tfirrnci GAxrre time. Ttiir. Apm 1 m MORiOw couimm KtwsrArti Th. Ilernnrr Garette established March M. IBS! Th llcppner tS'TKmIS Nrtnbrr 1 1SST. Consolidated rcfcmary 13. 19:2. A Ai$oCIAtlOM WESLET A. SKtEMAK Editor and rublUhe Office Hour.: 8 a.ra. to 6 pm, as Second Class Matter. Important Election Coming Up Probably almost every resident of VoTS! fl5 bic 3 SS KKi considerable financial obligation for SSHm been Ironic that despite the people'. Interest in SrtfdS the? Sools. and In the taes ssss assess 'I as? Krrwn reflect the true wishes of the majority. .ikiw ... for the coming v ear. as uiey about It How ?ol the saddest thing, that can be heard on the day after eltK SakTlt VX ffieJSbS. If. Tuesday. April 13. betin ?d S pinSe' s7x polling places are listed elsewhere In this paper. An Officer Who Kept the Peace From the days of the Wild West, the man who has worn the stJT. comheer he wasU m-haUsher backed by thl statutes of the land, as well as-lf need be. SeftlJ.bh5SS. the concept has changed consld PrabWaor the better. The man on duty In a community rSVE riitbuT'S KgttS vh Isn't to Invite trouble and deal with it, but to Keep u e p?ac? l5e seeks more to prevent law violations than to solve tt'seems to us that Pat Mollahan has exemplified the real qulfSnfoU peace officer. In the 25 years .he served in official capacity here, he has helped keep the peace. True there have been crimes of violence, but they have been at a minimum. From reading O. M. Yeager accounts of elriy Hejpner history, we gather that it once was a pretty up. Sous ; place. Todayhowever, it is a peaceful community and IS L nuA it that wav We have no Juvenile delinquency 1? iffS&S knowlt S of Sir womeV fear to walk the "eetf at night We have no gang fights. Thievery and burg. nhweonspicuous one of those New York hoodlums with MaleaKScket and" long stick knife would be hi Heppner! He wuMt?i acutely self-conscious that it wouldn't take him long to slink out of town. . One might think that Heppner is so ui ft 'JS is little for our officers to do. But perhaps this condition pre vails because our officers know how to keep the peace and rTL&es where an officer may wear Us star Jike a whip and a cudgeL When he speaks no matter how brusauely he expects his commands to be obeyed immediately andmpHciUy.ByWs manner he agitates and invites retaUattom Contrast such an attitude with the demeanor of Pat Mollahan who retSdTom his post after his shift Sunday Strong but SSleTflSn. but courteous; requesting, not demanding. Always f good word. There didn't seem to be much trouble , when Pat was about the streets, but when you saw his big frame on the sidewalk, somehow you knew the city was in good hands. Though he has left the force, he'll still be around CWefG 1. man says, "He'll be back to ride with us, and we'll continue t0 Stti? manwho seems so peaceful within himself, will probably go right on helping to keep the peace. TEIESTE AND TAMMY SUITS $1795 to 2795 , - . m NATION At lOHOtlAt " u " " 5C1IAC6T,5N HELEN E. SHERMAN Associate rubiUhet Monday through Friday; 9 am. - DRESSES s295 52195 HATS srx t S500 Chaff nJ Wes -AntlU IWL IS TAST. and jttur the bijrireit at Utl' Some tf our iradrra may w mvt Uc quIu tion a w rrjHUt on wm ol the khenanifiaiu of lt Thurt day. but thia U the firt cham Wve had to te about thrm. THE IONK HIGH a-hol newt raper. The Cardinal." swp. ed u svd nd prvix-r lt wwk wtth tome bli: news, it , f"''1 the banner headline. -All Trfch rrs Restgn. Set May 1 as Ut Uav." That wai a ahix-ker. The tame front page carried the tory. -Stat Athletic AMoclal; Ion riaces lone on Probation. It aid that thU aicmmod lnm an imiuent when Everett HoUteln. principal, burned the hemp from a bket at a town team basket ball game In Heppner and from another when Coach Gordon Meyers threw a clip board on the floor. Still another story told of the lone school being robbed, and a fourth declared, -lone. Hepp ner Schools to Consolidate ext Year." When the goggle-eyed reader turned to page