4 utrrntn GAitTTt Tints. xo it. m Sale Set To Raise Funds For Recreation r )4 AST US MARtOW BOARD MAN A Boardman community fund raUlng auction sale will be held April 3 at the fllv park, atarttng ai iu avra.,i i win w .i.i at the grange hall. Object of the affair U to raise money to be used for the recreational program In the new town of Boardman. Donation of anything and everything appreciated. All article for ale must be at the hall bv 9 am, April 3. Tht grange hall will be open for storing Items Thursday and Friday. April 12. from 12 to pm. Urge Items, auch Uac tor, davenport, etc, old on a percentage basis, with a 10 minimum. A ham loaf dinner will be served at the Riverside school rafeteria from 6 to 8:30 P re charge will be SL25 and 65c. Joe Yates of Walla Walla, W'n will be the auctioneer, and fits wile. Mta. will be the clerk. This U a combined commun ity affair with each club and organization represented on the leering committee, which la as follows: Mrs. Arthur Allen, ten era 1 chairman; Mrs. Bernard Donovan. Greenfield Grange: Mrs. Ronald Black. Home Lc onomics club; Mrs. Stan Henkle, Mothers club of Boardman Grade school: Mrs. Glen Carpenter. Boardman Garden club: Mrs. K. M. Walker. TiUicum club; Mrs, Peter Matt. St Mary s Altar Society: Kurt Gantenbeln. 4-h: :ociciy; rwurx uiciiwih. -. Mrs. Emery Lyons. Ladies Aid t v . J . . cuiu nf rommunltv cnurcn : Mrs. Florence Root Ladles Aid; and Mrs. Arnold Hoffman. Home Extension unit The Riverside High school band presented a concert at the school last Friday night under Al P. Reeves. Jr, director. Fol lowing Is the program: "Burn ished Brass." Cacavas; "Forest Splendor." Olivadoti; -Bagatelle." Beethoven Cacavas; -Rhythm of the Winds." Erlck son; "Interludium." Cacavas; -March Prelude." Akers; "Castle of Dreams." Buchtel; "'March King March." Sou s a L e e; -5iHn(Tint on parade. von g on riw, 'Magic Wand," Buchtel ; ' i a nnnoca " r.n. I A, .Iron- 'faoip s-t u ...... , ... DnHjlli irannncsa. Gran ados Cacavas; "Enchanted Desert" Sears; Gymnopedte." gatie-Cacavas; "Riff Interlude." Walters; "Go Twist" Van Auk en. Members of the band are: Pat Davis, piccolo; Jeanette Hllgel, flute; Carol Ann Harper. Wanda Davis. Eb flute; Carrol Lathrop, kiccnn- vfikA Smith. Alan Moore. Ton! Olin, Linda Senn, Anna rhormpWr. clarinet: Anna Mae McQuaw, alto clarinet; Jan OOOOOOoi eiif -.-'-- ' ,--"v-vO S0f- WfT H A -BRIGHT IDEA o SLIP INTO HEAVENLY COMFORT OF AN SHOE Sofiexme it almost bends, ' Elastlcid toplins eoHari tila pump for s clinging fit. It smooth good looks stem from Its uncluttered lines . . . with 'nary seam in sight! Two low heel heights that make every walking step sheer delight! lb . X GONTY'S OuUtlanen, clarinet; Shir- 1. a . a 1. A M HI vlker. larlene Golhhorn. Bill Gofteld. alto : Gloria s-nn. Llnds Tatone. tenor a. irti,M' Ktik Partlow. Bob Bu - uf wimpa. " - chanan. John Homer, cornet; Jim Wilson. Edna Jones. Rich rd Ftanke. baritone: John Lath rop, ban; Chuck Jackson. One t;ollyhorn. Joyce Jackson. Gall RuiM-11. Dave Sttefcl, percussion. (r mn. 1r IVl Lowe and children DarrelL Brent and Wen dell of Unity were weeK-ena vis itors at the home or lp" brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lowe. ti'uL, n ildinn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood were Mrs Harwood s cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell spagie oi Salem. Mrs. Frank Marlow has been staying In Pendleton the past two weeks at the home of her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Late Smith, to to near v.