ncrrNEi cAirnx TiMta. nuwdonr. Aptu is. ins County Court Proceedings Kesolutlon: Authorizing rul Greenfield Grange No. W Jone, County Judiie, to apply 579, da .... lor Federal Utnt In, the ,Laird Co. Ct. Exp. maltrr of flood damage, airnea jimM DrUeolL r. M, January lR. 1 Slur. SUim & Env. .... 2500 Supplemental Agreement: Mf (Columbia Basin El wi.ta Tan I unit 1 ... . . . . row lounir - . mission, re Farm Heapi"1 Signed March 11. l'.3- Lice rim-: Morrow County and v b-hniirk Hro. re repair Ol vasts - - - . fhMvl damage, i Ir-on: Mufrow County and leC.. 5hcr. Comm. Fa. Donald E. Clark. Sher. Jail Exp. ........ ! Robert B. Abrams, Clr. Signed March It ' CI. Spec. Atty (Msnaaru uii .o.. iner. l! Cf Exp. . 5 00 - IW ... 5 00 .7$ 00 35.00 Public Notice. LUrte Underbill, re rHf flood damage. igned March IHtVY .nsi 13 30 10.00 .... 33 3.1 Inc. .5$ 1.W.55 8-IS . , Vholl fill rtrt j.-... .. ...... - ......... n Col. Baa. F.loo.. Sher. Comm. I Kd : Finier Business Mach.. Co. License: Morrow County and ct. Sup. 16 67, Clk' Ahheek. re repair of flood in ltl' da mace, signed March 22. li"Y Humph rey Drug1. Clk'a Order: In the Matter of the , pMl(ic N. W. Bell, Cur. transfer of Motor License Fund fAp to the General Flails Fund, tgn- ,Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.. sl March 19. 1SWV. Cth. Rep Appointment: Ktta rarker, asjN. ind. Laundry. bookkeeper for the Koad De- Cthe 4 40 partment. Flood Disaster work. 'Ore. Ct.. Jurors t Motion: Concerning leasing of i witnesses 95 R2 trucks for Road Dept.. seconded Robert Mautx, Clr. Ct. Spec, and canted. Atty 45.40 Tha lollowtn warrant were) See. of St. Data Pr oc.. Issued on th Control Tundi Flee. .... 9 37 E. O. Ferguson. Co. Comm.. tBillie Alsup, Jr.. Juv Grt.JU) Mileage ...... 19.50 1 Keep Oregon Green 50.00 Walter II. Have, do 59 70 lYndletonHeppnor Paul W. Jones. Co Ct.. Sup 5i.0u , Frt.. Surp. Fds. Exp. .... 114 TH Phillip Goodall. Sher. Car Exp First National Bank. Sal. Pub. Emp. Ret. Bd., Sal. 1H12.SS, Soc. Sec. 202.88 St. Tax Comm. Sal.- . St. Ind. Acctd. Comm.. Sal. Safeco Life Ins., Sal rr Pin t, Ailmin. do 2S.75 M.4S'Mry Bryant. LVp. 276.52. 633.55 Co. a. 33.31 309.Srt I Elvira Irbv. IVp 2716.3 IJlllan Sweek. Off. Clk 61.04 40fi.76,phillir CkKKlall. Spec. Dep. 71.66 177.40 'Lorraine Ball. Off. Clk 232 34 Edna Chally, H. Nurse 231.12 58.SC Alma Green. Off Clk 9223 n. H Hudson. Jan. 322.M 20.7a In. 6 98 .. 27.68 , Marcaret JorRensen. Off Blue Cross of Oregon. Sal 87.93. DA Misc. 11.43. Ina. 44.00 Tub. Emp. Ret. Bd., Soc. Sec. Qrtly Exp. Humphreys Drug Co.. Sher. Sup. 11.93. Assess. Inc. 268, Co. Ct. Sup. 6.90 Heppner Gazette-Times, Sher. Sup. 10.50. Off. Pub. 45.66. Assess. Sup. 2 60, Elec. 27.79. Just Ct Sup. 6th. 300 Richfield Oil Corp.. Sher. Car Exp Standard Oil. do Texaco, do Dunham Printing Co. Clk's Inc. Assoc. of Co. Treas., Treas. Sup. - Marshall Val. Serv., Assess. Inc. Roderick Thomson. Assess. Fid. Wk. 112.48. Sup. 3.30 15.40 64.42 . 6.89 15.16 .. 3.00 85.76 . 3.08 15.00 2.00 Phirs Pharmacy. H. Nurse Sud. McKesson & Rob bins, H. Nurse Sup. 156.51 L. D. Tibbies. DO. do 70.00 Standard Oil Co.. nurse Car Exp. - Ernest Jorgensen, Just Ct 5th. Rent 25.00. Sup. 5.00. Tel. 34.42 Gilliam It Bisbee Hdwe., Cthse M ft R Co.. do Herman Green, do Col. Basin Elec. Co-op., Cthse. 75.62, Surp. Fds. 10.14 . John A. Pfeiffer, Cthse. .. City Water Dept.. do Herman Winter, DA Off. Rent 65.00, Cler. Help 111.81 176.81 Kilham Stationery & Printing, DA Sup. 2.50, Just Ct 6th Sup. 2.15 .... 