HtrfNER GAZETTE TIMES. Tburador. Dmrxr 17. 14 THE Tf PsF HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES MORROW COUNTTS N EWSFAfEl The Heppner Gazette established March ). 11 The Heppner Times established November IS, Consolidated February 1 1912. Chaff and Chatter Wes Sherman TO THE EDITOR... A GRKEMIOKN COMING to thl 'COACH RAY POYCK of the I.lons iwirArit rfiuimii ASSOCIATION NATIONAL fOITOIIAlj WESLEY A. SHERMAN Editor and Publisher HELEN E. SHERMAN Associat Publisher Subscription Rates: $450 Year. Single Copy 10 Cents. Published Every Thursday and Entered at the Post Office at Heppner. Oregon, aa Second Class Matter. Forgotten Again? It U hard to stifle disappointment at first glance at the governor's proposed program to supplement highway revenue In order to take care of needed highway construction. In the projects listed. GO of them. Morrow county was not mentioned. It is realized, of course, that when something like this is proposed, every section of the state may be expected to come up with a "me, too." But Is a little more than that with Morrow county. Dele gatinns from here, generally headed by Judge Oscar Peter son, have been appealing to the Highway Commission for high way Improvements for years. At one such hearing, Sam Malll coat, director of state planning and development, appeared on behalf of the county. Appeals have been made to the governor, too. At times, these delegations have come back with some rather heartening half promises, but always the story from the commission has been, "We Just don't have the funds available at this time." Now under the governor's proposed program, the gas tax would be Increased lc per gallon, the motor license fee would be Increased $3 per year, and the bond limit would be In creased. Our residents will help pay the bill and they will get some of the benefits when they go to other parts of the state. But It apparently isn't going to help us at home on a major Im provement project. What work is done here, so far as it appears on the face of the program, will come through highway main tenance funds, pecking away at blind corners and building shoulders. This Is appreciated, but the county, with roads In the condition that they are, have the right for more. Is Morrow county to be forgotten again? As this Is written, we note that Giles French has similar comments in the Sherman County Journal: "We are pretty sure the governor had no part In making the proposed program of road building in that message. It came directly from the state highway engineer, Forrest Cooper, who has a desire to help his old home town of Dufur. The program would build 7.9 miles of road from south of that town to the top of Tygh Ridge. The road is needed and should -be built some day, but already $4,000,000 has been grafted for that road and spent in recent years. "It is only proper that The Dalles-Criterion road should wait until more important roads are Improved. We see no mention of the John Day highway, the Heppner highway, -nor of highway 97, all or any of which should be improved before more money is spent on 197." We hope sincerely that we are not right about this, but it certainly appears that Morrow county has been getting the stalling treatment by the highway commission all these years. Our Bill of Rights (From It's Your Law" of Oregon State Bar) With December 15 being observed as "Bill of Rights Day" throughout the land, many persons should be thinking about what this important "document" means to them. The American "Bill of Rights," consisting of the first ten amendments to our federal constitution, all adopted at one time in 1791, specifies in some detail a number of basic civil rights of the individual citizen. Unaltered by subsequent amend ments and Jealously guarded by our courts, these privileges must still be respected by our governing bodies today. Among the most familiar of our constitutional guarantees are those relating to freedom of religion, speech, and of the press. The same article protects the rights of peaceable assembly and the privilege of petitioning the government for redress of grievances. Another amendment secures our persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, and specifies that no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, and unless supported by oath or affirmation. The due process of law amendment encompasses not one but several guarantees. Every American is secured against being placed twice in legal Jeopardy for the same offense, against being compelled to be a witness against himself in a criminal case, his private property taken for public use with out Just compensation. He is also secured against being held for trial for a capital (death penalty) or other infamous crime, unless upon a pre sentment or indictment of a grand Jury. And, of course, no person may be deprived of life, liberty or property without 6rderly court procedures, on due process of law. The