Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 01, 1965, Image 5

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    Final Tributes Paid to Pefcteys, lone Pioneer Son
lONK (Joorit Amrnanurl
lMannl I'rtlrys. ICY, aaat
away ill I'Utitrvr MrmotUI li.
i.iul In Ili'l'Piwr on hatunlay,
Manh Tt. '' a lm tllnrsa
whli h hl kl Mm ln-l'ltallrd
1, nvrr a rr,
'ultiat fcvrUlVS !. M l
lhi lni I'nllfd Churvh of i 'hi tat
mi Mnty aflrrinni with ltv.
Walter M. Ciowrll iiffuiatln
Mr. T. Maitln oritaiiM
ami Mra Fttnl iklna Jr. wm
m.IoIhI. ralltwania, (all ;rrat-m-ithrwa
l th il.ivasi'd I wrr
Itutwft and Bill Itlt'tinann and
Krlth lira id Uhw, t:-ral. Kra.
tond.m; Pallas lira. Vn.llM.n;
and r'taiui K. Hriinrr. In-1,-nnmt
mm In thi IVItrya inn
rlrrv with Jiwn'iti'V Mortuary In
i harK id arianKi-ininls.
Mr, IVttrva waa horn to ll
nir arrnt a. Amrnanurl and
tatlirrlno lOlnirrri I'rtti-va in
January 2X 1K.HO. at lhi family
honMKtiad lliro inllin uth if
.in lar Ithfa t'rrtk Jurwll"it.
Ilia fathi-r had flM rlalm on th
farm In imM and had a !(!
tatln for thr staj rarhrs
iAnu from J Pallra in tr
ohn Dav country. The drt waa
known a IVHrvsvUl for many
yrara and thi rldrr Mr, Vttc)s
waa poMmaati-r.
Mannl as hi waa railed by
all who knew him. siwnt hla en
tlr life on the family farm and
nitrated It for many years
About IIW7 h aold It to Mr. and
Mra. Marlon Palmer. II never
married. After his retirement, he
made hla home with his alstcr.
Mrs. With Nlrhoaon In lone.
Survivor brsldcs Mra. Nlcho
son are two slaters. Mrs. Arvllls
Swanson of lone and Mrs. Thel
ma ("oasman of loa AngeU
fallf.. and many nlccra and
lUlatlvrs here for the funeral
were MIm Alier Nlrhoaon of
Salem; Mr. and Mrs. John Tur
ner, Baker; Mr. and Mrs. Kaprr
HariM-n. Portland; Mr. and Mis.
r rr.t Mi Willis and daunlitrr,
Mis. Ini.i lmrll of Monument;
Mr and Mi" t;ilert Ivttevs and
itauKhtt-r. Mi. KM hard Mlar
lui.l and Ml Kathy Ua of
Mr and Mm. ImIcM Itauiren
an.l tli mi- iltut;tit is df Lake lis
iii lift on Monday after
kM-itllittf M'veial days ttrre at
the homo of her mother. Mis,
llmi-r tinflith and other tila-
Mi Norman Nt-lson and Kris
tin K-nt fiom Survlay to Wed
m-nlay In Sah-tn vMtlnir her
mother. Mis t. H. M Ulilnny
liiturnlnu with them for a vlMt
Here KiMln's three ihuhIiu
Jennie. KrUtv Ann. and Jeffrey
Ml Hi I li US' of Salem. They took
the train home fiom llinkle on
This week the Garden rluh
tH-e Jantln ornmlttee ur
ihael and had planted a Crim
son Kinif Maj'le tree In Wrwderv
City Park They also repUred
a l'intiardy Poplar tree near the
Mr. and Mrs, Hon M-CIm of
Portland were visiting his aunt.
Mrs. Franklin I.lndMrom this
week end. They wri'c railed to
lleppner by the serious Illness
and ilath of Mrs. Mrt'abe'a
mother, Mrs. Ortrude Apple
Ka,e. Mrs Itavmond Lundrll spent
overnU'ht In Plonerr Memorial
hospital lat Monday from f(Ml
MilMtiilnK. She herame til on a
return trip from Portland.
Clyde Crawford returned to his
kiun In At tm riv fin Thursday
after hrlnk'lnir Mrs. Crawford and
the children to lone to visit her
parent. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
DaUi-II lie was accompanied by
lila n'nn Mr John Vlirhei-
of Portland, who had bin-n vtilt
Inir relatives here.
