1 tM-mWV VJTfJP.3&m SOiaDEW LOT 1IAR3IN, Cdltoi "one 7t &BMS Harmon to Report On TD Case Findings At Tuesday Meeting hn Herman, cane fin. ling ill riMir frum the Oregon Til and Health AMK'latin, Will lie glft peaker at a Joint meeting r Morrow t'ounlv III anl llml'li Ahmh latlon off Irt-r and direr, torn ami inemhera of the Hoard f l'itiucr Memorial hospital at the county rourthoiie Tueiulay evening. January 12. according to Mr Marcel Jnric. county prcHidcnt Tit meeting Mill Mart at M i m Mr. ILirman Mill review what U hclng found currently in finding arid In expected In rval uale ti county's prt-M-nt X Kay program. All county auM'ttitiin offlcrre and dircctora and tiiitjil hoard members are urged to lie prcicnt. Altar Society Plans For Coming Activities Several Items of tnilnr were dlruMcd at he meeting of the Altar Society of St Patrick's Othollr church In the parish hall Tuesday evening. New officer irclded, which Include Mr. K. K. tlonty, trcl -dent; Mrs. Larry Naar. vice president ; Mr. Itolwrt Laughlln, MTTi-tarv. and Mrs. Dick Itohiaon, treasurer. Plans were dlrucd for tit mtMiik of I lie Holy Nam break fant for I hi men on Sunday, Jan uary 10. Serving on the break fast committee are Mr. Harry O'lxinncll, Mm. M. O. Stephens and Mr. Jim I leal v. Thr sponsoring of a fix! aalc before Valcntlne'g Day was plan ned, with plan? nd date to be announced. 1 1- -- 3 it- m it 9 I v. 1 m-, " " J 1 Nelsons Announce Daughter's Betrothal Mr. and Mr Ifclwln t rclton f Ij-Miiri'ifi have rni'iitly an tiOUMied II. r t-fifngcmrnl of their LuirMer, I ' 1 1 1 Jean, In lcl i I', Krll, fin of Mr and Mra. J.jik Kroll of fury it III a. A late summer mkIiIIiil' i planned. Mik .Ni-Im.h, m gradual of 1 1 t i'tuT High S hool In l'".l, I rr, rolled a a freshman at I.ln fn. I tollegc. Mi 'Minnvlll. Mr. Kroll U a )unlr aiuili-nt at Mn flild. Mliif lir t an J:ni'Hl mar. Hi- una rraduali-d from .rallU lllkh Silioid. Joint Installation Planned by Lodges Officer of Sana SouH RrM-kah UhI'c No. 33 and KK)K UkIc No. M will lx Iniilallfd at a Joint Inktallatlon rrrcmony Saturday evening, January 9. at 8 p.m. The meeting will le pren-ded Kathv Rav MISS PHYLLIS NELSON Engagement Revealed At Luncheon Party A fekllv holiday a!mophrre (revolted last Wediiemlay afler noon at a lunrhinn arty at the home of Mm UKv Gardner. Jrlend of MIhh I'hvllla NeUon, L'ueitt of honor, were Invited to a I ill ot lix k lunc heon where they were Informed of the recent encasement of I'hvHia and Itol). ert I. Kroll of I'orvallK. The announcement waa made hy prenentlnu each Rlrl present with an Individual red ro.se, with the name 'llob and Phvl Mm" on while rihhon around th rone. RoM-tiuda were alt uiied In (hi oraiinif the luncheim tahles, with other hrlsht holiday dec oration around the room. Mr. Gardner nerved a delight ful luncheon to the 21 clrla at tending and mother of the hon ored gurst. Mr. lJ'lwin O. Nel win. Present were Thereaa Munk' er. Sheridan Wvraan, Ann llrlndle. Jean Slewert, Judy Smith. Karen Mxvurdy. rat Van Winkle. Shannon Mahoney. Gin ger Springer. Jacqule Hrlndle. Jennifer llrlndle. Glnny Moore, Nancy Cleveland. I'am Wilkin ton. Anita Grovea, Kilty O'llara, Marrla Kanda. Fran McLwid, Gull llosklna, Martha hy a dinner at 0:30. with faml- Ilea and friends Invited to attend. Mr. and Mr. Ed Goaty and fconn Thomas and Ioug, motored to Portland Sunday to attend the appliance open house of Lou Johnxon Co. where thev taw many of the new lir5 radio and TV model. They also had a hort vlilt with Mr. Gonty'a mother. Mra. C. F. Ilemrlch In llcaverlon. Dohcrty and tha honored guest. Mrs. K. A. Shtrman. Sr return ed to her home In Forest Grove Friday, after visiting at tho home of her son and family. Mr. and Mra. We Sherman alnce Thanksgiving. While In the val ley the Sherman family lalso visited a aon and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Dick Sherman In Salem, and returned Hill. htudent at University of Oregon, to Eugene. r GORHAM STERLING MADE TO ORDER PROGRAM Limited offer Now till March 2nd you can order any of more than 200Gorham Sterling flatware designs. It is impossible to maintain a complete stock of all these patterns, but Gorham's Annual Made-To-Order Program makes it easy to fill-in or add to your treasured pattern. This program is your assurance that when your Sterling is Gorham, it's always available. So don't delay, if you have one of these time-honored designs, now is the time to order. March 2nd is the deadline 1 I imftM Owm 1195 II locmr 1997 Church Reception Compliments Couple Following Wedding A Inrye gntherint; of