers' Festival M TOT for contemporary decora TW ilunnln d InlrtoU dMlfil captufat compmftta. Hkh (old flMthftd llMd, apufl Srita did lin hcfmanlilrif ctnur, kria nd. Mm avMaW In Mdltr rniMR Slack. fXatchlng Sconcsi 11S pr, v V v for Spanish aecors Plans for the Homemakers Festival luncheon, to be held May 12. were discussed by mem hers of the Rhea Creek Crange Home Economies Club which met last Thursday at the Elmer Palmer home for a potluck iun cheon and business meeting In the afternoon. The Rhea Creek Extension Unit will host the festival and the Grange 11. E. C. will prepare and serve tne luncneon at me Grange hall. Grange members are encour aged to enter the Oregon tiranee White Satin sugar 25th canning contest. Mrs. Deipha Jones. Pom ona II. E. c chairman, reports that entries must be at the Lex ington Grange Hall by May 3 to be judged. This year each Pomona Grange will have Its preliminary contest to determine county win ners in each of the contest's two classes. Two Identical jars or glasses of products will be en tered In the Pomona contests, where one jar or glass will be opened and Judgea. The second jar or glass of the first place winner In each class Is to be de livered to the State Grange Home Economics committee at the State Grange Convention, to be held In Pendleton on June 14. where Judging of the con test's state finals will be held. The contest Is limited to Grange members. Another item of business on the Rhea Creek HEC agenda Is a clean-up day scheduled lor Monday, May 10, at the Grange hall. The c'ub will convene for a potluck luncheon Thursday, May 20, at the home of Mrs. Harold Wright. Ai Ipanlih it th motif from which IU aiqultlt dMlgn It drtwn. Not Ictant wrought Iron drawn to lu canlar dial by aoun lin nlvar color and matad by black fmara canlar, Polithad bran baial, idid bratt handa. Matching; Sconces $11.99 pr, for Danish decors Thla award-winner of walnut flnlthad, hand rubbad, moldad 1 1 wood faithfully rapro ducaa lha baauty and warmth of tha original wood carving. Follihad brail aalal, tolid bran fundi. Matching Seoncaa 119.95 pr. But 3 of a complete decorator Ktection of famed ELGIN WALL CLOCKS: Modern, Early American, Prwinaal, Contemporary, Danish, Far Eatt, Spanish, Traditional, "Something from tha leweler'a. Is always aomethlng special." JEWELERS Ctnra Hours! 9 A.M. TatP.M. TT' A li MSiaa siak f ROSITA Texlurs and tailofing..,two important Lasso fashion points. Hera wa rnmhin nubby cotton and acetata Twrl innk Chaleco with hopsacking pants. Shirt is Dacron polyester and cotton. All fea ture the 6 Doint back voka ChaleCO alSO COmea in Rlna white, black, daisy, lilac pink, putty red.' tnaieco ana snirt. 30 to 38, $9.95 each. CowDcllo Luncheon Hosts Slate Officers Ttirre of the stale officers will ! sarc(al true! of the Mwrrow County CllrliVa whrn they hold their srirs no host lun cheon on Mnlay. April atartlns? at U rmun in the llrppnrr Hotel dining rorna. Attndln will b Mf Hn kins, stale president, liakrr; Mrs. Mart; pa vis. state vicv ireI drnt, Nrth Poiii-r. and Mrs. Jean Weljfht, at ate san retary, Ourkee. Wives and daughters of all stuck tewwrra of Morrow county are urared to aitrna, wnnther they have or have not paid the l'-fO dues. Tills luncheon win o the last bljf rneetlnff until fall. Weak-ttvd ouaats of Mrs. Lucy Peterson were her son In law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. liar- rel I'loyhar, their daughters, Su sie and want, or ri'kane. Wn., m r.t t. jf kiivKlMr lui.. son, and BUI Haute of