Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 29, 1964, Page 5, Image 5

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    Hermistori Club Entertains Lodge Members
I.Ktl.M.lu.M-ii. iam N..I.I
(Iiarxl rluli of iiinlxani ItriM-k-ah
hlg of llprniUlofi rntntalri
nl lh l'NJ Hub ir Ij-kinjfturi
with a tlrllchtful lunitiriin at
liinr lH ii KiliUy, (hiuir Id
Aflrf Ilia Iuim1imi, partus v. rtr
rn'r.l tth all lite Jallr tak
ing hm a rtf.
TJiiiw mntutn? l. II. rml.tun
wrr Mf. KrimrUt rainier, Mr
( t". J"iw, Mr (hi I'miu-rir,
Mr AI"'i, llrnt-rutn, Mr,
lurtha Hum, Mr MufriKr Mo.
Mtllan. Mr A. K. MaJ--e, Mr.
An lilf Munkrr an Mr. Al
Mr W. I Mlllrr an! Mr
Hnall Mlllrr i,t La Cratnta wrr
l-rHii;l"n caller al Inr (. i'.
FolloMlriff In II, II rrirrllnir n-cf uttlettt a ImpM A proa-ram
frrahmrriia wrra x-rvr.l i. Mr. i. ll.W uf Vlrt Nam arm to
llnt ( lull 6f ll.a Ltklna. UU ltuinrl. Mr. lUlna '1 urir. I Mr Al'nj fir rvirr! by h-f
I'iun homo mrtitly
Cinnqa ooLr Hljht
- IIOIHW t4 ( lull
tri i.rincf rtiri al ! I...n..'
f Mr ,N..r Turnrr In ll-rtr
wlih Mr C C join t In harr.
Ih t..n 1 olfi.t r Ma lite main
Lwnlnro i.f il.o af trrrv-.ri, uitri
tit foll.mlnir .-!n rli-clr.l Mia
j. !, ihairman; Mr
IIvll.I. Vir (lialflllall Mra K..ia
Turnrr, MHit-tarv, an hU Km
nrlh .SrixiiiM. trraturer. nl.il
lallon will lm lirM a! th- lioiit
'l Mr. Jonr al lhi nct rnrrt
Inif n NovrmUr. I'lari rrw
alo i1Imumm fur IxHmitr
nlfc-ht an ihla l planm-.l f..r
Saturday, Nnvrmrtrr II at the
regular mm in. There Mill be
a turkry iliiimr ami an rwn
Iritf nf rnlrrtalmnrnt fi.ilov.lnjr
Mr. A K. Ml.k. Mr, rl-r
em M'MHIan. Mr. Nwia Turn,
rr. Mr. Krnnrlft Sinoui.', M.
C. (. June. Mr. I lia Huriftrw.
Mr. Lor a Mvrr and th iiuul
Holly itilM-kah Ixlvi mri In
M, regular wi'n tfc-totwr ! the
nan Miiri VM.rani Armin
llunl In ihv clialr. Nurnlrtaiion
Boys Gel Awards
'At Lions Meet;
Judge Speaks
Irvln Mann. Jr.. for lU-prrncnlatlva Commlltcf. Boi 217.
StanfleM. Ort Larry Llndaay, Morrow County Chairman.
Ralard on Mhrat rarvh j
nrar Adama, rlucatrt at I
Adama and the L'nlvculty
of Orrjjon.
i:crpt for 3 ear' World
War II arrvlce hat llvrd
and dno huIrwM rxclui
Ivrly In Orrfion,
Rrprrnrntatlon of the Ix'ht
Intrrrata of the 2Slh Lte
Ulallve DlMrlrt.
1 .
Fl Uiy mIdi rrf llrt ilace
m inner In Hi- rmul I'ur I, 'aa
aiui hltk rrM-it Mrrr riM-ni-d
MMard at the nvrtinir of l he
lne Lion dull Murulay nlk.1.1.
'Ilo-lr ar-ni Mere .ftMr.t a
The June Lion aKted In
MaKlriir the event, m tilth Mai
MnaorH by llrner Aula
Sah-. I'Teaentatlona Mere made
by pave Harnett of ihe cj:npany,
almi a member of Ihe club.
Football )arket Merc reiK'nt
ed to l(anlall Morru. H. Mho
aeored Kfl'i; to llrR .Snider. 9,
Mlth .V4; and Jerry lettjon.
