Queen and Court Rule Over Events of Homecoming I KATHCRJNC UNDSTROM lONK llollutomlrijf trlvl u at lotto nifc-rt mIiim m M itk end Midi a -itt (lilt I if rnihislm .y studrnta, A imi hi .! n h- Uiruiij.li the l r-1 n( lout n riUy mam. rmllnjf with a t tally in in iriiUf 14 1110 imiJiu u dli I rlil On .Kaluniay Cardinal IimiM liaiil L'arne of f m l lid ! with the Wheeler County lin Ime went il.mil In tlrfiat '.'7 to W llnfittt-uMilriir rainllilali'4 wne driven ari.umt I In li.M at half Hum In a tnv-rtltIe riilveti ty IUilrl I'nieit, Pamirs iiuiKii-in, m-nli.r repre srhlatlve. hi ctiitsen IIomh'ohh tng Queen by the 1 lli riiK n Cluh, anl Ma iM'hl m rr sae ami a vly aitn Ihiiiu I of ri an.i while cariKilli.n hy Ji lUIV'XX'fl, iM.llt nf Ih tluli. Mtisan iJnit-lfoiii. junl"f teV'esentatlve, km Riven a ror ty Man ll'iUii In; Karen rii' win, iwiiunie, imUfl her romajre frsnii VlrcH M.-rjri; an t I hp fmtitman representative, ittity naukirr, wa iwsenleii a .rat: ty I'hrl Ij;irn. A large crowd attendetl I lie dance In the evening at the m'IhmiI cafrtorlum. The music wa furnished tiy "Avan I !." a C'uup from Pendleton, I'uiii h ami oxikli-a were provld iv 1 the dancers throughout I In evening at small tallies at the r i -. f Sfc - - I -3. THE CT HEPPNED GAZETTE-TIMES Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursday, November 5, 196-1 Sec. 2-4 pages O o X) II . - - . .- . CHOSEN OUEtN of th Homcoinla Court or WMlcond IwlMtUa at Ion High acbeol u Mlu sandra lloutain. (Ult) Mnlor rprntatia. rrtncMa wr 5uaa unuooo, Junior; Btty naunrr. irrinmon, ana ain nauon. aopnomora. CASSIUS CLAY tOKINV v, LISTON Cha!hor 0 (IQITi Chan. 2 Spoasorad Jy PENDLETON JATCIE3 Snd DoaatJooa To Box 282 Paodlotoo, Or. rli:r nf th danro flr dfrorat- rd with fall f lower and candle. Ilunllnc i'ui-hIs of Mr. and Mr John Kuhartka at their miuntaln cabin wr Harold NiihoUa of I'orlland and Ia- Drunk and hi Hon. Crrs. cf ()lrx l-armer In thl area were nomewhat che-rfd by aorru Ilk'ht khuwera whl h havr otrured the fat wrfk. The total precipita tion for (X1olrr In the Morgan community wa while meanirtl at the farl V. Troi-iljion ranch near lone. Thl has been an extremely dry fall and will require lot more rain fall In-fore farmi-r will feel comfortable atMiiit the wheat and barley yield for the corn In year. Mr. Iom U fTA Speaker Mr. Blaine !oin of TendU'ton will be truest ienker for the November 11 meeting the lone ITA. She will rej)lace Mr. I Marlon Wentherford, of Arllnji- ton who waa unable to come, but will te here at a later date. Mr. Isom. who is a pat presi dent of the Jleppner ITA, will khow hltdea and tell of a recent trip to Malaysia. President Mrs. Henry Krea, hope there will be a Rood attendance for the Wed nesday night meeting. KM toung or Helix, winner vl the VM'A Untied Nations rilgrlm- ace for Youth, apoka at the high Kchool on Friday afternoon and Khowcd her slides of her summer tour to New York City and Wanhlngton P. C. and other point of Interest- She was the week-end gueM of Oieryle Lun dell. The Cecil community enjoyed a potluck dinner and party at the community hall on Saturday evinlng. The affair wa also a farewell for Mr. an; Mr. Cecil Kliby, who are moving to Ar lington. They were presented a money tree by their friend. An old witch distributed IIallow-en treat to all ttie children pres ent, a a gift from the friend- hlp Club. Mrs- Henry Krebs played the part of the witch Came were enjoyed by the children and the adult danced. Mr. and .Mr. Milton Morgan spent several days the last of the week In I"ortIand. They visit ed their son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peck. Dalla Dalell sN'nt the week end with hi parents, Mr. and Mr. Vern Dalzcll. He is a fresh man at Columbia Basin College at Pasco. Mrs. Clara Kincaid underwent major surgery at Pioneer Mem orial hospital Saturday evening. At this writing she w reported to