utttnn CAztrrr timcs. nttmur. ortob n. im Mr. mi Mrs. a K. Adas ! fortUnd luted with Mr. and Urt ixn Turnrr and family on in iirner rarnn over ti.e week, end. Mr a, Adrn U mother of ir. Turner. Four Take Part In Spokane Meet Taklne part from thl area at the UHA krkkttxu of l tie North I'adfie Grain t;ror annual convention In the Kidpath hotrl at Spokane Thursday ami rrl- lay mtf At lartib, ttift 4 Measure 3 Would Hurt Farmers, Speaker Stales If measure 1 th State CVnt pultorv Workmen lomtenl ln hilL 1 acd at the eeneral election, farmer will mi v JIJ40 Jf Jl.M ! -i.Jl the Hale UXCT Martin Buchanan Democrat State Representative a rosmvc seasonable MAN WITH EXPERIENCE WHO KNOWS OREGON'S MEEDS. (Pd. Advertisement By Morrow County Democratic Central Committee, Al Lamb, Heppner, cnairmanj. the Morrow County Grain ilrww. I acvM n insurance. Inln Luncn rrm, Harlan Mifunty. assistant of the e)crhaeuer company manager, raui w, jone, orcki. loiii i dt-nt and Glen AyUworth. Cot don Grain l.rowcr manager. Jonc u a director of ortH ra ctfie. IToblema now faring the 2J.(VJ grower member of the local cooperatives, affiliated with M"i.G throughout the three. state rccion of Orrcon, Watdv infton and Idaho. created by the chancing pattern In train handling, marketing and trans portation, will be amonji the lrlme topic uicuscd by nat onallv Known expert in the In dustry. W. A. (Pli-kl Richard, rcotra! manacer of N PGG. will report to the convention that the aoc iation In l't has handled Its arrest grain volume of any rcvious comparative period in 33-year hutory. lh ll.'i'i'"-r Morrow County Chamber of Commerce Monday. Friendship Renewed IJev. and Mrs. Earl Sow ard en Joyed a pleasant surprUe visit Sunday with friends that they had not seen for 45 years. Com in? from Walla Walla to vUit church service at the Lexington Christian church were Mr. and Mrs. Rov Corlew. accompanied by Mrs. E. A. Robinson and Mrs. T. w. Hycr. Kev. Soward was a classmate of Mrs. Corlew when attending Haines High school. and the couples had not seen each other since 1919. The vlsl tors were overnight guests of the Seward s. ELECT PAUL r Democrat MORROW COUNTY JUDGE 'J. j Qualified For A Full Term of Strong, Effective Leadership. Paul Jones Pledges to Morrow County People That He Will: Provide firm, vigorous leadership at the court level. Be careful with tax dollars. Promote and advocate long range road programs. Give close personal study to youth and their problems. 'MAXIMUM USE OF TAX DOLLAR" OUR (Pd. Ad. by Paul Jones For Judge Committee, Al Bunch, Heppner, chairman) mere iniM te some escc Hons among farmer, but the bill "would catch any (arm of anv ire.' the speaker said. Appearing on behalf of the Committee for Fair Workmen ComenatUm. Luiten pointed our mat emiuover wiui nave hen carnlni! private Insurance or who he Uvn self insured would hae to take the Mate insurance under the bills pro nuon. When they start under the tate plan, if the bill rac, thev will have to pav the bc premium rate for at lea! two years. rcgardlcs of the occu pation. In terms of the logging per atlons of the Weyerhaeuser com pany. the firm would have to pay the base rate of SUA) per suu payroll for Its eastern Ore gon operations for two years a compared with the present $1 lid per 91U) that It now has under its own Insurance plan. For on eratlons in western Oregon, the company would have to pav $16iiO a compared with Its present S3.!). Similar figures would foe true for other com panics which have Insured prlv ately or carried their own in sura nee. he said. Any employer insuring for the tim time with the state would have to pav the base premium rate, regardless of Its Insurance history. Luiten said