MEPPNEI GAZETTE -TIMES. Thunder. Pcabf S. IHI Victor Carlson, Former Rancher, Dies in Portland Funeral service for Victor Leonard Crlon. rH cre held I the Kind Immanuel Lutheran Church In IVrtland 'Tuesday. IVivrnM 1, Interment wm at Sunset IU1U Memorial Tark. Of ricUtlng at the enU"e the le Kenneth Juhnn and or ranUt wai Mr. Clarence Beyer. Mr. Carlson died at Kmanuel Hospital Sunday. No vember after a brief lllne. rallbearer were Charle Carl son. Otto Lewi. J"hn Skuekl. Mctle Baker. lvuela Olson, and Ionald White. Honorary l1 ' iw-arer were Henry Baker. Wil liam HergMrom, Henry IVtewon. Carl BorKtrom. Haymund Lun dell, and (Vr ret.-rson, Mr. Carln wa born In l"no August 3t. I. n of Mr. and Mr. Andrew Carlson. He lived his entire life In Morrow County until a few year ac". when he retired and moved to Portland. The famllv made It home In the Gooseberry community, ami he cncacod In wheat farmlnc On .November 2S. 1916. he was marTleil to Julia llaestrom and to this union four children were born, . , He was a lifetime member of Valbv Lutheran church and at the time of his death was an active member of the First Im manuel Lutheran Church in rot Hand- . Surviving are his wife. Julia, of Tortland; two sons. Louis A. Car'son of lone and Clifford U Carlson of Portand; two dauEh ters. Mrs. Joyce Darst of Salem and Mrs. Robert Mildred! Hope rf Eugene; and two sisters. Mrs. Edith lUte of Portlond and Mrs. Jesse ( Amanda Warfleld or lone. 14 grandchildren and many other relatives and friends- Attending the services from here were Mr. and Mrs. Louis A Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carlson. Mrs. Hannah Anderson. Mr- end Mrs. Henry Baker. Mr. ii'iiiUm UiiFi-ctmnl ana mrs. nuui ' Carl Bergstrom. Oscar Peterson. . - - . . n A I .infill I I Mr. ana Airs, m inwiu i.v.... and Cheryl- Mr. and Mrs. Robert reterson. Mr. and Mrs- Don Peterson. Rudy Bergstrom, Ro land Bergstrom and Faul Tews. Morrow County Bond Sales Drop U. S. Savings Bonds sales in Morrow county amounted to $7, 037 for the month of October. This compares with $33,715 dur ing the same month in 1963. Total sales for the state dur ing the month are $2,999,954. up from the year ago total of $2, 918.712. . . , Nationally, cash sales of Series E and H Bonds amounted to $365 million for October, while the total value of Savings Bonds held by Americans topped the $48 billion mark for an all-time high lone Bonds to Give Concert Next Week IONE lone Crude and With hod band w ill present a con cert at the cafetonum on Wed nesdav. iveember 9. at H 00 pm. The public I cordially lnted to attend ihi event and the procrewi the students have made. Mr. and Mr. IVte Crawford and famllv of Portland spent the holiday In lone with her mother. Mr. Ida Coleman. Thev wert Thanksgiving day cuest at the home f Mr. and Mr. Jack llealv n Heppner. when all of Mr. Coleman' i children and their families were together for the find time In manv sear. Jexse Warfleld ha U-en quite III at hi home In CiooaeU'rry. A phyuian wa called to at tend him on Monday. Thanksgulne cucst of Mr. and Mr. I- M. Baker were their on in law and daughter. Mr. and Mr. IVn Lamon of M.scow. Idaho, and their n and dautfh ter in law. Mr. and Mm. Konald lUker and famllv of llcrmlston. Melby Has Narrow Escape in Wreck Arnold Melby. Heppner schools' Instrumental mu id c teacher, escaped with minor in June Friday evening when hi pukup truck went out of con trol in a snowstorm and went end over end down a 50-foot embankment near Cutsforth park. The truck, demolished in the crash, was prevented from a longer descent bv lodging on the branch of a tree. The Heppner man walked some two miles from the scene to the Orviile Cutsforth cabin where he contacted the hunting party that he had Just left. He was taken to Pioneer Memorial hospital, treated for minor cuts and bruises and was dismissed. Two Are Treated For Fall Injuries Mrs. Mike Hrynchuk