relative and friend waa present Satur day evening at the Hrt Metho-1is-l ihonh for a wedding re- eption honotlng Mr. and Mm. Gordon I.. lUm. whose marriage w us an event of Ih-cemlx-r 23 In Salem. Mrs. !! Is the former Mrv Kvelvn Tucker, daughter of Mr An hie Failticrg. Sr., and grew up In the lleppm-r com munity, where fche wa very ac- live In church and ai huol affair. MemiM-ra of the Women .So eietv of CtirUtian S-rvce of the church were hoMense for the evening. Many beautiful gift were presented the coule. with Mrs. Dean t'onnor atlernllng the rift tahle, assisted hy Tersa and Tanya Tucker, niece of the bride. During the social hour, enter liilnment included a solo by Teresa Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Fldon Tucker of lone. She aang "(J Promise Me," ac-ciiiripanli-d by Mr. C. M. Wagner Guest were served from a Ix-autifully apfMilnted table which carried out a pink and white color theme. Serving the cuke waa Mra. Krvln Anderson, aunt of the bride, assisted by j Mr. Melvin UUon. Mra. Roy Kirk poured punch and Mra. El don Tucker, sister in law of the bride. Kured coffee and tea. Mr. Michael Gray was In charge of the guest book. A special decorative note was an arrangement of hibiscus flow, era sent from a friend In Hawaii especially for the reception. Out of town guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Tucker of Hermi.ston; Lol It. Wickcrsham of Portland: Mr. and Mr. Oris Padberg of Lexington: Mr. and Mr. Kldon Tucker and family of lone, and Miss Janet Cecil of Spray. The newlywed couple returned to Salem tn Sunday, where they make their home at 1320 Nebra ska St., N. E. C'omiiuj Cunts THURSDAY, January 7 Elba' Lodlaa Nlht. EUa' TampU, dinnar t auu p-m. rillOAT. January I flhaa Crk Giang, Ciani hall. polluck dinner at mi 10 p-m. 8ATUBDAT, January t Joint IOOr and H.b-kah lo.lal latloa. I p.m IOOr hall. MONDAY. January II Chamber of Commarca, Wagon WIimI. noon. Ordr ol Castar Star, Maaonie hall. p.m. TUESDAY. January 12 lfeppner Homa Ertvntion Unit Bud rack homa, 10:30 a.rn. potlurk lunchaan at noon. WEDNESDAY. January 13 Mcppaar FTA Hlqh School Multi purpoa ftoom. I p.m. Odd fallow. IOOr halL Extension to Study New Unit on Ironing "New Wrinkles In Ironing will be the January project les- on of the Heppner Home Ex tension Unit at a regular unit meeting scheduled for Tuesday. January 12, at the Bud Peck home, beginning at 10:30 a m. There will be a pot luck lunch eon at noon. Project leaders for this month'a lesson will be Mrs. Alice McCabc and Mrs. Keithley BJakc. lily (Whiting) 1902 'wtWiili Mothers 1873 Portimoulh 1911 r- - Bob Kroll of Conrallia was hou.seguest of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Nelson and Phyllis for several days during the Christmas holi days. Mr. Kroll and Phyllis are both students of Linfleld col lege. The Nelsons went to Mc Minnville December 17 to bring ineir aaugnter nome irom col lege and got caught in the snow storm near Rooster Rock on the trip home. -Thev turned back and stayed in Portland until Sunday before they could get through, out made it prior to the flood. Nelson described the snowstorm in the gorge as "terrible." Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schroeder left Monday for their home in Tillamook after spending the New Year week-end with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holloman. New Years visitors at tha j home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cox were their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Cox of Corvallls. and their daughter, Mrs. George Holden of Project City, Wn. Like many other fam ily groups their vitits, previously banned for Christmas, were de ayed because of impossible trav- eling conditions. Shomredi V 1931 Rom Marl. 1M3 "Something from tha Is always something Jeweler's, special." mm'' Store Hours! 9 A.M. To 6 P.M. 177 MAIN ST. HEPPNEB PH. 676-8200 GREEN STAM PS For Your Protecton Turner, Van Marter and Bryant Answers Your Insurance Questions QUESTION: I would like to learn if this extended cover age Insurance which I under stand pays for windstorm damage is sold by itself or if I can have it added to some other insurance I already have. ANSWER: Extended coverage is an almost standard addi tion to a regular fire insur ance policy. There are several forms of this coverage how ever so you'd better see a good insurance agent about the form you want Tills public service la our way of advertising. Your Insurance questions will be answered without charge or obligation if you'll send or bring them to Turner, Van Marter