4.65 St Pub. Wei. Comm., Assistance 2336.00 C. J. D. Bauman. Juv. 9.00 Turner, Van Matter & Bryant Ins 12.00 Daisy Gillespie, et al, Elec. 447.74 Lexington Oil Co-op, Park Fund 17.68 N. C. Anderson, Co. Agent, Wind Erosion Fd 4.96 Standard Office Equip., Assess. Sup. 4.70, Sher. Sup. 3.30, Clk's Inc. 4.40, Just Ct, 6th, Sup. 13.50, Co. Ct Sup. 90.15, Treas. Sup. 2.90 118.95 Lott's Electric, Cthse. Repairs 106.97 L. D. Tibbies. D. O., Med. Inv. 85.00 G. E. Nikander, Surp. Fds. Exp. 15.00 S. C. Russell, Elec. .. 5.00 Clk.. 5th S5.19 iL. D. Tibbies. Phys. 24.09 143.40 Kenneth Robinson, Juv 71. 6b iBillie Alsup. Jr., do 71.66 Comm. Fd 4T.57 Maurice Byrd. Cir. Ct. Rep - H0.5J Nancy B. Dixon. Surp. Fds. 31.23 Tha following wan ants were issued on the Geo. Roads Fund: First Nat l Bank 765.40 St. Tax Comm - 226.10 Pub. Emp. Ret. Bd 590.38 St. Ind. Accid. Comm 514.19 Safeco Life Ins. 46.71 Bke Cross 14l.8o Gilliam & Bisbee 31.82 Ford's Tire Serv. 2 25 Senter Tool Serv 20.88 Goodyear Serv. Stores . 290.31 D. H. Jones & Son 10.00 Lexington Imp. Co 659.42 Heppner Auto Parts 158.88 Fulleton Chev. Co. 52.08 Heppner Auto Sales 1-60 stone Macn. to nj.-t 2153 89.55 iai2 22.08 . 4 58 3233 23.00 30.00 114.48 Col. Basin Elec. 22.41 John A. Pfeiffer 1-78 City Water Dept 4.70 Heppner Gazette-Times .... 3.96 Davis Eastern Sup. Co 298.63 Col. Basin Elec. 33.50 Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co. 8.60 Union Oil Co. 67.65 Pacific N. W. Bell 13.90 N. W. Ind. Laundrv 6.12 Labor Set Sal. 6620.28 40637 427.11 warrants wtr Rnnrl master Tha lallnrlna IuumI an tli Misc. Funds: Heppner Gazette -Times, Dog Fund West Publishing Co., UW UD. 15-40 20.00 club John Sewing Club Elects rne sew-a-suicn i-n mot at the home of Mrs. Prlvett April 8 and elected oi fioors Janet Gentrv Is Dresident Dianna Wright Is vice president. LlDDy ADramS IS setreiaiy, Cathy Sherman Is reporter and Lisa McCabe is recreation lead er. Our leader Is Mrs- Jonn Privett We made patterns lor our scissors holders. Our next moot! no will be Anrll 22. We have 15 members and 12 attend ed the meeting. Cathy Sherman,reporter PAY YOUR BILLS WHEN DUE and KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD Pioneer Service Credit information is most valuable No commissions charged on collections All money is paid direct to creditors Pionr service co.,mc. SINCE 1926 The Merchants' and Professional Men's Organization OREGON IDAHO UTAH NEVADA DIVISION Division Office: Eugene, Oregon WATCH FOB THE GREEN AND BLACK HANDBILLS WITH ACCOUNTS FOR SALE NOTICE Of ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION AND NCETIHU Notlr U herrbv siven In com pliance with Sc. 331 010. OU3, to the lee a I voters of School li. i.Lt tin H.l of Morrow County. State of Oregon, that the Annual Portion cf said iMstrtrt will be held at Heppner Flemen. tarv School Cafeteria. Rlvernide HU'h school. Boaniman; lone School Cafeteria: Lexinjcton City Hall. Rhea Creek Grange Hall. Rucs; and IrrUon School Multi purise RiHm. between the hours of 2:00 P. M. and 8.00 P. M. on the firm Monday of May, hetni: the 3rd Ujiv of Mav. liH)5. for the purpose of electinn one director intn Zine L Wardman. for Four Year term: .one ill. lone, for Five Year Term; and Zone IV. Lexington, Five Year Term. Dated this 15th day of April. 195. Howard Cleveland. Chair man, Board of Director Beverly Gundcrson, Dist rict Clerk. Morrow Coun ty School District No. Rl (7-Sc) NOTICE Of MEETIKO Of COUNTY BOARD Or EQUAU1AT10N Nolle Is hereby Riven thai on Monday, Mar 10. I'.tk the Board of Equaltiatlon of the Counl) of Morrow. Oregon. Ul tnrrt at th County Cout1hiue In Hepp ner. Oregon, to publicly examine the eimTit rolls for said county of Morrow for the ear, Una and to correct all emus In aluatlon. dekcilption or gual iiies of land, tot or other prop erty avesHt by the ar. The ratio between avtesseit and true cash value adopted by the Board of Equalization pur suant to OK3 30IUVH U 23 Hr cent It hall be the duty of the per sons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed. IVttl- Ions for adjustment il as.