right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial Jury, in the locality where the crime was committed, the right to be Informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, and the rights to compel attendance of defense witnesses and to have the assistance of defense counsel in all criminal prosecutions are secured by another section of the "Bill of Rights." Ex cessive bail and fines, and cruel and unusual punishments, are prohibited in Amendment VIII. The Tenth Amendment further emphasizes the basic theory by providing: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Thus, that fundamental philosophy expressed in the Dec laration of Independence, that men are endowed with certain inalienable rights, and that "to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their Just powers from the consent of the governed," has been carried forward into the highest law of pur land. country could ordinarily spot a rancher in weather like this because he'd be the fellow on the street uho would be grin nine like Charlie Paly Mon day while rain drixxled off his note. On a day like Tuesday, he'd Hill be grinning while snow covered his hat. But some ranchers are look ing a wre bit grim In spite of 11 the moisture. They are thoe who delayed planting because of the early fall dry' pell. Trie way it's going, the county will probably have more spring grain planting In '65 than ever before. THIS IS the season of "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men" but watch cut for all kinds of chic, anery. skulduggery and nefar ious malice In the big basket has been strangely quiet as game time near, lie's got something up his sleee. Would! he a bit surprised to see Mm pro due Mel Count of the rtn Celtic out of a hat Friday night Of course, he ha a couple nearly a rood In Charlie OX on nor and Ted Palmateer, Earlier today we had an In terview with a former famous hoop Mar who will he seen in action for the Chamber. He was an all star guard of McOrew High school and was named most valuable player In the Al liance tournament In 19.13. Where la McGrew, you ak? Weil, roughly somewhere be tween Tollgate. Oregon, and New York. N. Y but closer to Chadron. S. D. Thl man Is Rolee Fulleton, and he I all primed ball doublerteador Friday nignt and rarln' U go Friday night at lone. The Lions club will If Coach Jim Farley Isn't too have two teams, one playing the Mired from watching the TV re Junior Chamber of Commerce play of the Battle of the Bulge and the other (those over 35) Tuesday night to think about taking on the older members of I tome of the bulging waUtllnc the business community, the on his team, he'll probably also lleppner-Morrow tounty mam- start "Phenomenal Phil" Ma ber of Commerce. honey and "Joltin John" Yenard We Dredlct there will be a blc Farley brags that he has share of ludicrous nonsense In "Plenty of reserves capable of the play, too, although both starting" (and that's about all). sides are going to use any tac-MEd note: The latter phrase U our own) Assisting Farley will be La- Verne Van Marter. who'll be armed with 30-30 to prevent the Chamber boys from fleeing from the floor. Dr. A. D. McMurdo head up a crack squad of trainers for the Chamber, and he is enlist tics possible to win. The Chamber of Commerce boys, we happen to know, are feeling pretty cocky after they defeated the Jaycces in a tug of -war at the rodeo queen's coro nation in late summer. You see such guys as Herman Winter, Clint XfrOiinrrl nA Ppf Me. Murtry going around the street the entire facilities of the rippling their bleeps and gnash- on Incr thoir iwfh lx" theory that they will all Wed waeer. thouch. that urely be needed some of these vociferous nlavern I xvieanwniie. an Marter of Coach Jim Farley have never fIn,n doufih W mad "elllng seen haskerhaii came Thev're Insurance policies to all his lust liable to ePt nut on the rourt players. Each player will be and start davine London hridee Murni-shl with a dog tag for or rin rummv leasy Identification as he keels i uu i uii uic iiiwr. . SINCE WE wouldn't want them to be embarrassed, we thought I AS GAME TIME nears, sale of perhaps we should print a few I Absorbine Jr. and bandages at Opposed to Sito IVar Editor: IV IVrelt Hummel's lectin mi'ndatlori to place the element ary sthool In lrrlgon and ll.xu.t man and . ie a combination Junior Senior High School some where between the two hat been received wllh mUcd emotions. In theory this would seem to be an auvrlUhU Com promise, and It I somewhat understandable that the Morrow I'owiily ftoard should ac ceot the recommendation. The problem created by thl smilingly simple solution are many, such as the creation or a third community In the North End of the County. Km the sur face thl would seem self e- ptanatory, but It I not this sim ple.) Imcon arul lUiartlman are ow lav base town, and have been worklnf hard to provide a community water and sewer system. Itoardman Is In the unique portion ef hull-line an entire new