Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 11, 1965, Page 6, Image 6

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    KCrrNCI GAXETTTTIMM. TfeuncfcrY. March II. 1HS
a ones.
do Fifth
Mustangs Defeat
Father-Son to Open Saddlery Buiincti
Heppner Uifih MuiUnRl
lone' Cardinal cm out In
fifth plr In the 7 B bketball
tournament which ended in Pen
dleton Saturday night, winning
the first round cam and losing
the final two. However, their
two low., wet by a total of
onlv nine point.
One of the defeat waa by
Umatilla, eventual champion.
by only five point. Cfi to 61. Frt
day nicht. In the opener Thur
div. the Card smacked llelli
78 to 57. and In the battle for
third Place Saturday nUht.
Coach Gene Dockter a boy took
a thriller on the chin. 56 to W
at the hand of McEwen oi
lone claimed ome of the
honor when Mark Halvorsen
wa chosen for a position on
the all-atar first team, and Stan
Holsteln tied for econd In tourn
ament aoorinjt honors, hitting
total of 55. which deadlocked
him with Partlow for second
place. Holsteln also wa named
to the second all star team and
Halvorsen tied for seventh in
tournament scoring with 43
Scoring champion was Tom
Lewis of Imatilla with River
tdde's Jim Partlow tied with llol
Mcin for second.
Jolninc Halvorsen on the first
all star team were Partlow, Don
Whitney of McEwcn. Lewi. Ron
Barber of Umatilla. Doug Harper
of Helix and Tylor Hansell of
With Holstein on the second
squad wore Gilbert Thonstad.
Umatilla: Scott Billing. Echo;
Dennis Cronquist, Riverside; and
Mike Smith. Riverside.
Riverside came out second in
the tournament by defeating
Stanfield, 56 to 42 on the open
ing day; downing McEwen. 60
50. on Friday; and losing to
Umatilla. 61 to 52. In the hard
fought championship game.
lone took a 34 to 21 halftlme
lead over Helix In the Thursday
game and hit at a .456 clip
throughout the contest. The
Cards peppered 42 points In the
second half to win going away.
Stan Holstein led lone with 18
points, but four of the five
starters were in double figures.
In the contest with Umatilla
on Friday, the Cardinals went
down to the wire with them.
trailing by only one point with
one minute to go, 57-58. The
Vikings got three free throws
In a row to cop a 61-57 edge that
the Cards couldn't overcome.
Mark Halvorsen was game high
with 21. and again four start
ing lone lads were in double
figures. HalXime favored Uma
tilla by only 33-31.
McEwen held a two-point
halftime edge, 28-26, over lone
in the battle for third after the
Cards had come back from a 17
11 first quarter deficit The two
teams went neck and neck in
the second half with each mak
ing 14 points in the third
quarter and McEwen adding an
other point to its margin in the
iourtn. outsconng the Cards 14
to 13. Stan Holstein had 23 for
lone in this one and Tyler Han
sell of McEwen was second for
the game with 19. Mark Haiv
orsen had 14 for the Cardinals.
Umatilla, tourney champions,
will join Weston, Morrow-Umatilla
B league champs, for the
district tournament in John Day
Friday and Saturday to deter
mine the state tournament en
trant. Prairie City and Monu
ment will oppose them from the
southern subdistrict. As league
champion, Weston won an auto
matic district tournament berth
and did not play in the sub
district. ;
lONE 76S. Holsteln IS. J
lUlvorscn II. M. Ilalvorwn 13,
lull 1. V. Holsteln R. Llnnell
2. Morgan. Baker. McGill 3. Le
land MitJtll. Lovgren 4.
HELIX 57 Harper 14. Porter
17. Straughan 19. Kucrra 3, Ol
ten 3. Bcldort 1. Rodger. Haw.
IONE 61 S. Holsteln 14. W.
Holsteln 11. M. Ilalvorwi 21.
Ball 1. J. Halvomen 14. Morgan.
UMATILLA 66 Barber 20.
Lewis 17. Thonstad 15. Durand
5. Carollo 9. Benson.
IONE 53 S, Holstein 23. W.
Holstein 4. M. Halvorsen 14. J.
Halvorsen 5. Ball 5, Unncll.
Morgan. McGlll 2.
McEWEN 56 N. McMillan,
Whltnev 14, Hansell 19. Jones 10.
