GAXTTTt TlKtt. TtsrdT. Aprtl 1 IKS Project Community Gives Boost to By Auction Sale Br MAST UC HARLOW txjT.VtlAX-Xrt pr.vwda cf the Community Auction Ml keld here Saturday to tl mon ey for the recreation program In lh Tf-w Umrn of War.1man will he appruxtmatfly Se5. accord In to Mr. Arthur Allrn. renetal chairman. The aflatr wa spon sored by the llwn Economic elub of Greenfield Grange, and they were assisted by the grange, the Hm Kstenslon Unit. the Boardman TiHcum clcb. the Garden Club, Mother CJub of Boardman t;rde school St. Mry Altar Society. Ladles Aid .x-iety of Community church. Future Farmers of Amer ica and the 4 11 Council. Joe Yaiea of Walla Walla. Wash, was the auctioneer, and hi wife Mt wa cleric They were assisted by Mr. and Mr. Rv Brock of rasco, Wuh. m A noon luncheon was sold at the grange hall and a ham loaf dinner at the achool cafeteria In the evening. Honor ItoU Announced The following atudenta at Riverside High achool were on the honor roll for the past nine weeks: A roll, with a grade ave rage of S V) to 4 00 enlors, Barbara McVorkle. Terry McCoy and Rov Obermeler; Juniors, iv.nnv Vnviwv and Tonl Olln: sophomores. Mike Partlow and Shirley Dixon; freshmen. Carol- vn Sure and lieoree fcenney. a roll, with an average of 3.00 to joyed, as wrll as prize blooms - . . I i. W W.4 j, .i tf.VI 1MUa aKAU 3.50 seniors. Lyle Ilobbs. Ed mona Jones, John Lathrop, Jen leoe McElrov. Anna Mae Mc Quaw and Lana Wilson; Juniors, tor dessert by the hostesses, to Mike Smith, uienn aonmeaer me 17 memocr ana nrf rhuck Jackson: sophomore Chester Phillip. Carol Anne Harper and Frinell Walker, freshmen. Betty Eppenbach, Dar lene Colly horn. Gene Golly horn, Anna Obermeler and Linda Ta tone. Mrs. Lester Leroux was host ess for the SL Mary's Altar So ciety at her home Tuesday eve nine of last week, with Mrs. Peter Matt as co-hostess. Plans were discussed for the First Communion and a tenta tive date set for Mother's Day. May 9. A breakfast will follow at the grange hall for all people of the parish and friends. Mrs. S. R. Wilkle will be the chair man In charge. Other commit tees Include: food Mrs. Dave Closner and Mrs. Bob Thornhill; serving Mrs. Milt Barron; hall and music Mrs. Shirley Zlelin ski; flowers and decorations Mrs. Dante Daltose. Mrs. Alvln Haman will be In charge of the church for April. A general cleaning will be done preceding Easter with all mem bers participating. Election of officers was post poned until September. The next meeting will be a dinner at the Elks in Hermlston April 27 at 7 p.m. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Don (Shir ley) Bellamy of Moro, a former resident here on April 2. Besides her husband she is survived by six children. Funeral services were held in The Dalles April 6. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bundy (Irene Potts) are the parents of a daughter, Elaine Kay, born March 16 at Arco, Idaho. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts of Boardman, and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Bundy of Her miston. Great-grandparents are M's. Ida Potts of Friendswood, Texas, and Mrs. Etta Nickel of Pendleton. The baby weighed seven pounds, nine ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts have return ed from a visit at the Bundy home. Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Carnegie of Portland visited -three days last week at the home of Carnegie's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs They also went to Umatilla to see Mrs. Briggs, who is seriously 111 in the hospital there. . Mrs. Elmer Messenger has re ceived word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Dora Henne, 80, who died March 29 in Grand Island, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Howell Brown of Mead, Wash, were weekend vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Herrin. Mrs. Darold LaChance was hostess for a party at her home Saturday afternoon in honor of the 7th birthday of Connie Clos nr r.tix.r included Mrs. Dave Cloiner and Bonnie. Vickie and J vnno" Airs, warvi unin mu Charles, Steve and Bonnie; and Kathy ana snerry narrin. Mrs. Louise earwooa was non- nrost on the occasion of her birthday Monday when a group of friends held a surprise juncn eon party for her. Present were Mrs. Glen Carpenter. Mrs. Zearl Gillespie, Mrs. Cecil Hamilton. Mrs. Florence Root. Mrs. Tann Vfarlnu.- M Charles Andereze of Pendleton, and Eva LaChance OI L,a itranue. Cafeteria menus for Riverside Hitrh school and Boardman r.raH school for the week of April 1216 are as follows: Mon day meat loat. wnippea pota toes, buttered carrots and rolls, and fruit: Tuesday hot turkey sandwiches, buttered beets, veg etable sticks and fruit salad; Wednesday hamburgers, but tered corn, picKies, jeuuee ana ice cream: Thursday spaghetti with meat sauce, green beans, French bread and Jello; Friday deviled egg sandwiches, peas and carrots, vegetable sucks, pickles, fruit and cake. Bread, butter and milk are served with all meals. The Home Economics Club of Greenfield Grange will meet April 14 at the home of Mrs. Guy Ferguson at 12:30 p.m., with Mrs. Claud Worden as co-hostess. We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat I Of Charge VyynyX 1 Heppner, Visffjgvg-" Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULES Tiiesaav Cattle":Z'l Wed., Thurs, Sheep Any Day Follert Meat Co. Ph. 567-6651 ... Hermlston, Oregoa . On Hermlston- McNaxy !2l!ZZLaaaBaaaBaaaBi Deouty in Nature Captured on Slides, Seen on Club Program Member and guest of the Heppner Mother' club fathered at the hn of Mi. Rod Murray in lone Monday evening lor U April buine and peoerarn meeting. Co tujkirka ff thrf eve. nine wa Mr. We Sherman, Report by Mr. Nel Anderson, chairman of the nominating commute, announced the It officer. Selected were Mr Everett Struckmeier. presi dent: Mr Herman Winter. ice fretldrnt; Mr. M. Stephen. ec reiary-treaauirr. and Mr. Hob Henry, procram chairman. Guct of the evening were Mr. Robert Benson. Mr. Jim Hilderbrand. Mr Jack Krek'er. Mr. Lynn IVrn and Mm. Fredrtck T. Martin. guet peak rrA no hot dinner was planned for Friday evening. April when Bob Lowe will five a trav el talk, accompanied by the knowing of Ude. of hut recent trip to England. The grandeur and beauty of the primitive areas around ML Jefferson were presented by Mr Martin from her personal collec lion of colored aUdet taken on family camping trip. The fam iiv htkor followed the Skvlin Trail along the tlmberline ot the mountain In August, wnen snow still held to the top of the mountain and wild flowers were In a profusion of color. She found the area to be an ideal "photographer's paradise." and was able to capture many beautiful scenes on film. Beauty of flowers grown ai homes of Garden club members In and near lone were aiso en Cowboy-Airman Ends Long Trek C.eor i CWr. Iiwr ahmn at the i'oiHt.nt Air Stathm, Kadar