MERRY CHRISTMAS (Do? lh Hoht of Ifct ' Slot tvef guld bl ond Ifliplr VI In owr dally Bvi. L ' J h4 " M .M M -i ' K Tm " W l Mi LADIES' APPAREL AUCr and GRACE t-v French Christmas Children's Affair, Says Mrs. Lanham Cards Top Tough Tiger Five For League Win Cheerful Christmas Wishes JJr'$ triihing ir 4 yttrt. A. L "JERRY" DAGGETT tV 1 - M f t - If ' 7 - I " f.t; -u Nte acf voces sn out... and glad wishes ring out as we extend our sincere greet' togs for a very merry Christmas to alt. CASE FURNITURE CO. ARNIE ond RITA HEDMAN Christ mm In France U atrlctly for youngster, according to Mm, totiw-v Lanham, ho with husband Kiwni the better pari a car In Kurope In liHJ &, She gave an Interesting report on their living experiences in a French Ullage at the ivormber U iiwUnii of th Chamtwr of Th t'hrixtmai holi.Uv divn't orvate at much Inten! and rx- 'citcmfnt In ttimt as It dora In the l'nilsl Mate, and Mrs. Lan ham aid that trnv m l."'d inl ine Chrutmat trtva and dcor ationa through the Mtndowa of homes. Some homes had dnxr at ion but vision Is blocked from the street often by atone walls that ur round the nous. While Mudlni; at Tour. France, for five months and llv. inc in the Ullage of Luvns. rkht miles from the cltv, the l-anhams spent Chri.stmas there last year. Thev found It Is the adult custom to attend midnight mass at Christmas and then spend the rest of the nluht feat. Inc. "The real Christmas for adults is at New ears." Mrs. Lanham said. Tartles start at midnight on New Years eve. and a Rift ex change is held at that time. cus. itomary In the United States for In their studv of the French language, the Lanhams found that It was not as rasv to learn as one micht expect. Thev had chosen Tours of the center for their studv on the theory that this settine, 125 miles south of rarls. would put them in an area where "pure French" was spoken. iney uked the more rural area after undergoing the experience of the congestion In Tarls. After drivlne through Paris traffic. Mrs. Lanham recalled, " My head was spinning." Housing situation Is acute In France, they found. They finally located an apartment In Luvnes where they lived for the five months. The village was similar in population to lieppner but not spread out as much. In Tours, a city of 84.000 pop ulation, they found only two stores which could be classed as supermarkets. Unlike the stores in the United States, the stores were reluctant to wtbd packages or lurmsn sacks. Coach One iXxkler's lone High basketball team Mututed We ton on the Cardinal' fU her NMurday night. Ni to M, there I of py starting its league seaton on the victory trail. A late Hirt by the Card, coming when the UHr hit a vring alunm, brought the win With four minutes to go, the Weston hoopsters held a t point lead, but Jny Halt, junior guard, kt.irttst renung In on the basket with long set shots, get- ting three In a row to He the sooie at 4.S . From that Mtnt lone swung Into a 3 lnt lead anj started a stall. Tlie visitors rame back to cloM- the gap. but their big gun. Wall Clark, who scored 1 Hints during the evening, went out on nu nun personal with lone hold ing a one point lead and JO sec onds to play. Stan HoKteln sank two free throws for the final margin. Weston's Tiger are one of the nig favorites In the Umatilla. Morrow B league thU year, and the victory was a great one for lone The teams had fought a close battle all the way, being knot ted at 10-10 at the end of the tlrst quarter. The Clark Ijiwreikv 1'eterson Turney Winn Benzol Cabel Totals WESTON M 1 " 1 3 S 2 1 0 U 1 1 1 o If 3 a a i s 2 1 3 2 7 11 3 U HUTHZn QAZCTTC TlMtS, Thursday. lesmUr 14. 