Mr. and Mra. Lewis Halvorsen,
worthy matron and patron of
Li-ut Chapter No. S 19. drove to
PH. 676-9623
Id ilffM.nd on Saturday to attend
ha frith anniversary f ICedmond
lhaptir No l.-. tlidrr of the
l .iitiin Mar In Oiek'un ney
lnt (he nU'tit at tl.e homn of
Mr and Mr. Hill Hoik and
family at Culver, returning
lilillu J'iJL.IjV
Cotlsa Banallta Caslar SaaU
Mm puix it :u tmann was hos
te iiit'iitly f..r an l.atrr S-al
ii((.r hour for II women at her
lamli home Mr Arthur I4nd
otiom and Mr Itoy A. Llnd
ttroin nsisti-.j h-r, Cue! and
their ihillren. who rn Joyed the
iMiaiilon Weie Mi. C'V (xl
row, Mr till Luin. Mrs. John
JcjiMtl Ml. James Went. MlS.
U-e Palmer. Mrs Inland MtKln
iov. M C,rt l! let ma ii n. Mrs.
(.oiili.n Mryei. and Mrs Jarnea
Ivttvlohn, Mrs VjAh okln.
and Mt Kill Kieimann
Mi Hdith Nitii.n returned
fiom Itunii-r Memorial hospital
In Ih-ppner on WedtteMlay. She
was ixir.fintd to the hop!tl
with a flu trus
PameU Proudfoot arrived
home on Thursday for spring
vacation from St. Paul'a S hoi
tor t.irU In Walla Walla. Iter
Parent. Mr and Mrs. John
Proudfoot and brother. Paul, and
Pam are s(M-ndlni part of the
vaiatlon In I'oriland vlkltinK r!
athes and shopping.
Tim TulIU and J'- and Maik
llalw.rwn the week-end
skiim; at barhelor Butte near
Other hklhrs envlnif the
port this we-k were In Peter
son and Kerry and Krtnttne and
Norman Nelwjn and Chuck, who
spent Friday at Anthony Lake
and then returned via Spout
Springs on Saturday. Kenneth
Smouw. Cherllvn and Kenneth
Lynn. alo sj-nt Saturday at
Anthony Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Carry Tulll and
Mark and Frank Halvorn were
skllnjr at Spout Srlnirs on Sat
urday and attended the snow
carnival at Arhuckle Ski area
on Sunday.
Thursday Kuct of Mrs. Nor
man Nelson were her cousins.
Mr. and Mrs. James Whipple and
Carol of Drain, who were on
their way to Spokane to attend
a national filch school girls
track meet.
Mrs. Koy A. LlndMrom nd
children sjient from Tuesday to
Friday In l"ortland vbitlni; at the
home of her parent. Mr. and
Mrs. Dorr Mason and family.
CucKts at the home of Mr. and
Msr. Bvrl Akers from Wednes
day to Sunday were their son
and daughter In law, Mr. and
Mr IUert Akers of Corvallis.
Their son Bill was also here this
week from lwls and Clark Col
lege In I'oriland. Mr. and Mrs.
Akers took another son, BtU to
a plane In Pendleton Sunday
afternoon, where he left for
Tempe. Ariz. He will take six
week training at Arizona State
for VIKTA t Volunteers In Ser
vice to America! In which he has
enlisted for a year.
Meetinq Dates Announced
The lone Extension Unit will
meet at the home of Mrs. Nor
man Nelson on Monday, April
12. at 1:30 pm. Cost of Higher
Fxlucatlon will be the subject
dluiM-d bv fHrrarn leader.
Mrs, K. M Uaker and Mrs. Net
son. i:eri.n Is cordially Invit
ed to attend
The Mnh Tl'le rluh mtsrtlng
will t-e at the home of M;s, Koy
W. Ijndntrom on Friday after-n--n.
Arnl f t 2 Si pm.
Mr Alfred Newn. Jr. Keith
and Kaien, spent frrn Weilnes
day to Sunday In I'oriland shop
Ping and visit intf her mother.
Sir Sam Itansdell.
Week end visitors at Taeoma
were Mr, and Mrs, Itayrnond
Lundrll and Cheryl, who siienf
the vacation with their son In
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs
Francis Stark.
Ilailan J De-vln, mo-terator of
the Mid Columbia Association of
the I'nlted Chunh of Christ, was
guest spraker at the morning
M-rvicr Sunday at the lone
church, lie was accompanied by
Mrs, Ievin They were dinner
rut-sta ot Itev. arxl Mrs. Walter
H Crowell after chunh.
This Sunday. April 4. a st-cal
pre Faster film will be shown
to the youth croups ami adults
during the church school hour.
