HtTttitM GAZETTE TIMES. TtuiJaT. Dcmbi J, 1K4 Arbuckle Listed Among Ski Slopes Being Improved An ntt'halM reowtt numtxr i u inter ort enthuUl Milt m-e many new tmpurment n thry return u their favorite kt fckj in the National Koreta of the Pacific Northwest KcyUm ( the U. a Koret Service. Ski art Tatorf have en pai ded overnijtfit fadlttle, lift, parkin?, klope and other fea ture" during one of the tnot ac tive construction norui on rec ord. Included are aeven chair ntt. three Ina lifl, and !" har added to the touting 22 hits. I The Improvement ulll help meet the era in c demand Kklers and other imw krt'fr Durlnc the l.u3 tl season a rec ord 2.mS.(XO visit were recorded at National Fowl winter ports kites In the recton. Nearly three fourths of were by skier. Improvement at some of the winter orts site Include: MT. BAKER t Heather Mead owl. Mt. Baker National Forest New 221V)-foot Intermedial double-chair lift with vert lea rise of 322 feet MT. riLCHUCK. Mt. Baker Na tional Forest Additional slop' groomed and tralU widened. STEVENS PASS. Wenatchee National Forest New 25(K) fot rtoublc-ehatr lift with vertical rise of 800 feet. SNOQUALMIE SUMMIT. Sno qualmle National Forest New 2S0U-foot doubirchair lift with vertical rise of 710 feet, and two new Poma lifts. CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN. Sno qualmle National Forest Ac cess road nearlng completion new mountain-top . restaurant and shelter at top of chair lift No. 2: new Alpine inn with ac commodations for 150; new res taurant on valley floor; add! tional condominium units with 36 apartments; 20-unit motel. WHITE PASS. Snoqualmie Na tional Forest New 3000-root in termediate double-chair lift with vertical rise f 506 feet; con struction of White Pass Village will provide overnight accomo dations by mid-season. T1MBERLINE. Mt. Hood Na tional Forest Expanded over night accommodations, parking facilities, and modernized ski grill at Timberline Lodge. MULTORPOR-SKI BOWL. Mr. Hood National Forest Connect ing ski trails develped to pro vide greater variety of trails and slopes. SPOUT SPRINGS. Umatilla National Forest Additional fea tures, not noticeable to most i skiers, have been added includ-1 ing safety features on the two existing T-Bars and new water system. ARBUCKLE, Umatilla Nation al Forest (Additional slopes cleared to provide more variety and challenge to skiers. ANTHONY LAKES. Wallowa Whitman National Forest More improvements made on Anthony Lakes road. KOODOO SKI BOWL. Wil lamette National Forest Com plete face lifting including work on buildings, newly cleared ski school slope, additional parking, new chair lift 1366 feet long with vertical rise of 308 feet. (New lift has a manufacturer's rated capacity of 1200 skiers per hour.) BACHELOR BUTTE. Deschutes National Forest New parking lot. slopes groomed; new chair lift 3700 feet in length with ver tical rise of 1140 feet; existing Poma lift relocated to top termi nal of chair lift No. 1, adding doo leei to vertical rise. WILLAMETTE PASS. William- ette National Forest Slopes groomed to provide earlier ski ing. MT. ASHLAND, Rogue River National Forest New access road completed; 2850-foot lift with 1050-foot vertical rise and T-bai 825 feet long with vertical rise of 245 feet will supplement we existing r-Dar and Foma lift. Hinlons Honored On Anniversary Thorpe Elected Grange Master BOAKPMAX Nathan Thou wa elected matter of (Irern field Grange at the November MONl'MKNT On Sunday m.t m e ivr.r nrn.