that the state wants new Industry. "I don't think this will attract Industry." ne a eel area. The bill creates a complete state monopoly and Includes every employer with one or more j employees. It Increases benefits 18. and Luiten said he felt that such an increase Is needed. However, he said that a bill in the last legislature which had been worked out by labor and employers, as well as an ad visory committee, would have Increased the benefits. The bill failed because a min ority group of labor opposed it At th lact mlnuttf flffA. It H4 rmccjiH ttiA unat. T niton i.M ! Thus, the increase was In a bill that "labor defeated itself." The legislative bill would have put state supervision over all employers, but thev would have had a choice on buvine Insurance, whether through the state, a private company or through self -insurance. The state would have set up specific Deneius ior an, and employees not satisfied with settlements would have recourse of suing the state, rather than the em ployer. As now operative, employers may choose to reject the state act and insure privately or self insure. Domestic labor would be in cluded in certain instances and stiff penalties would be Imposed for violations, he said. Luiten said that he feels that the measure would accomplish some benefits, but called it an "extreme measure." It includes 60,000 words, but the ballot title is only 23 words, hardly enough for the voter to comprehend its provisions, he pointed out It would repeal 21 current laws and amend 16 others. Averaee time of Davment to the workman undoubtedly would p up unucr uie state monopoly, he said. In Weyerhaeuser's Washington operations, which are under compulsory state ln- houioiite liicic, averse ume 01 j payment to injured workmen Is At uays. in uregon, unaer ineir I own plan, payment never takes I longer than 15 days, he said. Cooking Club Meets The Eager Cookerettes 4-II club- met at the Lexington City nan on ucroDer i. Three new members joined, who are Nancy and Debbie Campbell and Kelly Kilkenny. We elected the follow ing officers: Diana Cutsforth, president; Nancy Campbel, sec retary; Judy Barclay, reporter; Tana Rauch. Debbie CamDbell and Kelly Kilkenny, soni? lead ers. We will meet at Diana Cuts. forth's on November 14. Judy Barclay, reporter I0NE NEWS rkn' fret the mole The t.rrat CilUH and tiullivan." tnvre4 tv the Tvple t lub aturday night, ftotrmtx-r 7, at I p m. A family gathrrln a luld at the home of Mr. and XI ' I- A. IM ab and lamllv on un- day. (;ukt treMril wrte hrt tatenta, Xtr. and Mr. Arthur erne, Xlr, and XU- ISrytr Krene and ona. Mr. and Mr limn lvitohn and lantiiv. Mr. and Xlm Altm Mi"te and family of Culfa. Kutt, Ken. and uuatftrt M. Mnrn-v. Mr. an.i Mrs. W. T. lw. of Cauade. K I an. I I - . .. . U t .... k. ...... .. on. liiiii ftlim. ha jut revir.l hi 1i rharce from th irmv at Foil Meade. Man land. l-ralm; nday after a Mt the home of Mr. ami Mr Stewardship Dinners Are Well Attended IO.NK lr. A J Huttrry of PrtUn.l. ronffrem-w owillrri drnl of Ihe I'tiitrd t tiurvrt f ihrut In Omrun, ruct leaker at the ir rlhli din - n r arrvtsl at the t'iut-d i huit h i f t luut In luite on Nuti.Uy and Monday rvrhintf IKrr ;tal ll le atti-ndisl the dinnfr. Mhlth Ihe flutter and di-aivn riMi hted. I Itttbrri JrixM-n n mtir f eerrmonlea and he Intnnluivl I Lt. Jim Hoyes Goes Overseas as Pilot. It Us Jamr II ll-. n Xlr an! Xlia Jim lUe of tir-i itir. I. ft with the .Nrii!h )lr't Irlday fr oi-a duty Mith Ihe navy. iepitln fnn lmirU walL l alif. Mhrre h and rtii wife nat lrert livinjf It llatra Mill M tf'-ne for about ru-ht rtutiih n Ihta lur f duty ami I n-ivln aa a K ht'liiX'i'irr Hlot. Hie Hrrt Mill git Ki Autlialia, amxdln la lit milhrf hrrr. lie and hit Mife are parrnll Break The One-Party Monopoly in Salem Vote for ROBERT W. STRAUB j f x --v j . . .' for State Treasurer Your Money's Safe with Straub! 