Of MORftOW COUNTY CWCOQN :U,':':!: i ;:.7 ;!! ':k 7 Hyaffi y; Hili !i UJi'JI,' ''V'Mf VVfiW V;: .jrw JrjcVXT rfT i . i t . . a A t" ,V- " , V ' v? v r- t ' ; P1t1 : jfc : : :l : - f, . 4 jii! ; rT7 n.-T7!7 1 . .J r4- i ., ,.'. 'mhJ ! i t y ! ... Choti With Your Homo Agent 4-H Leaders Counci Picks Officers for Year THIS MA? shows the nine areas el Morrow county from which community comronnii win do cnoaen. ASCS Commiltee Elections Slaled In Morrow County The Agricultural Stabilisation and c oniM-rvatlon community committeemen cle-tiin will fx hrl: soon. Dave Mil.cod of tin AS office announce. The present county ami com munity Committee select a slate of nominee from the Idle producer In their communities, who are willing to serve an com mitteemen for the I'MA program year Kach rlU'lhle ASt'S voter ham tho itI vllfte of norninatinK om or tnnre camllilnti' for the office. ThU may be d'ne by a tieiltlon lcnel by ix or more eligible voter. The tlutlea of the eli-ctel com munity cummittecmen are to maIkI Uie ctHinty cornmitce in adniinlnterlntt the Varlotia Fed eral Farm rrojram within the county, "it la a duty nn well a an obligation, that all producrs partlilimie In the election of the men to rcprcMi-nt them on the county committee for the coming year." McLeod aald. Tlie county committee la re apt.aslble to administer the Fed eral Farm program In the bct Interest of the farmers and the public. The map of the county Known above Ik divided Into nine com munitlcM. Producer living within each community select commit teea made up of five men, three regular and two alternate mem berk, to represent them during the following calendar year. Each eligible voter will receive mailed ballots aomctlme be tween now and November .1, 19G4, witli Instructions on voting. Further details are available nt the ASCS office located In the Gilliam k Bbibec Building, Hep pner. Sew With Wool Contest Saturday Judges have been recently an Mourned for the annual "Make It Vourwlf With Wool" fcewlng content, according t Mrs. Hotn-rt jllonklns. distrht illrertor. These are Mrs. Howard lUi-der of Pen dlHon. Mrs. Kwlng Hynd of Iklah. and Mrs. lioland lierg strom of lone. The Content will be Maged Saturday, October 31. at the Tapadera Motel In IVndleton. Mrs. Ci-orge Alklo will be the commentator fur the Style He vue to te held at H p.m. In the bancjuet room of the Tapadera. District Minsors Ini lude the Woolgrowcr's Auvlllary. Ameri can Wool Council. Coats and Clark. Inc.. John Irltz and Sons. Inc., and Stacy Fabrics Corp. Also Joining the onsor Is the Hon Marche store In Pendleton, which will present a pair of elec tric scissors in each division. r donna cconcc The fuuth Morrow 4 II ad-r Council n t In tti rstensi'in ron- lrfrn r"fn Thurwlay rvrnln. tmoiH-r i OlficTrs rlei1e for th coming ear aro In flraves, prrlil.ril; wtitrrx lktroin, vie irelilrrit: Mrs. ttrhlmt Wltherrlte, aeere tary, and Mrs Nrls Anderson, lreauief. The Fj.thcr Klrml YM Mem orial was fllMUssed. Four-II (lutn making donations to the l I'pni r library In memory of Mlv Klrmls are a-kiv .i lake the funds to the library to be um-! fur punhatte of rned-d tk. Hie li-adits council will keep a ni-ord of donations. (To facilitate cataloging, books thus ur based will not be In clal shell, however I l i panicipallon In Rational i II Club Week was rrjiortcd ujwin. I'lans for Morrow cunty to at t nd the District 4 II Leaders Mining In Moro October h were dlM'USkfd. County Commlttoo MUt PUm January Projects Mrs. Joe Wright of Heppner was hostess Ck toltcr 21 to the Morrow County Home Katension Advisory Committee. tTtiis group cooperates In the development ano sujx-rvKlon of the county home