-m in,-. ,. Iv MARTHA MATTE SON in iiwiin. MotemWr 22. frl.iU and relative ealhmM at the Le- eion nan to Honor .Mr ana fUyd lltntin on their fclKer wed ding anniversary. Making the rtAngenienu tor the txvaxlon ere their two tlJuumera, Mr. Charles tShamnl M.Kinnon of Heppner and Mr. Hill i Mary UlUi Nea of Kim tier !y. AU present were Mr. MiKlnnon and two children of Heppner and Mr. Neat and two children of Kim- berly. Dinner guektt at the Harty Svtt home on Thankivlnj: err hi nlei Mivi Sherry Ward of Vale. D. L. Matteson of Milton Freewater, huhbe Je Wheeler. Mr. and Mr. Merlin Tut-ha and Mr and Mr. Elmer Matteaon. Mis Linda Avery and brother. Tony, children of Mr. and Mi. VV. A. Moran of the Monument Fortstrv office, appeared on a Boise TV program Friday after noon, while the family wa vlMting them over Thankngivini; we kend. Mr. and Mr. Steve Holme and two children, and M.tvtiar.l Hamilton lett last Monday :or BoIm. Ida., where they M.iyed until after Thanksgiving with Mrs Lottie Fats. Mr. Hamilton also visited hi nUce, Miss IViro- thy Merell In Boise, and brother in law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Banta at Caldwell. Mi. and Mrs. Ernie Johnson Mr. Francis Noland and four children drove to Portland last Wednesday for Thanksgiving week-end with Mrs. Anna Cow den and son. Vernon Noland. Mr- and Mrs. Ansil Martin and two sons of Prineville spent Wednesday night at the Harry Scctt home. Joining the rest ft the Martin family on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Howell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howed drove to Portland and Vancou ver, Wn, Monday to attend the sen-Ices of Frank's sister. Mrs. Matilda Potter. 82 years old, and resident of Hardman for many ears. Wayne Leathers. Jr.. was home for Thanksgiving week end from his studies at Chieo College at Chico, Calif. D. nner guests at the Joe Wheeler home on Cottonwood were his two daughters and Leonard Bedord. ovrmeer; An drew Skile. Meward; Haiti Car. en!er, lecturer; Florence Koot, chaplain; Pansv Sechafer, treas urer; Margaret iVnovan, evre tary; Minnie Skllea. Ceres; Eva Brigg. Pomona; Harriett Bedord, Flora; Bernard IVmovan. avU lant steward; Margaret Thor,t lady assistant steward; Karl Briggs. tiuv Ferguson and Marg aret Hamilton, executive commit tee; and Flossie Coat, musician. All officers were Invited to attend Joint installation at Col umbia llrange hall in HermU ton. November 2.. The next meeting will be a Christmas party iVcember 19. startim; wnh potluck aupper at; ti:.TO. There will be exchange of: gilt, not to exceed $1.00 In price. Host for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Donovan. I BMW. mm n 1W1 ilvlu Residents in Heppner and Morrow County families, Mr. and Mrs. Lllburn! Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. J. rl j IJienger. Mr. and Mr. Jim Croker and Ponny sjh'M Tlianksgivlng nt Vancouver. Wn., with relatives. will be contacted to explain Harold Lippert j spent Thursday j Dale with his Mr. and Mrs. and three sons and Friday at folks. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Dick of Kin. berly drove to Corvallis Wednesday, had Thanksgiving ..hi uieir daugnter. bally, and returned home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Forrest and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forrest left Monday morning for Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Gates and family of California spent . ween visiting in the Phil Murphy home. Mrs. Murphy is in aunt to Mrs. uates. Saturday. January 23, has been jnnouneed as the date for the innual Gay "90s dance, given by :he American Legion and Auxil ary. A m tr k (u (si totujyig $10 Will Hold Your New Honda FOR CHRISTMAS HEPPNER AUTO SALES FORD' mnwimmiRV. AH N YUBM MUD & SNOW TIRES Vol Go in Snow or Wo Pay no Tow TUBELESS Heppner High Senior To Aid Cattlemen J. E. Herbercer. general chair. man of the American National Cattlemen's association meeting ro De neid in Portland January announces the appoint ment of Margaret Marks, senior at Heppner High school, to the! junior American National Cattle men's activities committee. It will be the job of this com- mittee to welcome the Junior memDers or the national group, answer questions about Oregon and Portland, hpln th registration and reaching their meeting rooms at the Portland Hilton