1U. Mitn VMi. riaguck Ment to
Ik-an Wright. II. Mlth 2Mi; 10
jonn Mii.ate, li. Mlili is; and
Jim .Swaaon. 13. Mlili a't-
Parents present Mere Mr. 'A
par MorrU, Mr. and Mk. Harold
Snider. Mr. and Mr. Jim I'etty.
Ihn. Mr. and Mr. AHmtI
Wrli'hl. Mr. and Mr. Krnekt Mc
( a be and M. and Mr. Car
Harnett (aid aoore are now en
tered Mlth other Mlnner around
the Mate, and aome of the boy
may have a good chance to
advance for further honors.
Judge Kdward Howell, Mho la
aeeklnjj the plllon of lutire
on Ihe Supreme Court bench.
IMMiltlon 7. at the eent-ral f'.i-s.
Hon, Ma also a uitt anu spoXe!
to tne .'jroup.
There are 50 circuit ludres In
Ihf ttfatA tit u.'firim hj la rtMA '
he said. Condition of the dockets
of the Supreme Court and circuit
courts In this state r- In He
best condition In the nation. In
California, he said, cases often
are delacd three or four rars
be ore being hcaril, but In Ore-
ton their time In court come
within six or eight months oiJ-Inarily.
The jude spjke humorously
of some of the Incident- that
happen to a campaigner. He told j
of traveling MU miles tu ro to
i Kugene from his home in John j
Day and back to make u one
minute appearance on tele
vision. District Attorney Herman
Winter introduced Judge Howell.
Judge Oscar Peterson also
spoke briefly.
I resident Ted Palmatcer con
ducted the meeting.
n. Laddie, was reatly rtl"yid
lr. ..-fita urrn aa-rr.l In IK
lUiUi'g fiMXii by Our lxjpitali!y
oiiui. litre Tie taMe Mere
cleverly tleeorated Miifi Hallow
reri drrtaTatlon,
Mr. and M' AUmm llender
on and dauichlr, iMrily, rf
wn k end vUito't al the home
of their son Mrrv In Hl luvcr
Valda and Vkky Irviu and
lU-tia Vanrillef i.f Arliiieton
kin-M Ihe Meek end at Ihe i.. I
Jorw-s home.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl faMneau
and t"n are again endiiiff Ihe
Minter at the O, W. (uufurth
raw h.
Hie Triree IJnks romir.lttee of
Holly Itetwkah Lo-U'e M,t hrm
le on Monday afternoon. (V
luler 12. for a cradle ahoMer hn
orlng Mrs Marvin Way, at Ihe
home of Mrs. I'rar k 'ji.n.
(;ames Mere da)et and i.an1y
given a prize, winning the
df prle Ma Mr. l"lorrn.v Me
Millan. A large siieet cake wai
lrautifully derorateil Mlth liny
t laoile baby bottle and rattle.
and flnUhed In pink roM-. 1)iom.
rn-M-nt for the aftern"n wer
Mrs. Merle Cornrliaon. Mr. Vern
leather. Mr. Morris MiCarl,
Mrs. Ken I'almer. Mr. Ken
Marshall. Mr Al IVtMh, Mr
Florence McMillan. Mrs. A
Harry lamblyn
Dies in Hospital
In Walla Walla
HCFfRCI CAXrTTX TJMtt. TknUy, OtUbt it. IM4
Mak'ke, Mrs. fHts rartberg, Mrs.
lu-riha Hunt. Mrs Charles
Jone. Mr. if Vo-jm, Mrs.
Charles Colley. Mrs. loyd Smith,
Mr. Karl I'aplneau. Mr. Archie
Mchol. Mr. Wayne I'apincau.
Mrs. Kuth Koblnson and Uie
bonoree, Mrs. Wav.
Mrs. Lola Breeding spent t.'ic
Meek end at her home in Lex
ington from her M-ork at Hard
man. Week end guests at her
home Merc Mrs. KrneM Gerard
and son Clarence and Miss
rtle Gerard of Hood luver.
Ultors at the Floyd Smith
home recently have been Kd
Llvlngkton of Spray and Bill
Burnett of Stanfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hays and
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Robinson of
Harry T"'blyn. Mho Moyld
have been M ears tf vn
.e,rmlrr 7 tiir, at Ihe Veier.
art's tti In Walla Walla.
w n , lumiiv, iutH-r in, after
an inneaa of about sis month
He Mas a Mr J--J. iw-r reiden fur
3d years and acrveJ as Mjrrow
ctjurity engineer f, JJ years
rlof 19 hi retirement.