-is-ments must le filed wlih the BMrd of Equalization not taler than the Monday of the week following the find week that the Board U In sson ROD THOMSON. ASS15SOR County of Morrw, Oregon 7-9ct NOTICE Or MEETING Or BUDGET COMMITTEE FOR THE cmr or boardman The budget committee of the Citv of Boardman has scheduled a public meeting at 8 p.m. on April 20. i;u for the purpose j or reiviving ana considering tne budget dcxniments and budget message for the fiscal year, 1965 tk. A stcond meeting will be held Mav 4. 1963. The meetings will he held in the city hall. Boardman. Oregon, and any per son may appear and discuss the proposed fiscal program of the City of Boardman with the bud get committee at those times. Ernabel Mittclsdorf Budget Officer 7-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been (tul v antxilnto.1 hi- the Count v Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. Stale of Oregon, as administrator of the estate of Arthur Keene, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims against the estate of said lie. ceased are hereby reaulred to present same with proper vouch ers duly verified to the under signed at the office of Winter and Balfe, Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publUhed this Sth day of April. l'.65. BRYCE KEENE. Administrator WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law Heppner, Oregon (6-10c) I0NE NEWS hit Otfiet AtWad Mti Women Fellowship rtirl al the I'nlied Churvh of i hrl.t lt Thurdv afternoon wtih mem ber of the Mate Women' Fel lowship present to lead the dis eidolon on "Witness The Chrlt Ian C-lllnu" Mrs. IWlan Tlch enor, Sherwwl, who Is tte -rrilrnt of Women Frllow. hip was pretent In ad.lllion to Mr Harold Miller. Milw ankle, and Mr. Thetore Kuter, INrt land, both pat preldenta and menler of the t'rmmll"i 'f jiy, Life, and Wotk; and Mr. Tom Carter. Abland. tate wit-tie-w chairman. Mr. W. V. Craw ford and Mr. Walter H. Crowell were hontewie for the coffee lour- . . . . Mr. and Mr. Rov A. Ilnd ktmm and family moved back Into their home on Friday. They were floodi-d with It Im he of water In the house 11 tkvem ber 22. and have had the flrt floor cmpletcly remHleled due to the damage done by the water. lone High sthool band mem ber accompanbsl by their di rector. Carol Miller, drove to La Gramie on Saturday to partlcl- ' pate In the Eastern (hegon , Mule rtmpetltln They iKrlv. ed a rtadtng of T of tha Mh rt (iiU ruteltiU ta th tl t duuion lor -tooU under lii Hi band hld a tMrvlUntnary concert on March 1? and will hold th aprtnf cotM-ert on My 11 Gary Moiran n ten pend ing hi Minj tacatloti at the hine of hi parent. Mr. and Mr Milton Mrgan lie returned ' Columbia BaMn College on : bunday. I ilie piimary drpattmenl of th foiled Church of t'titut en oel an Easier Egg hunt and patty al the 4 hup It on Saturday ttt-tnoon. Mr. and Mr Franklin t.lnd utrom are H-ndlne a few da In srtland on hunru. Changing mall routes In this area July I will make little or no difference in arrival or dis patch of the mall at the m oftie In lne aeoofdlnt to Vt matter Jun Ot onnof. Mall will aniv from llinkl arokimately half hour later In the morn ing than It ha been, bid at ntw being reeie.l If rairvlng the mall from leinon to lon to th Cesit Slar It.Hite. whlrh for about eleven mile rl"W it. Anote lnirtriM mar ob tain further Information frnn the hm