economics extension fr gram. It Is comjosed of one rep rewntatlve from each of the six home extension units ) January homo c-stenUon lesson. ",ew wrinkjea in ironing, tas tt lieduled January 4 In the Jlrp pner area and January In the iardrrnn lrrlg'n arra, A s-hed uU was devrlope! for one unit to send girls to the Mate II ji tal at Pendleton eat h rn4ith. I arli unit will alMj rernt awards to outstanding 4 II home rrttfMjmlea members at the 4 II act levrrnent parties. The committee brgan develi Ing Its goals and a calendar for the year a work. SAVE THAT TAO-Ub! it Than rua It away On wash day, d-i you play a "guesa the fabrli;" game be cause you've lost the tag that came lth the garment, the fne that tells what material it's made of and how to care for It? Clothing apedaHM at the U. S I part merit of Agriculture have several suggestions to end such confusion and avoid costly laun dering errors. Whenever you buy a new gar ment, they augg'-M you Immed iately remove the tag and lalx-l It Mother's green shift. Bar bara's blue blouse, etc. Then be sure to save the tag. If you have a bulletin board nefcr the washing machine, hang It there. Or. you might use a card file for garment tags. Put In dividers with the name of each member f the family. Slip the tag from Barbara's blue blouse behind the card with her Project leader's training for the name. And you'll have no losses by Weeds Heavy in State; Controls Needed Weeds slash mufo than ft n.liiion a tin acrk-ultMfe (otitributl'in to the etunomy ut Oregon, ancs-ding t estimstes madf at the Oregon State Uni versity Agricultural Iliprrlment Station. Weeds reduce rash fe. turns to farmers by at least 13 erer.t. In an effort to rut down thce PaiAer through Information about current we-d rontroj develop ments, an Oregon Weed Confer ence Is held In a diferrrnt area of the state eaHi year. Ttila year's conference. snred by (rrgon State University, the ag ricultural chemical Industry and rrowers, will be at the Marlon llot In Salem November 5. ac cording to Ite Wareeri. OSU ex tension crop specialist and eon. U renc seTetary. The llsil Oregon Weed Confer- KttTHtn CAgmX TlMCS. Thursday. Ortobet M, lt4 trouble finding it qukkly on wasn day. I' you know the fabric of a garment and how to wash it, you'li get better wear and satis faction from It. Achievement Party Planned .several weeks ago a letter was sent to all 4 11 leaders and par ent concerning the South Mor row 4 II Achievement Party to be held In Heppner on November 6- You no doubt found your name either on a committee or asked to bring something. This Is to re mind you that If you are unable to help out. please contact Mrs. Louis Carlson. lone, or Mrs. NeU Anderson, Heppner, as soon as possible. Measure No. 4 would destroy the jol of thousands of Oregon fihhermen and cannery workers by wiping out Ore-Ron's- 100-year-old salmon "Hustrv. 'ITicko group urge a "NO" vote on 4 : Democratic Party of Oregon, Republi can Party of Oregon, Oregon AFL-CIO, Oregon Brotherhood of Teamsters, As sociated Oregon Industries, Oregon Coast Association, Oregon Building Trades Council, Oregon .State Grange, Commercial Trollers Union, Otter Trawl Comm., Columbia River Fisher man's Protective Union. UNFAIR FISH ti. A4.MM fW All, Im., T4 Inmwnt, ISO k-vlt. A It, OnfM, Wm. WtiSl, frarr. mm Club Names Officers The first meeting of tho Lively Five 4-II sewing club wns held at Jill Padberg's home. We elec ted tho following officers: Nancy Doherty, president: Glenda Van Winkle, vice president: Christine Hunkers, secretary; Jill Padberg, news reporter; and Jeannine Hunt, activity chairman. We discussed what wo are nolni? to make durinz this year, Refreshments were served and the meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be at t.iencia Van Winkle's home on govern ber 7. Jill Padberg, reporter Need extra cash 7 Sell unused Items around your Dlaco with a Gazette-Times classified ad. We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat JCk I I Of Charge sTMi I IIeppnt' siSgt---lJ Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE! Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Hermlston. Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermiston-McNary Highway A 0 ) 7( iy comes in two kinds of pickups Trim Fleetside Pickup (shown above) ... or handy Stepside Pickup with running boards be tween cab and rear fenders. There are 6- or 8-ft. bodies, plus an extra-long 9-ft. Stepside body. Floor of heavy wood planking with full-length steel skid strips. Tailgate held snugly by anti-rattle latches. You get smooth independent front suspension and self-adjusting brakes. Check out a Chevy pickup for your kind of job. Telephone your Chevrolet dealer about any type of truck Heteui CSiwIet Company :-36- 3764 . i HEPPNER. OREGON Crop Insurance Deadline at Hand Any wheat producer without Fedrral Of Insurance mu.t l-t-y I'T this all n-K pTOfrtiion tnlno Mi,t-r 3t. -diri' to word from the local office of the LMM a Insurance i-raru-ti. tio applications fur I'Jifi wheat or fall n-eurd barley will tie ac cepted after that date, say Dave MtLeod, representative for the enrc lll bring to growers, chem ical Industry reiresentative and others nterrrd In afrl. ultursl use. the latest control materials and methods from In dustry and OtiU research. This year's two-day conference will feature diwusslona of the safe, effective use of herbicides and their roles In production of food and fiber for our inTcalng pop ulation. tonferenie topics will rane frorr. current herbicide reM-anh to wecJ control In various Wil lamette Valley crops to herbi cides for forest ue. Several In dustry panel discussions will be held, and 411 members will dem onstrate safe use of herbicides. Federal Cri Insurance Corpora tion In Heppner. More than luiui) acres of new Insurant protection have al ready been sineil up, an In crease of more than four times the quota establuheU by the corporation for the dutrlet. wtikh liuludr. Gilliam, Jeffer son, IUittow, Khwnuin, ttmatllla and Wasco In Cregen and Ben ton. Klickitat and Walla Walla Counties n Washington. No canvassing of the area ta being done this fall, and appli cants must rail at the local ASCS office. Wi'n your local supplier fcr 1YIM200 KtodS) the NEW 'amioiouc lor beef cattle HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG W w m- Don't Pay Cash For A New Tractor Let Highland Machinery Com pany Save You 6 Interest on Your Tractor Investment. See US Today. USED MACHINERY BUYS: Combines 21 95V? Model 95H combines 18" headers. 18x26 tires, excellent condition Ea. 8950.00 11959 Model 95H combine 18 header, 18x26 tires, Wexler canopy $ 9250.00 11959 Model 95H combine 18' header, 18x26 tires, stnd. reel, excellent condition $ 9500.00 21960 Model 95H combines IS' headers, 18x26 tires , Ea. $10,500.00 11957 Model 55H combine, 14' Allum reel, 18x26 tires, engine good $ 5500.00 1 1959 Model 151 IHC Hillside combine, 16 header. Allum reel, 24 ply big bomber tires $ 4850.00 Drills 3 LZA 10x14 14" drills wsolid press wheel, steel caster wheels, 6" shovels and 4" runner shovel Ea. $ 725.00 Weeders 4 JD No. 400 series 12 ft. end drive rod weeders Ea. $ 150.00 Plows 2 JD 66A 4 Btm. Plows wHS Bottoms, Steel Wheels, Complete whitch Unit $ 1100.00 MANY MORE BARGAINS IN USED MACHINERY Highland Machinery Company JOHN DIlRl i " i :. CONDON, ORE. Ph. 384-6452 1