Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 19, 1964, Page 5, Image 5

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    Sudden Illness Claims Jesse Mason, County Pioneer
IONK Ji1 Martin Maaon
RY of The Dallra illol u !
tedly tf hrart !! k on rrlda
afternoon. Novrmlier l.v aivord
Ing to word received ly relatives
her. Mr Mason waa iMirn Ik
loiwr B. iN'ir. cph an.
Auguata Maaon. rarly Morrow
nuiiitv plonccra, at the family
home n itnra rrr.
Before moving In The DalU
In Mil. Mr Maaon owned
butcher ahop In lne.
Hta wife preceded him In
draih In l'.M la survived liy
four daughlcre. Beatrice (irrhkr
end Mra JcrKxl (lienor) (un
yon of The Dallra, Mr J
Florence! ItHnrr of Maupin,
and Ml Mary Mixm ir Port
larxl. Two brothers ami tbrre
slaters surviving are J.-i.h Ma
n of Prlnrvllle. llarolil Maaon
of Flk Cmvr. Calif.. Mra. Ilia
Caplca of Portland, and Mra
Clara Klnrald and Mra. Mabel
Cotter of lone. Aim three grand.
rhlldrrn and several nieces and
nephew, aurvlve,
Funeral services were In tx
hrld in Da I Ira on Thurvlay,
A no boat houacwarmlng party
waa hrld at the rrw country
home of Mr. and Mra. I harh-a
Carlton on Sunday evening
Vlltlng ana rerrmnrncnta were
rnloyrd bv about friend.
Mra. r.. k. .vnaner irit on
Monday for Klttitat. Wn. where
ahe will vlalt at the home of her
n In law and rtaughtrr, Mr,
and Mra, John K. Cl-rf and fam
ily. She will May with her grand
rhlldrm while their parents are
on vacation.
Mr and Mra. Rill Itietmann
and Mr. and Mra. One Iti.-t-mann
spent Saturday and Sun
day In Portland While there,
they altrndcd the stage show,
Mr. and Mra. Garland Swan
aon. Mr. and Mra. Ted Palm
atrer. Mr. and Mra. ChnrU-a
O'Connor, and Mr. and Mm.
Lloyd Morgan drove to Hoard
man Saturday evening, where
they attended the anniversary of
the Irrlgon Lions club at the
(Jrcenfleld Orange hall.
Kalliy Itra tit IVflftlrfi.tt kti.l li.kHi-lNd tl... . .... ni.vmnl .f Ilia i
ne hw h end at the heme of her (The rfforta of (iordon White were will alv t In aorn of the
'enta, Mr. and Mra llrll ilea
lie Mill konli vradiialo
orauiy H niHii.
A A L .... - . . . .
. a a. m
iiy, ami Jim JaroOa airnt Hal
urdny ri Corvallu. wheie they
attended the iVndletun and Cor
vallla lllh t hiM. f.u-,) mo
lioqom a AaUquat Caetd
Mra, Vh tor Itietmann and Mra
M. K. Coder Were hiMlruri lut
Tof.ie i luh on Friday afternoon.
A ery Interi-ailna if"krani on
anllfiuea waa hrld with ih
ineriilK-r lirlnirlnir aome of her
prized iMMM-ftkiom and rlallr
the atfy of them to t- rroup
A number of ihinita ekhitdted
were about iril veara ol.l In.
dudlnif a gold rameu rtetklat-e.
alher roinrnunlon arer a
daifuerrotyi i1ure, a little
Bini,,-r. a amall rliMk and a
Mltle. lu-frekhmrnta Mere aerved
to fourteen membera and aU
Mr. and Mra. Marlon falmir
Mire hota for a dinner honor
ing hi hroiher and lter In law.
Mr and Mra, l.lmer Palmer, on
their ,'aith Meddlng anniversary
lat T)iurlv evenlnir. Novem-
N-r 12. Invited guenta Mere Mr.
and Mra. Vernon Munkera. Mr
nd Mra Lincoln Kal. Mr. and
Mra K M llaker. Mr. and Mru.
A-r fainter and family and the
honor eea.
Helen Byrne celebrated her
Ith birthday at the trailer home
f Mr. and Mra. Sam livrne on
Friday after arhool. After aeveral
ramea and the oi-nlng of glfta
aa enjoyed. refreKhment Mere
aerved to Cindy Kktrom. Karen
loMi II. Nancy Anhurat, l lirla-
ma Llndntrom. I) Ann Darnett.
linger Nedry. Carol Wiley, and
beryl llama.
