RCFFNCB GAZETTE TIMES. Thursday. Decuvbw IL I County Agtnl'f Office Contrast Limits on Wheat Now Under Revision can be given producer. by the iivr.i-kChotf With Your Hom Agent Moaaotmant Special!! Gives I neon Tax Tip Manning Becker, farm man agrment specialist, OSU, gives wmc last minute pointers on re ducing Income taxea. "Like nuny other cots. Income take can be reduced ty rood man Cement A com tan manager la one who thinks about and ai t cn tax matters during the year while something can atttl be done about them. Timely Holiday Tips Shared With County Homemakers If DONNA GEORGE YMr home aeertt etrnd special Christmas wish to earn of you Morrow county folks. May Now U a cood time to make r4" . na nines ami auceeu out an ratimate at vuur fitm n ine yrn anrau. business Income tax situation By N. C ANDEBSON The following Item la taken from the December 14, 1964, Uaue of the L'SDA Farm rape Letter. "An Increase In the percentage ted In wheat grades No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, has been proposed by the U. S. Department of Agrt culture. The revised standards were requested by wheat grow ers, gram elevator operators. and exporters In the Pacific Northwest who stated that the rather tight limits of contrast Ing classes were causing ec onomic hardship to them. A survey shows that the limits en contrasting classes could be liberalized without adversely af footing the quality of products made from wheat The changes would Increase the percentage of contrasting claws allowed as follows: tirade Xto. 1, from to It; Grade No. 2, from 1 to lit, and Grade No. 3, from 2 to 3. The proposed revision will be published In the December 15 Federal Registrar." Evidentally the protest made by various farm groups and in dividuals Including Al Lamb, manager. Morrow County Grain Growers along with the meet in held in Pendleton last Sep tember with the Federal Grain Division authorities, has brought about some favorable reaction. This Is only an example of what can be done In the country If people will make themselves heard. Diep Seen In Import Of U. S. Wheat to Japan A 74 Increase In Japan's 1$CA wheat crop after last year's crop failure Is expected to mean substantial drop In the imports of U. S. soft wheat which Is sim ilar to Japan's domestic output A smaller decrease In Imports of U. S hard winter also Is fore cast At the same time. Imports of Canadian and Australian wheat may show a slight rise. Japanese purchases of U. & Western White wheat are ex pected to decline to around GCM.- OHO tons from the 832.700 tons of 1963 64. Selenium Seen Effective la Lamb, Calf Losses White muscle disease con tinues to take a heavy toll of Iambs and calves In Oregon. While this disease has not been as common In Morrow county as in some parts of the state, there have been serious losses In some herds here. It can be prevented by Injec ting the mother or the offspring with selenium. Cost Is extremely low when related to prevention of lamb or calf losses. The ma terial is available locally and Thotte on the cash system have several opportunities to shift In come or expenses from one year io me next ny proper manage ment before the end of the tax year. Remember, tax rates will be lower next year. Avoiding wide fluctuations In Income will usually reduce taxes particularly u the low year a In come does not cover Personal ex errptlons and deductions. You may have a new standard de ductlon, so check the new reg ulations. You may need to shift some income tor forego some expenses) to this accounting period In order to cover these items. u your income for r.4 was substantially greater than that of the four prior years, you may oe aoie to compute your tax un der the income averaging method and pay a smaller amount of tax. In order to bene- fit from this method, however, your averagable Income for 19G1 must oe over 53,000. Your aver agcable Income, generally. Is the excess of your 1904 income over 133 13 of the average of your income lor the four prior years, without considering the excess of net long-term capital gain over net short-term capital toss in any or mese years. For a detailed explanation concerning this method you may obtain a free copy of Document No. 5553. 