D. McMillan 7. Sounar 1. Han-
sell. Curtis 5.
cleared the l.M hurdle in their
path to the picric! 7 A3 Tourn
anient In La Grande a thev de
feated the Enterprise High Sav-am-.
5S50, In the McLounhlin
Huh Kvm at Milton Kreewater
last Saturday nijiht.
The Mustang, nhowlng a fine
floor eame. led throughout most
of the contest. They suffered a
third quarter lap but finished
Some 30d Heppner supporter
looked on a Gene Heliker took
penlng tip from Mac Ho.
kin and drew first blood with
a layln. Stu Dick put In another
lax in and Hoktn added two
gift shot to give the Heppner.
iie a 6 0 lead with the game
onlv two minute old. Carl Bau
l man rut the Mustang out front
at 4:23 of the opvntnit period
but the command w short
hed a Mike .strohm scored for
the Savate on a layln to tie
It up, 8 all. The Heppner team
came r h:ht back, and thev nail
the lead. 1712, at the end of
the first quarter.
The Mustanc continued to
hold a big lead In the second
quarter until Larry Achen
brenner put In a latn to narrow
It to one. 26 23, with 3 m left
In the half. Heppner High re
sponded rapidly and wa never
threatened again in the half a
thev were on top of a 33 2V score
at the Intermission.
In the third quarter. Enter
prise did to Heppner what the
Mustang did to Burn In Baker.
The Savages came out in the
Mann to Study
Cigarette Tax
Rep. Ed Branchfield. House of
Representative Tax Committee
chairman, ha appointed a sub
committee headed by Rep. lrvtn
Mann of Stanfield to study the
two cigarette tax bill before the
committee and to report back to
the full committee with recommendations.
Rep. Branchfield followed the J fun fUUd Jackpot show
Tryoufs, Races
Start Wrangler
Club Activities
Spring activities for the Hepp
ner rangier started Minus,
February 28. at the club groum
with tryouts for princess to rep.
resent the club on this year's
rodeo court, and followed by a
Erna Lynn Winchester, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie W in
Chester, was chosen princess by
the ludge, Buford Kinnison of
Pendleton, based on quahfica-
By RUST MILLER lof Redmond was chairman, and t ions set by the club, in cioe
turned over tn them 12 bills con- competition with her were Pattl
Over 30 adults and children .ilh PvmDtions of var- Collins and Barbara Grlbble.
le potluck supper tvn,, Following the tryouts many
preceded the Dusiness ,. sllhmmilt,. . participated In a Jackpot show
. - . - - 1 1 i . V.
will act on the cigarette tax pro
same prxedure earner on an
bills calling for tax exemptions.
He appointed Mann and Rep.
James Redden on a subcommit
tee of which Rep. Sam Johnson
of Redmond was chairman, and
turned over to them 12 bills con-
meetine of the Morrow County
h.. anA Mineral Society In theiwlu on ,nc "Kri-iie i S'iv-
lfhrl. 1 hmwin? Saturday 1 1101 aft" soliciting Informa-S'i-
lbr.a bu,ldinK baturdJ!,on from all organization and
groups interested In this partic
February 27.
A report was given on Jan
uary's birthstone. the garnet
Garnet may be red. brown,
black, green, yellow or white.
The red Almandine Is the most
widely used for Jewelry, and
comes from Madagascar and In
dia. The brown Pyrope Is mined
In the Adirondacks at North
Creek. N. Y.. for garnet paper,
a variety of sandpaper esteemed
for its better cutting qualities.
On display was a red garnet, in
the rough, and a cut and pol
ished "star" garnet, furnished
by George Miller.
Another report was heard on
February's birthstone, the ame
thyst. It is the transparent
Durde-colored variety of crys
talline quartz. Impurities cause
the color. It is mined in Brazil
and Madagascar, also found in
the eastern United States. A fac
eted amethyst, and an agate no
dule, filled with amethyst crys
tals, were displayed by Ruby
Miller. Ada Piper showed her
amethyst pin. It is written in
the Bible that a garnet and ame
thyst were among the stones
set in Aaron's breastplate.
A report was given on tne
rock show in Portland, February
A series of slides from the li
brary of the Northwest Feder
ation of Mineralogical Societies
entitled "Jewelry and Silver Ser
vice" by Lloyd and Robertson,
were shown by President Ed
Gonty. He narrated the script on
tape, then played it back as he
showed the slides. We were
taken step-by-step through the
processes which tne KODertsons
use in fashioning jewelry and
silver service.