Titled "Beyond a Doubt," the
film will txiriray the story of
the resurrection as seen through
the eyes of a Doubting Thomas.
Fveryon la Invited to see this
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Con
nor and daughters spent one
dav last week in Kugene visit
ing Mrs. O'Connor's mother. Mrs,
Fdna Yarnall. who has been
very 111.
The Junior Class Is sponsoring
a movie at the high school cafe
torlum on Friday evening. April
2 at H;0O pm. The main feature
will be "To Hell and Back
starring Audi Murphy.
The leathers from lone grade
and hU'h schools attended a
Morrow County OE.A. meeting
In Irrlgon Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bishop
and Barbara spent the first part
of the week In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lugene Docktor
and daughter t.cnt the spring
vacation visiting his parents in
Rupert, Idaho and her parents
at Nyssa.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Meyers
and daughter vUlted relatives
In Seattle and at Joseph last
The Junior High baseball team
will open the season with a
game at lleppner on Friday af
ternoon at 2:00 pm,
Lee O'Connor and Susan Llnd
otrom went to Pendleton on
Monday evening and participa
ted In the speech contest spon
sored bv the Knights of Pythias.
SubHl for the students speeches
was Prospects for my Gener
ation." Susan won third place.
Marlorle Dale of Helix placed
firt and Rogenia Wilson of
lleppner was second. The district
contest will be held In Milton
Freewater on April 21. Gil Lil
ian, speech Instructor, Mrs. Roy
W. Lindstrom, and Connie Chris
topherson also attended.
Donna and Difcie Rea, small
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Rea, spent the week here
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. After
snendlns the week-end with
n' ' ' ''fy J & ... li. ' ' asm -
-VWV-i -J
(sw-ci immmy
Zing into spring! Corvair by Chevrolet
A ( orvatr Vorta I mwltblt aid .Swrl Coup lop Lamv
7-moM linnpor 'tS-ttU WUM bod fcf fulur.
The steering' crlsper, the
ride's flatter, the style's racier-'
even the grass looks a shade
greener from behind the
wheel of this new Corvair
For all its finely calibrated instru
mentationtachometer, manifold
pressure gauge, even an electric clocic
with a sweep second hand for rally
buus the most important,
happens when you get a Corvair Oorsa
rmr. nn t.ho rnad doesn't recrister on the
dash. It registers on you.
You feel it in the steering crisp
and precise as you double back on a
curve. In the flat riveted-to-the-road
stability of the new fully independent
suspension. In the response of the rear
engine (up to 180 hp available now in
Corsa's Turbo-Charged version).
Drop down to your dealer's now
while the trading's extra good and
see for yourseu.
their rrndparents, Mr. nd Mrs.
( Jell Ilea. Mrs. lira l" them
to lh Dolh-s lo meet their par
ents on hundav.
Mrs. pxiU-rt Itletmann lk tha
students id her urur high
thunh school class to a rrvovie
Sn J"r.d:rti.n on Friday even
ing Making the tilp were Shar
e llamlett. Teresa Tucker.
Susan Je(.M-n, Jeri Krehs, Connie
F'rnert. Urida pcttv)ohn. Frank
llalvorsen, Terry Cannon. Barb
ara hover, and Fail Petty lohn.
Others going along and provid
ing transportation were Mrs,
l!av IWjvi and Jimmle, Rotn-rt
Itletmann and John and Joe, and
Mr and Mrs. Bill Itletmann and
stark and hla cot! Hn favld An
derson id Arlington, and Mr. and
Mrs Dick KretM.
Mf. and Mrs. Wallace Mat
Ihrat and daughters spent Part
of the vacation visiting relatives
In JUisrburg.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brenner
spent from Thursday to Satur-
4 . In u-lll vll'ln his sis
ter and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Otto.
SI. Williams Catholic church
U r.hu-rvlnir Ih lenten season
with service on Monday. Tues
day, and Thursday evenings at
5:30 pm.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Herrick
an.l inm siient last week Visit
ing relatives at Lewlston. Idaho,
returning home on Friday.
Mrs. Franklin Elv and Mrs.
Harry Ash attended OF-A In Port
land at the Memorial coliseum.
Mr an4 Mra Walter Jacobs
and family attended the A-2
state basketball tournament at
Coos. Bay. where their on. Jim
uii a mr.mhir nf the basketball
squad from lleppner. who played
Monday nigni ana iuruy.
tiii at&n arwnt nart of their
spring vacation visiting her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. r.ooen wnn
Ingham at Port Angeles.