two to finish readlne the atorles, he saw the big "APRIL KOOL" In the center of the DSfre. Whew, elad to get out ol mai alive! SINCE APRIL 1 came on Thurs day it was a natural tor week ly papers to have their lltue jokea Ours was mild. We took a theoretical suDscripuon irom man .lm4 "Urn I-Ttflf " and sent It out, duly stamped with HeDuner Dost office with the reg ular mailinc. There was no reaction iromvIU3 " ZhUeA t0 0ur Postmaster Jim .Drlscoll and JJSi , Thor was no reaction from t.ff until next dav when we had to pay 10c postage due on one of those pestiferous address m. em change leiiers mai c .... the P. O. often when people TO THE EDITOR. . . Dear Mr. Sherman: The members of Beta Omega chapter. Epsilon Sigma Aipna sorority, wouia nxe w . .v.o oHItnrlal in last week's paper regarding me VUU W - - . , . Easter Seal Drive, uur roemutm have supported the Oregon Soc iety for Crippled Children and Adults actively for the past sev eral years, with many of our members serving as chairmen of the local campaign. We agree with you mat mis IS B " ....... 1,1 This was most profoundly Illus trated to us through the tremen 1. - ainrthivh M TirOIPCL dous assistance wnicn ueaniv gren has received from the Crip pled Chlldrens Association. Many other young peoyur " - 1 . anWufl etimmpr trlDS area nave chjvjiu . . to Camp Easter Seal through the Joint eiiorts or tpsuon Alpha and the Society. T7-u aT mi. otoud unaer 1.1.. - a mnnsv.makln? OTOieCX IOA " - - to raise funds to contribute to the Society. This year we wm ... uin nniiu tn rni.u monev for this purpose. April 21 Is the date ior our saie m T 1 anrl U7A ATfl mOSt hopeful for a successful sale to help us in tnis woruiy wusc. 1 acrmr, mir iuhiiilb .v. w for bringing the work of the 1 Society to the attention 01 your June Llndstrom, tnairman Morrow county i-asier Seal Campaign Maxine Rietmann, Publicity Chairman Beta Omega Sorority LOOK YOUR BEST FOR EASTER Vu ITT HAVE YOUR CLOTHING CLEANED NOW AT PPNER Chatter Sherman't notlfv ua when they move). When cleneu we n""i- , 1 ih- iM-Ul Mm lnMe tatr)f U.0 rd. "Apctl rwl ourwll. lWr cot another envelope wlih the dime refunded. ewva at Mll.Tt.reKAVATi:U uur gHKl friend. ubllsher Wally iVwen and lUrry King- j hand, ran a front page Pf;d j announcing the Mle ol tnei Valley Herald and showed a pic- j ture of the purchaser of I"1 This came at a atarlllng thlni to u becaune they had never Indicated that they planned to svll. But down In the too'. J said alter mwtlng they had aold their newnpajn-r. H iu keep right on selling Wiley Her alds as long as they last. In other words, they dtdnt sell the businessJust the copl" of th AFTER THESE Incidents, being in a somewhat Jittery condit- 1 - nriuni1 lot faC- ing our Utile year old daugh Ut who arKoaed us solemn eved and declared she had bro ken a window. ThU has been an old story to us tnrouSn ... .1..... or.ivria nf her three older brothers. We heaved a big slcli and prepared tor w 'Anrii Fool!" said she with a laugh and a Jig. That was one glad to get caught THE C T had more, than Us share of mUcues last Thurs day on April 1. too. Two columns of front page story were trans posed, an address was left off JTclasslfled ad. and a date was mixed up in another display ad. not to mention uch misspelled words as "semucauon, We can cnucxie inan.""- and yell. -April Fool!" And so doing maybe we can get a ay with these boo boos. . Assembly Slates Special Services Two weeks of special services .1.- AcomKiv nf nod Church will start Tuesday, April 13, with the Rev. ana . " lock of Missouri bringing the messages, the Rev. Bill Alsup, pastor, announces. The meetings will be each night through Sunday. April 25, but no- meetings willbe held on Saturdays, he said. The services will be at 7:30 p.m. on week nights and at 7 p.m. on me iw SUThe "ublic Is cordially invited to the services, me paaioi Perrv Service Held At Masonic Cemetery r-.txroeirfo srvirt!t were held Thursday. April 8. at 10:00 a.m. at the Heppner masonic "'cn tnr i avLTpnrp A Perrv. 