niuadrtm. h rvMpleteU a Tvw mile fV-k by hr-tk to hi home at Vettin, Nev, tt" londn. nMng l hU u-4Unt budvtie that It cvuM tw ' Vr4 tT the uc'e.ful coin .J 11. Iril H di Crabtree f lone. frvn route and floods had taken Ihrlr toll III Wrth ' 'y tvt-mne eanlankerous ami Gexi;e 1 H him lchind Flood delayed Copper at kimit rly. but by mid Frtruaiy he had reached Burn. He Hirk rd n the IS'n lUmh Ihri fr time and ahottly after, uhen hln k.4ie U't t lanv- nr he traded It I or anomei M, iraotree ? . . I - t v " , i Zk. lUwaTh 24 ear-! K,,.t the H.pu- dd etVntJm anile,! at U.v .11 inKumed vt hi. pro VeilngtorT'on M.nh 24. t.klng re, and HurJav In fall flower shows. The evening ciosea wnn serving of a raspberry refrlgera present i.a nbinlhi att,l Ihln itt lo make It. He averaged 23 mile lr day. and hi bet day iwrr ed .VS mile from the Bill tvt4ng Kanch near the Jackwm M mnt am. to Imlay. .Nev, mrth of mnemihva, arrival to a acclaimed In hi hometown paper with a three col Jinn spread and picture. Mr. Crbtree has a clippini that he cnt. Cwpcr, who wa diM-harted eail thU rr. dxlded on the venture as a result of rrartee with hi airmen buddies. mot of whom came from the eat. TTu vung airman atd that he could walk all the way home to Nevada and never mo t an un friendly person. One airman re Joined that It couldn t be dne even by horseback, and this wa a challenge that George frit moved to accept. He bought the saddle horse from the itabtrees. acquired a pack animal and set out on Jan uary 15. figuring to travel the back country. Right away, he found weather lo be agalnM him Heavy snows blocked his him Dm iiilKt-tahle dV IH Hat eiir.g w In weather of 10 de gree In-low iu-ro. Mountain proved on of the outktanttng sights on the trip, ruing DUU feel from the deM-rt fliH. Collar llgure.1 the cxt of hi trip at about V"U He Mid that he wa overstocked with gear and proviklona and left consule. rble lig the route. While ret. InK at one point b-ide hU horvc a California traveler came along and took his picture as a "typual .Nevada cowboy resting a k:ig day's work" The tourist was chaerlned when he learned that Georga had had little previous epert- uiih horses. lr completine the trip. Cooper figure he has proved his point that westerners are truly friend ly and helpful. While at Condon, he wwked on the station paper. The- Scope." and wa a familiar figure at the Gaxette-Timea once per month. Tayroll deduction Hpt on ale at the Gaiette-Tlmes. LADY, THAT IS NO PLACE For Your CASH! It doesnt make sense to put dollars where they won't grow! PUT YOUR DOLLARS IN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT HERE WHERE THEY WILL BE SAFE AND GROWf AT. OUR LIBERAL RATE. OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY FIRST FEBOML SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION BOX 739 PENDLETON n Mm (sffBm WITH THE GREAT NEW 0 FOR THE GREAT NORTHWEST! yjy-f 1965 MUSTANG HARDTOP , Greatest roundup of standard equipment at the price . . . including Mustang's new "Six Shooter" enginel Other luxuries at no extra cost include deep foam bucket seats, sporty 3-speed floor shift, all-vinyl Interior, wall-to-wall carpeting, much more! CORRAL AND ROPE A MUSTANG WITH LOW, LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS JOIH THE SKMPEDE at Your ford dealer's m.WM AUTO SALES, Inc, HEPPNER. OREGON R. Doheriy Dies In Walla Walla Following a rkf hoapltallia- tlon In Wall Walla, Wn. Rose IVhertv oieo riway, April . the e of 74 year. She had made her home witn a Mr, Arthur Mranoe, In Walla Walla since l.'Jl. t?wiiii.Mt nt the Rosarv was Sunday. April 4. at 7:30 pm. at St. TatrUks cnurcn. wun rei ulem mass on Monday, April , at 10( am. lather Raymond It. Heard ered a celebrant. In terment followed in the Heppner lunli rv.