Lexington Folk Observe Holiday County Court Proceedings Htrrntn CAirrrt times. TburvJar. Prsmbt la. ik .w 41 627.10 .. tttlO 1700 County Cxirt met In regular ion cm November 4. The minute of the ttrUu tcftn were read a ml approved. Il was ordered that th Irri- con ruii.n.ur.av I-ik ana J-v reatton District be proclaimed at itrlns established. A resolution was passed auth orliing the acceptance of run tract with the- U. S. l Ameru- relocating and altering public n.ta n-o-ik!l! stl-it hv construe tion of the John Day Lock and Dam. The rvidenation of OniHe Cutfcforth from the lair Board Wll accepted. Tha loilowtna waneali swt liud ess tb Caaaral Iundi Walter II. IUc. Comm. Mileage . ... $12 C6 Merman W. Winter. DA Rent fvMKV HflD 112l Tel. 2130. Sup. 16.70 .. ... 21550 rub. Km p. Kct. Bit . Sal. 195.72, Soc. See. 195.72 First Nat l Bank. Sal St. Ind Arc Id. Comm, do State Tax Comm., do N. W. Hosp. Serv.. Sal. PC.90. DA Misc. 11 45, Ins. 4S00 Safeco Life Ina. Co.. Sal. 21 IK. In. 7.42 29 41 Heppner Gazette-Times, Sher. Sup. 14.50. Klect, 77 00. Off. Pub. 41.85. Watermaster 24 64 157.99 Humphreys Drug Co.. Sher. Sup. 6.46, Assess. Sup, 5 67 Phillip A. Goodal!. Sher. Sup. 6.46. Car Exp. 98 G4 Phil's Pharmacy. Slier. Sup. 1.54. Jail Exp. 25c . Richfield Oil Corp, Sher. Car Exp . Shell Oil Co.. do ... Standard Oil Co.. do -. . Texaco. Inc.. do Standard Off. Equip.. Tax ColL 433, Assess. Sup. 4.10, Nurse Sup. 1150 Roderick Thomson. Assess. Fid. Wk. - Ernest Jorgensen. Just. Ct.. 5th, Rent. 25 00. Tel 49.12. Sup. 5.75 Edna Chally. R. N, Nurse Sup. .. Edna Chally. Nurse Petty Cash) Shell Oil Co.. Nurse . - Car Exp. ' -,3.40 Standard Oil Co.. do 10.83 Dr. L. D. Tibbies. Med. Inv. 25.00. Jail Exp. 5.00 .. 30.00 Herman Green. Cthse. ........ 3.00 John A. Pfeiffer. do ..'..... 1.15 CoL Basin Eiec.. Cthse. . 119.57, Surp. Fds. 10.14. Comm. Fd.. 18.50 1431 Rev. Kenneth Robinson, Juv. 44.24 Elections 796JS4 Tum-A-Lum Lbr, Emergency Water Line! 1155 Gilliam & Bisbee Hdw.. do .. 1753 Davis Eastern Sup. Co.. do 2.90 Waterworks Sup. Co.. do 8.19 City Water Dept. Cthse 750 Economy Mkt & Lockers, Ind. Fund 26.30 Heppner Gazette-Times, ' Assess. Sup 98.90 Anderson's Bldrs. Sup, Cthse. 100 N. W. Ind. Laundry, do 6.60 T DCLFHA JONES tllrld over from Ut ek) . 12.13 105.71 ... 1.79 16 35 . 2GJW . 21 .68 . 11.68 19.93 63 60 79.S7 . 3 45 2750 Industrial Air !Yvl. Co- . ft 71 Hank i iVnlial IHrton 1 4 tM 2V U'miw Snvder 4ui James lmll, P.M. 4.'H Mrii vhi io, mu.iliv hospital in lYndletonJ l.ni-T ... . . . . V ' ; i M-t Salaries .., l.Vt-'SU trXINCTON A. F. MaJ-ke. Mho had tt a patient in lorn- Kttadmater . - 4M6 Tha loUowla warrant wr Issued om tha Mlac ruodsi BendrrMos, Inc, Law Library . 1950 Wni Publikhinjf Co., Law library . 6100 Kinzua PTA Holds Hootenanny to Aid Scholarship Fund Br VIRGINIA KINZUA The KELSO Hootenanny held Saturday evening at the Kinzua Grade school gym was very well attended. vlat.n More an f Condon nerve! at Master of Ceremonies for the af fair which provided those at. tending with an enjoyable evening. Drawing of the names of the luckv winners of the five clock provided much interest. Ray Barnes won the sunburst clock. Mis. Ralph Elliott the cuckoo clock. Mrs. Ron Huck won the Wink-awake alarm. Mrs. Mark Jelltck the kitchen clock, and Wallace Southard the Travel arm. Proceeds of the clock raffle go towards the ITA scholarship fund. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and ! ... 168.00 3.75 15.00 .1350 73.79 65.97 Donald E. Clark, Sher., Jail Exd. Moore & Ripley Drug. Inc. do Hazel C. Bauman. do G. E. Nikander, Surp. Fds. Exp. Dept. of Fin. & Admin, do .. Pendleton-Heppner Frt, SUndard Oil Co., Museum Fund Pub. EmD. Ret Bd.. Soc. Sec. Qrtly. Exp 13.33 James Driscoll. P. M.. Clk'g Inc 4257 Kilham Stv. & Print Co.. Tax ColL 92.16 Greenfield Grange No. 579. Elect 10.00 St. Ind. Accid. Comm., Ins 750 Consolidated Sup. Co., Emerg 94.30 Mary Ev Bryant, Dep. 276.53, Co. Ct 33.33 309.86 Elvira Irby. Dep 281.63 Lillian Sweek. Off. Clk. .. 266.82 Phillip Goodall, Spec. Dep. 71.68 Edna Chally, H. Nurse 231.14 Alma Green, Off- Clk. 92.25 D. E. Hudsoiu Jan 322.86 Margaret Jorgensen, Off. dk. 85.20 L. D. Tibbies, Phys. .... 24.09 Kenneth Robinson, Juv. .... 143.96 W. C Driscoll, Sher. Comm. Fd. 4759 Nancy B. Dixon, Surp. Fds. Cler. Help ... 31.25 Maurice Byrd, Ct. Rep 115.60 Lorraine Ball. Off. Clk. .. 173.85 The following warrants were issued on the General Roads Fund: First Nat'l Bank 642.00 St. Tax Comm : 178.70 Pub. Emp. Ret Bd 489.46 St. Ind. Accid. Comm 476.04 N. W. Hosp. Serv 141.85 Safeco Life Ins 48.44 Gilliam & Bisbee Hdwe 250 Davis Eastern Sup. Co 60.93 Heppner Auto Sales, Inc 13.20 Senter Tool Serv 131.88 Ford's Tire Serv 13.35 Clyde Equip. Co. .... 