108 (X) Robert W. (Bob) Straub, Democrat (Pd. Adv. By Morrow County Democratic Central Committee, Al Lamb, Heppner, Chairman) at ohn Jrown. were hr coutn. Mr. and Xira. Jinut from, and .Mr. and Mrs. John WlNon. all ff Bnd. They en)oed bird hunting wniie thry wrre here. oeta tnotira Siiroritv hrld a Hard Tlmr damv in the old a! .KT"rv"' . r''-'Mr' and Urrv Kletmann. showing ,1 wt'iut i mMi i, .... - . . .. . ., ... . ln the Va,1 rhunri ear. iu;n- low i;irl auiiotiHl at baby kit ten and colored t Mxmi wt-re i khoMn the Mtiall rhlldren by l.lndkav Klncaid and Larry Kletmann. fre N'elkon. Jr.. who prrents the finarulal iltion of the rhurth. and ltdrrt Rirtmann, who preiwnt. d the aorepled bud- grl for the coming rhurvh ear. I'ledge card were gUrn out and It l fiiucfiN they le turn ed In at rhurxh on Sunday, No- vemler I, which l Mewrdhli Sunday, r mailed to Krniu'th binHie. An lnteretlng hti'hlU'ht of the j meeting were rwlorrd slide khown by John JriMn and rntr- rated by .Mr UndMy Klmuld iiirmlMr l!. weighing 7 Hi and 9 it Xlatrrnal grand- 1arenta are Mr and Mr Wi-t Uker of Xlllwaukle and the pa tcrnal grandparent are Xtr. and Mr. Ilatr tf Ib ppner. Wife and -m rv rrmalniinr al lmierlal )U-ah while 14 llra I uvr kt-a. lie ha In-en In K-rMe for four rant Mustang Jayvees Lose lo John Day Ilii'i'Orr llltfh'a Iimm f.-j. ball iram rain out on the abort kl.le of i Id II aor againat h.t J.Jin lay Tut-k.liv. tkiotKr it. lid ended the -aii with a I 3 l-ord. Hie H.-i-i.tM-r rlrvrn hrld th John hay lv In m allot 1 u lead In the lirtt half, llenpnrr K-ori ! firt tourh. down whrn lik NValUt lnt.i crpied a John lay ari and re tut nr. It rr tarda, lite oihrr re norr ranw on an Kl yard un by OlhinnrlL, (ttr (all ad.d'd iMtlh Ihe John pay tdfeiue rovel mi ntuifi ir the iirppnrr tram Ui winner acurnl thttti nwir ouhilown In Ihe second ialf. RE-ELECT out the llallowtvn motif. The larire crowd enlovisl lUruine to record and the refreshment nerved at mldnlcht W Ihe ho tcjc, Mr, um ;uimann. Mr. Kol-rt IVtcraon Mnt Ifov A t.lndktrom. Mr. Cil l.ulan. Kulenna Corlev. and Mr Morurt Kletmann. O.KS. Social Club U having a traveling ioo mornlnj; al 10 a m, aale Friday ELECT Maxwell C. Jones Democrat Morrow County COMMISSIONER He Will Work For: t i i i . . i j Z. A rroTreaaiee Leodenhlp 3. A L009 Rang Road Fro 9TQXU 4. A United Effort Between All Agtnct and Com. mllon to Make A Great County Greater (Pd. Ad By Morrow County Central Committee, Al Lamb. Heppner, Chairman) - A - L r w : ) s : BEN MUSA DK.MOCKATIC NOMINEE STATE SENATOR 18th Senatorial District rATHER Or THE OREGON STATE TAX COURT PRESIDENT Or THE SENATE 1963.1964 1. Restore to local government local control now In the hand of Inaccenlble state bureau. 2. Simplification of tafe Income tax return. 3. Maintain upending with limitation of present revenue. (Pd. by Mu.a for State Senator Committee, John Lewis. Chairman, The Dalle. Oregon) Break The One-Party Monopoly In Salem VOTE FOR encator Alfred H. Corbeilf FOR SECRETARY OF STATE 7 v Alfred H. Corbett Cannot Be Matched In Government Experience. For 12 Years Has Been A Leader in Elec tive Office. Alfred H. Corbett Cannot Be and Legal Experience. Matched in Business Alfred H. Corbett Cannot Be Matched In Proven Economy in Government-A Working Fiscal Officer Not A Talker! e Mas The IJecessanf Fnrian . - - jf Mmjjtjriirii Vote For Common Sense - - Direction - - Stability Vf for Alfred H. Cirfeeiff, Democrat (Pd. By Morrow County Democratic Central Com., Al Lamb. Heppner. Chairman) "V