Funeral service ef In lh
lleppner Morae temple Thurs
day, (kiotjer jrt, at 2 pm MUh
l-rry 4c, aniog rirr of
A. V, at A. M. No. u 4niatlm
Interment Ma In the Ib-t onrr
Masonic cemeiery. Military rite
Men by Am rl an Legion
No. HI.
Mr Tamblyn Mas born Nuvem-
ter 'A in .Nevada City.
Calif, He Ma married January ,
l' i:uth TTiorna at Va'.e :
A veteran of World War 1. he
-rved as a sergeant In the liSrh
r.ncineers Mlt tAerseas duty In
He M as a member of ihe Heo-1
ner Klka hxlge Na of the I
Vale lJge. A. P. A A, M : c-f;
Royal Anh Maons. chaotrr 2i.
y, Mieipner; or the Knight Temp-
lar, renojeion ctmmanaery To
7. He Mas a past commander of
American Legion post No. 7 of
Surviving are his widow. Mra
Ruth Tamblyn; a daughter. Mr.
Margaret Frank cf Ha vert own
I'a . and fmr grandchildren.
A son. Harry T. Tamblyn. pro-
ceded him In death, having been
killed m an auto accident a
number of years ago.
. .-V ,1
!M I
Coldendale, Wn.. have been re
cent visitors at the Marvin Way
home. Mrs. Way returned to
Coldendale with them for a few
days visit, returning on Satur
day Mlth Mr. and Mrs. Hays Mho
spent the week end.
Vote For
Walter H. Hayes
Morrow County Commissioner
(Pd. by Walter II. Hayes. P. 0. Box 65, Boardman, Ore)
Wit Bats?
He is active, able and Intelligent
He ha the moat legislative experience of any
He was NOT a member of the last legislature.
He has rv other political Interest than the 18th
Senatorial putrsct.
He bellevea In economy and efficiency In govern
ment. He Is a recognUed tax authority.
rd. M. Ad.. French For Senator Club, Bc.t Keith.
Sec., 4th and Court, The Dalle. Ore.)
To The People
Of Morrow County
For Oregon Supreme Court
The Oregon Journal and Hcppncr Gazette
Times have recommended the election of
this able, experienced and hardworking
Judge to the Supreme Court.
As Circuit Judge in Grant, Sherman,
Wheeler and Gilliam counties for many
years, Ed Howell has established a rep
utation for fairness and integrity. By
trying cases over the years on assign
ment of the Supreme Court in 26 of
Oregon's counties, Judge Howell has
earned the respect and confidence of
citizens throughout the state of Oregon.
We're some of the many citizens of
Morrow county who urge you to vote
for Edward H. Howell for the Supreme
'65 Comet completes 16,200-mile durability run
from Cape Horn to Fairbanks, Alaska, in 40 days
Shades of Oayfonsl Comet is famous for dura
bility. Last year, specially equipped Comets
ran 100,000 miles at Daytona in 40 days.
7 n
Regular production-model Comets used, just ix A yT-
like showroom Comets. Want to see the car fa HeiaJ ..
ck a 1965 Comet 7 J
ilti-Drive Merc-0- J v J f
Al Lamb
Charles O'Connor
Herman Winter
Oscar Peterson
Robert Abrams
Gene Pierce
Paul W. Jones
Emil L. Groshens
W. C. Rosewall
Earl Ayres
! arry Cook
Jim Farley
Gar Swanson
Howard Crowed
Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Gordon Pratt
Kenneth Cutsforth
Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
C. J. D. Bauman
Sadie Porrish
Jack Ployhar
Paul Brown
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Jim Barnett
Sylvia McDaniel
thatmade it from Cape Horn to Fairbanks?Visit i -JT yA
your Mercury dealer's. Check a 1965 Comet L f
Caliente, with smooth Multi-Drive Merc-0- rx. . f
Matic. The only difference: the run cars had Jtw!' , "
.... n, link hai-anca orvip stations r Nft' v, V
are frequently so far apart in South America.
Comets are ready for Immediate delivery. No waiting, if you order yours now.
ffil -AleMUAq Comet
world's durability champion
Livelier Const oroves oaco
agsls why it's th World! Dura
bility Chsmples. Usos tltow
roem medals la dsy-ond-aJgM
grind from th ttttam to tne
top of th world.
FAIRBANKS. Oct. 22 - Three
Mercury Comets today finished
a run no car has ever attempted
in so short a time the rugged
16,200-mile grind from Cape
Horn to Fairbanks.
