HEPPNER GAZETTE Trains Running Again,- Bob Lowe Recalls History ,-,... a tmm nap 1 i Lcadtnn the evport In ton (Continue from PS X Mg0 ,nMVted for shipment by to U P ). Onlv short time was tram division of the Oregon IV required to restore full aervic partment 'f Ak'tli-uHuw aj tolleooner wheat, with 821 tons. Most of I t.. steam locomotive Irt'the wheat nuved out of l. -n Henoner was engine No. 21U In in?! Imtt ? or he Cl ' tUi.v-? IT l.motlv tiM dicscl electric locomotive l&U &7he' inMt-au a i-m t every day. we have three week with the Mine train running three days a wk to Condon allv drv canyoa bvame rush- Ine torrcts of muddv water. Hep- 'era aboard, viewed trie ran asm nner was luckv with verv little ace. r.Mrt wa Klven out. A damace. but aa the runoff from train will be In Heopner on Jan ranvon to canyon and creek to uarv 11. l!H.V creek met, the depth of water What a lone hot fr eln from railroad to hishway In- all the damace! Twrnty-one creased bevond belief. idays with no rati service to Hep. Asain the railroad waa put out rner. the lnKet since the Ilrt of service. So extensive was the train arrived In Heppner In damage some jeopl wondered! The ribbon ot Uh-I from wast if it would ever be repaired, to coast had been broken. Part of the railroad crade built f At 3:43 pm. on January II. 77 years ago looked as it did lfHvV as predlct.n1. the traln.be when the Indians roamed the it "Sae? Brush Annie, or The hills, .Galloping Goose." arrived in Hep- Shortly after the flood that rais. pner on time. The Iron Horse ed havoc throuchout the entire rides again! what you always look for in children's shoes. . . . have! FOR THEM ASK mm': Heppner U20utIuCffMS ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY SHOE SALE 74 Pr. Men's. Women's Children's Broken Sizes and Strles $goo GIRL'S DRESSES 31 Only Fall and Early Spring Styles $000 REMNANTS Gigantic Selection All Bargain Values THE BEST SELLING Adonna Foundations Reduced Save up to 25 FOUNDATION SALE OVER JAN. 18 -TIMES. Thwrsdor. January 1. IKi Export of Grain Big in Half Year rViiitrt ettwtrted YU1 tons !of (train in the nvnumih period I i. . ........... qt t"' '! 1 '1 ' "rt Urn- in almt three that shipment had been '.,.. ,h, ...... "'lm r.ln "insected ft addition to mi JkV.iiO ion m wor(l ns,HVted bv the Pen ,.,..,,. ntti. nt the duUion and M-rrtii office Inspected 32. cooler, with I'nton Pacific rnctne- AT Ph. 676-9264 in Use Your Charge Card and Save During Penney's Clearance LADIES' DRESSES 1 3 Left Must be cleared by Inventory Values to $14-00 $Q00 PENNEY'S JANUARY WHITE SALE CONTINUES FLANNEL SHIRTS Boy's 99 Men's 1.33 Board Approves Salary Schedule At Irrigon Meet (Continued from pae II the 10 days provided by law w'.l U allow, I when a teio emus Into the dwtrUt from .: other dutr.ct in ihfc.n. Fr ,-miii, a t a ht-r who comes to Munnv county after accumulai nj '.V day ii'k leave in an ,.-, , edt in this .InUM lor J., k leave I'mkr lh ..........,.. h.-r u.i.it.l ; kVkifiii mini, kv law. i liu M W n;ore ii-nn u id da above that which mui be credited to htm iV k director. K.tlph Skouu l.e few Schedule Listed The new schedule, with ear f eHrlenoe allowed by the ditrnt in parenthesis. Is as fo? lows: Ia$ than tv.chelor decree (0 Si77T; 11 WW. 121 $.t75; .11 141 rs-VrTS; 151 $M73: 6 1 5.VS75; t7 S.V.73 f t9 $S75. Wtih bachelor dere.. (0 S.WI; (1 $..Mi; 2l .l. 14 (5 Sks; lC JU; (7 StAOQ; tS i JUW: ?kW; (I0 $7lW. 1 11 i S7.HW. Bachelor degree plus 43 horns -i0 S.W)0; 111 SM.V): I2 $.W. (31 $3730; (41 $3i3); l5l ii SiVtW: 7 S't33l): 8I $"730: j9. St:.); (101 $7130 (111 $7330. i Master degree (0) $3300; III !$3300; (2 $5700; (31 S.V.IOO; (t iS100; (51 SU3O0; t6l JtWiX): 7 !$rriX); (8i $7Ui0; (9 $7300; lfl 57600; (11) $7D0. Director Skoubo and Sup:. I'otUi reported on visits to architects and to school builJ ings recently completed as part cf the process In selection of an erchitect for the new buildings ir. the northern end of the coun ty. With Director Irvln KaucP. tlt. two will visit one more architect in Spokane before se let Hon of an architect will be made. Contracts Granted The board granted one-year contracts to Leonard Herrick ami Everett Holstein. lone adminis trators, for pnncipalships with a three-year contract at base sal ary coirig to Herrick. The lattor was done so that if it becomes desirable to cut the administra tive staff at lone to one principal, the other could be moved to an other part ot the district- Hoi-fti-in, having been In the system HEAPS OF HOUSEHOLD BARGAINS Pails, Glasses, Stools and Many Others 88e SWEATER CLEARANCE Men's 5.00 Bos 3.00 WARM PAJAMA BUYS GIRLS AND LADIES 1 99 Reversible SKI PARKA SPECIALS! g88 IJ88 Men's Boy's HOSPITAL NEWS ratlent admitted to Pioneer MrriMttlal tuupiul duilnif th t week, then dlmled. In dude the following: pattbla Kin. raid, lone; LaVetne