5480.18 D. H. Jones & Son 20.00 Pad berg Mach. Co. 486.13 Heppner Auto Parts 30.25 Goodyear Serv. Stores 18.02 Pettyjohn's Farm & Bldrs. Sup 175.95 Columbia Basin Elec. Co-op 32.44 John A Pfeiffer 1.65 L. E. Dick 40.15 Umatilla ready-Mix Concrete Co. 133.00 City Water Dept 4.40 Stone Machinery Co 2456.55 Oregon Motor Service 6.00 Lexington Oil Co-op 550 Fulleton Chev. Co. 55.74 Standard Oil Co. 105.90 Union Oil Co. 181.81 N. W. Rev. Fermer Plank was In Pottland Saturday to attend a mteting of the Civil Air Patrol. Mr. and Mrs. Roger llollomon spent last week-end in Hermls ton visiting with Mr. and Mts. Bruce Hollomoii and daughters. Irn The Dalles last Thursday on business were Mrs. Robert Kelso, Miss Sharon Kelso, Mrs. Ed Wham and daughter Vlckl, and Mrs. Ernie Wall. Mr. and Mrs. David Sitton wer in Portland over the week end to do some shopping. Jack Sitton and Paul Rector of Fossil spent Monday at Walla Walla, Wash., where Jack had medical attention. Mrs. W. C Freeman and son John went to Portland last Mon day to have medical care for John. Mr. and Mrs- Wayland Hyatt were business visitors to Hep pnei Wednesday. . Mi. and Mrs. A. B. Coleman went to Portland Sunday for a couple of days on business. Going to Portland during the week-end on business were Mr. and Mrs. James Walker. - Mr. and Mrs. Milo Pindle mov ed to Heppner last Friday where they will make their home. The Doubledeck pinochle club was entertained last Wednesday evening with Mrs. Kathryn Flack as hostess. High for the evening was won by Marilyn Bailey, low by Margaret McCon nell, and floating by Virginia Kelso and Helen Wright Others playing were Margie Ball, Ada 275Schell, Virginia Sitton, VI Slink- ard, Lily May Nistad, MarJ Bor wg. ana Marge Asner. Mrs. Omar Stubblefield is re cuperating at the home of her mother in LaGrande following surgery performed last week. Stanley Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs Archie R. Cox, has been ac cepted into the U. S. Navy and is having his boot training at San Diego, California. Mrs. Joline Guinn entertained the members of her bridge club last Wednesday afternoon. Hign was won by Meridel wnam witn second high going to Grace Coleman. Others taking part were Zella Prindle, Mary Miller, Babe Reed, Dru Huck, and Mari-3 Wall. was able to return t, his home in IjeUnsum NovemU-r .X to. t, with lus family Cor Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mounts and son Ste. of Maupin wrre u-x-lnnton callers orr Thankgiv. Ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. t. Majr. Mr. and Mrs. Alonro. Hender son ami son Larry and daushter lU-ttv were Thanknguinn iitofsj in La Grande at the t.rant nerv deron rume. Mr son Kenneth spent the Thanks- civlne hoi I J in Portland at the William N. J.ws home. ivnald Van Winkle of Port. lard and Linda Van Winkle who attends the l niverity of Oregon. :tited their parents, the William J. Van Winkles, over the noli davs. , Mr. and Mrs. William J. Van Winkle and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Edwards and children spent Thanksgiving dav at the home of the parents of Mrs. Van Winkle and Mrs. Ed wards. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Low rev at Mt. Vernon. Beverly Davidson who attends Portland State and Bobby David son who teaches in Warrenton. spent the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson. Mrs. Al Fetsch Is employed at the Humphrey Drug More In Heppner during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. FJdon Padbcrg , and children had as dinner guests on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Orts Padberg and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Padberg and child ren and their son Lee. who was home from Junior college in Boise. Idaho. Hank Pointer and Louise Pointer, children of Mr. and Mrs. Don Pointer, spent the week end with their parents from Portland where they both attend Portland State. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hender son and daughter uetiy speni the week-end In Hood River with their son Larry Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Groshens and three sons were visitors at the Dewey Irvin home in Rufus on Thanksgiving. Vicky Irvin of Arlington returned home with them where she visited until Sunday when Mr. Groshens took her home. Mrs. Florence McMillan spent several days last week at the home of her son ir-Iaw and j daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cool and family in Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. George Hermann and children were visitors at the Gene Cutsforth mountain home on Thanksgiving. Visitors over the holidays at the O. W. Cutsforth mountain home were Mr. and Mrs. Dick De Braal and children of Klamath Falls. Mrs. Mae DeBraal of New York. Dick Hamrick and Armin Wihlon of Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Head and children and Mr. Head's father of The Dalles, Jay Lehan of Hood River. Stuart Dick of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Boyer and children and E. E. Peck of Lexington and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cuts forth and children. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breeding of Grants Pass and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breedin-e of Stanfield visit ed in Lexington on Friday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Groshens and sons. Mrs. Gro shens is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breeding. Hardman News Bt ALTA STEVENS HARDMAN Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers of Heppner and Gerald Booher of Boise, Idaho, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mc- Daniel last Wednesday after noon. Mr. uooner is a Drotner of Mrs. McDaniel. He had been visiting his mother, Mrs. Maud Robison) in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Vester Hams and daughter Cheryl, of lone and grandson Jeff Hams of Pendle ton visited with Mx. Hams' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hams on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens and Jojean were guests at the Darold Hams home Sunday evening. H. C. Lesley and Mrs. Char lotte Walker were business vis itors in Heppner on Monday. Leo Flowers of Monument vis ited in Hardman Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Wright and Mrs. Tom Crewdson called at the home of Mrs. Cecil McDaniel last Thurs day afternoon) to look over the new trailer house. Mrs. Charlotte Walker and Mrs. L. H. Robinson were also callers the same after noon . Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Robinson left Friday for Ashland to spend .several months consulting a doc tor. Cecil McDaniel left last Wed nesday for Ashland to see his doctor He returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lesley visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Shank at Mt Vernon during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel were business visitors in Pendle ton Friday where Mr. McDaniel Ind. Laundry 9.12 had a checkup with his doctor. Cooking Club Elects, Starts Busy 4-H Year At the second meeting of the Butterfingers 4-H cooking club, we elected officers. They are Lindy Leonnig, president: Kathy Ayexs, vice president; Debbie McLeod, secretary, Shelley Wolff, reporter, and Linda Clough, party planner. We talked about what to make for roll call and decided on making a Thanks giving place mat At our third meeting we made soups. These were clam chowder, corn chowder, potato and hard boiled eggs, potato and frank furters. We decided to make Christmas place cards for our next meeting. Shelley Wolff, reporter Busy Beavers Meet The Busy Beavers 4-H club met at Karen Crowell's home on Monday, December 7. Mrs. Ralph Crum is our leader. Debra Win kelman Is president, Karen Crowell is vice president and news reporter, Kathy Crum is secretary and Tanya Tucker is game leader. We worked on our slippers, Our next meeting will be at Kathy Crum's home Mon day, December 14. We are going to work on our Christmas gifts. Karen Crowell, reporter Sewing Club Works On Dress Projects On November 21 the Rural ette 4-H club held an all day meeting at the lone school cafe torium. We worked on our dress es, getting as far as sewing on facings. Then we held a short business meeting. Refreshments were served by Darlene Warren. At the December 3 meeting, the ones who had not finished completed their dresses after school. Those who had finished practiced singing carols for our Christmas meeting December 12. Christine McCabe, reporter Money receipt books In dupD cate and triplicate are on sale at the Gazette-Times. iiro v7 A Residents in Heppner and Morrow County will be contacted to explain ILiMkiimM Watch for the man who carries this cardy pOBUC hospital & .nPf0tection- aw public lr.' utsocs ft HLf!" auTHOR 7- fr learn the facts about lifeGuarded and the advantages of American Republic Tho Company With The NUMBER 1 Claim Paying Record In Its Field American Republic returns more of the premium dollar in claim benefits than any of the Top 40 insurance companies offering individual accident and health insurance according to latest 5-year figures. American Republic INSURANCE COMPANY National Headquarters: Dea Moinea, Iowa OREGON DIVISION. P. O. BOX 7047. SALEM "Protection... The American Way" An sxcluslvs (srvlcs Mark of American Republic Insurance Company