Paul Miller won the door
prize and had his choice of one
slab of rock trom a tray iuu
belonging to Avery Taylor.
Averv Droudlv showed us a
table which he had made of
Detriiied wood embedded in
plastic. This table was displayed
at the PTA hobby show.
ular type of taxation, which he
characterized as a "selective
sales tax."
Tom Glass Makes
W. U. Honor Roll
Thomas E. Glass, a 1961 grad
uate of Heppner High school,
recently was named to the Wil
lamette University honor roll for
finishing the fall semester with
a CPA of 3.666.
A senior history major, Glass
served as homecoming manager,
president of Willamette Young
Democrats and vice-president of
Oregon Young Democrats. He Is
also a member of Arnold Air
Society, an honorary for out
standing AFROTC cadets.
He is the son of Mrs. Velma
Glass. Oakhurst Pk., Browns
burg. Ind.. and formerly of
Winners in these events were
the following: polebcnding. sen
iors, Erna Lvnn Winchester,
first, and Sandra Eubanks. sec
ond; Junior. Alberta Kinnison,
first, and Becky Fulleton, sec
ond. Barrel racing, seniors. Ruby
Fulleton. first. Erna Winchester,
second and Bev Steagall. third;
Juniors. Becky Fulleton. first.
Sheri O'Brien, second, and Jerry
Lvnn Schubert, third.
There were three go-arounds
of team roping. Winners In the
first go-around were Bob Steag
all and Jerry Dougherty, who
also had fast time for the day
with 17.3. Second place winner
were Roice Fulleton and Buford
Winning the second go-around
were Roice Fulleton and Ray
Goodrow. with Roice and Jerry
Dougherty teamed to win the
third go-around with a time of
21.2. with Buford Kinnison and
Jerry Schubert placing second.
oA Wook to Build
Your Dreams On
Creswicks Purchase
Portland Mortuary
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Creswlck,
formerly of. Heppner. have pur
chased the Cascade Funeral
Chapel at 9106 S. C Foster Road,
Portland, they said Monday.
The Creswicks were in Hepp
ner to participate in the 70th
anniversary of the Eastern Star
here Monday.
After selling the mortuary in
Heppner last year to Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Sweeney, the Cres
wicks lived for a short tome in
Portland before they went to
Woodburn where he was assoc
iated with a mortuary before
buying the Portland funeral
chapel. The Creswicks expect to
move to Portland irom wood
burn on the coming week-end.
Their residence is in connection
with the mortuary.
Justice Court
Feb. 3 Edna Marie Ball, no
vehicle license. Fined $5.
Feb. 19 Jasper Myers, no ve
hicle license, case dismissed.
Feb. 19 Warren Henry Sten-
der. Hermiston, disobeyed stop
sign. Fined $15.
Your Savings Account Pass Book!
All the signs of dreams come true are written
in your savings account book, when you save
steadily with us. Got a special dream? Come in
and see us.
For Your
Turner, Van Marter
and Bryant
Answers Your
Insurance Questions
QUESTION: We know of a
fellow who loaned his car to
a friend who got into a slight
accident and then punched
the other driver in the nose.
We wondered If our friend's
auto liability insurance
would cover him if the driver
who was punched brought
ANSWER: Ordinarily the in
surance would protect the
car owner so long as he him
self was not involved in the
This public service Its our way
of advertising. Your insurance
questions will be answered
without charge or obligation
if you'll send or bring them
Turner, Von Marter
and Bryant
cored eluht quick totnt to de
molish the Heppner lead With
lust three mlnut none. Hill En
mincer drove through the Mu
tang troop for a bucket to give
FntetprlM a 37-33 edge. Hut
Wayne Evan Mole the ball a
the lavages were Mini; In if it
down court and tallied a quick
two to put the Mustang Wk
In fnnt. 38 37. The Enterprise
five went ahead attain. 41 -J.
but some fine nhoottng put Hep
pner back In front a the period
ended. 42-41.
Nothing could atop the Mus
tangs a thev came out In the
final Manza determined to win.
The Heppner aulntet made It a
five-point margin when Heliker
put in a lde jumix-r with 7:11
left to play, 46-41. Enmln:er
and Strohm accounted for five
straight for the Savage to tie
It un at 2:22 of the last period.