CUt Hurt in Fall From Horn
Sandv Bryson was badly In
jured Sunday, when she fell
from a running horse that slip
rwrf on thr cavemenL She was
thrown onto the pavement and
received lace anrasions ana
bruises and a badly lacerated
knee cap. which required several
stitches. She remained in Pio
neer Memorial hospital Sunday
night and Is still not able to
attend school. Her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Huston Bryson were
spending the woek-end in Brem
erton. Wn.. so she was taken to
the hospital by Mrs. Ralph Kin
caid. Miss Alice Nichoson. daugh
ter of Mrs. Edith Nichoson. Is
employed as secretary to Miss
Shirley Field. representative
from Multnomah county at the
Legislature in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn,
Jr.. and family have moved into
their house on Main Street re
cently vacated by Mrs. Nancy
Zinter and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Hams and family of Pen
dleton have moved into the
Pettyjohn's house on Third
Street. Mr. Hams will be em
ployed at Jordan Elevator.
Patients admitted to Pioneer
Memorial hospital during the
past week and still receiving
medical care are the following:
Alfred Lovgren, Heppner; John
Monahan, Heppner; Ardith Hunt,
Lexington; Earl Hunt Heppner;
Sarah Farlpv. HeDDner. and
Minnie Dldier, Condon.
Those who received medical
care, and then dismissed, were
Roberta Williams. Heppner;
Mary Van BioKiana, Heppner;
Joe Hausler. lone: Sandra Bry
son, lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clayton
of Condon became parents of
their first child, a son, on Mon
day. March 29. He has been
named Bryan Michael and at
birth weighed 7 lbs., 84 oz.
IF YOU need a rubber stamp for
any purpose, call at the Gazette-Times
office. All styles of
type, U sizes of stamps avail
able promptly.
Umatilla's Molle Hurls Two Hitter
fvhlnd Bvron M-.lles two hit
pitching, the Umatilla Vikings
dowrnd th llri-pner High ill
morwimen Tuesday In the Mus
tang season opener at L'ma
till. 110.
Molle fanned 13 lleppner bats
mn while rv'nf p only two
hit, of to bid ndrr in the
first and another to Jim Doherty
In the seventh.
The Vlk started out In the
first as they hop-d on starter
lienni ODonncll for two quick
run. This was all they needed
but the I'matilla rlub continuel
to score at will. Carl Baum-Mt
replaced ODonnell In the fifth
Inning, and he pitched two score
less frames.
Th Mustangs failed to threal
en to rue until th final Inning
when Doherty reached third, but
Molle struck out the side to end
the garrve. " ,
While th Viking pitcher had
13 strikeouts. ODonnell had five
and Plsuman fanned two. Lewis
paced in winners witn a 2 for
3 performance at th plate.
fi rmo 0 0 2
2 U 2 X 11 tf 0
CDonnetl. Eauman IO. and
Johnaton. Daggett (5); Moll and
Reasonable price en business
cards at the Caiett Time.
O Asphalt Paving
O Grading
O Graveling
Phone 547-8136 (Pasco) Collect
Ask For Ken Younr
Or Write Box 208, Pasco, Wn.
- - s - w-' "j I
T 'I :' i! 1
i i
, -'ST
Ll.V " I III! .! II. ' 11 II H I llllllll
Happens wnciiyuuuv-. -
aai Mo spring in a new Chevrolet, Chevells, Corvair, Chevy E or Corvette
lilleiton Chevrolet Cbiiipany
Chiltc vest and pants . . . both with our
ajsdusiva back yoKes . . . tanorea 10 per
fection, in a rich fabric of Fortrel poly
str and cotton set off by a coordinated
print Shirt . . . striking Lssso combina
tion. Vest, 30-38, J8.95. Pants. Z1-3U.
$13.95. Both machine washable. Cotton
Shirt, 30-38, $9.95. Black, emerald.
Indigo Red, Royal, Shocking Pink.
S. W. Emigrant and Main
PH. 276-4551
Enough hot water...
and then some!
Children and dirt have always gone together
but a little soap and plenty of hot water can
do wonders to separate them! As a matter of
fact, having plenty of hot water always avail
able makes many of your everyday chores so
much easier.
That's why more and more families insist
on an electric water heater . . . the surest way
of having all the hot water you want . . . when
you want it.
An electric water heater Is one of the wisest
investments you'll ever make for your family's
health, safety and comfort.
Learn now easy ft h to Install an electric water
heator In your home. We'll be delighted to give
you free Information. No obligation, 0 course. v
Basin Electric Co-op