-. liixKinil uhn is Still ill the Pendleton Community Mem orial hospital. He suffered a light stroke last w-eck following major surgery, but U recuper ating. Their son ana uuKmn In-law. Mr. and Mrs. Darreil Marlow of Salem were nere on the week-end. To Study Housing Finance The second meeting or tne iiAinino riinir -Housing Fin ance." will be held at the school ince, win m-m lTT j cafeteria March 19 at 8 pm. This u-411 n-iud tvnea and sources of loans. Interest rates, etc Mrs. Alberta Johnston, family fin ance specialist will be moderator of the panel Cafeteria menus for Riverside High school and Boardman Grade school for the week of Mar. 29-Apr. 2 will be as follows: Monday Hot dogs, pickle rel ish, potato chips, spinach and cobbler: Tuesday Spaghetti and green beans. French bread and cheese sticks, cherry crunch; Wednesday Peanut butter and bologna sandwiches, buttered corn, lettuce, beet picxies ana pear crisp; inmavi,j ' . sandwiches, peas, vege table .! oKvrmlata ntiririin? With marshmallow topping; Friday nrl iches. DOtatO soup, vegetable sticks, fruit and cake. Bread. Duuer ana iiui t served with ail meais. ALWAYS A WELCOME GIFT Give a gift certificate sub scription to Gazette-Times for birthdays, anniversaries or any occasion; $4.50 anywhere. o"oo do Holly Links Club Has Installation For New Officers ly DEL HA JONES LEXINGTON Thfr Unk committee of Holly KeM-kah .de mH at the home of Mr. Charlie radber lat ThurJv afternoon for Its regular meet ing with the chairman Mrs. Ld Hunt presiding. The meeting was opened I In the uual form after which Mrs. Hunt Installed the nexly elec ted l!i3 offU"er to their retpec ttve chair. Mr. Alonro Ilender on was Installed tlrt, and was given a badge with her name and office of treasurer, and very small folder of bank stub. Mr. C. C. Jones was installed as secretary and her badge had . small pencil attached. Mr. Charle ColJcv tMr. Florence M.-VI il tan nm-temt was Ctvcn small badge with vice chairman written on It ana a wnue aove signifying peace. Installed as chairman was Mrs. Joe oeom. with amall gavel attacneu. The meeting continued with the new officers presiding. mmmiftee was appointed to remember the shut-in on the holidays with small remem hrinvi different committees serving throughout the year. Plans were maae ior a cien-ui day at the park. Following the business meet ing. Mrs. Padberg was delight fully surprised with a cradle shower. Those present for the afternoon were Mrs. O. E, Baker, mother of Mrs. Fadberg. Mrs. Bob Steagall, Mrs. Dale Baker. Mrs. Oris Padberg. Mrs. A. F. Majeske. Mrs. Alonzo Hender son, Mrs. Bertha Hunt. Mrs. Flor ence McMillan. Mrs. C C. Jones. Mrs. Frank Robinson, Mrs. Ed Hunt Mrs. Joe Yocom and the hostess Mrs. Padberg. Mr. and Mrs. Newt Ollarra were Pendleton visitors last week where Mrs. CHarra con sulted a physician. Past Noble Grand committee met at the home of Mrs. Archie Munkers last Wednesday. The afternoon was spent In visiting. Those present were Mrs. Merle Cornelison. Mrs. eenna num. Mrs. Florence McMillan. Mrs. rH Parihprp Mrs. Al Fetsch and the hostess Mrs. Munkers. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones, ana son Kenneth. Mike Palmer and jvlts. I iviruvc .tit.'iiiioii dinner guests at the W. I. Miller Mr. Florence Aic.Minan were home In La Grande on Sunday. Mrs. Kennetn raimer ana daughter Janet arrived from Portland on Friday, janet win remain for a week's visit with her parents. Mrs. Gene Cole was a visitor Sest Buys On Appliances 13 Different USED One New 30-Inch ELECTRIC RANGE GLASS OVEN DOOR INFINITE HEAT CONTROLS 995 (No Trade) JennAir The Air-Conditioned Reg- $699.00 This week 0nly $4 RCA Whirlpool Copper-Tone 30-Inch ' INFINITE HEAT WITH AND TIMER SMALL FREIGHT DAMAGE Rea. $279.95 THIS WEEK Council Seeks Help By LaVELLE fAraOW 1RRIGON Irrlgon CltV Coun cil met Ut Tuesday evening, and the Landfill ain came up for discussion Mavor Chester Vilan and Councilman HrTy Snyder reported on the trip they mde t Iteppner 0 k 'Jn the i'ountv Court about the prob lem, and thev stated the Land fill appropriation uld be Pte sentcd to the cuinty budget committee a budget Hem. Citv Recorder Mar eu rite Houghton stated the dog licen ce had arrived, and they are available from Mr. Houghton. Dog owner will be given two weeks In which to secure a li cense, and the dog ordinance will be enforced atier the first of AprlL . Margaret Jorgcnsen submitted her resignation a council mem ber, as they have moved out of the city limit. The Council un animously voted to appoint Marge Shade to fill h x' plred term. The decision was based on Mrs. Shades former experience on the council, and the fact that she was next In line, of the six who ran for coun cil last November. It was felt this would most fairly reflect the vote of the