Aualllarr Achlatrea 5th to Stata
lone legion Auxiliary won
fifth l.oe In the atate In their
quota for membership In com-
M'tltion Mlth more than lV)unlta
the auxiliary. The memteri
Mlkh to putillclv thank all thne
Mho attended the very iutm.
ful pancake auM-r aerved at the
Legion hall last Wednesday
venlng. Over Jlix) waa made
Call Dcl's for that Thanksgiving
Ham or Turkey!
Lyndcn's Turkeys
TOMS or HENS 39c lb
Grade A -10 to 20 lbs.
Oregon Chief Celebration
HAMS boneless, fully cooked
85c lb
Bel's Bflairkeft
Phone 989-8133
ele tally appreciated. He turn-
Uhed auxiliary wer llfwa from
hla mat hlna ahop. ao that extra
electrical equipment could
uoed In the hall.
Joe Ma of ITIrtrviJIe er.t
from Sunday to Tueaday vUlllng
la alter. Mra M. K. tVrtter at
lone and another auter. Mra.
Clara Klnrald. who la recovering
at I'Joricer Memorial hospital
from recent aurgery.
Mr. and Mra. Itobrrt Itietmann
and family fiava rnoved out to
their raruli home after living In
lone about three month a. Mhlle.
their house Mai tiring complet
ely remodeled. Mr. and Mra.
Ku-tmann and family apent the
Meek end In Portland attending
a reunion of Mrs. Itietmann a
Ikmie llynd. worthy advtaor of
lone Asaembly No. K!. and
Suaan Llndstrom. grand choir
director d lialnbow In Oregon.
Mra. leMla HalvorM-n, mother
adviaor. and Mra lloy W. Llrid
stn.ni aeit Sunday afternoon In
Condon. Mhere they attended a
reerptlon honoring iM-a n n a
Rlney, grand confidential ob
aerver. International Order of
l(alntow for (ilrla In Oregon. A
large crowd attended the purty
Mhlch waa held In the aortal
rwm of the Community church
In Condon,
Fir Take a Small Shad
Volunteer firemen Mere called
out about 7:00 pm Monday even
ing to put out a fire In a amall
shed In bark of the house owned
by Mra Mabel Davldaon on Sec
ond Street. Tlie houae la un
occupied at prewnt. and the
blaze la believed to be caused
by amall children, who had been
playing there. Although com
jdetely burning the ihed, the
fire Mai confined to the one
building and aeveral other ga
rage and sheds Mere saved by
the firemen.
Mra. h'Ha Burgoyne underwent
major aurgery at Pendleton Com
munity hospital last Tuesday.
She la reported to he getting
along aatisfartorllv and M-aa to
come nome on lueaony alter-noon.
Dr. Frrett Hummel of Portland
State College Maa vlltlnj the
lone achool on Thursday.
Kalnbow (.Iris of lone Awm
bly No. tft held a costume dance
for membera and guests at the
Masonic hall on rrlday even
Ing ChnrH-ronea Mere Mrs. Lewis
Halvorvn. Mrs. tharles (J I on
nor. Mrs. H IL Schaffer. Mrs.
Omar Kletmann. and Mrs. Koy
W. Llndstrom. all members of
the Advisory Hoard. A nklt per
formed bv Teresa Tucker, Bonnie
Morgan, Dixie Peck, and Teresa
Stcfanl Mas given. Kcfreshments
of sandwiches, tiotato chips, and
punch and cookies was aerved.
Mrs. Rletmnnn and Mrs. O'Con
nr. the Judges, chose Neal
Chrlstophcrson, Mho was "Little
Lord Fantleroy" the best cos
tumed bov and Teresa Stefanl,
a little old lady, the best cos
turned girl. Bonnie Hynd. a
tramp, and Virgil Morgan, as
"Freddie the Freeloader" were
Judged the cleverest costumed
Grange rtsUval Data
la December 6
U'illnu g Crance Itt a rain spon
soring a Fall Festival to be held
at ti nmtiw hall on Sunday.
December 6. from 12:30 to 4:30
p.m. A turkey dinner Mill be
served by the HKC from 12:30
p.m. A door prize will be draMn
sometime during the artornoon
for the person present holding
the winning ticket. About 14 or
ganizations are taking port and
many holiday gifts will be on
sale as mcII as baked goods lor
the holidays. Carnival games for
Mr and Mra. Arthur Dalell
apent the week end In Albany
be v Union Ihrlr aon In law and
daughter. Mr, and Mra. Clyde
Crawford, and family.
Ihe Women'! Fellowship met
In the1 frlal f"nm of ti. OnHH
Churth of Chrlt last Thurvlay
afternoon. Mra. K M Baker pre
aented the Family Thank You
Offering program. Mra. Iceland
McKlnney the devotions, and
Mra. Lindsay Klnrald showed a
film on th neM' meaalea vac
cine. Mra. Alfred Nelson Jr.. pres
ident waa in charge of the bus.
nea meeting. Hie Women'a
Fellowship la collecting Betty
Crocker coupona to aecure addit
ional aervtng aioona for the kit
chen. Anyone dealrtr.g to donate
may lease them with Mrs. carol
Miller or at the church anytime
before fkrember 1.
Mra. F-lla Burgoyne had word
thla WfHk of the passing of her
brother at Waterlio. Iowa, lie
Mat K7 years of age and had
been in a nursing home for
Sue Townaend of Portland
spent Veteran's Day here visit
ing her parenta, Mr. and Mrs.
Ilershal Townsend.
Mrs. Henry Krebs entertained
the high school Sunday S.hord
class with a -pizza Pel" party
at her home on Saturday even
Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Her
rick, assist
Krebs were
attending were Bernlece
and Denlece Matthews. Cherilyn
Smouse, Bonnie llynd. Susan
Llndstrom. Kobert Lmert. Joe
and Mark llalvorsen. Merrllee
Jacobs, Karen Nelson. Chuck
Nelson, and Judy Ku banks.
Mrs. Marlon Palmer gave a
birthday coffee party on Tues
day afternoon in honor of her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lee Palm
er, (juesta present Mi-re Mrs.
Klmer Palmer. Ma Harold Sher
er. Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, Mrs.
r;arry Tullls. Mrs. John Jepsen.
Mrs. Gottfried Herman and Mrs.
Oil liea.
1TA was held In the cafetor
ium on Wednesday evening. Mrs.
blalne Isom of Pendleton showed
beautiful slides of her trip to
Malaysia recently. Mrs. Henry
Couple Repeats Vows Ht9fntM cazette-times. nuturr, wwtmbt it. ih4
In Impressive Foil
Ceremony In Kinzua
KINZUA In a double ring
service read at the Kinzua Com
munlty church on Saturday. No
vember 7. by Rev. rdwln Derrick.
Miss Jvre fllalne Seltr. daugh
ter of Mr. and Xlrs. Milton Seiti
of Fo&Ul became the l.rld of
K.nald Wendell Clodfrln r. an
of Mr. and Mrs Dr.nald Clrxi
felter of (;raas Valley.
The brloV. given In marriage
by her father, wore a gown of
white peau de aole with a lace
bodice. The scooped neckline
waa accented with sequins and
the wore a alnde strand of
pearls. Her finger tip length eil
waa held by a triple circle of
earls and ahe carried a white
lible centered with a bouque?
of pink rosebuds and white car-
Mrs. Kills MrRobert. sister of
the bride, waa matron of l.onor
and Mrs. Michael Todd of Uraaa
Valley was the other attendant
Both wore street length dresses 1
of light blue brocade with white i
sella held by half circles of :
flowers and carried arrange-
menu of white chrysanthemums. '
The f lower girl waa Itavlene
Mcltoberts, niece of the bride, j
who wore a white pleated dress
and a short blue veil and carried ,
blue flowers. i
Michael Todd of Crass Valley
waa the best man and ushers
Kappa Delta Gamma
Hears Mrs. Lanham
Xfra, Conley Lanham waa
guest speaker at the last Delta
Kappa Gamma meeting of the
year at the Tapadera In Pendle
ton Saturday evening. She gave
an Interesting and entertaining
talk about the experience a lie
and Mr. Lanham had while liv
ing In France and compared liv
ing; conditions there with thoae
In the United States. Mrs. Lan
ham also showed tildes of other
European countries they visited.
Christmas project plana for the
various communities were dis
cussed during the bualneaa meeting.
Attending from Morrow coun
ty were Zoe Billings. La Venn
Partlow. Ruth Bentley. Gladys
Liy and Vrlva BechdolL
County Kindergarten
System Is Discussed
At League Meeting
Several by-law ammendments,
proposed earlier thla fall were
voted acceptable by Civic League
membera, convening Monday
evening in the kindergarten
room for their November meet
In with Mrs. Kenneth Cutsforth.
league president, presiding.
A principal Item rllacuased at
some length during the bualneaa
meeting concerned the possi
bility of Instituting the local
kindergarten program Into the
county achool system In the fore-
cable future. The present pro
gram was Initiated and Is main
tained by the Civic League.
Special guest present at Mon-
daya meeting was David Potter,
Morrow county achool superin
ws-re Kills McKoberta of Kin-
ant teachers for Mrs. jfu na c "
P also present. Those ,tivf.r- ... ...
sang the wedding songs, accom
panied by Mrs. Robert Kelso
who also played the wedding
Immediately following the ser
vice a reception was held for
two hundred guests in the church
annex. After the traditional first
si.ee of cake was cut from the
four-tiered cake topped by a
miniature bride and groom. Mrs. j
cruce txxiet, sister or tne groom,
cut the cake while Mrs. Donald
Marsh served coffee and Mrs.
