lOETY State Dcqrco Leaders Install New Officers Of Kate Young Lodge 1'iHir Slain iffU-r rf irrsrnt ll assist With Installat ion rrrrmohlrs i( IWW offlrrr i.f Kate J, Young IsnU'e No, lN'trH i.f li"ir PruUTiive Aiukk Ullnn. last Tuesday rvrn Inif , r'Hruary W Tliv wrr Mrs. I Lira l. (rt-rtin. slat hrtiira ll r. aNltfil tiv Mr lu-tth ( Mm. Im, Mute vlrr ifitt-nt, a ri.l Mr Craw liutt. stat fclarv. IhiIIi of l'iMlUnk, and Mrs. lull t'arra, alalo ial prrst tlrnt. Ilci'imrr. Nw i.ninr uhlih lMk I h-ir oattis lmHlve furtnal rrre pinnies wtii" Mrs. Mary lirvanl, l.rriiti-nl, Mr. I -ul I If 1'arrUh. al irr4i1inl; Mrs KM thinly. Wt ritilrtit; Mrt. All't M Cain', 2ril se ri'(,nt; Mrs, Karl HMwant, nordlnit sfrf- lrv Mn Karra financial sw. rHarv: Mrs It. J. M Murtrv. irf.murrr; Mr. AlUe l.ultrrll. o.lor iK-arrr: an.l Mrs Llnmln Nah an! Mrs tA Hunt, uslwrs. Ktmtf ,fflr ar Mra. An hl radtM-ri?. Mra. William Cunning. ham. Mn It. G. M Muriry. Mra. Itonald Hatrut'MiMMl; wllli aula tant aff offlirra. Ke bite and 11iU Sirallon. Ijh at rn'Hilwra who all1 ullh InstAllalliin w-rr Mr. Natri and Mra Hunt, tishi-rt; Mra. J-ann lluilon. lanlM. and Mm. IUI ljTrar. Intalltn vUr rr-filt-nt. In at'i'riH latln of work of of fUfm tin past year. Mra. I'ar rlih. rrlirlnif ircUlrnt. rrM-nt-rd Ihi-m wllh Rlfta. a wi-ll a to vUitctra rrH-nt and mmmlt-ti-ra In charpi of arranijpmfnt for the rvrnlnc Shr. In turn, waa rlnni-d with l"t prinl. U-nl' ln hv Mr. C-rton and rivvi-d a4-vr-ral Rlfta from mrm her IVrffrt aiti-ndant aw-arda wrrr iircwrntcil to Mra. Farra and Mrm. Nah and honorable nii-nllon award, for mUln(r on ly one mrrllnjf, to IHrl Itoh Inaon. Mra. I'an Connor. Mra. Itrvant and Mr. Parrlkh. Thr Vah-nilni" mnf wa rar rlrd out durlni; the oventwr. hU-hllKhfrd hy the hKlnR of Mra. LuWrll. color Kuard a tho oreanlatlon'a Vaknllne Swi-rt-hrt. Handmade ct-ramlc Klfts hy Mr. Conty w-r ixvsr-iitod to thr Inslallina offln-r and th r-tlrln and InoomlnR prpntdonU. The Sunohlm march -olUctlon wii donated to a member who l confined to her home with I II ne. Thoe nerving on committee were Mm. Herman Blettell. re frehmcnt. awilsti! by Mr. Frank Connor and Mr. Albert Connor; Mr. Alice Soward. dec oration, ablated bv Mm. Strat. ton. Mra. Clarence Uauman and Mra. Oonty. Thirty memtKTi and CuestJi were tirenent. To enable local member to at tend Installation of Magnolia Until No. 34 In Pendleton on February 23. the meeting for that nlpht wa advanced to Feb ruary 1G. Member attending from out of town were Mm. Oma Cox of Walla Walla and Mr. Bob Tor on and small daughter of Portland. Birthday Marked Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday Ivan Brown and Frank Adklns at the homo of Help (baaad on naad NOT handout. Th Modi cart IcgUallon (1ER-D, now Mot Congress and paclod by Iho Admlntalrntlon, b unfair because 16 promotes medical asaUUnce for everybody over 65 years-rich and poor alike, regardleit of need. The only fair approach to Medicare is to make 16 available to those over 65 who are In need of health care assistance. Eligibility can be fairly established orcoon coMMtrrrr 0 M,Tr..lMrt I. OH Cow it: Cu nts FRIDAY. r.Uuory It WaMonka. fti)0. Itttwkaha. lOOr MalL pjn. tATVROAT, rtbruary 20 Elks Annual. HyUtiatlo ppnr ford, from lliOO MONDAY. rtUuary U Chamber pi Commarc, Waqoa WhL noon. FfA raranl Boa Dinner. High school rafalaila, t;30 pm. Order ol Eastern Star. Maeoalc Hall. p.m. WEDNESDAY. raUuary 24 Special Election vol on county road levy. a-m. to I pjn. Odd fallows. lOOr Halt I p.m. Variety of Projects On Agenda for lone Garden Club Events "Nw .UnU fur lWi" i Ihi. thrnw uwl fur rll rail at the , l" Cardan rlub last Turs.lay ftrrnn at the home .f Mrs ' l-Tfn! ChrlMolirirrsnn. Ullh hoMen. Mra. phlll Kmert. Ttte roll call was annwi-n-d bv 22 rnemU'ra prenent for the after ri'Hin Main hudneM of Ihe afternoon ;Va I in- I'l.llllllIlK Ol "If Hllliuai ....l..