town wllh the V. x Cover nment paying a large part of the costs. Both lrrlgon and Hoardman have obtained profes sional help to plan their com munities, and to provide modern facilities ft the roJeeted impu tation growth in the .North I'm. I The two communities (as lr. Hummel stated In his report l have worked diligently to ac complish this, so it would seem somewhat unrealistic to estab lish a third uncontrolled com munity. While the Corps of Engineers Olokct Write IVar Wes: We are well situated lV now. haln bought a home In a new addition ( Monmouth The en tire family like It teal well e crpt for the es.cel rain I sure uth there wa some way that It could le share.! wtui r'aMrrn Otcron. The add reus u .J Stadium Ittve K.. Monmouth. We lake thl mean to Invite you all to droit in when you are il thl country. Karen and Kathv attend Jun ior high school in Independence. Jenny I a freshman at Central IIUh school, and ol.l tla.l i at tending Oregon College of Edu cation, which I am enoint Im mensely, and the U of the famllv. Shirley. I woiklnjf a a secretary at the college. I am a I vi working part lime for llolse Cascade Corporation, so you can see that we are all slaying busy. We really haven t had time to get homesick et. I have met many people In Polk county who remember oi and Vour famllv well. They all ay- to gle vou their reeard. Many e resident of Morrow county are at present residing; here. Many will rememlw-r Jack Morion, Henry Tett, and Marilyn Miller, now all associated with Ihe college. Ken and Hetty Hoy I I Hetty Coteni former reshh-nl of llepoiur. the Tie. McClin- tock'a an. I many others, and I swear that everyone In IVlk. Marion and Itenton know Violet Lanham. We still await anxiously the arrival of the Caette-Tlme BOWLING Male Lnfvie Team W I. lesliifc'lon Coop .11 IT II. I iin r HarU-r Shop 51 IK II. l i ner t leaner ,tJ' liilarul Chrm. Service VIS Heppner I Iks T Pr Cola ;m ft Turner. Van Marter and firvant 1T4 JiH lleppoer Auto Sale K 41 llUh In. I l.aine W,b Kil kenny, 314; HU'h Ind, Serle lel I'lper. :wlj High Team Came Heppner I Us, !; High Team Serle tiTklngtort Oil Coop, 2.iU. t la Spinners Team W Hank or il) 41 IvteriMiri's Jewelry ,Vi I Vi s M-uket 3.V Central Market .11 Jack's Chevron 31 lli-ppner I Iks 21 I'M 1 1 Anirrls lima' Apparel 1J Hik'h Ind (lame thwart. 171; lllk'h Ind. Serle Marie Mcijuanlc. 4Hrl; High IVarn Came Jack's Chevron, K77; Wen Team Series Jack' Chevron. 2510. IT am 2IS 27 2H .W 41 4M Ann rudiments of the game. This thing pictured below called a "hoop," or a "net": t Also used In the game Is leather or rubber spheroid, known as a "basketball" and sometimes called a "casaba.1 round ball," and if a team is far behind, Its coach Is liable to call It something else, along with all members of the op posing team and especially the officials. Pictured below Is a "basket ball." (Those who are going to play Friday night should clip and save for reference): LITTLCAPS... Object of the game is for a team to so propel the ball that it goes down through the hoop For achieving this feat, it gets two points. For the benefit of such husky stalwarts as Bob Abrams and Rod Murray of the Chamber and Paul Pettyjohn Sr., of the Lions, we must point out that It Is strictly illegal to throw an op posing player, or any part of him, through the hoop. While a glance at some of their stom achs might confuse others into mistaking this part of their an atomy for a basketball, this error definitely should not be made. This may be hard for Abrams to understand, since his ath letic experience was gained on the football field and in moun tain climbing, and also with Murray because he is a bull- dogging specialist and might have difficulty being convinced that a Lion should be treated more tenderly than a Hereford steer. the drug store is equalled only by the brisk ticket sales. Lindsay Kincald of the Lions declares that spectators will see the most dazzling uniforms ever worn by a basketball team In Morrow county, well worth the price of admission alone. The Lions have had their No. 2 unit, the one that will play the Jaycecs, working In high gear, enlisting the aid of the lone town team and the coach ing staff of lone High, including Gordon Meyers and Gene Dock ter. Also included will be the Lindstrom brothers, Roy and Art; John Jepsen, Herb Ekstrom Jr., Francis Rea, Leland Mc Kinney and others. We know Coach Harley Saer of the Jaycees has some power ful players for the contest and hear that Dr. Bob Todd Is on a strict diet of beef steak, toast and tea, but the coach hasn't listed a roster of players. So if you want to see basket ball at its best, attend the Far west classic In Portland next week. But if you want to see it at its funniest and have real enjoyable evening at the same time helping the lone band uniform fund get out Friday night. has Indicated they w ,11 par Id- lwh WMk rnV,ylnir rPilllnij ,he SOME OF THESE beautiful Christmas trees you see around town