-iti-trrv. with Swt-ett- ev Mortuary In charge of ar rangement. fr ttnhertv wa born In Don egal. Ireland. Auitust 27. H-'. the daughter oi rairnR n.i Marv IVhertv. Her husband. William T. Dohertv. preceded her Thursday Nlht Imdi Name .f Team W L f. M fi'e l Klrt National Batik M "J Ml ladle Vtl 2J OA. Iu.ele, In. 24 Jl 1.11 lurk Appliance 23 23 lluiophrt)' IU-ll linitf 2S Wishing Well 1" Hills riianiirtty It HlKh Ind Oame Virginia Wilkinson. 2tW: Hlth Ind. S'lle vnnr tjovirrrn. IHC Team Game Ml l-adie. Ii7; Hl h Team Srles llill'a Thar ins , :ti.l In death In liM7. She was a memlier of Assumption Oathollc ilumh In Walla Walla. Surviving are four sons. Tat rUk of I'endlrtorv Ttiomas t Phoenl. Art., It of Seattle, and Gene of lone; six grand children; a sister. Mrs. Margaret Oreegan of Kenton. Wn. and numertm niece ami ncjw. rt Iptaaaf . Team w ivirrson's Jewelry ."W J lund H J 2 tVrilral Market X) M lima' Apparel 2f mi. Msrket 2J Jsrk' Chevron Heppner Klks jfl aJ PMII Angela 17 , High Ind. Game Grace Jos4. K; High lod liverert, 4'.l; High Teant Gain . -Peterson's Jewelry. !!. rteata Women's Turner. Van Marter, and Knant Uitt'a HiHtrle , laird Variety pitrllicrg Machinery M 0. Grain Grower Klnru torp Islington tll Ooop'a Markil HlL'h Ind flame Kailene i..r. to-?- iiuii I ml Serli iu.ri..nhrii.k. S:i'.: lllch Team Series) l'll'erg Machinery, H'M. .U ; 31 2:1 21 9 Jl 21 S 22 24H .l .n 47 Mil- une STATEMENT OF SCHOOL BUDGET HEARING NOTICE I. hereby given that a meeting of the governing lly of Bh.eM Hon DlstrUi of -tUU M lnreresed on the 7th day of April. VMJS. at 7 .M 'I M oti k i; r m ... laM .Ml w ni..inafler perstm the budget for the tiscai year iw-ginninn . - - --- et lorth. ... . uitk iht moil In the trecedlna iSniKW-A V.'S. Tnd th'on' the budgH a. m forth In ., accm- PTSv fi'mtbudcel dorumenl U available for Inapertlon .1 nfnffTtt ihAm rJ nf A.M. and S P.M. The budget document may be obtained for $1 ). or part of It may be obtained for .10 per sheet. ...i,.i v-nu.nnv District ScluH.l Board Chairman FINANCIAL SUMMARY Tot the Enula fiscal Year Beginnl&a Julf I. 1HS Tax Vtj Computation Total Budget Requirements - Deduct: Total Budget Resources Kxecpt Tax to be Levied Revenue Necessary to Balance Budget - - Add: Est. of Taxes to be levied but not ree'd In ensuing year Taxes to be levied for Ensuing year Outside 6 Limitation Not subject to 6 Limitation -- Total Taxes to Be Levi en Total All Fund I 424.310 IX) 3tlfi.lM.0rt 10.000 00 376 i.u m 2Tfi.lfl3 00 120.ISO00 370.193.00 General Fund $ 67O..VW0O 424.310 00 2I.I!3 00 10.0110 00 2.V.193 00 r,193 00 2N3.193.00 Scried I LWllOOO Tor the Current fiscal Year Bealnnlna July 1. IKS Total Budget Requirements Deduct: Total Budget Resources Except Tax to Be Levied Revenue Necessary to Balance Budget - Add: Est. of Taxes to be levied but not ree'd In ensuing year Taxes to be levied for Ensuing Year Outside 6 Limitation Not Subject to 6 Limitation - Total Taxes to be Levied Approved by Budget Committee: March 10. 15 Adopted by District College Board March 10. 133. ; W2.714 0O 2 16 3OV.MM00 in.iimix) 315!K.S(0 l'.V.WH(X) 120.000U) 313.1WHO0 $ 432.714 00 2 pi.'