1M4 21 It 16 M Ifalvorsen M. Ilalvorsen W. Ilolsteln Rail HoUteln li.4 I-."inert Virgil Morgan Rod Unnell Totals IO.NK M 1 3 3 (t o 0 0 rx a i 2 3 1 ( 0 0 Pf 3 5 2 3 1 0 0 0 Tf 7 12 1.1 13 U 0 0 23 10 16 .V. Death in Seattle Takes James Storey mm 21-22 halflme Ml,-e and lel 3t-34. at the end of the third period. With his 23 points. Clark was high man for the game. The Cardinals presented a balanced attack with four men in double ngures. Ball and Stan Ilolsteln hitting 13. Wes Ilolsteln 12 and Joe lialvorsen 11. Mark llalvor sen wound up with only seven but Coach Dorkter credited him with an outstanding game, es pecially in the rebounding de partment. Joe lialvorsen also sparklet! In this department andl Wes Ilolsteln, a sophomore. snowed as a real comer for the t .rtf Lmauiia, wim victories oVvT McEwen and Helix, tops the B circuit and lone, with two non league victories to Its credit also this season, has a 10 mark by virtue of the victory over Weston. Echo aLso stands at 10 In the league. Weston won the Jayvee gam.?, S3 to 34. Relative here received Word this week of the death of James j Hager Storey, age M. of Seattle. wasn., only son of Mrs. Harry Morev or Cnllllwack. B. C, and a former lieppner resident. Mr. TWr i h-M Storey died Sunday, leeemher 20. Jfar lit mlratU ot tlia Qitlst DiiU U upon roar lioint nJ in your hearts thla Qrutnui Day, May the kmhI IxrJ Heal uj keep you anj your LvcJ oura, ECONOMY MARKET TOM. MILLIE. BRETTE and FAT 1 Mrs. Storey is a sister of Mrs. A. I). McMurdo, Mrs, Hugh Bran, i twin of lieppner. and Mrs. M A. U-aih of lvndleton. tunerai arrangements were not yet known. TU . it i . it . t "We Invested In a shopping i ..V?"31 w"' n Pia . "f""i uum January 8 wnen iney lay Riverside there. pew on gartV A "GOOD WILL to All Men." In the message L ol Christmas, there is hope and ptowm lot slL To you and yours, happy holidays. FARLEY MOTOR CO. bag and carried it everywhere. Mrs. Lanham said. In the vil lages, there are shoos for each specialty shops where one buys beef, another where pork is pur chased and another for pa-strles. There are very few commer cials on the French television, but the quality is so far below that in the United States that "we decided we weren't ever going to complain about com mercials again.'' Tours has no newspaper of its own and a space about equiva lent to a column in Paris papers was devoted to Tours news. Acci dents receive the big play in me papers, sne said. There are some factories in Luynes giving some economic stability to the town, including a cooperage, located in a cave, and a metal work factory, prob ably engaged in making prod ucts such as filing cabinets. Men work in the lactones while wives run the little shops. ine year was extremely in teresting, Mrs. Lanham said. "we didn t learn as much French as we expected, but we have decided there is no better place than Morrow county and Heppner." IT Wo Will Bo CLOSED IN THE AFTERNOONS of Saturday, December 26 and Saturday January 2 Open Until Noon Both Days PETTYJOHN'S FARM and BUILDERS SUPPLY ' Ssr'WS-wSpasw-' " -.ISM MHSHJ 4--,, ,1. MW. and once again we pause to wish good friends all the special joys and blessings of the season. May your Day bring an abundance of happiness and peace. FOLLETT MEAT CO DAN (BUD) rOLLETT HERMISTON. OREGON Farras Father Dies in Ontario John- Ray Farra. 77. of Pavette. iaano, aiea in a nosD tal at On- lano &unaay nignt loilowinz a sudden- illness. He was father of Bill Farra of Heppner. funeral services will be Thurs day in Payette. Airs, Farra left Sunday nleht ior rayene to assist with ar rangements and Mr. Farra plan ned to leave Tuesday. An aunt of xvir. i-arra, Mrs. rrankie Cason, of conaon was to Join him on the trip to Payette. farra said that he received word Sunday of his father's ill ness and planned to leave rleht away to De witn mm but before ne was able to leave word came 01 tne death. -fry N -W f rJl4J e-' . .,fr?4A' ' f.js.',... TSsi- wf?!,m"' A MEHEY CHRISTMAS The gonads and scenU of Cnristmaa fill the air with joy and mcrjrimeafc May your Day bo filled with thew Imvaes. DEL'S MARKET LEXINGTON viMtJi'y to extend our sincere wishes y lFr""" - p-f.f I AQJ J to one and all for an old-fashioned f ' g V$--L W)Olff ay filled with joy and g S 3 P-fe If and cheer. May the 3 p tJ R Pn I W" " special happiness of the holiday 4Ja fe--sG f "" '" season be reflected PYn Qlhf' throughout the days to come. m $ f lPijk It J1 J -w IK" Jr ft ih U St Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties