Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 17, 1964, Page 6, Image 6

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    HirtHin CAZCTTCTIMCS. Tnuitdor. Icrobr 17. 1964
Service For Klingcr
Baby ft Held Monday
Funeral erv lees wrr conduc
ted from Hope Lutheran church
In Heppner on Monday after
tvrn. lvcrrr.hrr Jl. at 1 p.m.
fir ttutxrt Allen Kllnger. 4f
month old son of Mr, and Mr.
Billy Kllnger .f Lexington.
The baby died December 10 in
Huddlestons Report
On Progress at Valdez
In their ChrUtmai letter to
(friend ami relatives, Mr. and
Mr Ravmorul lluddlekton. Val-
ri'reT Memorial hospital from Alaska, son in-law and
an IUne of several nwki re- daughter of Frank Turner, tell of
suiting from complication of an 'progress that ha been mad to
ear Infection. He i born Julyjward restoring their city follow
23, 14. and was the only child j In; the March 27 earthquake In
-f the couple, j Alaska.
Officiating wat the Rev. Ken- j Because it Is felt that many
nth Robinson and organist was here would te Interested, the
Mr. Gerald Jtnan. pallbear- J letter Is reprinted below; j
er were Robert Fmert and Ken-'Merry Christmas To All:
ncth Jones. Interment was In the ! We expect ou are curious'
cemetery with Burr.s Mortuary of Value. ou hae probably ; Harry
In charge of arrangements.
much needed ue
However, there have been
many Incidents on the "credit'
kide for us this year. We ac
ciuired another erv fine son
in law when Alice and Rarry
Kercdoll were married In t-alr
hank at St. Matthews Fplseopal
Church on June 1. Our own
church In Valdei was not quite
in condition at that time for
the ceremony to be held In It
Barry is working f.r the State
Highway Department In ralr
hanks and Alice Is taking her
fourth year at the I'nlversity of
Then. Lorenoa nl
third bov. Brian Chris
Mr. end Mrs. Ray Williamson new town site, and progress ha
and family were wwk ciid vis- boon made toward this goal. We
Mors In Heppner from their home have a new elementary school at
in Prairie City. They were among the site, the entire area has been
those attending the Masonlo cleared, and the all over plan
lodge dinner and Installation for the town has been formu
Saturday evening, with Mr. Wll- lated. The new dock Is nearlng
llamson completing his jear s 'completion, sinio work has been
lodge master. They visited sev-'dor.e on the small boat harbor j
eral friends In Heppner. return- and work on the sewer and water ,
Ing to their home on Sunday. 1 - stems is going forward. Our
presort homes have boon ap-
; learned from other sources that j topher waa born August 31.
.our town Is to be moved to a
which means we have one more
smlal little grandson to love,
alone with our adorable Icnny
and Randv. Sallv was able to
attend a summer workshop in
music at Lewis and Clark Col
lese In Portland for a couple
of weeks in July and thoroughly
enloved every minute of It. She
and I were also fortunate to bo
able to have a nice home with
mv father where we lived white
she finished her school year at
Heppner High school.
I do hope this does not sound
like a morbid letter, but I want
How Crazy Can A Faucet Get?
THIS WAS D nir.r ,
! t Jf N I ' T
; a! h
i J ;
h S
Ora Evans Moves;
Guests Visit Hero
Mpan Times
I 1
I ...... II.
k, i y,
Mrs. McCobe Gives
Program for Unit
Heppner I'xtenslon unit mem.
inif Bi.d .! v lui -ii...lv ! Saturday while she idans
t tie home of Mrs lltloy Munkers make her home after sendlnic
The mnrtilnu business nu linij the fhtUtma holldavs In Santa
Marls, t aiir, wiin iter moiner.
Mrs liuih :itiri.n .and her
lter. Mrs Wcfcley llaskrtt.
formerly if lleppner.
Mrs lsy tiisnt of l.ravr!!e
Mrs Ora Kvari had her
Mw.s4-k.,,i imivid In IS'ltUnil
was follow.-, by ixitlurR
luiuhroit nod a gift exchange In
Ihe afternotm.