people. Mr. Jorgcnsen agreed to fill the unexpired term of ' In Klnzua last week at the home of her parents. Program Entertains Gran? Meeting Grange met in regular session Saturday evening with the over seer Charles C Jones presiding. At this time a ballot was cast for Richard Cox and plans for an Initiation will be made soon. Mrs. Ola Ruggles reported on a planning committee meeting that she had attended In Pen dleton on Saturday. Mrs Rug gles motored over with Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers. Pomona Master and wife of lone. Following Grange a short story about St. Patrick was heard after which a film on the Missionary wk In Africa. South America and India was enjoyed. Refreshments were served later in the dining room. Miss Marlene Fetsch visited her parents over the week-end from Portland where she Is em ployed. Lee Colley of Casa Grande. Ariz.. Is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mr. Charles Colley. Mrs. William C. Van Winkle. ..tin i natiom in the Com munity hospital in Pendleton re ........... i covering from eye surgery. Is re- norted to be doing nicely, out will have to remain for a week yet xrr p v Raddlev and son Fred of Prosser. Wn., visited the week end at the Vern Vlall home o) At Reasonable Prices with CLOCK 1 yAnAUM ,$200 ONLT IIBjaiBHHHiMsSMBBaRsMiBMBHs.1 Lotfc's Electric of County In Appropriation wh.. resigned from me - ... Planning ioinmisi'n - -- hMith She was unanimousi) apHvlnted by the council. The offbf of Municipal W .i als.. vacated 7V the et Jorgensena movtnl from tne c.tv limit, and City t tw m-il will accept applications for th office t Ihe AH II Council nu Ing on Tuemlav evening. April It In other council business. Maxwell McKay was Mayor proiem. to s-rve in me absence of the mayor. Mr. Charles Mead was re-eas.-d from the t'matllla hos pital, following rmergencv surg--rv for ruMured apnd -Mr. Me-d wll remain at he home of Mr. and Mr. Ill II U until she Is well enough to re turn to her home In bpray. Th Mead children are also sting with the Lesleys. Mrs Joxle Buchanan and Mr, dances Smith tc-.k Mr. MeM Montague and, her uKh'r.r; Mr. Florencv Piiver. to their home In ToppcnKh. Wn- Thurs day. The Udie had Pnt a week In Irrlgon with Mr. Bu chanan and Mr, smiin. Mr. and Mr. Burton reck. Umatilla, and parents of a bat boy. Burton Sean born at the I'matllla hospital Wednesday. March 10 Little Burton welched In at 9 lb. 7S ox He toins a sister. Sherrt LeKal. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr. In.lonnn Irrlcon : pa- ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Peck. Condon. ALo the baby hs three great grand mother. Mrs. Burton Peck. Heppner; Mr. Louis Fufkett. Bend, and Mrs. O. P. Olson of 11 lot Rock. Tercv Jellum of Jcllum Con struction Company. Pendleton, met with Mavor Chester Wilson and Street Commissioner War ren McCov Monday, to evaluate street work which is contem plated for the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl and Mrs. Myrtle Markham drove to Portland for the week end and attended the wedding of Mrs. Markham's nephew. Ronald McCoy, who was married to Vickl Truman at the First Baptist Church in Van couver. Wn.. Saturday afternon. Others attending the wedding from this area were Mr. and Mrs. James Mills and Miss Snow Mc Cov of Hermlston. The wedding music was bv James Mills and Mrs. Albert Partlow; Julia Rich ards of Huntington Beach. Calif., was flower girl. Following the wedding, a reception and bullet dinner was served to the 70 guests present. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Eppen baugh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rucker. and Sam Umtker went motor boating 1964 Gibson Frost-Free COMBINATION REFRIGERATOR FREEZER Bottom Freezer A COUPLE OF SCRATCHES ON THE DOOR REG. $499.95 THIS SALE ONLT $299 95 Double Oven 5 New RCA Whirlpool DISHWASHER Reg.,18995 Now HALF PRICE WE'VE SOLD LOTS OP KITCHEN-AID DISHWASHERS BUT WE CANT SELL THIS ONE . . ... vi'khlmf- ami i " . t : ' rn,r. Ulf) hi,ote suiiuir xir .n.l Mr Frank r.iew.. and their grandson. ImukUs. M Grande, were overhigh " uf Mrs Mewana Huth M.Vuy. Sunday evening. Weather ermlUliK. an wa;; niihusUsi