is recov ering satisfactorily in Pioneer Memorial hospital from injuries received in a fall Sunday even ing at the City Center Motel in Hnnnpr. She will be confined there for some time, however. with a cast placed on ner ten leg following fracture of bones ot the left ankle and a dislocat ed ankle. Another fall victim, Mrs. Ted Smith, was dismissed from the hospital Tuesday after being treated for multiple bruises re sulting from a fall down a flight of steps at her home Saturday evening. Mrs. Croc Nickerson bos sold her home here in Heppner and plans to move to Hillsboro early next week where she will reside temporarily with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Hayes, until her apartment in the new Holiday Park Plaza in Portland is completed. Moving into the Nickerson home next week will be Mrs. Darlene Ar rington and family. State Director Declares Need For Agri-Council The need fir an Oregon Agrl Council to speak tor the tanner wa treied bv Mate director of Acrloulture 3. V. Short in a 'speech at the annual meet In c of the WcMern Orcnon Uvcstvk Uw-iclatlon In Salem November Picturing uch a council as te 'iiit-. i. !. .if Ori-i-un aei .cul ture, one that would tU the iv.rieultural story and develop irocd public understanding and support, the director listed a number of problem with which a council coutd concern Iim It. ThcM Included general prob lem affecting the present and future stability of the lamer, promotion of mdtdlv ba'l cmwth of agricultural pn-due-tion and development of Irri tation, drainage, flood or.irol ami mmI conM-rvation. Notini; that an aal council' !tx,' of invisible proJvt would lie broad and teneficlal U'ond one' present Imagination Short llstd as some of the possible p.ojtHl: The effective uppoit of neetled farm legislation and appropriation: freight rale and tariff adjustments; feed and supply costs; marketing pro cesses and market development. He stresse.t the fact that the council he envisioned would not replace, duplicate or compete with existing farm organizations, but would include the organ izations now servinji agriculture in their respective field, a well as organizations of agricultural hfcscd Industries, such aa grain n,t uwi ii.-nl.-rt. imolement dealers, fertilizer manufacturer. crop processors ana marKcung agencies, and possible repres-n-tatives of banks, trucking lines and railroads. Reminding that over 40 per cent of the total labor force U engaged in agriculturt and its allied industries, the director pointed out that this council would have them working as one for the common welfare. Discussing legislation affec ting farmers. Short said farm ers must become alert to the changing political picture and take steps to tell elected repre sentatives about agriculture, be cause there are fewer farmers and persons familiar with agri culture serving as legislators than there once were. He told the livestock group legislators are receptive to solid facts but that farmers cannot take it for granted the legis lators automatically know agri culture's problems. It is the frnMir'i rcnnni hil 1 1 V hf Said. to tell agriculture's story to the lawmaKers. Out of town guest of Mr. and Mrs. Terrel L. Benge of lone for Thanksgiving was their son, Ralph Benge, attending EOC, and Bassam Ashour, and Shafic Halwani. foreign exchange stu dents from Lebanon attending college at EOC on scholarships majoring In engineering. Mrs. Dick Flaix and Mrs. E. E. Gonty drove to Portland Sun day to visit their relatives and on business. They returned Mon day evening. . Kk ' 1965 will be remembered as tne year a whole new generation of Mercurys was born quite obviously in the Lincoln Continental tradition. An altogether different automobile in every vital dimension, longer, lower, wider. And yet it doesn't appear bulky or drive like it. Which will be appreciated by westerners who drive a lot and like to drive. than tiOOO far anvthinv else. 0 Come In for a dose look at all this luxury .