Richard Settz presided at the
punch bowl. Mrs. Lynn Combs
of Fossil was in charge of the
guest book and Miss Ruth Geer
had charge of the gift table.
The brides mother wore a
three piece green and white kr.lt
buslnc-HH meeting. I Lhe KTO.m .mo hp.r. chos da
KINZUA Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Conlee are receiving congratu
lations on the birth of a son,
Kugene Stephen, who was born
November 10 at the Condon
Clinic. He weighed 8 lbs.. 8 oz..
and grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. John Murray of Kinzua and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conlee of
Pine Creek.
Miss Dolores Bastian and Bill
Swanson of Portland were week
end visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Bastian.
Mr: and Mrs. Scott Reld and
green double knit suit with
biack accessories. Both wore cor
sages of white chrysa n their. ums.
The young couple left for a
short wedding trip and are now
r.t home at Grass Valley. The
lew Mrs. Clodlelter is a grad
uate of Wheeler High .i.oc l and
An. Clodlelter is a graouate of
Shirman County High at Moro
and has -also attended Oregon
State University.
Club Starts Garments
After learning about grain
lines and pattern markings, the
members of the Ruralette 4-H
club began their first garment
Air- a "a "n2 from a commercial pattern at
sons of Bend spent the week-end thejr November 12 meeting held
after school at the caretorium.
Even "the man who
has everything" can
always use more
shirts. Choose from
our winning array I
visiting with the Rusty Med locks
and Frank DeMerritts.
Mrs Calvin Brooks of Albany
spent several days this past
week visiting with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woods.
Miss Montell Walker of Port
land arrived Friday evening to
spend the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. James Walker.
Mrs. Richard Mortimore, Mrs.
Earl Norris. Mrs. Robert Park
and Mrs. Jack Sltton were busi
ness visitors to Prlneville Satur-
day. While there Mrs. Norris had
some dental work done.
Mrs. Robert Kelso and daugh
ter Sharon went to Portland Sat
urday from where Sharon left
Sunday for Colusa. Calif.
Mrs. Shirley Mabe of St. Helens
visited here over the week-end
with relatives. She was accom
panied by the children of Ken
neth and Joyce Hudson.
Mrs. Howard Rice and Mrs.
Paul Oyler were business visitors
to Prineville and Redmond Sat
urday. Paul and Ed Oyler were busi
ness visitors to Pendleton Sat
urday Ed had arrived Friday
from Cherryvale, Kans.
Mrs. Vi Slinkard was hostess
Wednesday evening to the mem
bers of the Friendship club. High
for the evening went to Pat Mc
Minn, low to Molly Day, and
floating to Rita Bowman and
Ann Bastian. Others enjoying
this evening were Billle Jean
Sitton, Rosie Graham, Carol Nor
ris, Doris Stubblefield, Marilyn
Bailey, Ginger Whitsett, and
Irene Samples.
Date Set for Christmas Party
met Friday afternoon at the
kitchen and during the business
A short business meeting was
held. with President Wendy
Christopherson in charge.
Cookies were served by Mary
McElligott. Our next meeting is
November 21 at 10 a.m.
Christine, McCabe, reporter
I 7 Ti II
Motorola - Olympic
to m95
A most impressive looking automobile, in
the tradition of the Lincoln Continental
Mercury also boasts a most impressive ride
and performance-in the same tradition.
Quite obviously a lot of experience was
borrowed from the West's No. 1 luxury
car. Which should make owners of this
1965 Mercury hapnjkand very proud.
A small deposit
will hold until Christmas
meeting they planned their
Christmas party. It will be held
on Saturday evening, December
19 at the kitchen and the even
inc will start with a potluck
dinner for the members and their
husbands. They also voted to
make their annual donations to
the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society
and to the Christmas Seal fund.
The balance of the afternoon
was spent putting a quilt into
the frames.
Gardner's Men's Wear
PH. 676-9218
Verdict Awards
$995 to Plaintiff
A circuit court jury Tuesday
found for the plaintiffs, Tom
Fraters and Dolly W. Fraters, in
the sum of S99; in an auto
damage action against John W.
Brosnan, defendant.
The complaint alleged that
Brosnan drove his car into a
parked auto owned by the Frat
ers on the Ridge road near lone
on May 4. 1963. After hearing
testimony during the day before
Judge William Wells, the Jury
retired and brought in the ver
dict about 6 p.m.
Herman Winter was attorney
for the plaintiff and Larry Rew
of the firm of Corey and Byler,
Pendleton, represented the defendant.
1 " "" 1
w . . .
Come in for a close look at all this luxury . before you pay man than S3000 for anything else. w W