I WANT TO SELL SOMETHING? USE A GAZETTE-TIMES WANT AD! WEEK-END SPECIAL! . ' INCH illfflHOGANY I PANELING H2S Sheet Anderson's Builders Supply Heppner N O T I C E TO ALL MORROW COUNTY RESIDENTS There will be a public hearing in Boardman, Oregon, at 10:00 a.m., Tues day, April 5, to be held at the City Hall with personnel from the Oregon State Highway Commission to discuss their plans for reconstruction of the Old Ore gon Trail (Hwy. 80N) to full interstate standards. This is for the purpose of discussing with them the various probems that may be encountered relative to rights of way and of access on that portion of the highway to be constructed in North eastern Morrow County, namely from Highway 730 Junction to the Umatilla County line. Signed by THE MORROW COUNTY COURT NOHOW COUNTY SCHOOLS SCHEDULE April I lleppnrr Htch batebntl at Ktvrr- wU 3 p m ll-iirwr ltlh Track at Prlnc- llk 4:Ut. lone FU'rnintrv ba-ball at Jlt'l'l'iuT, p.m. Apitt S .ivfh Clinic for Mivrow Couu lv whiU Krni CtUtlcf. MVti-h thrrapUt lrvm l'm ttlU rountv: ttttjtntman. 00 am. tot Board- man anl Irrtcon. Ion 12 00 a m. ItiM'Pnor 2:'M im. Jl'matltla lltch nt Hippmr III:!. 1. i". itpau. JilwrtUle Hich at l!ippm'r Hi:h. 3:00 p.m. BAM'bttll. A. l Houghton at Athena 1:00 p.m. Ion Hliih Spanish CUs to La Cranio with Mr. l.uMn To Hell and Back." MovU at low Hi nh Kponsorrt! by Junior clas. Apt 11 S National Assembly at Ion 8:M am. April t Stanflrld at lone Iltfih, Baseball. 3 00 D.m. Ileppner Htch at llermlston. 3.30 p.m.. Ba ball. Immunization Clinic at Board man. 9:tO am. Irrlgon at 10:30 a.m. Verna Horr, PsycholoRlst from State IVpt. of Education vuits at Heppner momentary In af ternoon. lone Advisory Committee irwvt at 8:00 p m. Umatilla-Morrow Elementary Principals meet at Milton- Freewater. April 7 Pilot Rock Band Concvrt at Hep. nor Hich. 12:30 pm. Verna Hone. Psychologist at Heppner Elementary all day. lone Men. at Echo. 7:30 p.m., Baseball. April t Verna Hogg at A. C. Houghton all day. 42 Students Make School Honor Roll At Heppner High We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat ( 1 01 Charga Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE: flogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Hermlston. Oregon Pa. S67-6651 On Hermlston. Mclfary Matt thwjjM 'f H'tlnj: haw bad an riteet on Rraoe at HeiH'ner HiCh ohool Mnoe only one student, Ma rale Mm rav. a nophomore, made pellet t grade lor the third nine veek ivrlod. aeeojdim; l. the ltt ri U'aMHt by Principal liordon Itatt. he attalne.1 a 4 00 trade point aerage, which mean Mraitfld An However. 12 atudeiit were In- eluded on the honor IM with phonnirea placing II. the preateM number ( any of the IaM-. Senior followed with 12, junior were wit with nine, and Irishmen trailed with aeven. Thiwe attainlni! honors, by (ta-iMii. are follow: Seniors Chris Brown and Cecil Berry. 3 S3: Carl Bauman. Jean Stock.trd and John Wagen blast, all 3V.; Tonv lh-rty. Margarvt Mark and Mike Swwk. all 350: Lee DagCelt. Vane Evan. Jean Slewert and Tanvara Smith, all 3 33. Junior Maunvn lvhertv and Mark Murray. 3. S3: Karen French and Margaret OnYh, .ISO; Tim Prlscoll. 3tV.; Mark Brown. Mike Hunch and Brenda Young, all 3!); and Shirley Ki wi n. 3.33. Sophomore Maralee Mur ray. 4.00; Martha Peck and Marsha Sowrll. 3S3; Jan Hager. ISO; Kay Daggett. 3.t': Steve Anderson. Krin Dick. Pm Mc Cabe. Kathv Melbv. and Donna Potter, all 3 50; Cartd Rawlins, 340; and Barbara Bloodsworth. Verlna French and Tim Smith, all 3.33. Freshmen David Hall and Merrtlee Jacobs. 3.H3; Kit Ander on, Nancy Doherty and John Rawlins, all 3 66: and Marsha lvgren and Steve Pettyjohn, 350. BOWLING fin Spiaaet Team V I. lYdr.n' Jeweler 31 1H (Viilial Mke 31 21 Hank of IX 3i rx lvl Matket 2 IX I lina Apparel 2" 27 Jark Chevron 25 27 Heppner I lk 22 PMII Angel Iti ild llikh Ind. name Jean B.1II. I'7; High Ind. S.-rU Jean Mall. Mti; High Team tJame lvl' Maiki t. KSO; High Team Si'tles Central Market. 