46-ail. The two foe traded bas
ket until 1:23 to play when the
Mustang held 32 30 edge.
Heppner scored lx straight to
end the came and caln the trip
to La Grande.
Heliker had 17 for the Mua.
tangs but Ensmlnger took game
honors with 18. Hauman added
12 and llosklni chipped In 10
for Heppner.
The Mustanc had fine sup
port a thev worked their way
to the district tournament by
the hard route. lrobably K
fans. Including adults and stu
dents, made the trip to Milton
Freewater to back them.
In winning, the hoy of Coach
Bob Clouuh had to neutralize a
sparkling exhibition of outside
shootine bv the Savages whoso
long swlshers often brought
groans of dismay from Heppner
Mr. and Mr Nick Gray re
turned Ut week from iU
dale. Aril, where they ''!
nivnt the winter month. With
their nn. John, they are re
upeoliitf their lmin- here,
known as Cray' Haddletv. nett
dcHr to Fulleton tiaraite on
May Street.
The family lu ln-rn In addle
making husineM and leather le
pair work for eeral cr John
;r.iv has built M-eial of the
championship n.l.lle used by
fhler In the Anon Rodeo As-MN-Uttoii.
He has worked In
Saddh-rv nhopa In Michigan, in
Tela and rnot recently gained
prominence a on i'f th top
addl make! for llanchrr
Feed and Saddlery In 8sttdal.
Mr, Gray wa auslated with
Handey III 1'endlelon befof
routing here Ut jrr
The Gray rprtt to brawn
out their mi Ice from here, tak
ing order from over the nrth
wrktern area, building ruUuin
hand lded saddle, halter,
belt purse, billfolds, all kind
of leathei repair work and can
va repair work. They Invlta
wotk fmm rancher, tiding clul.
rodeo aMt.illon member. "4
any other who have need ft
their aervlcr.
(M Thought
Fg Ft rt To
Jacobs 2 2 16
Bauman 6 0 0 12
Hosklns 4 2 1 10
Heliker 6 5 2 17
Dick 110 3
Evans 10 12
Dohcrtv O 1 1 1
Driscoll O 0 O 0
Spencer 110 3
TOTALS 23 12 6 58
Fg Ft Pf Tp
Aschenbrenner 2 0 5 4
Strohm 4 2 3 10
Ensmlnger 9 0 1 18
Rahn 2 0 2 4
Bennett 5 2 0 12
Butner 10 2 2
TOTALS 23 4 13 30
HEPPNER 17 18 7 16 58
ENTERPRISE 12 17 12 950
Wkat It tk. liU M
wifk aa icHallr lt WiHqr
r Ik Vi f Hl4lmT C
U hiUmM tofayr Waal atUai ! It
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It's worth looking Into. AttwoHy th ob B.bl l o
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Chrl. , ,
AKklll irli (Minn yUU P'l tt
tk wt4 tkit kek wr kkklUt l mm
IikIIm4 t writ. Tky wr wltfc f-'M".
wHtlnit k fr4 wllk a putff.
7h opoitl Pfftr dtsctiixt i: "W hov olvo a
rrvort tur word of prophecy; hfurto y do ll that y
takt hd . . . for th prophecy conx not In old t-rr by
th will of man: but holy mo cl God tpok ot they '
movtd by th Holy Ghojt."
Th hlitorkin conot doubt its vnt, 7h K.nl,vt
I conloondd by its occurocy. 7h philosopher finds on
motchd III wisdom. And K who would undtrstond tb
meaning of this uneosy world will fmd it wotting for his
omett search In verses penned long ogS post as lleovtrs
directed, that men might know God's plm for them.
If you would know more obout thi$
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Mercury wins
year's top honor.
Sure we're croud that Mercury was named the best of the new cars after lour months
and 4000 miles of testing by the Editors of Car Lire Magazine.
But This coveted award wasn't exactly a surprise. It just confirms what sales figures
(particularly here in the West) have already established ... that Mercury has the styling,
the performance and comfort to make it the year's outstanding value.
Awards are nice. Especially this one which is considered the, plum. But if you really
want to be impressed, come in and slip behind the wheel of one of our magnificent new
Mercury. Co cruising a few miles. When you return, we think you'll agree it just doesn't
make much sense to spend 13000 for anything less.
May & Main St.
BOX 739
rieppner Pa. 676-9657