.frtri () lH.V.rKH00 10.iam (O IDVJHHIX) $ 120.00000 Signed: Anna Marie Dale. Secrelaaw Robert Zcrba, Cnalrman Signed: Robert Hawk. Clerk Michael Kilkenny. Chalrmaai BUDGET SUMMARY General Fund HISTORICAL DATA 2nd Year Preceding (Actual) $ 30.426.57 61,9-10.19 22.767.25 8,923.54 124.057.55 96,544.36 1st Year Precedlna (Actual) $ 52.512.17 146.Kf8.26 41.332 26 15,615.67 256.328.36 144.435.G0 1220,601.91 HOO.763.96 auaaet i. Currant . Year $ 89.600.00 149.650.00 7,476.00 216.72600 185.988.00 H32.714.00 udgt Resources Approved Available CesJl Balance I 20.000.00 Revenue from Local Source except tax to . to be levied l-'nA lU-venue from Slate Source 2l,1?Jl! U Revenue from Federal Sources Iw.I.m Iroc-eds from nales J9.50U.WJ Total Budget Resource except tax to U levied - 424.310.00 District Tax Received In Year Levied District Tax Required to Ilnlance Budget 2I6.19.10U TOTAL BUDGET RESOURCES $ 670,503.00 OLD METHOD OF REPORTING $ 8,074.00 10.978.92 114.271.35 26,735 56 4.296.40 2.549.86 2,751.83 25.141.66 8.054.81 5,857.99 35,766.44 S 20,760.00 13.808.M) 194,617.84 32.902.11 7.255.39 4.9-W.99 4,088.91 1,872.35 21.983.63 18,363.50 3,36.1.78 43,825.08 $244,478.85 . $367,782.38 $ 30.049.00 16.140.00 238,961.00 25,5-12.00 18.000.00 4.300.00 6,725.00 670.00 3.419.00 37,934.00 2,500.00 38,474.00 10,000.00 $432,714.00 Administration Salaries Other Instruction Salaries Other Pupil Transportation Serv. Salaries Other Operation of Plant Salaries Other Maintenance of Plant Salaries Other Fixed Charges Capital Outlay Sites Buildings Equipment Operating Contingency TOTAL BUDGET REQUIREMENTS NEW METHOD OF REPORTING Budget Requirement Approved Administration Salaries $ 32'?Ia Otner 7,462.00 Instruction-Saiaries i'tH0, -Other 4M'oI-r Library Salaries ,H Other 13,650.00 Public Information Service Salaries nr.nnnn Other 2,500.00 Operation of Plant Salaries .2'5iMS lOther 17,255.00 Maintenance of Plant Salaries Other ..; 5,490.00 Budget Requirement Fixed Costs Student Equalization Student ServlcCH Bookstore Student Activities Salaries Other , Capital Outlay Sites Buildings ii..i.u:iu;-.... Equipment Operating Contingency TOTAL BUDGET KEQUIUEM ,...UI.. ENTS Approved . 35,55900 . 24,000.00 . 29,500.00 , 3,500 00 . 4,700.00 500.00 . 76.687.00 . 10.000.00 $670,503.00 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES FOR PERSONAL SERVICES GENERAL FUND HISTORICAL DATA 1st Year Current Year Budget Preceding No. of Tot. Salarr Personnel Classification (Actual) EmpL Budgeted $16,920.00 1 - $15,000.00 Administration 32,000.00 Supervisors Budget for Ensuing Year No. of Range EmpL Approved ,.$15,700-16,000 .. 9,600- 9,899 12,400-12,699 113,900.00 24 Instruction 179,200.00 Full-time 47.010.00 14 13,150.00 4 5,200.00 1 1 Instructlon 26,502.00 Part-time . 9,920.00 Secretaries 4,470.00 Custodial . 500.00 5,400 6,300 6.IKK) 6,900 7,200. 7,500 7,800 8,100 8,400 8,700 9,000 10,500 3,600-4,200-5,400-900-4,200. 4,500- 5,699 6,599 6,899 7,199 7,499 7,799 8,099 8,399 8,699 8,999 9,299 10,799 3,899 4,499 5,699 1,199 4,499 4,799 1 1 1 1 2 3 8 3 5 7 I 1 3 1 1 20 3 2 1 1 1 1 $16,000.00 9,800.00 12.500.00 5,600.00 12,800.00 20,370.00 56,175.00 22,050.00 38,215.00 47,670.00 8,190.00 8.400.0O 26,145.00 9,135.00 10,612.00 45,800.00 11,240.00 8,720.00 5,620.00 1,106.50 4,200.00 4,693.50 PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION No. of asaa'ti - td&j Tot Salarr $12,500.00 Admin Is. $6,250.00 Instruction $6,250.00