'Income Averaglnz.' from your local Internal Revenue omce." WXKlo Salad Bowls Some of vou homemakera may ftnu a wooden salad bo I among your holiJay gifts. Here arc some Una tr Its care. Fine-grained hardwoods make good salad bowls, according to the U. S. IVpt of Agricultures roiest Service. Look bowls made of walnut, beech, gum, birch, myrtle, cherry or maple. Bowls may be either finished or unfinished. If you finish your own bowl, be sure to use a water-proof varnish. Many people, however, prefer to leave the Inside of their salad bowls unfinished so they take on the seasonings of salads the garlic, salts and (tils. Or. they season the bowl flrM with min eral oil or some other sweet oil. Avoid letting arid dressing or any liquid stand long In a wooden salad bowl. To clean, use warm or cool mild suds, whisking the bowls quickly through the water, or simply wipe them out. rinse and dry thoroughly. Do not stack bowls nor store them until they are completely dry Inside and out Keep your wooden salad bowls In a dry place away from heat. (For Ideas on making various salads to be serrved In that bowl. ask for a free copy of "Adven tures in Salad Making" at the Morrow County Extension Of flee.) mm at Christmas " Let us rejoice and join together with Christmas spirit to celebrate His birth. TUM-A-LUM-LUMBER CO. BILL FEED JIM Crested Alfalfa Pas tux Glvs Good Forage Quality For those who still question me aesiramiity of seeding al ia lla with grass for pasture, re suits of some research com par ing crested wheatgrass with crested wheatgrass-alfalfa pas tures migni oe convincing in this grazing experiment, yearling steers were used to graze established Pastures of crested wheatgrass and crested wheatgrass-alfalfa. The average Home Efficiency Comes With Good Dm of Tim Traditionally, as the New Year approaches, we become very tlme-consclous. rerhaps the rush or holiday preparations Increas es me reeling that "days are never long enough." -s. - vv it ivy 5 I merry, merry Ghvislmas Christmastime affords us the chance to express our heartfelt gratitude for the friendship and generosity you have shown us through the year. We extend best wishes for a happy holiday. LEXINGTON IMPLEMENT CO. LEXINGTON grazing period during the studv was oo aays. steers on both sets of pastures gained a little over 2 pounds per head per day dur ing me siuay penod. Results of the studv showed mat tne crested wheatgrass alfalfa pasture produced about Z7e more forage than crested wheatgrass alone. This increase In forage production resulted In an approximate 33 er eater carrying capacity for the crested wheatgrass-alfalfa pasture. In addition to producing more for age, the crested wheatgrass- alfalfa grass pasture was util ized approximately 27 more than the crested wheatgrass alone. Over the 7-year period, beef gains per acre averaeed 117 2 pounds on the crested-alfalfa pasture and only 88.4 pounds per acre on the straight crested wheatgrass. Researchers con- eluded that this approximate 33 greater gain per acre on me cresiea-aiiaiia pasture was primarily attributed to the great er forage production, but may aiso oe reiatea somewnat to for age quality of the crested alfalfa pasture. They found, however, that pasture stands did not deter lorate significantly during the 7-year grazing trial except for the large loss in the alfalfa from the crested wheatgrass-alfalfa pastures. In their experience, there was no bloat of steers grazing either the crested wheat- grass or crested-alfalfa. Extension To Be Active In Economic Opportunity Act Week before last while at tending annual extension con ference, discussion was held summarizing the Economic Op portunity Act or isjm. The exten- Ion service will be Involved In this program In working with low income families, as we have sine, we came into existancc in the early 19UOs I' was interesting to have ex plained the many ramifications oi tne program and how it will worK. The office of Economic Op portunity will have separate staffs that will operate a job corps, a program for Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA), a community - action program and special programs for mig rant workers. The facilities of