VnMtter. Heppner; W.r Harris. Heppner; Maude lluehea, Heppner; Kay Ha t ley, Heppner. TIi.om admitted, and Mill re. ceivina mctlical care iwluiie the, (olloMine: Vlke !mitn, r; Mvrile liallma. t'omlon: Wllllant . Melena. lone; .Mavnard Ham- llton. Monument; James jepen. .ne, and Arnold Wilson Hep pner. Municipal Court January I Carl Alfre,l Sun.lh. lone, violation of the baic rule. $.'3 ball ftwfeite.1. January N Jerrv finvnup. ex iitMve mott noie. $13 line. I January 3 tlene Heltker, stop sik'n violation, $13 fine. January 6 Mk Struckmeler. In wroiuj lane. $13 bail f.wfeited. January 11 Larrv I van Heath, minor in pMwltn of alcoholic tx-vfraees. $13 fine and three days In lall; jail sentence us-1 pendod. Justice Court January 5 Vlrcll Logan and Dean Wade. Baker, charged with obtaining lodging bv fraud, for felted bail of $30 each and made restitution for amount of lodg ing at Otv Center Motel. January 8 raul Eucen Mat ey. Kt. 1. Heppner. failure to drive to the right. Fined $13. January 13 James Edward Dunbar. Lexingon. failure to leave name and address at the scene of an accident Forfeited $13 bail. January 6 William James Dohertv. Lexington, disobeyed stop sign, forfeited $15 bail. January 13 Loren Murfltt. The Dalles, disobeyed Stop sign. Fined $9 50. January 4 William Henry Padberg. Heppner. pleaded not guilty to a charge of driving while under the Influence of In toxicating beverages. Trial date pending. Posted bail of $300. f. r only th- current year. Is no' i t tliible for a 3 year con tract V. Floyd Hoskin. who h.is piinhaei the line City .schA)l popcrty, was granted a 30-day extension for payment of the property, provided that he pays $200 at this time. A special board meeting ef January 2G has b-en change 1 to January 23 In Heppner. Apparently Irrigon residents ci preciated being host to a school district meeting in the new plan to rotate meeting places. Some 30 were present to audit the meeting. Everybody when rural electrics The seeds of our national prosperity take root In rural America, America's rural electrics do more than generate, transmit and dutribute power to the nation's country side. They also generate business in the billions for people who make and sell electrical equipment for the farm and home . . . and everybody benefits. When rural electrics were started nearly 30 years ago, with the help of Rural Electrification Adminmtra tion loana, few people outside the cities had electricity. Today, thanks to the cooperatives and other consumer, owned electric systems, there are power lines every where. With the power lines has come a rising standard of living and increased purchasing power for everyone. Court Announces Appointments Mitre appointments to boards and committees have been made by the Mwrow county court and are announced by lounty Judge Paul Jones. Named lo the rountv weed com- nut tee re Art Allen, ttoardinan: Iu-k Wilkinson, Heppner: Lloyd lo.-. lone: i-rald .Hwageart. butter Creek; and U. O. Nelson, Lexington. The court apHlnted Judge Jones to the Nurd of equaliza CAR COATS Ph. 676-5561 benefits I 9 I Skirts an generate business Columbia Basin Serving Morrow, Wheeler tion. The reinaln.ler of Hit board remains the same. Patk board retained the ssme members. O, W. Cutfrth, Mrs. Mildred Wtlght and Mrs. Min nie bkllcs. Planning comnllon Is a Wo without change, being composed of W. C. ltoewall. Vernon Kus sell. Hoy t.lndtMin, Ernest Jor-genM-n and Marlon Creen. Tiie nurt apilntet Zearl Clllesple of lUwitdman to the Many Items To Choose From d Sweaters All Sizes and Colors RAINCOATS Women's SNOW SUITS Reg. $22.95 Now djl Cops To Match Mi Ladies ALICE and GRACE in the billions Rural power has also put the rural electrto con. sumcr in the market each year for more than a billion dollars worth of refrigerators, freezers, milking machines, wasiicrs, feed grinders, toasters, heaters and scores of other electrical appliances. This means Jobs for hun dreds of thousands ot people in the cities and In rural communities ... Jobs in manufacturing, distributing and servicing those appliances. And as the country's power nocds Jteep rowing, America's rural electrics, with the help of REA, con tinue to raise living standards and increase purchasing power. They generate business la the bUliOQJ,' And tYtrjf body benefits. Electric Co-op and Gilliam Counties eounly lair Inward Instead of Maxwell Jones of Irtlgon which was repotted lat week. Others on the IxMitd ate Paul HUler, Flovd Jones, Mrs. Jane Raw Una and Bernard hlirtty. Juilge Jones said that he Is teeommending that former lulge tmr IVtetn - nameil rhalr. man of the Mot row nunty Water lUoun-rs Board leaus of lVierwoi'S kretl loli-lest Kli.l WiMk on water resource. Nam.nl as county Juvenile cun. sellors were the Uev. BUI Alsup and the llev. Kenneth IUtblnn. DRESSES HEPPNER