2Mi. 40 32 2" 2 1 21 IS Iti 13 Mr. and Mr. Vawter Parker of Hood River visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Parker. Friday ol last week. They were accompan ied by their daughter. Mrs. Scott H. Goodnight. Jr.. of Mlnneap oils. Minn- and her 7 months old daughter. Julie Sue. and also their son. Vawter. Jr.. who nau Just returned from six months study at Stanford University a branch In Tours. France. Mrs. Goodnight and Julie Sue return ed to Minneapolis this week, and Vawter. Jr.. Is continuing his studies at Stanford In Palo Alto. Calif. C K. (Ken) Peck of Lexington was one of 35 persons from throughout the West enrolled at Oregon State University March 22 to 26 In a special aerial photo short course. The course Is offer ed each spring by the OSU School of Forestry as a service to the forest Industry. It is de signed for field foresters and en gineers who use aerial photo graphs In their work. This year, participants came from Oregon, Washington. California, Wyom ing, New Mexico, Montana, British Columbia and Chile, Commercial League Team W Willow Creek Club lUnk of IX) Heppner Stud St. I'.itri.V First National Bank Gardner Men Wear A 1.. IVaggctt. DIM. UHK Hlnh Ind. Game Bill Slewert, 211; Hl:h Ind. Series Ce ne Do hertv, 5M: High Team Game Heppner Stud. 1023; High Team Series Heppner Studs. 2.12. Commercial League Team W 1. Willow Creek Club 42 10 Bank of IX) 3.1 Hi St. Patrick's 27 23 Kir ft National Bank 2t 2' Heppner Stud 2t 2ii Gardner' Men's Wear 20 32 A. I- Daggett. Dlst 19 33 IOOF IS 37 High Ind. Game Tom Hughes. 215; High Ind. Series Larry Prock. 5;7; High Team Game Flrt National Hank. 1055; High Team Series St, Patrick's. 2.S73. Thursday Night Ladles Team W L C. Ed Cole 34 10 First National Bank 30 11 MiLadles 23 21 C. A. Ruggle 22 22 L. II Dick 22 22 Humphreys Drug 1H 26 Wishing Well 17 27 Phil's Pharmacy 10 34 High Ind. Game Jo Ann Dyck. Oil lr.,1 C.I... It.. Kckman. 500; High Team Game C. F.d Cede. W5; High Team Series C. lid Cole. 267'J. Sweetheart Brand JUSTICE COURT March 10 Itowena IVrn Mc Corkle, lit. 2. Irrtgon. Ulobeed Moo sign, lined S3. March HV Wllma 1-e Mailatt. Heppner. r'IM Mhule license, Fined S3, March 17 Thorns Allen Jor dan. Cecil, no ocralor'a lcene. l ined S3. March lft la.ul Ctl-n. lone, vehicle license rptrel. Fined S3, March 30 Fugene Darryl 111 Iker. la-xlngton. violation of the basic rule. Fined $20. Match 23 Fill l.loyd Petty lohn. I!t. 2. Heppner, defective equipment. Fined S3. Marc- 23 lal(4i Tony Mar latt. Improper V turn. Fmel March 22 Gordon Allen White, lone. dloteyed stH sign Fined $15 March 2t Alvln Harvey Aycr, vehicle llceni eplrel. lined. S3. March 3tV-lldll Gerald fm rtt. vehicle license ldreL lined 110. Mr 2,.V Sheila Mnnk. fail ure to drive on th-ht lde of highway. Fined 17.50. Manh I Nate Kldon Me Mtlde, failure to stop and yield from tuivale ditvewav, Mtie of 115 suicnded. SAVE $47.50 Rug Installation Cost On A 15x21 Room YOU PAY ONLY For Rug and Pad Complete Line of MOHAWK CARPETS Let Us Giro You An Estimate On Your Carpet Needs Case Furniture Co 249 N. MAIN PH. 67-Wia (ffOQIHHBWiJ ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY s. " ' r Zv let ' 7U I: Just in time for Easter! Reg. 3 prs. prs. for for 2.85 now 27 Choose the Gaymode that suits you best! SEAM LESS plain knit, mlcro-mesh, deml-toe . . . Agllon and Cantrece stretch nylons too! FULL FASHIONED styles with pen-line seams in Gossamer sheers or service weights! ALL Gay modes are contoured and proportioned that means longer wear, smoother fit! -1- I" h. . : ;i "',' !'''' y mm Sweetheart Brand Reg. Sliced BACON 1 LB. PKG. 59 Qmiem ROW Lady Hudson 2Vi Size 1 Alice Love JAM 1 US AGE 49 BEEF CMt Recast Z5 Lb. Bo9 $2 J9 mxmke 5 for $1 2 for 851 Holiday PINEAPPLE-APRICOT STRAWBERRY 20 Oz. Leteyee lT(aim 2 HEADS 3 LBS. Dry imnoinis By Prices Good Friday & Saturday, April 2 and 3 SIM 111 N. Court THE HOME OF QUALITY MEATS" Ph. 676-9643