,. m w jwi.hi, .jMitpwM sooefy tOT ftARSIN. tdiloi Supper and Party Aids Eye Clinic All unprecedented venture uf lha lal 13 ks proved hlgtily successful last Wednesday even ing whrn Xiiiu Ifci htxh turn ed out (r the benefit utt ml card iy, wlih tweeds golni l Hi Flks' Fy t "llnlr charitable project of the local lodge In charge tf the buffet supper arrangements were Mm. Wallace Wolff. Mr. Mandiall Lovgren ml Mr. lrrrll lllwr. Scrv. Ing were Mrs- Stscey FiVgren nil Mr. Ut Hum hke. Mrm. (.Un Ward. Mr. Pat O'Htlcn. Mr, llene Wyman and Mr, ami Mr IJene Orwhk were in charge of lh ticket sale. Tallying high smite fur the many table of luldj-e ami pi th" hie In play were: For tr ll Jim Drlncrdf. Mr. Jim lMu-olI and Harlan Mi-Curdy, Jr. Pinoch le winner were Mr, Ola Hug gle. Mls Carolyn ItcrgMrotii and Mr, Wallrr Beckett. Four door prize winner Included Mr. John llergstrom. Mr. 5eorge Snyder. Mr. Mrj'ie Worden and Jim Farley. Lodge officer wive handled the card party preparations. Nerd extra cash? Sell unused Item amund your idar with a GaretteTlmes rlaMlfled ad (ontiiuj Cixnls SATURDAY, Merembef SI ChrUtmoa OpBla. window uMini coateat. IimU tot th kid. Santa will aitlva at I HON OAT. Haeembar 30 Chamber of Commerce, Wayoa WhMl, moon. Order of Laittra liar. Masenia ball. I pjn. TUtSDAY. Dwmbi I Dale Caineale Court, tliat session, pi .copal paiLh ball. 7i JO Ma, Wranglers. Wrangler dub bouse. ix.ja, WCDNLSDAT. Dwnbn 1 Junior Chamber el Commerce. Joycee ball, 1p.m. Odd fallows. IOOT ball, I PM. THURSDAT. December 3 (tor opt i ml at a. noon. Elks' Lodiaa' Nlqht. Elk, tarn pl. dinner at 30 pan. Lutherans Schedule Thanksgiving Meet Annual traditional Thanks riving lav worship will oe at Valbv Lutheran rhurrh at 10 a m. Thursday, the Itev. Kenneth Itohlnson. pastor, announce. "All are cordially Invited to erea their gratitude to (iod for the blcmlngs we have received a Individual and a natiun," the Hev. Itobinaun ld. I . ! . . C WIS i NEWI 3 dn&?feu ... - , . . sets a new fashion in fine stainless steel A tpact l pattern . . . heavy weight . . . smart duotona finish accents the bold surfaced tapered handles and specially designed spoon bowls and fork tines dramatizing the natural beauty of carefree stainless. Expertly crafted in the famous Rogers tradition for beauty and quality. Come see It today Sets priced from $19.95 Complete Open Stock Selection Always Available WM. ROGERS & SON STAINLESS -Qfe- THE INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER 2-pIece SAUCE SET Including 5Vi" glass bowl and ladle tor serving sauces, dress ings, relishes and tidbits. i!Sti!:3:!!!i!!;;uii:!ta.;i:alaiu:iiii:iiiBtsus.it!aii''!it MISS JOANN MAHOW December Wedding Planned by Couple Mi. Maalrto Mlwn of Klein remitly annoururd the enaue Hunt of her daughter. JoAnn, li Aaron StuMdrficld. iwrn of Mr. and Mr. Kmy Wutdilrfield of Walla Walla. Ml Mahon 1 the erandtlautiter ol Mr. and Mr. Sam MiUaniel and of Mr. Joe Mahon. and th freat grand daughter of Mr. Maude Rout ton Kh viMtta freiuentlv With restive In the llardman and llt-ppner area. A public wedding I planned for Saturday. Iecmbcr 2.. at 4 p m. In the Elgin tliunh of the Naarcne. Mis Mahon 1 a 1CV) cradu ate of Kljrln Idch M-ttool and at tended a dental aanlKtants' fehool In Portland. She la em ployed a dental awitntant at the lilrvh Street Walla Walla clinic. Ttiey will make their home neai walla Walla, where Mr. Stubblefield I employed as a correctional officer at the Wash ington State Irion- Joint Party Honors Two Raymond Sisters Friday, the 13th. wa a joyful and happy day for IMana and lHnna Kavmond at they cele brated their ninth and eighth birthday, respectively, at a Joint party at the home of their parent. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kavmond. Thirteen youngsters trathered after school to play In dKr name and w-lsh them "happy birthday." Two cakes, decorated In the shae of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, were served with le cream by their mother, after the openlne of eifts. Attending were Norene Cecil, Machelle Mattalr. Tony Toll, Lolita Marquardt. Joyce Mar ouardt, David McLarhlan, Bobby Todd. Mary Henry. rhillip. Jnmes and Susan Raymond, Jac sides the honored guests, Diana and Donna. IF YOU need a rubber stamp for any purpose, call at the Gazette-Times office. All styles of type, all sizes of stamps avail able promptly. PTA Program Shares Talks by Principals With Honor Ceremony llUlard flrottn and (iordon I'rall, llrppner elementary and Mth ach4 principal, were gue 'kri at an Informative tfi well aMendrrl rr.crtlnj of the llrppner 1TA laot Wedne. day evening fbitn diMiied the lmpirtance of an effective tudent tea her rrlaliornrfilp, whereby Individual atudrnt peraonallty and matur ity difference may be given irf 11 cni (deration through cxHincilinr and serate lntruc lion. Mr. Itrown alw gave an ex planation of bow reading I cur rently bring taught In the lower elementary grade. Mine llepner hUrh io atu dent were Initiated Into the Na tional Honor S tety, as part of the evening program. In an lm prrwdve candlelight ceremony, led by Stuart Dirk, local chapter r evident. , Initiates, who have maintain ed at l-at a 300 grade average, were Margaret Mark.. Shirley Frwln, fcrna Winchester, Steve Warren. Mark Murray. Joan Stoikard. lAivid Matheny. Jean Stewert and Urenda Voung. Mr. Paul Bnmn announced Plans fi a college accredited beginner' drawing courne In the spring. At least 14 persons are lu-edcd to complete the exten sion class and anyone desiring further lnfjrmtlori may con tact IMUrd Brown. Rhea Creek Grange Home Economics Club Reelects Officers Mrs. Ben Anderson presided at the Wovember meeting of the Rhea Creek Grange Home Eco nomics club, held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Walter Wright, beginning with a pot luck lunch eon that was followed by a business meeting In the after noon. Election of officers on the buvines agenda was modified through unanimous decision of the club members to retain the present officers, who are Mrs. lien Anderson, chairman; Mrs. Orlan Wright, vice chairman, and Mrs. Walter Wright, secretary-treasurer- There will be no regular Do cemoer meeting, but the annual. Christmas party U planned for Sunday, December 20, at the Grange hall, beginning at 1 p.m. There will be a potluck dinner followed by a Christmas pro gram and gift exchange. Each family is requested to contri bute a number to the program. Attending this month's meet ing were Mrs. Dean Graves, Mrs. Harold Wright, Mrs. Barton Clark, Mrs. Ronald Haguewood, Mrs Ben Anderson. Mrs. Elmer Palmer, Mr. t.and Mrs. Ray Wright. Mrs. Tom Huston, Mrs. Ortan Wright, Mrs. Ned Clark. Mrs. Ray Drake. Mrs. Mary Wright, Mrs. Evelyn Farrens, Miss Marilyn Bergstrom and the hoftess, Mrs. Walter Wright The January meeting will be held Thursday. January 21. at the home of Mrs. Ray Wright j Stork Shower Party l Honors Mrs. Mahoney I Mr. Rob Mahoney was com ollmrnteit hv friend at the ikiiii-M Kollrion home Friday teverilng. November 13. with pink and blue shower party. As uilng Mr. Kulleton w her la ... . . . . . t i ..-If t m naujrnier, mr. ircnir Dan.. i. link fall f iwrr were used in decorating the rooms where i'ur-ala oarlleloatrd In tjlavlntf appropriate game, and prize awarded me winner, winy lovely gifts were opened by the t..