Mrs. Alio MiIk presented
an Intercut intf program on
Scandinavian iwple and their
cookery. Mrs.
anl Mr. Ve
nte prrpareil j Cordova
me IVierwm of
htri'" f '.-i;
a N andinavlan i hrUtmas Jewel
rake and wreath nkies that
were rnovod by unit meniln-rs
with the Iuik hisiii.
Atli-iiitlnif IIik iiui.tliiL wrre
Mrs Creslon Koblnson. Mrs. It.'nmtn. llie two
d. vMtklii, Mrs, tjene Kergiiwii.
.Mrs. Bay lrske. Mr Paul War
ren 0ml Joan, Mrs l.vld r'k
man. Mis. Kelihlev Blake, Mrs
Nora Turner. Mi. MeCale. Mrs.
Itachel lUrnctt, Mrs. Jh Wright.
Mi. Walter llugtle. Mr. Frank
ICoiiimr. Mrs, Bud Peck and the
j hostoHM. Mr. Munkers.
Mr Fvnna here from I"ortlan'l
Indav l fx nd the week end
vloliintr friend and rt Utlves.
Mrs. (irant I an aunt f Mrs.
Ivan sod Mr. Peterson Is
were house-
gueftt of Mr, f. rants grand
daughter. Mr Stanley I .
Al-Ht returning to Cortland on
Sunday with Mrs. I.'vans was
aiioitur aunt. Mrs. Bell Nelll,
jif.ilte, who ha Ix-en vUltinn
in la-ng Cr-k with her grand
daughter, Mr. Iiabelle Ni II.
XVhcn you patronize Ga2ette- praised by Urban Renewal and
Times advertisers, you help some of us have had offers on't,, give you Information concern
m"c 1 . ""W them. The business men have Ing our present status. I lust
yoa aw it in Ue oazette-Tlmes. .crloson spots anj mait. j,ians for cannot write this letter without
' " J 1 ... a 1 1- J ft
jrnrx t.srTrki loans to culld in our future city. neiwnK ou noW jum now mum
I t
! Ir.g classroom section was re-
' nit I rAl t,m MisimanMi tll
i j'aiivu iui w v u y v j litis txuii
j but the gymnasium cannot bo
did and do appreciate the
I many thoughtful and kind let
ters and offers of assistance sent
I to us following our March 27th
disaster. It was so verv reassr.
used as it was felt that the cost i ne to know our friends and rel-
J of its repair would be too ex- atives "cared.1
; horbitant. The streets, water and " e send our
MAQAItA FAU.S, ONTAHIO Wbor all ths tr romlni
fromT What's holding up ths faur4T Ths two youngsters util
orr thess question, wlil h ars mot rommonly asked by visitors
at ltlplejr'a UWIsvs It or Not Museum, as they view ths tremendous
stream of soft water dropping conttnuouily from the unattached
10-foot blah mystery faucet Ths ralnbarrvl, la grandmother's day,
held a limited amount of soft water which he rollerted for ahaiu.
poolng and washing. Today, modern horaeniakera have automatic
water softeners which rrolde soft water from erenr ((.
sewer systems have all been re
i paired for emergency use and
! most of our homes and business
; houses ( those that were not too
j unsafe for occupancy) are In the
, Lest conditions we can make
love and
wishes to everyone of you.
The Raymond Huddlestons
, them temporarily. We do have
i water on the floors of some
Harsin Elected
Association Officer
Fifteen sewage treatment plant
operators from five eastern Ore-
tuildings during very high tides gon counties attended a meeting
and there are other annoyinjjOf the Northeast Oregon Section
little quirks with which we have I Vater , Pollution Control assoc.
to contend, but somehow -.vc -re 'at,on ln Pendleton Friday after,
managing to live very comor- -:f; J
jtably. with only a few nostalgic, ings. held three times yearly, is
...iv.io w F v.w1Mu,t i0 SPOK solutions, through open
days. Many of us do wish wei discussion, of water pollution
were quite a few years younger problems common to the area,
ft th,ls,.s,atriing.ov"'" d. Sitting in on the afternoon
thank the Dear Lord that it session were two water pollut
wasnt any worse. .ion control technician r.f Pnr.
