Chott From Your Home Agent I; nttrnt cAirm nxts. t6y. rtrr it. mi Home and Family Problems Subject Of Program Needs r DONNA CC01CC NifiU of Morniw county for rxlnuloii educational ruitrama In liome minomlni wrre out lined KeUuary 1 hv Hume Ihtriml'in Program I'lannrra. lMrU wrrw mtdf aa folluwa: i.l..ilf iIhii imililitma tt I . toff. UrkH in n .rra.: M"'""' lrhlp thU vrar hla . . ... - - ! lltrilltrBOM M.W anl Mli4ii ft, A torn i L . flrat year 4 II Junior ratrra and uu-ir nul leailcra in tUani Plan for lhlr (unlor Ira.l.f.hip pro .(! Tfi,.v havf Mmi irally K'! Maa for lnlrlrtK younrcr inriiitHTi. community iMfvlir, MrcnKthftilnK Ihrlr own abll ami tharlnit th work of dull i'aiirt, flif Ihm Ihrri are other wouM ! Junior lcalrra who havr not ikm enough Intrrrat in una vaiuaitit i-roii in ar range for tln i.lantiltiif illarua- alori with ihi'lr alult irauVr and rktftmlon arrnl Irrfjulrnl now If Ihry arc firil vrar lunlor Irail. tia AUo. In rt-r fur any 4 II mrmtM-r In rwrlv credit for !raa: "Horn Manam.-nt and ?untX. n;Ji ''e not later tiiulpment." Mr. Walter WrluM; M,f h 13- New Unit Study To Be on Present 'Tension' Theme Home KurnUhlni; and Interior IkToratlon. Mr", warren Mr toy: "I'lothlnir and Tektile Mr. Koland IterKktrom. and "KimmU and Nutrition," Mra frank Connor. Mra. Edward Baker, who I lrearlnit a rejort on lxal rn-el for Information In the area of "Family finance" waa una bio to attend thla meetlnir, The "JToKrarn I'lannera" have rarrfully namlned the county aituatlon and reaeanh from other aourrea on aortal and re onomtc roblema relating to home and family life. They have Untened to and evaluated romnienta mad by home extenlon unit member and others, for additional Ideas home of them have consulted with local authorities Inrludlnu ministers, doctors and arhool of f Ida la. Next atep will be deciding artlon to be taken on the prob lems. One part of thla will be the aelertlon of letumn toplra for Ui5 Ofi unit meetings. Other programs will be planned to mert the needs and Intercuts of certain proupa. The Housing Clinic scheduled at Boardman In March and the tailoring workshops, being held now, are some examples of this years home extension progress result ing from tne program planners efforts. Whrn local people sue Involv ed in such planning, resulta are more satisfactory than if It Is done without understanding of local feelings. Interests and needs. Some progrsms provide knowledge which has little value other than satisfying the learner's curiosity. Hut when ed ucation programs are geared to meeting problems then the en tire community benefits. An ex cellent Job Is being done by the Home Kxtcnnlon I'rogram Manners. Economy. Safety Ai Factors In Hanging of Draperies With electric baseboard heat, should drajterlea come to the floor? No. say the engineer. For economical heating, plus safe ty, rirniM'rlea should be ahout six Inches above the heating unit.. Top of the draperies should be at least an Inch he low the celling. The renvm Is this if drap. erles come down over the base board unit, heat gets trapper be tween the fabric and the window rather than flowing out Into room. Therefore, much of the I extension unit meetings they heat escapes to the outdoors. , will also designate workshops By DONNA GEORGE Leader from all six of Mor row county'a home extension units will receive training from Agent Donna George Tuesday, February 2.1. for the lesson "You and Tension." The project lead ers Include Mrs. Arnold Hoff man and Mrs E. Prlggs (Board man): Mrs Brvre Keene (lone); Mrs. Joe Wright and Mrs. F. Connor (llcppncr); Mrs. C, W. Stephen and Mrs. P. M. Couch Mrrlgon unlti: Mr. F.lmer Palmer and Mr. John Grave llthea Creek Unit): and Mr. Weldon Wltherrlte (Pine City Unit). Some have asked what kind of "tension" this Is about. No, It Is not the kind found on sew-1 Ing msrhlnes but rather that commonly railed nervous ten sion! Often the term I used to I mean frustration, fatigue, un- happiness, discontent, worry. In ner turmoil, uneasiness, or some other feeling. We hear much about this kind of tension these days. Mrs. Roberta Frasler, ex tension family life specialist, ha prepared some excellent ma terials on this topic relating to the cause and meaning of ten sion and suggestions for Its con trol. Other person, particularly thone who are Interested In this lesson for a program for their organization, are welcome to bring their sack lunches and at tend the training meeting which Iwgln at 10 00 a m. Tuesday In the l-xlngton City Hall. For ad ditional Information or for a free copy of the booklet. "You and Tension." contact the County Ex tension office, Heppner (located In the Gilliam ft Blsbee build ing; phone G7G-9642.) Horn Extension Pro-am Planners To Meet Monday The Morrow County Home Ex tension I'rogram Planners will select lesson topics for the 10G5 firt program when they meet Mondav. February 22 In Lexing ton. In addition to choosing 8 lesson topics for regular home Prevention Found Cheaper Than Late Juvenlla Cur During project leader training for the home extension Febru ary lesson, "Early Marriage" much discussion centered around the question "How much Is a good home worth?" The follow ing Information from OSU re lates the one aspect of this: "Ex ports nay the root of Juvenile delinquency ore In the home environment. Many delinquents come from homes where the mother Is a poor manager and disciplinarian." Youth programs to keep young Mers busy with constructive ac tlvitles do a fine Job of divert' Ing them from trouble with the law. But It's like taking aspirin for headache. You still need to get down to the cause. In Extension programs for welfare recipients, we find many mothers sincerely want help In child behavior and homemaklnR skills. The question of the value of jthe home was put to Mrs. Roberta Prazlcr, OSU Extension family life specialist. She could n't answer In dollars but gave us this clue. To keep n girl In. HillercKt school or a boy In Mc Laren, costs $100 to $500 per month. If It costs that much to keep thorn In, how much Is It worth to keep them OUT? and other educational programs In home economics and related topics which will be open to the public. New 4-H Clothing Club Are Active Workers Three new 411 clothing clubs In the county are off to a good start now In their club activities and the members are working on Ibelr DrolectS The Hardworking Bees of lone are led by Mrs. Charles Williams who s ass sted by Mrs. Jim ar nctt. There are 10 members en rolled In Phase I projects. This makes five clothing clubs at lone. In the North Lexington area, Mm. Weldon Wltherrlte Is lead ing the first clothing club there In several years which Mas an enrollment of eight girls. The Boardman Crispy Critters led bv Miss Linda Nortlstrom, has elcht members enrolled In clothing projects and other mem bers In gardening. mm Attention: 4-H Junior Leaders Recently I've met with some Premium Quality at Popular Prices THE ALL NEW GENERAL New Hi-Speed Stability, Twin Tread Traction Bonus Mileage Cloud-Soft Comfort TOD' GENERAL TIRE V4J SURE EBVKE J-v il There's A Career Ahead For r L,tT n Agriculture IT, WE AIRE PROUD OF THE AND SALUTE THEM ON FFA Week, Feb. 20 - 27 o 0 Learning to Do Doing to Learn Earning to Live Living to Serve The Successful Farmer of Tomorrow is the Future Farmer of Today Morrow County Has Chapters at Heppner and Riverside High Schools FFA CREED I believe in the future of farming, with a faith born not of words but deeds achievements won by the present and past generations of farmers; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come up to use from the struggles of former years. I believe that to live and work on a good farm is pleasant as. well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of farm life and hold an inborn fond ness1 for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement I can not deny. I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work ef ficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of organized farmers to serve our own and the public interest in marketing the product of our toil. I believe we can safeguard those rights against practices and policies that are unfair. I believe in less dependence on begging and more Eower in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough onest wealth to help make it so for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those w7hose happiness depends on me. I believe that rural America can and will hold true to the best traditions in our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task. Officers Frank Osmin, President Melvin McDaniel, Vice President Chris Brown, Secretary Dean Robinson, Treasurer Paul Swaggart, Sentinel John Wagenblast, Reporter Cecil Kerry, Officer-at-Large Gerald Jonasson, Adviser Other Members Ivan Adclard and Members Of The Heppner High Chapter: Ron Beckct Tony Dohcrty Alfred Drake David Gray Tom Green David Hall Rob Harris Dick Flaiz FFA Parent and Son Banquet Heppner High Cafeteria Monday, Feb. 22 6:30 P.M. Guests Welcome Larry Heath Paul Hisler Matt Hughes Ray Jones Ron Jones Leslie Ledington Ken Nelson Stan Rauch Jack Ray Earl Struckmeier Gary Struthers Bob Van Winkle Steve Wagenblast Dennis Warren Program of Work Committees Conduct of Meetings Leadership Cooperative Activities Earnings and Savings Public Relations Supervised Farming Commmunity Service 8. Scholarship 9. State and National Activities 10. Recreation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING WHO OF AGRICULTURE AND OUR Red and White Store Gilliam and Bisbee Charles Ruggles Insurance Agency Lexington Oil Co-op IN BOTH THE FUTURE Economy Market Padberg Machinery Lott's Electric Morrow County Grain Growers Parrish Garage Farley Motor Co. Inland Chemical Co. BELIEVE YOUTH: Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Gazette-Times Morrow County Creamery Ford's Tire Service Kinzua Corporation First National Bank, Heppner Branch L. E. Dick Morrow County Abstract and Title Co. Jack's Chevron Station Heppner Nor-Gas HEPPNEB PH. 676-9481