-. . before you pay more than $3000 for anything else. Bank Debits Down During October Bank debit fr the IVndlel.m area including Morrow and I'm till counties lecrcted In IV-t.l-r VM1. compared to tVtober 1U, the ItpiveMtv of Veen Bureau of Uuoinc lleM-arch ha replied. , . Ik-bit for October HM totaled U.1HU.I7. For SeptemU'r P.M. the total wa. $.J. .VVO and for ivtober VA the total wa I.V Oregon with 2T '-nk reHrt Ing had a ercniaee change of plu 01 in tVtober P.M a om pared with September P.M and a OH percentage ihange a oin pared with tVtoltor i'.HVt. Total debit in the Male for t totxr P.M came t 1S4 For September I'M the to. tal wa $..rj?.3H..VC and for Utoher pxt. the total came to U.TC0.573.1X'. HOSPITAL NEWS Patient admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital during the past week, an.l Mill receiving care are the following: Fthel llrvnchuk. Heppner; Cloy lk tra. Hepprn-r. and Opal Petty John Arlington. Those admitted for medical care then released, were the fol tUilin. Sorav: An drew Sample. Klnrua; Judyj Sherer, lone, ana w". Ilepj ner. Mr. and Mrs Marcus Fosket of Condon became pan-nt of a first child on Monday. November VU when a daughter was bom 'o them, weighing 7 lbs., 13 oz. She ha been named Mlchele Kenee. Mr. Fosket Is a member of the Condon Air Force Base personnel. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. ln l-amorle of Lex ington on Tuesday. lecember 1. She weighed 7 lb.. 10 ot A name had not yet been chosen. Enjoying a month's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collins and family 1 their daughter. Mrs. David Tottleben and thrce month-old son. David, of Colllnsvllle. 111. Thev arrlv- i K'nvDmlvr 25 tn enlov the Thanksgiving holiday with rel atives here. Mn. TAAla Thero recentlr ceived word that her son. Robert Nichols, has been promoted from the rank of Corporal to Sergeant. Nichols has been stationed In Germany for the past two years with the 37th Armorea uivision. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cox wel comed visits with their daugn ter and son over the Thanks giving weekend. Coming from Project City, Wn., was their daughter. Mrs. Nancy Holden. and a son. Claire Cox, traveled here from his home In Corvallts. Miss GInny Lou Turner en Joyed a short vacation at the ranch home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Turner, during the Thanksgiving holiday. She Is a freshman at the University of Oregon where she returned to her studies Monday. Public Notices ' g -i "Why Not Give A Share in America This airistmas?" Asks Mrs. America of 19&1 Mm. Desree Jenkin of Colum bia, S. C, "Mr. America of 1964," offer a choice of size of U.S. Savings Bond u CLmtma gift. Whatever aize you chooe,.he re mind you that "when we give U.S. Saving Bond M gift t Chrint mas, or at anytime, we give our very best to our families and to. our country!" NOTICE Or SALE AT FUiUC AUCT10K Notice I hereby given that Morntw Countv Schc-d DIMrlct No. K 1. nhall srll at public aif lion to the hU'heM bld.ler H of It IntereM In the following described real pn.ettv, to wit: A certain tract of land com mencing at the NorthcaM corner of the iM'hool pri'jH-itv twnel by S hool ttiMrlei No. id of Mor. r.,.u f.iiiiilt- llr-L-iitl and Nil. M of I'matllla County, (Oregon, thence North to a point ri wet.1 of the County Ktad: themv 4 nM wet; thence I5'i rHU Suthweterlv to a point ;d fe-t rat of the cant bank of the Wattettburiscr Irritation Ditch; thence lt vmU Smth to a point on the uth tMundary line of lit N'iiilti;i .1 Ouartt-r nf SH'- lion 10, twp. 1 North. Kange 27 t'.isX, V. M.. thence 1J rU l-'l alone sal.t line to the SouthvveM i'iirtu-r tf the pnH-rty owned bv the t' llrethren Cliunh; all in the Northeast quarter oi rxn--tlon 10, twp. 1 North. Kange i'7 :at. W. M . In Morrow County. lregon. lU-slnning at the Northeast corner