Water Bond Election
Set for January II
Couple Exchanges
Vows in Ceremony
Mr ard ,'drs. Parrell T. Vln
son, Heppner, announce the re
ivnt mairlai'e of their daughter,
Miss I ran Heath, to Have p.ar-1
tl-tf V'nUt M(-rt .,-ll:lllfa.l III '
an Informal ceremony on Satur
day. iVeeinlKT 5, In Carson City,
Tlie newlyweds will reside In
mel. r.H-nt Saturday afternoon
raking leaves and cleaning
yards for Mrs. Lloyd Cixiley.
Hoof and Morn Meets
MtvtHng of the lof arul Horn
I l rluh n liiHemU-r 13 was
presided over by the new of
ficer eleitisl (VtolH-r 14. Tliey
are Tg tlreenup, presl.' ;
Terea llarhman, ice president;
Mieridan Wman, Mcretary; Al
fred Urnke, sergeant at arms;
Steve lYttJohn. retreatlon lead
er; Kit Anderson, news reporter.
)Im-ui iii was held on the pro
gram f wtrk for Ihe coming
year. Pefreshment were served
by Mrs. IN-iie Wyrnan.
Kit Anderson, rejiorter
floxtwifird fr making signs and
I de oration at the Gazette-Times
The Wee TV Shop
Radio and TV Service
Box 625 Ph. 67S-997S
To say the least, the necessity
to try to return to normal living,
has kept us all busy with clean
ing, repairing and other essen
tial tasks. Somehow I was talked
into serving on the local school
board again and also fell heir to
the presidency of the local chap
ter of the Tasnuna Mental
Health Council. Was vice-president
at the time of the quake.
after which our president moved
to Palmer. Raymond and his
crews have worked hard and
long to repair our damaged
roads and maintain them for our
land. Ed Lynd and Fred Bolton.
IRKICON Charles Akes. a
licensed and bonded contractor
of Milton-Free",ater. was present
at the Tuesday night Irrlgon
council meeting to discuss pro
gress of the proposed muniel
pal city water system.
Mayor Wilson explained that
no definite decisions had been
reached, and the next step will
be a bond election to be held
at the old Irrlgon school on
Monday, January 11, from 2:00' color scheme
to 8:00 D.m. This election willltions.
lain of Etanfield.
Mrs. Carl Kbort was hostess
for a birthday party Sunday af
ternoon, honoring her mother,
Mrs. Olive Zimmerle. Guests
were Mrs. E. 1 Pucker. Mrs.
Mary Adams, Mrs. Sees Morgan,
Mrs. Clarence Sucker. Mrs. Marg
uerite Houghton and Mrs. Fred
Hoadley. Mrs. Flwrt served a
birthday enke decorated In pas.
tel shades of yellow, j-ir.k and
green, and also carried out this
ln other decora-
determine If the citizens of Irrl
gon will assume general obll-
Bolton win serve as regional gation bonds to pay for the cost
iimiia ii in i ciiuieiun as oi
January 1
Next year's slate of officers
was elected during the after
noon. Sam Krause of Pendleton
was chosen president.
Harsin. Heppner. vice president, I a rate of $2 per foot. Charles
and Bob Humphreys. Condon, i Akes estimated that a hnre un.
of drilling the well, fire hyd
rants, and some of the larger
mains. The remainder of the cost
would be raised by assessing
Wavne property owners front footage at sont ,0 ,ho Philippines for Miss
tonary use. in various projects.
McCoy Tells Youth of Travels
The youth group of the Irrl
gon Assembly of God church
sponsored a dinner Wednesday
evening, featuring foreign dishes,
Proceeds were for completing
the purchase of a bicycle to be
q f7 y C '77 & v W"
filled tvitb holiday happinm mi good thier.
PH. 676-9417
The City of HeDDner recently
acquired the necessary labors.
tory equipment to complete most
water pollution tests, complying
with state sanitary authority
regulations for plants of this
Families Are Guests
At Christmas Party
Rhea Creek 4-H Livestock club
held its annual Christmas party
at the Rhea Creek C.rana Sun
day, December 13. Turkey dinner
was served by the mothers.
.weis Anderson and family
were guests or the club.
