fi ! .jit Wff! 3RES WILL BE HI 9 0. ecember 18 riL 9:00 P. M. ;day, Wednesday 21,22 and 23 Movies . DECEMBER 19 ELKS TEMPLE ARKING DECEMBER 19 AND WEDNESDAY P 23 UGAHYDE merican n $495.50 Coil 5 325 RADIO IITURE CO. ner 0 $1, NEW MODEL :ars EFT OVER ;t Go By :R 31! SHOW YOU SOME GOOD BUYS Of OF C6. 00 REGON :e, Heppner Stores Will Be 1 "7T LTnDEN BROADBENT jpLAY RICH WHIP nnnn oJ if n -oSJol U ULU J o r o BELTS, 5 to 9 lb 43c lb. HENS, 9 to 16 lb 41c lb. TOMS, 16 to 24 lb 39c lb. REGISTER NOW TOR FREE DRAWING SATURDAY NOON DEC. 19 Regulation Basketball, First Prize Set of Cap Guns, Second Prize GUESS THE AMOUNT OF WALNUTS IN JAR WIN PRES-TO COFFEE MAKER TO BE GIVEN AWAY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2 P. M. MARKET FOR (800 TAPE RECORDERS: TRANSISTORS $16.95 to $69.95 Voice of Music All Electric . . . $89.95 to $199.95 PORTABLE CHANNEL MASTER MOTOROLA RCA ELGIN $1495 to $7995 Motorola TV $149.95 To $289.95 ELECTRIC SHOE SHINERS GRILLS COFFEE MAKERS PHONO RECORDS 45 Cr 3314 RPM GONTY'S HEPPNER FOR THAT FESTIVE FEELING IW mns of SILV . Coffee Set Slf 99 INCLUDING TRAY STORE HOURS: 9 A To 6 P. M. JEWELERS Q ii i in I '"'it BIN I I pps ELMA'S APPAREL Has Just The Gift For Her! SHOP FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTO. CHRISTMAS M8 TOYS and GIFTS GALORE At LAIRDS' OPEN LATE FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS BEAUTIFUL LINGERIE And Gifts For Her At MiLADIES APPAREL Open Friday ET.aingt ALWAYS FIRST OUALfTY Fortrel polyes t e r With Acto Flex and cotton needs expansion should- ers. Fortrel poly- , . ester-cotton solid long- sleeves 0- ' o I "i colors. long sleeves 325 398 PENNEY'S OWN GRAND VINO SPORT SHIRTS! 98 See the exciting difference in the lux urious, silk-like blend: 80 Dacron poly ester, 20 combed cotton! Wash-wear, little or no Iron. 13 handsome colors . . . long sleeves and permanent stay collars. Priced for real value, so stock up for gifts! ( V v ! l ARNEL CREPE GIFT BLOUSES sizes Q98 32 to 38 fj Supple feminine crepe of Arnel triacetate In 3 Schiff 11 embr o I d e r e d styles. Tuck -ins and over blouses. Frosty white. Short sleeves. Boxed. ' x "I f 3 Lush Arnel and Nylon Suede Dusters . . . Ideal For Her! 09 What gift could ever be more welcome? Our toast-warm dus t e r of Arnel triacetate and ny lon suede is the perfect cover-up for after hours. Luscious hues in Misses' sizes 10 to 16. m