ft KErPNEI CAimX-TIMCS. Thursday. Nerembet U. IS64 Lt. James Hayes In Anti-Sub Crew Nvy lieutenant Junior grade Jarr-et- H. Ilaye. mn tt Mr. and Mrv Jinm J. Ilaye of linute I. Hrrpiwr, U a - tiwiiiUr wl Helicopter Antl Subma r I n Squadron Tour aboard the anil sut marine aircraft carrier USS Yc-tklown. operatlnc with the Seventh Fleet in the Far Eat The squadron l a rart of an anti submarine "Hunter Killer' croup c-uinH.l of surface, sub surface ami air unit designed to find and destroy enemy sut marine. lie will have an opportunity to visit jort In Japan, the Phillip pines and Australia while In the Far East. Copt. Brenner Takes Instructor Course Captain Clarence L. Brenner, on of Mr. and Mr. Clarence E. Brxr.ncr of lone. Ore., hat enter ed the U. S. Air Force pilot In structor course at Jamee formal ly AFB. Tex. t'pon completion of the train I UK program. Captain Brenner Mill be assigned as an instructor pilot at an Air Training Com mand tATCi pilot training base for duty. ATC trains airmen and oil leers In the diverse skills re quired py the nation's aerospace force The captain, a graduate of lont High school, attended Ore gon State College and U a mem ber of Pelta Chi. His wife is the former Terry I. Itokazu. Green Graduates From NCO Acodcmy Army Specialist Four Samuel O. tJrren. son of Mr. Verle K lew hard-on. Heppiwr, was grail' uated from the Seventh V. S Army Non CommlMMed OtfUvr tNCO Academy In Germany. Nov. t$ Special!! Green received rig orous training in leadership and e.rrvie of command, map read ing, the histury of weapons and military teaching method. The 22-year, old soldier, a truck driver in the UHh Medi cal Company near Karlsruhe, Get many, entered the Army In September W lie U a 110 graduate of Hep pner High school. Engineer Named For Morrow Work Richard S. Ivey. an urban and replonal planner, ha joined the dart ol Cornell. lumiaml. llays It Mem field, engineer and planner, and will participate in planning siucncs neing under taken bv that firm for Morrow County, the City of Heppner, and me uty of ii.ik.-r. for the past seven year Ivey har been on the staff of the Uni versity of Oregon Bureau of Mu nicipal Research and erviees. and ha prepared or participated In the preparation of general and specialized, planning stud ies, zoning ordinance and sub division regulation for a num ber of Oregon cities. Including Pendleton. He is a graduate of Reed Col- lepe. Portland, and holds a mas ter degree in political science from the University of Call for nia. Officers Chosen By Lexington HEC i laiCAHl Tl TCCUCC9IUIT1 Beauty Begins With Our Fine Cosmetics Look your loveliest using fine cosmetics and beauty aids. We stock all your favorite brands. IP. Our reputation is your assur ance of top qiui uy always. PHIL'S PHARMACY Heppner Ph. 676-9962 1 I pati III r DCLTKA JONES LFXIMM.N Home le. rlub f the U-virctt.rt Grange met at the home of Mr. C. C Jone with Mr. I'd Hunt a ro hote Ut Thurxtav afternoon. Thl mi i luncheon meeting Maiting at 1 ptn, Follouin thl Mm Vide 1111- ker. lone I'amona Hit! chair man, initialled the newly elected oUtcvr: Mr. C. C Jone, chair man; Mr. Fd Hunt, lee chair- man; Mr ora Turner, secre tary, and Mr. Kenneth smou, treasurer, with Mr. Allied Mel son filling in for Mr. Smoue. Mr. Jone presented l.it year" officer with appreciation re membrances. At the buolnes meeting plans ftr the month of IVcvmbeT were made, with an exchange of gifts Planned lor the IVevmlter meet ng at the home of Mrs. A. F. .Muieke. with Mr. Florence Me Millan a eohoMc. It was an nounced that the Grange mem bcrs bring gift for the Mate hospital to the next Grange imvting. There wa ome dw cushion on Uie member pro Id in. articles for the patient In the nurlng home in Heppner ana cut mat tnev might give. Mrs, .Marsha auNhoiack, Mrs Ola Ruggteiu and Mrs- Nora Turner were appointed as a com mittee to look Into thl. Anyone wanting more Information may call tnese ladle. Mrs. Ola Kuggles, State Dis trlct HEC chairman. presented Mrs. Norman Nelson with an appeclatlon gift and Mr. Turner presented Mrs. Jones with an ap pit elation gift for her work the past year. She was also present ed a Vast HKC chairman pin. Following the business meet- ing slides of Viet Nam. Saigon and Hong Kong were shown the group by Mrs. A Ion -to Hender son. The slides were sent to Mr. and Mrs. Henderson by their son Laddie who Is stationed there with the U. S. Army. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Van Schoiack, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Ruggles and Mrs. Scott of Heppner; Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Jr., Mrs. Norman Nelson, Mrs. Hell ket and Mrs. Mary Lundell of lone; Mrs. Majeske, Mrs. Mc M:llan. Mrs. Wilbur Steagall. Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. Jones and Mrs- L'd Hunt of Lexington. Cutfoth. Mr. and M iMrrel Lah. Mr. and Mi l'n Head and John Shearer of The Path , Mr. and Mr. Aimin Wihlon of fc.-dnu.iul. Mr. and Mi Moitu Schmidt and Mr, and Mi Fiank Marsh of M-i.r. and Mr. and Mi. Far lul.tin cl v?umr'. Wa A birthday paity honoring Joh lvk and a going away tvrt honoring UKoy link wa en)ots at Hie Im ISxk home lai lhurday evening, tlamc and dancing were enj"ed after Whiih refredhmeril were iwrvi!. LeKov and his mother, Mr. Kv elo Hick, are moving to Foil where Mr. Hicks will he em ployed. Kenneth Mandtall Is a patient In Pioneer .Memorial luwpitat In lleppiu-r. Mr. Florence McMillan and Mrt. A. F. Majeske were over nU'ht Uitr 1 1 Pendleton last Wrdnestlay where they visltl Mr. Majeske who is a patient in the Community hmpital there. Mrv A F. Majeske. Mn Gene, a granddaughter lVtibie. and anothtT tlaughtcr and family, Mr. and Mrs. IUrey Wright and sons of Portland, were Uttor in Pendleton on Sunday with A. F. Maicfke who is a patient In the hospital there. Holly Rebekah Lodge met In regular session lat Thursday night and was proceeded with a tuikey dinner. Following the business meeting drill and Ini tiation practice were held In preparauon for Initiation on De cember 4. Win. J. VanWmkle stent a week at his cabin In the moun tains where he and some friends have been enjoying some elk hunting. Shirley Baker was a Pendleton visitor on Saturday. Among those going to Port- and last week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hunt, Mr. and Mr. Johnnie Lcdbcttcr. Mr. and Mrs. Lldon Pad berg and Bill and Bus ter rauDcrg. The Arniclatla Club met at the home of Mr. Gene Cole Morrow Hereford Growers in Show Kirk and li.'l'lnw.ii t.f Heppner and Ih-rlt-rt t&Mmm and Sons of lone are lUtcd amn the rk lutittor and tiwn.iiriu.r front . .... 'iV...! I.. ul... U III ,...lt..l...l. anu vriiouen ! -i wn. iin iMti itn the J'.il Nati..n ,1U Hertford show and sale to t held IkHt-mlH-r T lo V In Port land Consultant to Discuss Hcolth Reorganization Mais Mehlhaff, field ogram cnuiiatit from the On-gon 111 and Health Am iatton, will le In Heppner Monday night. No-vrniln-r ;kt. at 7:.M pin at (he court hiiufce In klx-ak on the sub let t ol teorganiiatlon In Ihe state. Aliwt of the count ie in Faitern (irrgon hae ieirganled and Mr. Mehlhaff will report on the ucrca of thl venture, accoM Mote tan V of America't Ing to Mr. Manrl Jone. Mur- nnet ivii-i iicrvlora are en lerel In the brrett s 4-'nd an nual national classic at Portland. SUtv rlcht of these animals are consigned to the national sale on IWvrmher 9, the Polled Here ford ailation. with headtiuart era In Kansas City, Mo, iniwun ce. Fifteen state and Canada will tie rcpreented In the event. A total of $10.isj m cah premium I orrcred at Ihe show. Annual meeting of the I2.t member aKielation will te at 2 P m Mondav. lcvmlHr 7. In the ball- rHm of the Sheraton Portland hotel row County TH and Health At BH-latlon pn'sldent. All H'riuin Interested In tha future ot Ihe 111 and Health program In Morrow county aia urcHl to attend Ihl meet Ing. Another In the monthly irea Til tin t X ra will ! Wdnea. JV. IHtvmlir 2. I'loneef Memorial iopltal. 11ee ara free lo all roiinty resident M tecn 7 and H IM pm- frlrmi Gl Loan Taxes Climb This Year The average ex Gl with an, Oregon veterans' farm and home ; loan paid a property tax of $.ki thl year, a 10 percent Increase over the S2TS he paid IjM year and 13 iercent above his l'.Hii pa ment of $Vi5. This figure was reported by II. C. Saalfeld. dire tor of the state iVpartment of Veterans' i Affair, which paid JH.77UT.M In r.ti tv taxes this month on the properties of 2S.629 World War II and Korean veteran who have state loans. I-at vcar'a tax pavment wa $7,PJ75S on 20.- : iHH properties. j In Morrow County, the tax on : veteran properties wa $10. 4.10.53; The average tax here was ; S217.UO. compared to the state- j wide average of S3J. This Bouncing Baby Has A Bank Account That Will Grow With Him! You ran't start sav ing too early for long range goal such a edu cation for your children. Your money earn more money here, due to the liberal rate on all saving account. The borrower pays his taxe lv monthly to the state veterans' Thursday evening. Those enjoy, department along with his loan Mrs Natalie Rauch spent se veral days at the home of her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Al Fetsch last week after htr stay in Pioneer Memorial hospital Mrs. Rauch has return ed to her home in Heppner this woeK. Recent visitors at the O. W. Cutsforth Ranch and mountain lodge have been Mr. and Mrs. John Densllnger, parents of Mrs. The Man With A Beard I WILL MAKE YOUR WIFE HAPPY KT fill f I SI For ApDliances a i,' 1 vNV '..V-.. A ' 9t OLD SANTA SAYS: 'Loo A mm '" Ji V trtifi ing an evening of cards were Mrs Bob Davidson. Mrs. George Hermann, Mrs. Wm. J. VanWin- kle. Mrs. O. V.'. Cutsforth. Mrs. I Roger Campbell, Mrs. Bob Lov. Igren. Mrs. AI Fetsch, and the hostess. High prize was won by Mrs Hermann, second high by Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth. traveling by Mrs- Campbell, and low by Mrs. VanWtnkle. Mi. and Mrs. Vern Viall and children and Herbert Davidson wert in Grand view, Wn., over the week-end. .Mrs. Vem Viall Is employed at the First National Bank in Hep pner. Mr. and Mrs- B. J. Doherty arid Mr?. Don Pointer were Portland visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Doherty visited their daughter Martha and Mrs. Pointer visited I her daughter Louise and her son Hank, all students at Portland State. Mrs. Lola Breeding is spend ing some time In Portland at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dennis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Munkers spent the week-end at Corvallls and were guests at the Karl Miller home. Mr. Miller is a pa tient in Salem Memorial hos pital and Is expected to be there for some time. A guest last Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colley was Mrs- Ollie Reade of Salem. They were also visited on Friday by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reade of Spray. repayment. The department In turn pay the tax collector, and does It before November 15 to earn the veteran a three percent I discount. The discount this year saved the veterans $271,0U). OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY FIKST FEOEKfll SAVINGS 6 LOAN ASSOCIATION BOX 739 FENDLETON You'll Find A Fine Selection of Gifts for All at LAMS) To Attend Dinner Judge Oscar Peterson will go to Walla Walla Monday to at tend a farewell dinner for Maj. Gen. W. W. Lapsley, division engineer of the U. S. Armv Corns ot Engineers, who will be trans ferred from the Portland oriice to a position in the state of Michigan. The dinner will be in the Marcus Whitman hotel. Judge Peterson has worked with Gen. Lapsley on the Willow Creek project and other projects of significance to the county. mm Hi ...iAtv uiurv. Famous Parker Line and Many Others Jen Ceramics LAZY SUSANS SALAD BOWLS ASH TRAYS NOVELTIES k These -Over1 mkm'mia-r m, ' - f1ww.l.KjaMfgi.ltl ... O TELEVISION O STEREO O RADIOS O WASHERS O DRYERS O RANGES SIEGLER OIL AND WOOD HEATERS QUALITY MERCHANDISE - PROMPT SERVICE Our Prize for the Window Guessing Contest: HAMILTON-BEACH MIXETTE L PIC Your Merchant With Charge Service Account Is Your Friend! If YOU Keep his friendship, and build a good record for the NEXT RED BOOK. Always pay by the 10th of the month. You do not want the adjust ment Department collecting from you. Pay your slow ac counts, and keep our Collec tor away. CREDIT BUREAU OF Umatilla-Morrow County 306 S. E. Court St P. O. Box 162 Pendleton, Ore. PLUSH ANIMALS" Big Selection ALL KINDS OF T5 O STYROFOAM SHEETS O BALLS AND CONES O GLITTER GLUE AND SPRAY GLASSWARE AND TUMBLER SETS PICTURES FOR THE HOME TRUCKS CARS Model Kits Ate. foaVIft4 -To3S Both 'iihiM ' Z$fS&Z$ -Lobels ' Harold and Arolene Laird 2S1 W. Linden War Heppner PH. 676-9320 320 . HEPPNER PH. 676-9417 or 676-9300