tifflre. tluest at the home of Mr. and Mr. A. V. Crowrll thl week ar Mr. Crowell tler, Mr, bertha I od and daughter, Maude Cool frvnn Chelan. Wn. On Monday p citing Mr. Crowell had a fam ily dlntM-r hofiorlng Mr. Cool on her ett birthday. rho preaent wer Mr. and hUn. l lierstrom. Mr. ami Mi Howard truwrll and family, Mr. and Mr I'd Patton and family, and Mr a. I it I t;ollliom. crnr or itEf ner NOTICE Or BUDGET COMMITTEE HEARING The Budget Committee of the Citv of Heppner has scheduled a public meetlnr? at H (H) P.M.. Monday. April 2tHh. 19W. al the City Hall, for the purpose of re ceiving and considering the bud get document and Budget Me. sage for the fiscal year. l!t3 1!. Any jK-rson may apear and discus the proposed liscal pro gram of the Citv of Heppner with the Budget Committee at that time. Dated: April tt, lfXVV CARL SPAI'LDING. Budget Officer. 7 C PUTMAN FLYING, INC. WEED SPRAYING CALL HOTEL HEPPNER PH. 676-9623 -e i A 11 m . A VAAAT7 1 IS OREGON REALLY A FIR-LINED TOURIST TRAP? Yet. But a trap that leave the victim revived, revitalized, and natond. It' th kind of trap that mora ataU should t. But tbey jutt don't have our trapping. They don't ha v our CraUr Lake, our Mt. Hood. They don't have our fun-filled Coast. They don't have our Portland Zoo and baby elephant, our high mountain lake and meadows, or historic Gold Ruah towns. They don't have our ash-filled waters, our park and fields, our Blighty Columbia River dams and reservoir. They don't have our Ashland Shakespearean Festival, our Portland Roe Festi val, oar Pendleton Round-up, our many fine restaurant, our eight and sound. It's up to you to get tha trap. Pacific Northwest Bell will help provide the bait. Tourism is one of Oregon's major Industrie. For reasons both selfish and unselfish Pacific Northwest Bell want to help bring even more tourists to our green and lovely land. (Selfishly: we realize that tourists make phone calls. Unselfishly: we grew up around here.) To help you lure, entice, and otherwise convince your poor, unfortu nate, out-of-state friends that Oregon i the place to spend this year' two weeks (or months) your PNB has gath ered together four booklet w call them "The Convin ce" that extoll our state's PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL Part of the Nationwide BeB System many virtues. There's a special Convineer on fishing, plus a complete set of beautiful booklet packed with things to see and do in Oregon. Just fill out the coupon; we'll be glad to send them along for you to send along. We'll also send along a record entitled "The Fabulous Sound of the Pacific Northwest," ferry boat whistles, bucking bronco, tTM-felling, Indian chant, seagull, jazz bands, and like that. If you can't convince them by booklet and such, you're sure to make a sale by just asking your friends to play it by ear. We'll also end along a supply of handy litter trapping Litter Bags for use in your car (to help keep Oregon even cleaner and tidier for both us natives and our guests.) What' in it for you? IWtHM v re ss '4 iMf-ii-l:."." We thought you'd never ask. Simply this: tourists spend money. They provide employment, they boost the state's economy. And another thing. If we're as good as we think we are, they'll keep coming back year after year. (Besides that, you get the free litter bags.) Dear Pacific Northwest Beit Box 8999. Portlind. Ortgon 97208 (Or phont 228-7082) ll Zap 1 1 get the point. Sand ma a sat of Convlncm. fl On second thought, better sand me along ( 2, 3, 4, or 6) sets became I I'm a pretty friendly fellow, (And don't forget the free litter bags.) fwS22f WW : Name- Address City State- .Zip- ES