of the Church IIoum lot n surveyed bv James Met lee and uiKin which lot the Pine Cttv U. H. Church now stands running North two huntired and thirty two feet, thence West One Hundred feet, tlynce South two hundred and thirty two feet, thence One llumlred feet to point of beginning, contain ing one half acre, more or less; This deed I given for school purpose only, and it Is agreed and understood by both Parties hereto that In case the land here in sjiecified should at any time cease tn be used for school pur fxNcs. the Grantors herein men- i,.nv.l ih-lr hilrt and asslcn. shall have the sole and exclusive right and option to purchase the same for the sum of $30.00 at anv time thereafter. The school district shall give a Bargain and Sale Deed to the highest bidder and shall not give title Insurance. The auction sale shall be held at Dm Murmur t'ountv COUTt- hnnvj in h eountv courtroom on the 15th dav of December. l'.Vt. at the hour or 7:0i r. m. Th u-hfMl rtlstrlct reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Howard Cleveland, i nairman Beverly Gunderson. Clerk Morrow County School District No. R 1 40 41C IN THE COUKTT COUiT Of THE ITATE Or OltCOON roil THE COUNTY Or MORROW FR0BATE DEFAHTMtNT In the Matter of the FUte ol MAt'l'K MYltm: MclUUlFUTS, t1tAHls1 GKOISGF. I. MFDUX"K lit llr ? Mtl'M IV SAD1K McKOKN CITATION ON SALE Or HEAL rnortBTT FroboU No. 1S3I IN TIIK NAME OF THK STATK a.. vin. i m v.kii Mm hrrtV nimmamlej and cite.1 t apiear . . . t i.urt anil In tne aoovi rinm- v -matter within ten 1101 day from the date of the service 'f thU citation. If served In Mirnn Countv. Oregon, and with n twenty I'.Hi) day If served In any other Countv of the State of Oregon. If personally served, or If served bv publication, with in twenty eight t:'l day front the date of the firt publication, of thl citation, to Miow caue. If anv clt. why an order of sale of the leal pnM-rty of said Mtal. situated In the Cllv tf li.-m.ner. Mrrtiw loumy, nv gon..towti All Ol IH.MR '-" . Well Addition to the City of Heppner. Countv of Mr Imw, Mate of Oregon, to PV thf rneniM of . mln titration of and the UIn aealiiM said e.tale. by IVA HUt luMivnt (In duly III- till. in ---. ----- - folntH and ptalfM d acting adinlnlklralrl of th atwne ni titled rtte. should not le mad a r)iH for In tne Hiiun oi ald admlnUtratrU on file here WITNIH "V b"d and acal of ld Court this lotli dy of Novrmber, PN'.I. MADIK PAIdtlSH, Clerk of the Cminty Court i.f the Slate of Oregon ft Morrow County C.-t retaurant guest chetki. and saleslxiok. Ith carUmied and nin carlHinlied. at tha la-lette-Tlmea. When vuu Datronlze Gazette- Times advertisers, you help make a better paper. Tell them you saw It In the Gazctte-Tlme. 3 BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS MO DOWN PAYMENT on all Adding Machines Typewriters Cash Registers (Nw or Ud) TYPEWRITERS From $69.50 to $127.50 START EASY PAYMENTS NEXT YEAR! GUARANTEED SERVICE ON Aj MACHINES CHOOSE TROM UNDERWOODS SMITH COBONAS. OLTMPIAS AND ROYALS IN PORTABLES OR REGULAR TYPEWRITERS Inquire at the Gazette-Times Office See Model on Display There Standard Office I2MVi Adam EQUIPMENT La Grand Ph. 963-3531 at w&VS FIRST OUAUTY lb We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat JsH. C Of Charge Heppner, jfejgT'' Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE: Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Hermlston, Oregon Ph. 567-6651 On Hermlston- McNarf THROUGH DEC. 5 ONLY I Pcnncy's famous nylon satin tricot slips E35SSS FULL SLIPS, Reg. 3.98 NOW 2 99 HALF SLIPS, Reg. 2.98 NOW 033 Our very own Adon nas now at these mar velous, prec e d e n t shattering reductions! Full and half slips of luxurious nylon satin tricot, lavished with lace and embroidered trims. White only in sizes 30-38 Petite, 32 44 Ave rage, 34-44 Tall. Small, Medium, Large half slips. HEPPNER AUTO SALES, INC. jf mot and Main St Heppner, Oregon