required some real pers onal sacrifices and hardships to obtain. Take the one at the First National Bank. A crew from the bank went out Saturday to get it. They spotted it down in Wall creek, drove the rig down to wards it, got stuck, couldn't get out and finally had to come out via Sunflower Flats. This just about made them miss the bank's Christmas party, but the heroic party, headed by Harley Sager, straggled in, exhausted and weary, sometime in the evening. WHEN YOU look at that tree In I pate In this program. It would oe on a percentage basis- The bur den of providing the balance of the funds would be borne by the Morrow County taxpayer. The additional construction costs can be estimated to be Sl.Vi.ftD. While the scheduling, adminis tration and tranKrtation prob lems are many, we need only le concerned with these Insofar a they affect our budget. With the operation of a third plant would come the additional coMs for constructing and malntatnln a separate heating facility, separate custodian, additiona landscaping to be maintained, additional light and power costs anc general maintenance coMs, This could Increase our annua budget to upwards of 110.000. It seems Impossible to ju.sttiy building and maintaining three separate schools for approxl mately 3.X) students. Alter five years of seeking a site for the Boardman school, it would seem the School Board would be justified in reconsider ing their acceptance of Dr. Hum mel's report, especially when It presents a complete new plan that involves so many new us poets. It seems the School Board needs to get some detailed plans drawn, along with realistic cost estimates, before proceeding with the new plan, These problem can only be resolved by bringing together responsible people from the af fected Public Agencies, the Corps tngineers. Morrow County School Board, Morrow County Planning Commission, County Court, State Health Department. and last but not least, the Mor row County taxpayers. Sincerely, Dewey W. West, Jr. Mayor City of Boardman activities of the community. We are afraid that Morrow county will always he home to u. Our best retards to you all and a very sincere Imitation to you all to drop In and see u. Sincerely, The Blake. Bill. Shirley, Beverly. Jenny. Karen and Kathy Money receipt book In dupll tile and triplicate are on sale at the Carrtte Tlinra. COMMUNITY BILLBOARD Heppner Grill, you'll swear it just can't be. Like the farmer who saw the giraffe first time and declared, "There ain't no such animal." Conifers Just don't grow as full and bushy as the one In the grill but Mrs. Bud (Marvel) Hebert swears solemnly that there isn't a single limb wired on. THE BILL BLAKES, writing from Monmouth this week, said that Morrow county will always be home to them. This wo well agree with after looking at the return on their envelope. They had written al most instinctively "Heppner, Oregon" in the corner and had to scratch over it and change it to "Monmouth." Homesick, Bill and Shirley? To the Fditor: Dear Mr. Sherman. Thank you for all the wonder ful publicity you gave the play The article after the play was more than we deserved bu greatly appreciated. Sincerely. Janet Grove Hj Neighbors E .0 1 I III "Why, I'd love to have you drop over, Don I want to how you my new dress!" Coming Events ill OFKICKR TRAINING DAY Saturday. Iec. 19. 9.30 am Heppner F.lementary School All 4 II rluh officer. IIKPPNFR HIGH BASK LTD ALL Friday. Ik-e. 18 Enterprise at Enterprise Saturday, Ire. 19 IH-Sau- at Heppner Jayvee game. 6:30. yarsliy fame. H u). Supjrt the Mustangs! SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Combined upier elementary gra.k-s and high school Tuesday. Dec. 22. 7:30 p m. Chorus, Band. lrama num ber. Old gymnasium auditorium LIONS CHAMBER OK COM MERCK Benefit Basketball Game. Friday. Dec. IS, 8 p.m. lone High school gym Also Lions v. Jaycees. SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY C. A. RUGGLES Insurance Agency f. 0. Box 247 PH. 670-9625 vf- -.' m m fnsfe. m m m m w mm CUSTOM REQUIRES THAT each game tolerate some miserable, decrepit and universally un popular characters, called, for want of a suitable epithet, "of ficials." These are carefully chosen on the basis of their poor eyesight, uncontrollable tempers, their abiity to have their atten tion focused on a pretty girl in the stands during a key play, and their gentle and kindly solici tude towards coaches. The Lions, Jaycees and Cham ber participants all agree that they have some very well qual ified for this job In Peck Leath ers and County Judge Oscar Peterson for the Friday night LEARN to SKI DURING CHRISTMAS VACATION WITH SKI LESSONS BY STEVE PECK At ARBUCKLE MOUNTAIN SKI AREA For Complete Information Inquire at Pecks' Ski Shop Phone 676-9401 ?m m Jiff1 we're making the sidewalks softer this year. Try them. HanSlh) Puppies I I I I I B r a t h I n ' Brushed Plgikln Caauala IF IN DOUBT, WE HAVE GIFT CERTIFICATES Heppner Ph. 678-9264 imbroglios.