are " meet at the irngon t Saturday afternoon. Mann n at 1:00 pm. U woia - "-. hllng Pier. If the weather U bad. he work day will ! the follow. . . . o. v..r addi lonal In- formation, call Kennelli LplH-n- baugh. IC2 .TOW. Menus at A. C. Ilougliton Flementarv for the week of March .". to April i are as mi low: Monday White leans. pickled beet, hot nlls and apri cot cobbler; Tuestlav trletl chicken, mashed iHrtatocs. put tered spinach and peaencs. r- nesdav Meal gravy wn butterrii carnta. pumpkin cus tard; Thursday Meat ian. craiwfrult. green U'ans, fruit JellO; Friday Soup, pesnul butter and tuna sandwiches. applesauce and cake. School will resume at A. C, Houghton Flementary on Mon day. March T.K following a ween of spring vacation. xftc-hapl Tolar. urlnclpal or A. C Houghton Flementary. attend ed an eastern negiunai o"-k i lUementary ITincipai a.si Ion meeting at La Grande on Saturday. Tlie meeting was held at Eastern Oregon College, and two of the main speakers were Dale Mcl-ane. IMbltc Relation man for Ore Ida Foods and FTcd Jensen. Public Relations man from Boise Cascade. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital during the past week for medical care, then dismissed, include the follow ing: Evelvn Sweek. Heppner: Homer Schell. Jr.. Condon, and Viola Maude Hughes. Heppner. phone admitted and still re ceiving medical care are the fol lowing: Alice McCabe. Heppner; Andrew Allen. Spray; Jess Coats. Ilardman; Kenneth Green. Lex Ineton; Karen. Raymond and Keith Curnutl. Heppner. and June Crowell. lone. Mr. and Mr. RoNrt Fielder. Heppner, became parents of their first child, a daughter, on Wednesday. March 17. She welched 8 lbs, 5 oz.. and has been named Mary Patricia. Ma ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wetland. Portland, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Fielder of Lebanon. .itAAva first OUAUTY e w 1 vl . TOWNCRAFP DRESS SHIRTS Reg. Dozens of patterns, styles regulars, tapers. Cotton or Dac ron polyester-cotton. Save now! 2 Monument News If MARTHA MATTUON MONUMKNT Teachers and faeullv merner gathered at Ihe hoo.il house last Tueaday even ing for a hoii warming party for Mr. luldwln. high school teacher, lliev then wen! tu hla home where Ihey preentel him wtth a nice polo lamp fur I.U home. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Williams of t amp SHI. Lawton, Okla . ar rived Saturday afternoon at the home of his folk. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams for an II day vinit. while on leave from the army, Mr. and Mrs George Morrell have had the pleasure of a vtMt with their son and daughter In law front Richmond. Calif., as he Is out of I he army nuw. Hank and Jerry ("upper of La Grande were vtnltlng here over the week end. A daughter was born March In I'rlnevllle to Mr. and Mrs. Iiewavne Greley. The mother was Arvalla Hunt of Monument. Mr. and Mrs. James Ihirbtn of Canyon Cltv are parents of son. bom March V, In John Day. Mrs. IHirbln Is the former Veala Hunt of Monument. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Glenger at the John Pay hpltal on March V. They are a Monument ixuple. 'erne McCarty drove to llepp. ner Monday on business. Kir and Mri Sam Mi Daniel of Ilardman s;ent Sunday vlatt tng the Frank llowella. Mr. and Mrs. Kverett llowrll. Mrs. Mable Howell and I laud Randall drove to Pendleton on Monday. . , . Mable Howell, her son ( llfford and his son I'aikly atent last Tuckday on CottonwmHl visiting at the McDanlel hone. TJie Wtllard Jennlng family moved from Monument last week. Busy Buddies Work On Varied Projects The Bee'a Busy Buddies 4-11 club held Its 7th meeting after school on March 8 at the home of Mrs. F.wlng Hvnd. The girls. Jane Krebs and Marlene Magtll. have started making laundry bags and their sweaters are half done. The boys. Clint Krebs and Gary Thomas, made a carved leather notebook for the club. Another meeting was held March 15 at the home of Gary Thomn. The club practiced one minute after dinner speechc. Gary Thomas, reporter Money receipt books In dupll cate and triplicate are on sale at the Gazelte-Tlmea. 3.25 and 2.98 NOW f or HEPPNEB PH. 676-5811 369 N. MAIN PH. 676-9267