and Bryant Heppner Ph. 676-965? DJn. THURSDAY. January 14 SorcptomUU, Hotel Grill, noon. Beturnina to the University of Portland hy tram from Pendle- "ii Sunday after visiting with their parent over the holidays were Hank Pointer, freshman. and Louise ivilr.ter, sophomore, sn and daughter of Mr. and Mr. Ion pointer, Lexington, and Hill Monai'le. senior, son of Mr. and Mr. Charles Monagle, Hep pner. House queete of Mr. and Mrs. Loy McFarren through the C hrist ma week end were their Hon in law and daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reed. Janice and Jim. from Spokane, Wn. MENUS Heppner Schools Hot Lunch Week of January II . II. IKS MONDAY FrM Chicken, buttered Corn, Celery Sink, Fruit, Uread and llutter. Milk. TIL8 DAY Chill hVan. Corn Bread and Honey, Cabbage Salad, Milk Fruit. WEDNESDAY Hamburger casserole. Carrot Stick. Cake. Fruit. Bread and Butter, Milk. THURSDAY Tuna and Noodles. Buttered Pea. Celery StKka. Bread and Butter. Fruit. Milk. FRIDAY Peanut Butter Sandwiches. Vegetable Soup. Tossed Salad, Apple Crisp, Milk. HEPPNEH GAZETTE-TIM E3. Thursday. January T. IMS Crcswicks Move Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heath. Linda and Lurry, arrived home last Wednesday from a 12 day trip to Colorado, where they visited relative of Mrs. Heath. Bad weather conditions prevailed dur- ng much of the trip. In Mont- mm-, t olo.. they visited Mrs. leath' parent. Mr. and Mr. John M'Laughlin; also atM-ndlng some time In Grand Junction with an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Rasmussen. Mra. leath wa able to see two broth- rs while visiting there, Edgar McLaughlin, Pueblo. Colo., and obert McLaughlin from Aztec, Mex. Mr. and Mr Oliver Crrswick nave move.i from Portland to Woodourn where he I iuiw work Ini? f-r the Klniro torn we 1 1 ,'u reral Char!, arcordinir t a let- ter reeeiveii Tuesday. Their new addres U 3?l N. 2n 1 St . Wood burn, and they asked that the a tier notify their friend of the new location. "We have tn-en ful owing the flood situation In East ern Oregon very closely, of course," Creswlck write. 'This should te another boost for Wil low Creek dam." The Crewck formerly owned the mortuary here and he also served a Ju- tlce of the i-aee In Heppner. Has Operation Amanda Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Itav E. Smith, un derwent an ojieratPm to her knee Monday at the Shrine hospital In Portland. She entered the hospi tal last Thursday, and thl was the w-tnd ojx-ration to the knee which was Injured aome time ago wniie sne was m-iivcring papers on a paper route. Aman da, a freshman in lone High school, is expected to be hospit alized for Mime time. Reports In dicate that he it recovering sat isfactorily from the operation. Honna Has Emergency Appendix Operation David llanna. terns t-e mn if Mr. and Mr. John llanna. wa listed In seriou Condition III St. AMf-.oriy ftrapttal in ivr.stu-t-n, after underoini emerfc'ency sur gery early Monday for a ruur ed aptndix. llanna, who had not I -en feel ing well fr several dav, ws taken to lendletin by car late Sunday, and, according to word re lived lure fnm hi parent a late a Tuesday, would not he released from the hospital fur at least another week. tee kinds. u for cnvHpea of Tl.e Gazette-Time. all Infant Breeding Baby Succumbs Tuesday Graveside arrvtcee for infant William Paul Breedlrg. day old on of Mr. and Mr. Paul Breed lni of Heppner. were held bxiay tThursilayl at U.w am. at be Heppner Masonic cemetery. The lUv. Melvin Dixon officiated over the service. The baby was born Monday, January 4. several week pfe maturely, and died the following day, January 5. from respira tory weakness. Surviving be Idea hl parent. are a two-year old ulster, ui-or.ie; his maternal grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ott of Heppner. and hi raternal grandmother. 'Mrs. Lola Breeding of Lexington. FOLGERS COFFEE 1 lb. 79c 2 lbs. $1.57 3 lbs. $2.35 10 ox. Inst. $1.49 aTYrTaOYri I !SaUeS l 4 IP OCCIDENT mm 25 lb. $239 HOOD RIVER 303 CANS ipIS0U 5 for $ DUNCAN HINES mum All Except Angle Food or Sto ley's STARCH Va GoL Reg. 59c Now 49c Schilling Spaghetti Sauce Mix 5 For $1 Modess San if or y Napkins Reg. S1.73 Now $1.29 Tomafoes 2 lb. 49 LETTUCE 2 Heads 35 SPARE RIBS 49c lb. SWIFTS ORIOLE ORAM 7 lb. Sliced Bacon 2 lb. Box $1.09 CENTER CUT Pork Chops lb. 59 LOIN END Green Peppers I 25 PORK ROAST lb. 49c PRICES GOOD JANUARY 8 and 9 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 nice to save twice prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET S ....... s GREEN I STAM PSI I