existing agen cies will operate a variety of programs authorized under the bill Including work-training pro grams through the Labor Dept. work study programs and adult basic education through the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare: special loan programs to combat farm poverty through the Department of Agriculture: small business loans through the Small Business Administra tion; community work and train ing projects for welfare-reciu lent"? through the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare. A total of $9475 million authorized by the act. , Governor Hatfield has made the necessary moves to partici pate in mis program in Oregon. iwany agencies are already in volved and activities are well unt'erway. Several job corps camps nave been designated and are in the process of being reaaiea to receive the young men and women participants by iaie winter. The program Is aimed at al levlating an annual expenditure of 5100 billion a year (equal to ine federal uudgetJ spent on what can be classified as "wel fare" by federal, state and coun ty. Would you like to a.vomj'lUh joba In lets time? Here are nw fcUiekUon for liwuM-huld Uk thai could apply to othrni as well. 1. Plan your time to aceomn !Uh the mot Impottant jobs- ua Iht Jon mccftary7 Could some on rU do II T) 2. I'se the mwt convenient equipment and arrangement for the Job. ror example- Inrxprn nlve vegetable choppers versus knives for salad making. Si ore baby's clothes near wher you Pa I he and dress him.) 3 Leave out any part of the work you can: (Ironing sheets and underwear, drying dishes. sifting new types of flour.) 4. Take advantage of new time-saving products Including ir poiinmnc lioor wax. chop ixh! nuts, drip dry clothes, oven cleaners, salad dreiwing mU.-n. (Compare the costs of these with their more conventional counter partsyou don't always uvc by doing it the 'good old -fashioned way!) 5. Make one job out of two or more. iServe food In baking dishes. Cook potatoes for to nights supper and tomorrow's potato satad together. Wash and pate all vegetables for a meal or a day at once, rollsh 2 or more pair of shoos while the supplies are out. Get several ar tides In one trip to refrigerator or riscwnere.) 6. Let both hands work (stacking dishes, dusting, sort Ing fruit.) T. Keen within caty reach the Items you orirn ue. K lie rraiuiic in planning trie time It will Uk lo do some thing PaythlatrUt say mark! of lite rgotut Im-lude the ten demy to txinotantty agree Io do mote than pokibl In a given time and late arrival for ap pointments ) We v all nearxi oiiioestrr spelts. lperoiia hired In lac tones to sh4 ways to tetiuc tlmr waste and Increase rro duclonl. Home ernoiolkts have made time and motion studies f many routine houehoU tak ucli as Ironing and dishwash ing and developed streamlined Robin It Early Motif Popular mol If on early Christ mas rards was the Kntlltn rohln posMbly because Lng. lioh potrnen, who delivered the cards, In tlunn daya wore red unllmms and were often railed -M bin." methods. In addition to learn ing such method, you ran be your own rfflelertry exprrt by comtantly watching for fiitrr to work or have menna rln. watch and make suggestion. 4 r-' -i.i. i ni . . " I T M MM VM O'JCaW r 't AUP" "Mil - M al clt thU Joyous time, when i T hope and good ipirtti are high, we express appreciation for your continued loyalty, and wish you the ixit of everything for Christmas at always, Thank you. r. v ixr. i,. Savo Baby Calves NOW IS THE TIME TO START PBOTECTINa TOtXH CALVES From HEMORRHAGIC ENTEROTOXEMIA VACCINATE COWS S TO 4 MONTHS BEFORE CALVIN 0 With cLosTiticnrM FEBFBINCENS TTFE C TOXOID Ask For laOi HUMPHREYS Rexall Drugs Heppnar Ph. 676-9610 FORD'S TIRE SERVICE These bells rln out note of thanks and our warmest holiday greeting. AKERS MOTOR SERVICE IONE a Merry ennstmas and a Happy New Year to all of our readers ! Thank you for !enin (f Thank you for letting u$ servo you best wijhfls for a happy, healfhy hoHtfay. ill 'rH ':''i' K v -, ' v-f Sx j c-;f r a ur ;ood wishes for I Happy and Heartily Holiday to afl our friends. We thank yon for your Rost kind sspport As Os RIETMANN'S HARDWARE 7 W Lexington Oil Co-op. IONE JOE LTLE VIC