be recovering nicely. Her brother, Joe Mason of Prinevllle Thry attended tht Oregon Stan ford game. Oraldlne Morgan of Portland spent the week end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan. Iteeent visitors In lone were Mr. and Mr. Ted Trope nf Clackamas. Mr. Troge lived here many year ago. Club to Mt at Crams lone Garden club will meet on Tuesday. November 10. at the home of Mrs. Ralph Crum at 2:00 pin. I toll call will be a pic ture or painting of a garden or iiowers. The program will be given by Mr. E- C Hellker, who will SM-ak on "Preparing and Using Dried Materials." Activity for the afternoon Is "Christmas for Others' by all the members. Anyone Interested In raising Iiowers or In gardening Is Invit ed to attend. Those wishing rides to the Crum ranch are to meet at the home of Mrs. Oscar Lun dell at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. George PorWchy of Port land drove to lone on Friday and got her mother. Mrs. Her- shal Towatend. who will vLsit In Portland while her husband in on an elk hunting trip. Ronald Crab tree moved his sister. Mrrs. William Gellnas came Saturdav to be with her on Tim to lone this week and la the cuest at the home of end- They have been livine In another sister. Mrs. M. K. Cotter. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Helmbigner sent the week-end In Portland as sruests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oslbov, former residents oi lone. Portland. leave tor Gellnas but are preparing to uermany, where Mr. is - employed. Mrs. Hunt he $ heelar f Sale rn inMher f Mrs. Leo Ciabtree ac Ciif!.. nled I hrm to lul.e fur 1 month's viAit. t :ervi I Tsui Mifriaon la oi va!rxln2 at the li'ine of lst arenta, Mr. art Mr. Jodie K Morrixtn. from a rrnt tat jth monunui -eoi. Mfu trnt a eek In the hpita In Corvallu and a week In trie college In flnnary before returning b'rfne Tas Is a sophomorp at Otgon Mate University and Hill ieurn to rlasse winter term. Latt summer she rnt atout ! mor.iri In Hawaii and attended the summer leuinn at the I'nl vrrsUty of Hawaii. Gerald Peterxjn siwnl the wrk end at partfic Lutheran University near Tacwa and tf.k art In the Homecoming festivities of the sthool, whlcn he had attended Mr and Mrs. David Baker left on Monday taking their daugh ter. Suan, back to her school after a week end at home. Other vbitors at the Baker home th! ekend were Mrs. Pauline i Gorger and son Steve and Stephen Ma nicy of Portland, who returned to their homes on Sunday. Attending Homecoming at fXX'L' at LaGrande this week end were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherer and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bishop, who visited their daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McCabe and Christine and Doris spent the week end as guests of Mr. an Mrs. Alvln McCabe and fam ily at Colfax. On Saturday they attended the football game be tween Oregon State and Wash ington State at Pullman- The McCabe children returned with the Crabtree for a visit. Others from lone, who attend ee! the games were Mr. and Mrs. F M. Baker, who went with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baker of Hermlston and their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lar son of Moscow. Idaho- Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray came home on Friday with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Breshears of Lyle. Wash. On Saturday their son-in-law, Lester Goodrich, came and moved the Ray's to their new trailer home in Lyle. Friday evening friends gathered at the Kay home to celebrate Mrs. Ray's birthday, which is on Hall oween. Guests present were Mr and Mrs. . Marlon Palmer, Mrs. fc. C, Hellker, Mrs. Osrsr l.un dell. Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Craw- fu. Mr. and Mr. L-e Palmer. Mr, and Mrs Brenhrars, Itev. and Mrs. Walter Crowe It, and the fiavs fcunday dinner guets at the rsome of Mr. and .Mrs lUm M Klnny were hi parents, Mr and Mr. Farl Mi Kinney an I Aln of HermUtcm. who wrre celebrating their rtb. wedding anr.iversary. Other curst, who came In the afternoon, were Mr and Mri Barton Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Net! Clark. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crawford or (Ac to Helix Sunday to uit tneir son and daughter-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Crawford. nd family. Mrs. Klmer Griffith returned on Murday from a werks visit at Lake Owego. She was amm- aided home by her brother. fcvron Gondall of San Francisco, who met her In Portland. Mrs. Ida F-teb moved the first of the week to Oceanlake, where she will r"ll with her dsugh trr. Mrs. Gladys Calkins. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Crawford nt the week end at Yakima vi.tng Mr Oawford a n-ln law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hervel Prttyj-hn anu s n. Mr, Ilenrv Krt-b. president 4 t'.Uf Ion ITA. wa nHMlerator f an Interesting diMusion on item rtifH-rrrUfur the parents tl scluiol age children at the schutd library or Friday evening. Band unilorm was t.nr item, whHti created a lot of Interest, and t'arol Miller, band director, pre sented several styles fr the i t- sldi ration of the group. Th't Comptta la Cnttt Le otonrvnr. therllyn Smouse. and Chrryle Lundell wer.t to lleppneft on Wednesday evening" to compete In the county soli conservation contest. Key, and Mrs. Walter B. Cro w-ell came home on Wednesday from few day spent in Port land. (Continued on page 4) MOVIE "THE GREAT GILBERT AND SULLIVAN" (Musical in Color) Saturday, November 7 7:00 P.M. lone High School Cafctorium ADULTS, men SCHOOL 50c GRADE SCHOOL 25c PBE-SCROOL FBEE Benefit lone Public Library REFRESHMENTS kaasBMaMMHHaBHaBaaaaaHBBaiissaaMa THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY BANK of EASTERN OREGON ZONE BRANCH Member. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. I I : A Tcrfcct Gift For That Special Someone At Christmas Photos Taken By Geraldine Swaggart liylcr (Originally From Ileppner.) and now with The Popular Jack and Jill Studio ;i Skilled... Dependable . . . Bonded One Price Only! NO RAISE FOR REPRINTS) NO MAILING CHARGES I NO HIGH PRESSURE I IMAGINE! ALL THE CHRISTMAS PICTURES YOU NEED FOR ONLY MANTLE SIZE AGE LIMIT 13 YRS. C . ... .-A. " X i : ' - , -f Vi:4 - . ?4i.m.fS , V ..'" 4 ? I f ' -. . " 5 -"o- r rv, -j V , - , ntfiri ii i lsi?isfe.iarttw 2 BIG DAYS FRI.-SAT. ONLY -- NOV. 6-7 LAIRD'S VARIETY STORI HEPPNER FIRST NATIONAL BANK IS PEOPLE Serving the Banking Needs of other Oregon People Branch banking can be done in many places besides the bank itself. Here a bank manager and stockman survey a modern feedlot operation, with white faced Herefords representing cash on the hoof. As the livestock industry turns more and more from range land operation to the systematic weight production of feed lots, live stock producers find themselves in need of new management skills and financial support. In virtually every part of Oregon First National provides bank ing service when and where needed, by people who know local conditions and the needs of the people they serve. Your local branch of First National is part of a century-old, billion dollar bank, one of the nation's leading financial institu tions. Its people know how business is done in your community. Resources, knowledge and experience make the finest banking service, and you get more of all three at First National. John Locke, assistant manager of tha Hepp ner First National Branch, is part of a friendly staff whose years of banking expe rience total 100. Con sult these hometown people for every bank ing need. 9! -I ,-ix: k gJssra FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON IJauav MEMtEt FEOEtAl DEPOSIT INSUIANCE COKPOtATION The Statewide Bank with Hometown Service