69. of Ellensburg, Wa, with Father C. Bruce spencer 01 Episcopal church oriiciaung. Mr. Perry died In Ellensburg April 2. following a short illness. tia ...00 hnm nf nloneer Morrow county parents, George Ferry and Mary fciien irteew Mav 23. 1895, who made their home in the Lone Rock area. Ua nr.. nAV0r mAITlPU. Cnniinrr OTP tWO sisters. MlS. Mae Gilliam, Heppner, and Mrs. Mellnda ciapp 01 reniueiun. n was preceded In death last Aug- ust by a Dromer, iaw Need extra cashT SeU unused Items around your niace with a Gazette-Times classified ad. CLEANERS y4 " p LCONA M. WtATHEItrORD lone PTA Speaker To Show Slides On Conservation . Ifi.lnn llon M.) Weatherford of Arlington will be cuet speaker I"' me monuujr program of the lone IT A meet- Ing on wetinesoav. - the high school cafetorlum. The speaker will present a slide-illustrated speech on 'ton- servatlon." a topic 01 nic-.u interest. Mrs. Weatherford. an exper lenced speaker, has a wide back ground In the field of conser vation. She has served as censer vatlon department chairman 01 the General Federation of Wo men's Hubs In Oregon, as well as serving as state president or the organization and on its board . . i . v. ch ha K. n a VI UIIIWI - ----- member of the Department oi Interior advisory committee and of the Keep America Beautiful advisory committee, as well as serving on the ooara 01 ainy tors of the Oregon Roads de Council and on the executive committee of the Oregon Rur al Area Development commit tee. The meeting Is open to me public, with everyone Invited to come and enjoy the program. Episcopal Church Ordains Nickerson Dr. Francis B. Nickerson. son of Mrs. Grace O. Nickerson and the late F. B. Nickerson was ordained to the perpetual dla eonate of the Episcopal church Saturday. April 3. at St. Marys church. Eugene. Dr. Nickerson. formerly of Heppner. Is associate dean of students at the University of Oregon. As a deacon he will act as an assistant to the rector of his parish but will continue in his education position. Suffragan Bishop Hal W. Gross of the Diocese of Oregon olflc 1 f a1 rr Ntr-kprsnn was one of seven new deacons ordained in th d ocese. His mother is now living in Hlllsboro. T .... T Sumner, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. J. C. Sumner and Lnnhnmnre at the university 01 Ch-ezon. entered Sacred Heart hospital, tugene. inursuay it Jim Lovgren, said Wednesday that major surgery may ve n--v- essary to ioliow. 11 was exptturu that she migni oe in me nwyu at tnr a ixrctoic nr mOrf. VUltinq her mother. Mrs. Lucy Peterson, over trie week end was her daughter, Martha Peterson, of Portia na. Cross a Wildcat engine with a Buick Special, land what do you get? A car with 9 lives and a very businesslike purr. tTJ YOW 10CAI AUTHORIZED BUICK FARLEY MOTOR CO., May and Chase, Heppner, Oregon Tiiwr in -lowat THOMAS AND THE NEWS"-CBS RADIO Sleagall Family Honors Mother At Get-together lY DCLfHA JONtS tlleld over from last week) LEXINGTON Mr. Lola Hiding. Mr. and M.Vj Sleasall and children. Mr. ami Mrs. Wlinur w'S""' :. ' . .. ..r iKlnt;tn were Spray vUHors on Mir h at the home ol wr. vw .... ' nira ltreedllllf ind the two Mr S.e.g.lK The (KX-aMon was a uinny " . K I . v. nuuni uim Mr. ami Mrs. Boh Steasal and tarn l y. tflllU CfaMlll (if IV DA HOI!. Mr. and Mrs Bob .Sears w Bernardino, laur ir. Jack Sltton and ; n5 Mrs. David Sltton and tVLMe of Klnrua. Mr. ami Mrs. i..i.i in,! ititkle and Mrs. Bumslde of Spray. Mr. and Mrs. Ja.k Mounts and ... ll.nnln VIS- on oicvr ' "-- ----- . i..... uiih hrr narents. Mr. ami Mr. A. F. Majcke Ust week Kenneth Marshall underwent mai,ir cureprv at St. Vincents hpltal In ivndleton last week. . ' 1 . v. . 1 1 uhn has been staving there to be with him. returned to her home Sunday. ... 