Hotel. The committee members are active in the Oregon Junior as sociation and include Steve Wolfe, Wallowa, president, Joe ivionanan, tjonaon and Mike wagenblast, The Dalles, both directors, and Margaret, secre tary. ill 1 FSTnrl Ntt illllr BUY NOW AND SAVE ALL SIZES AVAILABLE All prlcji blackwallt plut Ux and racappbl tire. Whltewallt Hilrtly mora. Recaps Antifreeze Standard Batteries 8 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION SERVING YOU FORD'S TIRE SERVICE PiroiMta 'rf- .1 II I I mill .1 ( V I ' I ; t DOCTOR BILLS often are a big part of the expense connected with a sickness or acci dent An American Republic Plan can help pay these bills for you in time of need. LEAKN THE FACTS ABOUT The Secret of Buying ' Hospital Insurance That PAYS On Its record of paying claims the most important way to judge any insurance company American Republic ranks Number One among the "Top W firms in its field. The few minutes it takes you to learn about American Republic TAILORED Protection may be worth hundreds of do! lars to you at a time when you may need every cent you can lay your hands on! l-.v . r: L SURGEONS' BILLS, TOO, can wreck a family budget. An American Republic Plan can help pay the costs of operations. Look for the man who can explain these plans to you. t . r V . Today, eight out of ten familie have some kind of hospital, surgical or medical insurance. But the need for this typo of protection is greater than ever. Hospital costs have been going up nearly 1 each month since 1950. If your present policy ia two years old or older, and was adequate when you bought it, tho chances are good that you need more coverage right now. With over 900 companies writing Individual accident and health insur ance, how can you choose the com pany that's best for you? Expert say the best way is to ask: What is the company's record (or aying claims'! According to the latest 5-year fig ures published in the Argus Charts of Health Insurance of the National Underwriter Company: Of the top 40 companiei writing individual accident and health insurance, American Republic In lurance Company of Dei Moines, Iowa, rands FIRST In percent of premium dollars paid to policy holders In claim benefits, American Republic policyholder, also enjoy the important benefit of TAILORED Protection. Thi tea turo makes it possible for qualified peoplo OF ALL AGES to have up to-dntc health insurance protection and, at the same time, ovoid buying coverage they mny not wont or need. Even if you already have hospitali zation insurance, American Republio TAILORED Protection con start where your present coverngo leave off. And it pays fully stated benefit in addition to any amount you may collect from'nny other health insur ancc policy you may now have American Republic Representative are now contacting resident of thi community to explain American Re public TAILORED Protection. One of these representatives will call on you soon. Watch for him. How Does Your Company Rank Among "The Top 40"? Hank Sank link Company rtmlumt Earnad, Claims Incurred, ref of Clolmi Incurred 6 HOSPITAL EXPENSES have been going up at the rate of nearly 1 a month since 1950. An American Republic Plan can help pay these bills when you need money most. WAKH FOR THE Mil WHO CARRIES THIS CARD HE REPRESENTS "Protection... The American Way American Republic INSURANCE COMPANY LIBERTY BUILDING, DES MOINES, IOWA UIL0RC0 h mi ciclutlM Servlct Mark of Amtf lean Rapubllc Inwranc Company. American Republic Company A Company B Company C Company D Compony E M 8 14 16 To Promiumi Earntd 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 9 u t fj o r i t b STAFF REPRESENTATIVE DULY LICENSED AS REQUIRED BY LAW The American Republic Hospital & Surgical Plan DEPENDABLE PROTECTION , , , SINCE 1929 ti AUTMOmiCO CCXCTAHV TAFF ACPHlSlNTATIVt AMERICAN MPUaUC 4Ni CO. Dl MOINtO. IOWA IKEEP 0RES0W GREEM 441 N. MAIN HEPPNER. OREGON