High School Vote 88?o Valid as Poll A mrmtm ! MtreaMW liatrlrd ll lU RalUllai lay i till l lunilrn aM MMtf ! Voters Pick Jones lone Elecls Three Mi l'l 'i lulili nnrtly ,. r-x-r r (i h ih day In lr iw ( ! In vriii Mi H"l Jir, Mi As Judge,- Mann, To City Council fm. Mi unman t.irrn. i Hank .ir. Mi li lff n.l Mi ll.iMaiil Hnanl cciuu sal ui-r am to im ptt i4 vafiry. tlonry at ml it (qvlttsit Sntnci tM (7 tHl faJWft Miatiat burden Utf. quilaW'l toDffl (Oil campaHtM thatl Jtiit US m. KtttntU CAXITTl TIMES. Tkvn&f. November ft. 1K4 ... I " -h'- I ' ' .... - A X . T I I L i., t i 4. ' ".11 NMW III lkin at (Ktiiw 1 . ... . r 1 ... a II Mtica Virfnrc Horn I w ?. ''WW 2rif.. i. . ' : K i ri-riv - i ir.,)..- i,..hI i candidates and measures . r . , V - --J . . . Z. . . f lrH.nrr. the Itrv. Karl .s.m.rd.-J 1" ut T-.T rl.l-r. They , L w V . three candidate In the iiimary. irtiT i' I r' ' '""f' w""1"' 1 ' Vf ' I rial elii..n Ijut t.n if i-a- niVnk, ..i.i man. ImumU-nt. lu lo 97. an.t M - -('. I . I' II nun. Thtrn 41; lr c- ' vJ " . t 1 II rrlarv f iato. lortvtl. .Vi. Mo-! r If J I fall. I V); for Mat- Hfaur-r. t " V. I area frrlrlrsl Mlihout t(mn Mirfitf i. J, li luuman J SlvU Miani 1( m am! t"uniy Cl'ik Jiaii; ramh Ivj All rcclnu In the cvurttv lul Roardntan fll4 Ihf rti'rt )fin Ifrnil in lit Hfrt to crt m man ri cl Ihf Cjuk-aJc n the Mate Suirrme Court hrnch. favtirine JutU'e t.twrt lu-ll tt John lav lor nuun No 7 fvrr Judce Ralph llolman rt lyrecon Oiv. l..'i to .VU Boanl man, however, rae llolman a ne vote dice. t7 to Hi In the Mate meanurea, the cour.ty voter went the ame mue a vwer aero ine ate :, 225; Cov M. Ricl. 153; and Thrv wted to alx.luh fapuat Vtima FIcin. 117. Two i.thor j'unUhmrnt imeanure .No. 1), m.Ktnt dirHtorhi hut unsuo 1123 to e9; favomi the bill to .-eful were Jiimx K.Mth. 110 allow the ute to lease protvrtv j n.l Killv Criffin M "".Voters Approve Park at Irrigon I Voter of the IrrUori ,TW4lay arproveu the lormati.m t( the lniin etimmuntty paik tnil rexTration tlitrkl at a vv lal election held In connettlon with the general election. Vote ua 2m e and C no. Three dinvtor fleetel at the name nme were Orlle Buihan- Helton, tvs, Mraub, kh.; for roun- tv u.l:e. Jone. 12X IVtervm. Pi Kl; lor Hn onuniMiott t2 r., If Tatone. UU. Turner. ;; lor iM'rt 1 fimmiwn (4 r Berger, lvs, Krvh. 12 Lamb. 17l. Wwt. l.U; l.r measure 1. ye ll.V no U'T me.iure 2. e 2T. no 71. Thev did not vote on two other measures, the county rxad levy. nor the aupreme tvurt Justloe race RAYMOND AND NORMA FRENCH ahara a happy momtnt Rary. 1964 Cattleman ol th Year, and hla wll or ahown tar won rtcvntly to th Morrow county hors thow. la thlt homo la th lutUrctovk aroa. ith a trophy that on el thir dauqh- (G T fhoto) Examiner Coming No. 2. 1215 to 631: voted iver- whelmlncly against the propos td workmen comjenatlon JGA3 no; and ottHv-Ht the bill A driver license examiner to ban commercial fUhing In In-Ii'l " du,v in "'PPncr land water (No. 4l, 721 e to Tuevlay. November 10. nt the 1274 no courthouse between the hours ' I of 9:30 a m .and 3:30 p.m., ac- 'cording to an announcement re Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lovaroa ' were In IVrtland on Monday. where Lovgren underwent a medical checkup at Providence ! hospital. Vlaitin? at tho Stanlry Cox home early In the week wwe Mrs. Cox" parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Flemming of Kinzua. Columbia Basin Meet Date Set Annual meeting of Columbia Basin riectrio Coop. Inc., th first since the exchange with Pacific IVwer and Light Com pany early thU year, will le at ilu- Condon Memorial Hall Wed nesday night. November IS, liar lev Young, manager, announces. oolved from the Department of! Guest speaker will be Ous Motor Vehicles of Oregon. Per- j Norwood, executive secretary of sons wishing original licenses the Northwest Public Power As or permits to drive are asked isociation. to file arnlicationji well ahead! Annual reports of th coop- of the scheduled closine hour'erative are in the process of Fourth Generation Rancher Selected '64 Livestockman (Continued from page II In order to assure time for com pletion of the required license test. in W I U BWff Everything for the Sickroom Is Here Just tell us what Is needed and we'll supply It from our stock of sickroom supplies, equipment mm We aim to help your ill get well faater. PHIL'S PHARMACY Ph. 676-9962 Ziil being mailed to all customers at this time in accordance with the by-laws of the organization. Election ballots for directors are included in the mailing. There will be door prizes and refreshments at the meeting, the grand prize being an electric clothes dryer. Mrs. Tamblyn Goes East with Daughter Mrs. Harry (Ruthl Tamblyn Is leaving this week with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Frank, for Havertown. Pa., where she will make her home with the daughter and family. Mr. Tarn blyn died October 27. The two expected to go by air plane from Pendleton today (Thursday) and goods of Mrs. Tamblyn will be moved by truck. Mrs. Tamblyn has been a resi dent in Heppner since 1928. Mrs. Frank was called here during the critical illness of her father and arrived before his death. She and her daughter had Iso visited here last summer. mounted on horseback, and h feels very much at home in the saddle a he does his work around the ranch. Norma was born in Wallowa tut her family moved to Condon where khe went to high school. Her mother. Just back from a trip to Connecticut, Is living with them. Both Raymond and Norma are actixe in community affairs. Il. Is chairman of the Heppner Soil am Water Conservator! district, a position which he has held for nine years. A past president of the Morrow County Livestock Growers association for t w o years. Raymond has been mem bership chairman for three years ann a director for eight years.! He Is one of the leaders of the' Sadtlle-ittes 4 II horse club and is e member of the Morrow county rodeo board. Ray belongs! to the Heppner Elks. Farm Bureau and the Morrow County Grain Growers. Mrs. French is a past presi dent of the Cow Belles and s now secretary of the organiza tion. Both she and her husband are active In their church. Their three daughters are Karen, 16, a Junior in Heppner hiph; Verlna. 15, a sophomore; and Susan, 11. In the slxtt grade. Verlna and Susan aro members of the saddle horse club, and the trophies on display in the living room or the cozy French home are those which the girls have won. There are 'small fry" and "intermediate" showmanship trophies as well as the grand champion show manship trophy won by Verlna last year- This year's livestockman at one time was pupil of the wife of last year's llvet.hu kman of the year. Mrs. Jerry Hrosnan taught Raymond French and his brother Joe during their grade m hl years. For one year the two rrench brother were the only pupils ror wmcn a teacher was mreu. aixi tru ir .m tiooi was a rom In a bunkhouse on the Joe Haves place near the French ranch. Brother Joe is now an attorney In Pendleton. A sister. Mrs. Ik, othv ORourke, Is also living in Pendleton. Her husband, l-any. formerly taught school In ll.'pp ner. A half-sister. Mrs. Vern (Francinel Evans, now live in Pilot Rock. Asked If he were rel.ite.t to Peter French, the famous Ore. gon cattleman of the llarnev Basin country immortalized in several bonks, most recent of which Is Giles French "Cattle Country of Peter French, mond atd that there is tant relationship. A tour of hla ieratlon and a visit to his home allows that Raymond doe credit to til re nowncd relative. Boardman Names Dewey West Mayor iVwev West uas reelected mayor of Boardman Tuesday, ixilllng 07 Vote to 10 for Wuvne Kuhn. At the same time ix were elevted to the con fu ll. Inrludln i Kd Kuhn. 7fi; Verimri ucll. 72; Zcarl Gillespie. 70; Arthur Allen. IvS; Scth Russell. '.. and Wally llendrix. .Y. Other didates Included Joe Tatone, , a n.l Em met t McKenzle. 4i. MnNFYV Yfmu li kx. Bill Morgan It w Dwtofl A.u l J4I Money at 0f earning 4 an! 4tf Automtle fay Off. NOVEMBER 9 TO 14 ONLY i v?iRY I V The Heppner SOROPTIMIST CLUB ALWAYS RRST QUALITY LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS virgin Acrylic electric blanket ' S l rcg. $15 I . j DALE CARNEGIE, author of "How to Win Friend and Influence People." "How to Stop Worrying and Start Uring." Invites You to Reserve Your Place Now In The INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS JM .74 L:-:' Vv ::. a-r . .e im. : ; v.. sinqle control twin or full size 72"x84 twin size 63"x84" The famous blanket used by over a million happy sleepers! Extra soft, fluffy with Supernap. Dial the warmth you like. Nylon binding. Snap-fit corners, Machine wash, lukewarm water. pink cloud . rosebeige . peacock . bright lavender avocado . honey gold . raspberry ice . copen blue . orange ice . morel virgin Acrylic electric blanket 4 am m reg. qzi NOW $ld88 dual control double bed size 80"x84" Luxury at dollars less than you'd exDect. Downv vir. gin acrylic, superbly light, beautifully machine wash able (lukewarm water). Dial your favorite warmth. Nylon satin binding. Snap-fit corners. . pink cloud . deep lavender . peacock . curry bright olive . chocolate . vivid blue . wild rose . rosebeiao . yellow. Should defects In material or workmanshin dpvplnn we will replace the control for 5 years; we will replace the blanket for 2 years, repair it for 3 years. O Effective Speaking O Memory Training O Human Relations O Salesmanship For Further Information Contact Any of These Soroptimist Club Carnegie Committee Members: Mrs. Matt Hughes PH. 676-9419 Mrs. Roice Fulleton Home: 676-9668 Bus: 676-9921 Mrs. Bill Collins Home: 676-9947 Eus. 676-9441 Mrs. Ed Gonty PH. 676-9264 Mrs. Fred Parrish PH. 676-9680 Mrs. Wes Sherman PH. 676-9228 Licensed by the State Department of Education Approved for Korean Veterans Presented by Bob Marsh, Associate Sponsor