1 11.. i,-w oilarra and children returned to their honw In !HrtIand on 1 numwr - six-ndlng some time wh nis father Newt OHarra. They wre called here hv me ocam wi - Oilarra earlier in me wv. 1 it-, vi. criMihna en,i ih following pePle at her home on Sunday with a dinner. Mr. and Mrs. C. r- Irvln and children of Arlington. Don Maris of Portland. Mrs. Horence McMillan and the Vic Groshena children of Lexington. Mrs. Alomo Henderson and daughter Betty spent JY" j. 1 ... ....u in Portland where they attended the ceramic ithow and visited wn irmor.. . n.t.i..i rrniiiit anil .nil. . u 1 1 1 . 1 u ' children returned to their hoine in Portland the last of the week end after spending a few ds with her father following the death of her mother earlier In the week. Church Women Elect Women's Fellowship Group of the Lexington rhurch held an all dav meeting last week at Ihe C. C. Jones, where the time was spent quilting. The ousiness mwtlng was neia in " noon with election of officers as follows. Mrs. C. C, Jones, presl dent: Mrs. Carl Marquardt. vice president; Mrs. Harley Sager. fwcretarv; Mrs. rloyd MTiim. treasurer; and Mrs. tarl Mar quardt. devotional chairman. Plans were maae ior me travel- in.. r.wi mn and nazaar acnra- uled for April 30. This will be a house to house sale of food stuffs and fancy work. The time planned Is 9:3() a m. Those present ior mr onci noon were Mrs. Alonzo Hender son. Mrs. Lola Breeding, wrs. Florence McMillan, wrs. ixnn r-.s.n vira r-.rl Mrnuardt. Mrs. V 1 1 .-X- II, ,..-1. . . . . . . . C. C. Jones, Mrs. David Haddack. Mrs. Harley sager. Mrs. biii o. K.,,ii.rHl Mrs C.HttTPO StCB gall. Miss Merle Green. The next meeting Is piannea ior tne kit home April 20. Lola Breeding has returned to r .vinoinn afior nrvprul davs visit with her mother, Mrs. Cora Bumslde in fcpray. Mr. and Mrs. B'rt Breeding and son Fred and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Garber of Hermlston wero Lexington callers Sunday at the DEAlUt AUTHORIZED BUICK DWIM IK THIS WEA: lone Band to Play In Music Contest lone IHh schools ban... oirec- i.t i.w i-arvl Miller, will go 10 - f,.n,i Kaiurdav to Dartlel. pate In the Kaatern Oregon Mu to competition. The ernt Is ftPoiUMiird tiv aiern ;7rf"n''u: li'ge and l.a l.ramiw n(i miwt nd la held under the auspice t.f the Oregon Music KducsturV aiMMKiatlon ann in. "Tn A.iMUe aUUon, class l. for achoMla umi-r lixj. Thrt-e other tiaaae are iue whooU t.r larger nu.mi. that the lone -and will rdav ln. elude 'Burnished Braaa.1 "Var- Utlon Overture.- aim nn k calonal Hulte." Among other bands partlcU-atinn in w will be Weston, tame vauey. Ilalrle City ana lieu. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ihermem of .Salem. ana uaugntrr-in- 1.... ..I Mr and Mr. Wi-a SJu'f' man. came to Heppner Saturday lor a VtMt an irmnini afternoon The o" is wt.rKing on ctimputcr programmuiK Staytn Canning M. anu inw daughter In law U home w-o-nomlcs teacher at TarrUh Junior High. Salem. home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith. . . Mr ani Mrs. noyu oiwui were In Richland. Wn. one day la t week. . . . Mrs. A K. Maleake enlertalned ....... - ,(fM tiour nononnv ner wiiu w ----- -- daughter, Mrs. Jack Mounts on Friday, nuvw pnwni wn Gene Cole. Mrs. Florence Mc Millan. Mrs Charles Colley. and Mrs. C. C. Jones. Mrs. rA Hunt underwent surg. erv Wednesday morning at lto- a fc . ii.i neer Memorial noaunai. h J COMMUNITY BILLBOARD Coming Events nrppsra HIGH BASEBALL Heppner vs. Wahtonka Saturday. April 10 Heppner vs. Conflon, i-uesaay, April 1J. 2 P m. . . . Heppner High field. Rodeo ground. nnAMA.ML'SDL FESTIVAL Friday, April 9. 8 rm. High sihool multipurpose room. Combined evening of band selections and 3 one act rdavs. . . Tickets. Adults $1. students 50C. tmMirFV RASKFTBALL Saturday. April 10. 8 pm. Heppner nigh gym .... Men s faculty vs. senior Utter- BeneHt for whirlpool hath. iirnrvrn PTA a 1 a n SI VI I . BFV4BB i! -" ' - " - " ' Grade school multipurpose Rnocial orogram on rcaaing and main program, cninni. ntinGET VOTE Tuesday, April 13. 2 to 8 pm Cast a bauot: SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC RF.nvnCE BY C. A. RUGGLES Insurance Agency f. O. Box 247 TH. 678-961$ HepPP uteM moth mviiiom PH. 676-9441