Nels Anderson gave a talk on
neia aay judging at the meeting.
Dean and David Wrieht pave
repons on leedins' beef steers
ana ieeaing dairy calves.
David Hall talked on trvna
oral reasons in iudirinfx.
Gifts were exchanged after the
John Hall, reporter
Club Has 4-H Guests
The Ruralettes 4-H club in
vited the Country Cutters 4-H
club for a Christmas party De-
cemrjer 11 after school at the
Roland Bergstrom home. Games
were led by Darlene Warren. Re
freshments were served, then we
sang carols. Our next meeting
is January 14.
Chris McCabe, reporter
der the railroad track and under
the highway would cost approx
imately $S per foot.
Dan Hill was present to ask
the council to write a letter
to the Oregon State Highway
Department urging that an easy
access from the Patterson Ferry
road to the Interstate Freeway
be constructed.
Hill also suggested that the
council check Into the feasibility
of acqurling ownership of the
old Irrlgon school building at
such time as the County School
Board should decide to dispose
of 1L
Looking for mlmeopranh Rten.
cils? The Gazette-Times has
them for sale. Including srecial
church bulletin style.
.... . mm.. .
Christmas Programs Planned
Christmas programs will be
presented at both the Irrlgon
Baptist and Assembly of God
churches on Sunday evening,
December 20, at 7:30 p.m.
The Boardman grade school
and Riverside High school
Christmas program will be pre
sented Monday evening, Decern
ber 21.
The A. C. Houghton Christmas
program will be presented Tues
day evening, December 22, at
8 p.m. School will be dismissed
for the Christmas vacation on
Wednesday, December 23, at
p.m. School will resume Monday,
January 4.
A. C. Houghton Bobcats will
play basketball against Uma
tilla at the A. C, Houghton Gym
nasium Thursday, December 17,
at 2:00 p.m. Riverside High
school will play at Athena Fri
day night, and at Stanfield Sat
urday night, December 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Allen of
Rufus spent Sunday in Irrlgon
visiting friends and relatives.
The Morrow-Umatilla Counties
Retired Teachers Association met
at the A. C. Houghton cafetor
ium Saturday. Colburg of Pilot
Rock, president of the associat
ion, presided over the business
session following a noon pot
luck meal. Mrs. Rees Morgan
Is secretary pro tern of the group.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Ritzer and
family drove to Portland Wed
nesday night and met Mrs. Rit-
zer's mother, Mrs. Alice A. Smith
of Riddle, who returned to Irrl
gon with them that evening. Mrs.
Ritzer drove her mother to La
Grande Thursday morning,
where she entered the St. Joseph
hospital with an Injury sustain
ed when a car door was acci
dentally slammed on her leg.
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Cayman
and Whitey Stevens of Kenno
wick, Wn., were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gayman
and family Tuesday evening.
They were joined later in the
evening by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Piatt and Mrs. Ruth Chamber-
the young people raised a total
of $7G for the bicycle. Follow
Ir.g the Wednesday evening din
ner, Warren McCoy showed
colored slides taken In Japan
and Hong Kong while he was
there this fall. McCoy showed
slides of the Olympics as well
as slides depicting the living
conditions of some parts of the
Irrlgon Scout Troop No. CG7.
accompanied by their Scout
master Kenneth Lamb and as
sistant Scoutmaster Perry Pum-
vtrSkwriicn. 7 t w r -v i
V,1 f A
r ... ,t..w.., 2c'52l-
for our many friend J ,
and wish them happinesi at this Ujf
lil Mustangs
first Christmas...
aWft y ll"iCijjiii"llLi . .... I
Christmas is a great time to join 230,000
happy Mustang owners. Your family will
really go for the looks and performance that
pushed Mustang to third place on the sales
charts in its first few months. And you'll go
for Mustang's modest price tag.
Let your Ford Dealer wrap up a '65
Mustang for your family today!
Manufacturer'i suggested retail price for Mustang
Hardtop. Transportation, Hate and heal taxes, and fees,
if any, not Included. Options such as white wall tires
are extra cost. See your Ford Dealer for his selling price.
F.O.D. Detroit, Mfrs. suggested price.
'65...best year yet to buy from your Ford Dealer