Portland. OvOTtuojbt fnasta early this week at the C. J. D. Rauman home were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vawtera of Boise. Ida. Mrs. Vaw ters Is a niece of Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. lob Beae and their three children, were Eas ier week end gueat at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Korrewt Burken bine. Mra. Roue and Mrs. Burk enbine are sisters. I Wolff Heads Slate Of Installed Officers For Elks' Club Year Pact Flatted Ruler Bb flat! led the lli-t'pner Ilka lrMlce No In the rtta!latin if a alate of 11 new offkerrs and five trus lrr at Ms firt rtittlntf In April Dr. Wallace if. Wolff will rrve as the Ifatlpes esalted rul er fur the 19C5 Mi term of office Other officer seated during the ceremony were Jerry uag- irrn, leaillnir knU'ht; CHnt Ae-e. loyal knight: Claude Graham. lecturing knight: Glen Ward, tM-cretary; xl Iirk, treasurer: Marshall fvgren. inner guard: Calvin 8herman, tiler: One Or wick, rharlaln; Darrel padberg. esquire; and Kenneth Turner, organist. Installed as trustees for their ensuing terms were II. D. Me- Curdy. Jr. Terrel L. Benge, Le- Roy Gardner. Rill Collins and Conley Lanham. Lodge committee chairmen a ftolnt merits announced at the April 8 session Included Calvin Sherman, entertainment; How ard Pettyjohn, youth activities: John Vensrd. auditing; Marlon Green, unbudgeted Items; P. W. Ma hooey, presiding Judge of the subordinate forum; P. W. Ma honey. Cutsforth Park: Clint McQuarrie. social and commun ity welfare; Ambrose Crispin. visitation; Jerry Daggett, hospit ality; Jim Farley, Upsalion; KA mttniM CAXITTX flXCS. Taandarv. ApU 12. IMS Dick, advisory budget; Marshall lvgren. Mat hi alar I an; Charles Rugglrs and Wes 5her- man. photographers; Clint Agee, Mc.Namer atholarahip; LaVern Van Msrtrt, Jr, fltualiatlc coach; Jack Van Winkle, tlks I!e CUkIc; Milt M'frn. NatHnal Fuundatlon; Jerry Daegrtt. In trinaiion; (ilrn Ward, nation al aide commlaaloner, and James Drtaroll, building committee. Mr. tastd Mrs. Craaat Vnkm nd daughter Becky and Kathy of ratrfleid. Calif, arnt several days last week v luting relatives In lleppner and lone, They wer guests of her parents, Mr. and Mr. Albert Connor in Heppner ntj fcU parents, tit, anJ Mr. Cleo lrske In .r Mr. Irak la a M(h schwd athletic coach In Fairfield and the fam ily waa en Ming their aprlng vacation here. ARTICLES NEEDED NOW! For Band Carnival COUNTRY STORE Leave On Doorstep Friday, April 23. Students Will Pick Up Between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. or Bring To Fair Pavilion Building Anytime Friday or Friday Evening. JAM ALICE LOVE 3'2 LB. STRAWBERRY $1.19 APRICOT-PINEAPPLE. . . 99c LASAlGiEl 40 oz. 2 tor f go Beef and Chicken RA VIOLA 40 oz. 2 for 99$ Nestle' Reg. 99c COCOA MIX 79e 7iiaiti B DURKEE'S FRESH IOC MAYONNAISE 49c Modess Reg. $1.73 SANITARY NAPKINS $1.29 rHOZXN. KSAOT TO COOK Chef Boy-R-Dce PEZA CHEESE - m SAUSAGE 5 SUNSHINE LARGS SIZE HI-HO CRACKERS OR VANILLA WAFERS 3 f0' 'l.OO mm Cabbage lb. 9 ASPARAGUS lb. m USDA GOOD AND CHOICE lade Coiiif lb. 49 Am Cull .lb. 65 1 LB. PKG. Carrots ea. SO ORANGES 9 lb. $1 OREGON CHIEF mimm l ib. 39 BY THE CHUNK DEL MONTE SWEETHEART BRAND Sllml I 2 I1j)o KM $119 PRICES GOOD APRIL 23 and 24 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614. (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps Pants, Zl to 30, $12.95. STYLE 5605... 5G1 5 NEW YORK STORE PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNER CREEN STAMPS GREEN STAMPS 5 369 S. Main Pendleton