- . I Tt.. .1.1. ,.l PI'IIIIK I'lHIll f H . Ill' n.ir April Ma chonn A plannlnc rtmrnltt-e wa apdnted to ar range for Ihe meeting place and other detail. A rett wa heard concern ing Junior jtardener and It wa Planned to trv and form a Jun ior Garden club which will work with the regular Garden flub and will Include ape through the f.th grade. Mr Halph Crum and Mra Herman Winter are In charir of this project. An announcement of a dis trict meeting for April 22 wa ' announced by Mr. Fred Martin.) Mrs. Mary Lundell was In i charge of the program which wa entitled "The Shady Story." and centered around the naming of shade loving plant. It also Included the reading of a group of question, with answer first handed ut to the member. This proved mot Instructive. Follow ing the meeting, refreshments were enoed. Two Ladies Honored At Surprise Gathering Friends of Mrs. Marlon Olson and Mrs. Frank Adktns were In vited to the Olson home Friday, February 12. to surprise the two ladles on the occasion of their birthdays. Making the arrange ments and serving as hostesse were Mrs. Leo Struthers. Mrs. Bert Winters and Mrs. Paul An- deron. Birthday cake, with Ice cream and coffin!, were served after the honor guests had been presented gifts from the group. Attending were Mrs. John Lane, Mrs. Edgar Morris, Mrs. Averv Taylor. Mrs. Austin Wil son. Mrs. Marie Walholm. Mrs. Vern Nolan. Mrs. James Richard son, the hostesses and honored guests. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Heath In honor of Mrs. Adklns on her birthday. The group enjoyed din ner and birthday cake on the occasion. make Medicare i .-'; r- f.',,., f. iSJyf O .." ; through an Income statement or simple affidavit. Other unfair aspects of HIM are Increased tares, iralcred-down benefitSj more fedora! controls over your everyday life, "Sou can help maU Hed!car fatr by conlactlfltf your Congressman Immediately! Writs your Congressman to SUPPOHT HB-3727...the FAIR-Mcdloare proposal! a.m a i i i l LEGISLATION AND EDUCATION wort tha ehlol topiea of this aroup at tho IKS Otoqoa 4-H club conlaraoco In 5a lem durinq which soma 70 Oregon 4-H'ora took a closo look at how thalr stato aoTcmmont functions. Shown horo. from Uft, aro MltchaU Athbock. Exhoi Morrtloa McCouqtx. ndlcton; Mrs. Sam lohnsoa. Rodmond. mom ber ef tho Stato Board of Hiqhor Education and a ronivrtneo spoakor; Jamo Shaw, Htnnlatoo; Drschutas County Rop. Sam Johaaon, and Joan Stockard. Hoppnor. Variety of Interests Shown in PTA Hobby And Collectors Show A wide variety of favorite hob bles and collections. Uth old and new, were displayed at the February meeting of the llepp ner lIA last Wednesday even ing at the hli-h school multl purpoM rim. Twenty-eight sep arate collections attracted thr eye and comments of those at tending. Of Interest were the antique collections, stamp collections, ceramics, modern art In water colors and pastels, arrowhead collections, wood carving, pho tography, silver collections, an tique handkerchief collection. In- i ternatlnnal doll collection, hand blown glass, petrified wood and j rock collections, stone age cul ture, and others. An extensive stamp collection I iwas started In 1928 by La Verne Van Marter. with some of the stamps dating back over nw years. An antique spoon of Mrs. Lowell Grlbbles collection was engraved with the name Vinson, Oregon, now unknown. Among those participating In the show were Mrs. Tom Gonty of Seattle. Mrs. Ed Gonty. Bill Ccntrv. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Tay lor. Walt Edger. George Miller, Doug Gribble, Mr. Lowell Grlb ble. Mrs. Clint McQuarrle. Mrs. Alice McCahe. Mrs. Herman Win ter. Roger Hatlev, Mrs. Fred Ott, Mrs. (orge Stlllman. Mrs. Andy Van Scholack and Jimmy, Mrs. 1.. E. Dick. Mrs. Wallace Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Peck and Martha. Rev. Mel Dixon. Mrs. Ruth Bergstrom. Jan Hager. and Mr. and Mrs. Van Marter. Co-chairmen for the special program were Mrs. McQuarrle and Mrs. Gribble. Founder's Day. or the 68th anniversary of the Parent Teacher organization, was ob served during the social hour. The organization was founded In 1897 In Washington, D. C Ed Gontv. 1943 PTA president, cut the large red and white sheet cake, with Mrs. J. G. Wellcr. Mrs. Alice McCabo and Mrs. Gonty serving. General chairman for the refreshments was Mrs. Charles Pheglev. fair I 1 y r : II ' 1 .. n ..!UU L.... J rli rii Q) vou Bffi umm 11 OZ. RITZ Stack Pack 3 for $1 Sl (IsJIOmflfl SCOTT'S n n flo 1 LB. BAG fmss ea. IO0 Car roll's mm 8 LB. BAG WHITE PRICES GOOD FEBRUARY 19ond20 Phones; (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 dij r!iljil MALLETS Lumberjack 4 FISHERMEN 14 OZ. Fish Sticks BIRDSETE Awoke r Aw 771 1 0 HtttHtn CAZCTTX TIMCS. Tturvlcrr. rabruary 11. ms i j Club Holds Sweetheart Dinner Travel and atudy In l.'uro( which took Mr. and Mm. Con ley ,arham aay from their llrppner home for rln month and nine day frm AUEUSt. VMl. to Mav. were pre. sented In an Interesting (aro tram to members and guest of the Hcppner Mothers club Sat urday evening. Mrs. Lanham narrated their color alldea and r-called t'laf of menurable Interest, follow Ing the annual Valentine Sweet, heart dinner, at which husband of members were honor guests, held at 7 p.m. In the dining room of the lleppner Hotel. Th grout then adjourned to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt for program and late refreshments. The Lanhams traveled by air to their first destination In Eng land where favorite places of historical Interest were visited, continued on Into the Scandi navian countries and slowly southward through the Europ ean countries to their main des tlnation In the little French vil lage of Luvnes In Tours. France, which they called -home" while attending school at the Insti tute U'Etudes. Study of customs and living standards of the French people, as well as visits Q 9VJ. rli ritUlLi F0ii iovs mm. Cleaned Shrimp 2 cans 750 SYRUP 21 FBOZEK Shoulder Roasts lb 390 Pork Steaks lb. 490 SWIFTS PREMIUM Sliced Bacon OREGON CHIEF Polish Rings to the picturesque country areas, offered them muih opportunity for unforgettable exerlences. They were Impressed with the friendliness of the French people arid Ihe corx-rrn which they ex pressed for Americans at Ihe time of President Kennedy's assassi nation. Of Interest were their tits to several large castle like cheaus, as well as the un believable little cave homes. They found much of the weather damp and cold while residing there. After a leisure tour back to Stockholm, their return home was by boat. Valentine decorations and games In the Schmidt home added to the enjoyment of the evening. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones. Mr. and Mr. Herman Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Henry, Mr. and Mrs, P.nice Fulleton, Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Robin son, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Struck meier. Mr. and Mrs. Nels An derson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Laird. Rev. and Mrs. Melvln Dix on. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Lucore. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Abrams. Mrs. Dee Smith. Mrs. Anita Stockard. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt. Mrs. Pat Brln die and Mr. and Mrs. Lanham. v) O U PACIFIC 3 for $ lb. 650 lb. 590 COFFEE PI2 1 u l3Lb ?205 mJ&J It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps J. GREEN STAM PS MARKET ros rsis mcoicask