En route, day and night, the
cars had no major repairs, just
routine maintenance. That's
ample proof that 1965 Comets
are powerful and tough, not just
lively and beautiful.
"""" mmmmmmm
When It cornea to speaking
about politics and politicians, I
must aay Vm not a good politic
Ian. I am i candidate for re elec
tlon to a position which I hold,
that of county Judge. I want to
run on my record.
Certainly my record In all as-
pecta has not been perfect, far
from It, but being exceptionally
Interested in our Morrow county
and the people here, I have been
most ambitious In many cate
corles. Naturally there have
been some conflicts, but under
the program I have tried to pur
sue I feel that they are very
Morrow county hast many un
developed resources. Among
these are water resources. I am
intensely interested In develop
lng these for the highest and
best use recreation, irrigation.
etc. We can do much In develop
ing these.
Bottom to top, 16,200 miles.
fesarfr- J
' ,-r"7
In South America, Spring was
near. Thaws flooded the roads.
Passing abandoned gold relinery
at Antofacasta, northern Chile.
- &&ffi i
f - -
Good city roads were rehet for
drivers alter rugged stretches.
(Pd. Tol. Adv. by Howell for Supreme Court Committee,
Robert Abrams, 274' N. Main St, Heppner, Ore.)
See the "Bine Crosby Show" Monday
Night, 9:30 P.M., KATU-TV. Channel 2
Also In our north Morrow
county waterfront we have a
tremendous potential. The Mid-
Columbia Planning Council is
Just now having a study made
by consultants Cornell, Howland,
Hayes and Merrifield. We expect
some fine reports here as to
highest and best use for the
area. We plan to make recom
mendations based on these. I am
chairman of the Mid-Columbia
Our road program Is an im
portant one. We need better
roads leading into the central
part of our county, particularly
from the south and east We
have quite a good program here,
and it is Just started. We are
striving for results and are get
ting them. From the north and
west we can., look forward to a
greatly improved State Highway
741 We have appeared before
the State Highway Commission
many times in connection with
this and are getting results.
Also on our county road pro
gram we have not reacnea every
area as we would have liked but
certainly have most of the roads
covered with a good crushed
rock base. We have been doing
our own oiling work which has
been In the neighborhood of 25
or 30 miles each year for the past
three years and seems to be
proving very satisfactory. It ap
pears that this will need a re-
seal about once every three
years. We hope to continue our
road program and as we highly
appreciate the special road levy
which has been with us now for
some 12 years, we urge the voters
to look favorably on passing the
levy again. We are asking for
only $100,000 now, whereas orig
inally it was $135,000.
About taxes: Much could be
aid. There is a certain amount
of moneys to be raised for coun
ty government, schools, roads,
etc., and certainly we want to
hold it to a minimum. I myself
will pay this year $3309 62. Last
year I paid $3220.84. Son Donald
is paying $323735. Last year he
paid $2674 63. Son Gerald is pay
ing $903.30. Last year he paid
$858.66. A reappraisal program
is coming along well now and
should be complete next year.
On top of that, we have a special
tax committee composed of Dick
Krebs, chairman, Norman Nel
son, vice chairman. Paul Tews,
secretary. Bernard Doherty, Paul
Hisler, Max Jones, Bob Smith,
Elmer Palmer, Larry Lindsay
and George Lucianl. They meet
We have a juvenile program.
On a percentage basis our Juv
enile program in Morrow county
is not great. Nevertheless we
have the problem. I am proud
of our Juvenile advisory councIL
On It are Mrs. E. Markham
Baker, Mrs. Larry Cook, Mrs.
Roland Bergstrom, Mrs. Paul
Slaughter, and Mrs. Joe Tatone.
Also with them is our welfare
administrator, Lowell Chally. At
present we have Kenneth Rob
inson as our juvenile counsellor,
assisted by Bill Alsup. Prev
iously Charles Knox was with us
for three years as counselor.
Much is made of my age as
becoming of retirement age be
fore the expiration of another
six year term. According to
O.R.S., Vol. V, Article T, 1A,
judges holding judicial func
tions must retire after having
reached the age of 75. Be that
as it may, there would be a full
four years of another six year
term that I can rightly serve.
And it is possible that even the
full six years would be permit
Since I am now serving as
Morrow county judge and have
the health and ability, I would
like to continue for another
term or as much of it as is per
mitted, and would ask the voters
for their kind support.
Thank you most kindly.
(Pd. Ad By Morrow County Republican Central Committee,
Don Turner, Lexington, Chairman)