HEFFNtl GAXtTTt-TIMtS. TrurdT. NmhUKJ So yder's Shots Defeat Burns 7 KIT ANDERSON Bill Fnydera two clutch free throw in the im iwo nwrnu gave the Heppner Mustangs a thrilling 7()i-H playoff bakeiball victory oxer Burn High tn Baker Tuesday night. The two team ended the reg ular Greater Oregon League eason twetcrn division! tied Iwi third and had to play the came to deride the right to play KnteryrUe of the eastern dM Ion for a berth In the dUtr.ct tournament The Mustangs pulled thu one out of the depths or aciear aa thev trailed at the half. 40 35. Foul played an important part In this ...!. ' "" d llennner took advantage as un Mustangs cashed In for 28 pou.u at the line while the inlanders only got IS. tun Mundv started things off In the came with two of hU 23 lolnU for Burns. Ilia two free throw were the first points in the contest, but Heppner came back and soon led. 6 3. After battling back and forth, the team finished the first quarter with Burns leading. 21 17. The Mustangs, backed hy norne 150 fans who made the lone trip on a school night, led twice In the second period, but the inlanders dominated the quarter and held the 5 point halftime lead. Corky Palmer made it 13-3. for Burns with 7:i0 left In the third stanza, and the inlanders enjoyed their biggest haa tf the game. Heppner fans found little to yell about until the last minute of the period when the Mustangs went on a spr-e five Quick points, three of them on a fine plav by Snyder. Hepp ner led at this point, 57-55. An exciting fourth period cap ped a fine comeback for the Mustang With 3.2S left in the game, the Mustangs held a four 1a4 Kut th.it- fail.'H In' Each team played a fine game. Shooting for the floor for each waa In the NM area. IIEITNKK 70 K It M TP Jacobs J 4 2 8 ttauman 3 0 4 6 Spencer 0 12 1 F.Nans 6 1 2 13 Uiherty 114 3 Snxder 2 5 3 9 Hehker 4 11 2 13 Dick 110 3 ilark 2 0 0 4 HosWin 12 4 4 Prbcoll 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 22 26 23 70 BURNS S F Ft W Tp Mundy 9 7 4 25 Auen 0 0 5 0 Kessel 12 3 2 27 Cunderson 0 2 5 2, Palmer 2 4 4 H Colantlno 2 2 16 Garrison 0 0 1 0 Berg 0 0 0 0 TOTAIis 25 IS 22 6S HK1TNER 17 18 22 1370 Bl'K.NS 21 19 15 1368 ! V. i il R A i r l- V " " - " " Advanced First Aid Has 22 Completions During February an American Red Cross advanced first aid course was given In Heppner with 22 successful completions. Miss Margaret McCarter. Miss Virginia Buch. Mrs. Kenneth Peck and Mrs. Vivian Bronson also completed their instructor training for first aid. Any person desiring to attend either the standard or advanced first aid course may contact the above listed instructors or Charles McLean or Bill Crooke. BRUCE MARQUARDT. ton el Mr. end Mrs. Bill Morquordt. hold the certificate he has received from the American Athletic union for winning fifth place nationally In the 50 yard ? VT Junior Olympic. (GT Tooto) Marquardt Wins Nalional Award score on many cnances uu Larry Kessel tied It on two free throws at 68 all. Snyder's two free shots, coming with the clock showing Just two seconds remaining, broke the tie and brought Joy to the Heppner part-Isans. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rood en Joyed a recent vacation trip In Southern Oregon. They were guests of her parents and other to relatives in Medford and con tinued on to Brookings where thev spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Harlan N. Adams and infant daughter, former rest dents of Kinzua. They also at tended christening ceremonies for a grand niece and grand nephew tn Medford. Bruce Marquardt. 12-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mar quardt of Lexington, has won filth place nationally In the 50 yard dash. Junior Olympics, af ter competing In the regional meet In Portland last June. Notice that he won the high placing In the midget division came this week in the form of a certificate from the Amateur Athletic I'nion. Bruce won the event in Portland as a fifth grader, going the 50 yards in a time of 66 seconds. The certificate states. 'This certifies that Bruce Marquardt won 5th place In the National AAU Junior Olympics Finals in the 50 yard dash of the midget division." It Is signed by of ficials of trie Athletic Union. Apparently delay In announ cing the national winners is due to time needed to compile scores from the various area competit ions. Bruce, now in the sixth grade at Heppner Elementary school, is looking forward to coiniH'ting In the Junior OIm pics again this ear. Herman Schunk, 80, Dies in Oregon City Herman Schunk. who wvuld have been SI on March 13. died unexpectedly of a heart attack February 22 at Oregon City. He lived In Heppner In 1919 and l'.O) and worked on a ranch for Boh Thompson. Mr. Schunk was a brother of Mrs. Dewey Brltt of Heppner. Mrs. Emma Miller of Oregon Cltv and of Albert Schunk of Boardman. Funeral services were Thurs day. February 25. at Oregon City and interment was In an Oregon Citv cemetery. He was born In Germany end came to this area when he was six years old, living first near Spray. Mr. Schunk who had been In apparent good health, suffered SAVES MONEY, TOO! Electric water heaters offer greater safety and comfort for coop members '; I V w pi'.i m-ww hi 111 1 "" 1 ,' ' t . '.... " ' ; : ' i ; ; - . ,l ! , I f ' I ' f - - 1 Helps you earn more money Dairymen can increase their Income by installing an electric waler heater in the milk house. Makes it easier to meet sanitation