-w.ml tunl aflf-r which the ioiteMM- served refreshments of salad and hot rolls. Thone attending were Mrs. Phil Mahoney, mother-in-law of i ha honoree. Mrs. Clint Me- Quarrie, Mr. Ixwell Cribble, Mr. Archie nan. .r., wr. rai fir Indie, Mr. Ned (lark. Mr. J. W. Norene, Mrs. Bob Webb, Mrs, LaVerne Van Marter, Jr.. Mrs. Beth Flack. Mr. Herb Ekstrom, Jr. Mr. Bernara uamon. ir. I1 Sthaffiti. Mr. Harry O'Don-m-Jl. Mr. Bib Jones. Mrs. Har lan MrCurdv. Mrs. Mahoney, Mrs. Ball and Mrs. FulJeton. Mrs. Abrams Hostess At Bookworm Meet Mrs. Bob Abrams was hostess to the Bookworm when they convened recently at hi-r home to hear Mrs. Harold Beckett re view a humorous novel by Tay lor Caldwell entitled. "Grand mother and the Priests." The book, with its setting In Eng land, recounted the experiences of 11 priests who related them to an elderly lady at dinner par ties In her home to which she had Invited them at different times. The hostess served lemon chiffon pie to those attending. Mrs. Beckett, Mrs. J. O. Turner. Mrs. James Thomson, Mrs. Lucy Peterson, Mrs. Harold Erwln and Mrs. Ted Smith. KEPfNEIt GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. Wc ember 2. IS 4 Lodge Dinner Brings Out Large Gathering, Kate J. Young Lodge No. 20 i,l iti twirre i,l Honor Protec tive AwrUiiun held Its annual Thanknglvlnjr dinner Saturday evening at the First ChrUtlan church. Approximately 73 mem bers, their famine ana guesi en loved the bountiful meal and pleasant evening. Mrs. Lucille rarrisn. presioeni, welcomed those present and In trrx,.jr(. the after dinner speak ers. Mrs. Clara B. Ortson spoke on her travel and experience as president of Oregon Fraternal Congress and Mrs. Bill Fana, past state president and present secretary of the local lodge. spoke on activities of ine pasi year. Ministers of the area, repre senting the various church af filiation of the member. wrr among Invited guest. iTMrr.t were Father Bruce spencer. h gave the invocation; Itev. ami Mr. Melvln Dlson; Rev. nt Vita, Len Fallback and Kev. nl Mr. trl Howard. Entertainment waa furnUheu by Robert Lowe who showed, films of his recent trip to Kng land. Hostesses were Mr. Carl King, Mrs. Prudy Casrbeer and Mrs. Parrlsh. Decorations wer by Mm. Soward. and preparing the turkey and trimming er Mr. Ed Gonty. Theta Stratton and Mrs. Alice McCabe. Boxboard for making signs and decorations at the Caette-Tlmcs. mm mm PLAN NOW TO ATTEND Hcpp'ncr High School JUNIOR CLASS PLAY "GREEN VALLEY" 8:00 P.M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DECEMBER 4 and 5 High School Multipurpose Room Heppner Adults $1.00 Children 50c This Comedy-Fantasy Is An Entertainment Highlight of the Year! "Something from the Jeweler'. Is always something special." I Store Hoursi 9 A. M. To 6 P. M. tS 177 MAIN ST. HEPPNEH N PH. 678-9200 (sTApPsJ mamm IBM BEB CHRISTMAS SURPRISES Ladies' WOOL KNIT SUITS $24.95 to $39.95 LADIES' AND MISSES' SWEATERS SLIPOVERS and CARDIGANS 995 10 1295 t I t mi i I h J v, I n j COME IN AND SEE OUR HOLIDAY DRESSES IN ASSORTED STYLES AND FABRICS Miladies ALICE AND GRACE Heppner 676-5561 GREETINGS iG We hope that everyone has a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner and that all pause to be thankful for the blessings that we enjoy as Americans. We extend Hearty Greetings of the Season to all. May your family gathering be the happiest of all. WE JOIN OTHER HEPPNER MERCHANTS IN CHRISTMAS OPENING SATURDAY JOIN IN OUR GUESSING CONTEST! OUR PRIZE: Hamilton Beach BLENDER lf f IC9 N. Main