requirements and keep all milking equipment clean. Safe as a light bulb and child-proof, too! Safety is one important reason why so many families prefer electric water heaters. There are no flames or exposed heating units. Even the controls are covered and out of reach of inquisitive children's fingers. An electric wafer heater is cool, too. That's because thick insulation keeps heat inside the tank. Children can safely play next to it. You can safely store so many items next to an electric water heater because there is no dangerous flame or ex cessive heat It's completely automatic, too. All you need to do is turn the faucet marked "hot." There are no fuel lines that can become clogged; nothing to clean. No dangerous gases or fumes, either. Electric water heater cuts installation costs An electric water heater can be in stalled anywhere because it does not require expensive flue or chim neys. This saves you money because your electric water heater can be placed nearer the point of greatest use. Less piping is needed and there is less wasted heat. You can install your electric water heater in the basement... attic:., under stairs ... in hallways . . . closets ... laundry . . . bathroom . . . utility room. There are even "table-top", models to fit in your kitchen and givo you extra working counter space! - i-.1 -t:- .1 j i i mill iliiiilltirill ill iiiiii ill' r "' ?--"- ' An electric water heater can help you up-grade your dairy and earn more money on every hundred weight you sell. The increase it nearly all profit, too, because hot water costs only pennies' a day, thanks to low-cost rural electric poweri ft?) Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties HOSPITAL NEWS rat lent- admitted to Pioneer Memorial hopltal during the pAt week for medical care, then dimled. Include the follow. Ing! Frank A. Vereevken. Fllj Nell lladd.H-k. Heppner; CrtH Peterson, lne. Ira iof erred lo IVndleton; OrMn Wrlfc-ht. Hepp ner; Mildred MorrU, Heppner. and AlU-e Andemon. Heppner. TtioM admiiiisl. and ull re rciMiig rare, are the follow in j: Norma Marquardt, 4-xlngtn: Wendol)it Jonen. Condon; Fred Ott. Heppner; Margaret KUk, Heppner; Jame r.iwari. n kit: I'liarloiie Hatter, klnua; Connie lUoter, Condon; in I lie. Ford. Condon, and llaiel Ma Itonev. Heppner. Mr. and Mr. Tom t. Hashing. Sr., Cndon. bevame parent f a firt daughter on Monday. March 1. ine ha bee tt namel Sarah Jane and at birth weigh ed S Iba., 7 ot Slu Joins two brothers al home, Tommy and Jimmy. Barbara Slewert In Emanuel Hoipltal Barbara Slewert. 31 year old daughter of Mr. ami Mrm. Hill Slewert of Heppner, underwent Iwo ma tor oinratlons lat week at Ihe Fmanuel wpllal. IN'tt land. Her father aald We.lnea.lay that he came through the oper- m -iMfci klmoe." and I .I..I.U ui-ll aa ran be rxiee- ted. Iloth parent were with her throughout lt week, and her mother went back to be with her un-w after Ihev returned to Heppner over the week end. Mia Slewert. a gra.luate l ii. .i.i. it. r iiii'ii acbiMii four year ago. has been working as a tele. phone company auprnUor tn IVitland. The operation were ix rf. rinrt Tuea.Uv and Friday of lat . She will remain In Ihe liopltat at leant through the cuirrnl week, and aa a.Miii a I able, will return to ll.ppwr l Uve with her parenta bete Ihrouish runvaleacrtu'v. MIm Slewert I tn rtn 1CI In the honpltal. She U able l have lil.i and would wet come aeelnr friend. Money receipt Unkt t dun Mtate and trlplUate are on mm it Ihe Uairlte Time. Farm Law Course Sets Another Try Because not enough erion attende.1 to form a claaa, the planned Farm Law course ache.1 uled to Ktart hero Tueaday night a an evening clan of Blue Mountain College waa not or ganized. Another try will be made Tuesday, March !. at 7 p.m. In room 8 of Heppner High nchool. It wa iHilnted out that the -ourM it not only for farmers but I applicable also to busi nessmen and others. Joe Calfe. Heppner attorney, will teach the class If It la form ed. Ten are needed to Mart. Four Interested persons apix'ared Tuesday night. All thise Inter- estod are asked to attend on the coming Tuesday night. Two other classes will Mart next Wednesday night, basic de sign In room 5 and basic New lug In the home ec room or Heppner High. the heart attack while In a taxi and was rushed to a hospital but died shortly afterwards. In addition to the Msters and brother, all of whom went to the funeral, survivors Include four children. His wife preceded him In death. RANCHERS nmm aero AIRPLANE SPRAYING CO. Owned and Operated By PAUL U. HANSEN Will bo availablo for assistanco with your spraying and fertilizing problem!. Will bo using a new, high concentrate spray system that is 95 efficient, as compared to 30-cfficicncy with a boom and noxxlc system. This system reduces the amount of 2, 4-D necessary by Vi to Vi, due to complete saturation of the weeds, resulting in a considerable saving to the farmer and a reduced shock to the grain. Inland Chemical Service of Heppner handles the new concentrate 2, 4-D used most effectively for hard to kill weeds and this new spray system. FRESH Cibsmfjici River SEiieIflb29 Oregon Chief Regular Whole or Half lb Oregon Chief Skinless OTSemieirs 1 Lb. Cello Pack Hudson House 303 Can 5 for $H Hudson House 303 Can Cut Green iecoms for $H 5 for $ a 3 lbs. 2 I -Lb. Bags 19 DRY ONIONS i. 5$ Prices Good Friday & Saturday, March 5 and 6 T MARKET 111 N. Court THE HOME OF QUALITY MEATS" Ph. 676-9643