Kttrntn cAirrrt rrwti. rmnUy. Octii im TU th advert Uef mi h It In the Cairtte TUnc. Ne4 aciatrit pdi! Crt (Ktn I tha Gawtta Time. 1 I'U Al'V fcjr thka fur il'P , Ct, A, IVIer. H- IW tfj V lt IVJM.m. Or HC KNOWS TMC NCCDS Or CAJTXIN OlECOX tlJCCT Martin Duchanon Stale Itcprcjicntative Xtth DUtrtct I'matiHa County Farmer. rroierty Owner. Bulne. man. Former Oregon Liquor Con trol Cummiio Member Martin Buchanan tand fr an equitable lav pro. cram, devel opment of water resource anj indui. trial Ktvwth. Monument News American l$Un Auxiliary held its regular meetm lat Thursday rvenlnu In their hall I Una rt ttiMrusi on the Cay 1J cUnce. alwavt held In Janu ary They also ill put on co.. ed food ale Flida), iMutirr .'4 at the n.rr Mi. Lev, and Mr. Jatk Chan ami three childrrn IVndletort rte here Fit day rvrntna fur the liar. vet Sale and uppr. rrtutntnn home Saturday. Campaign at Peak As Election Date Twelve Days Away (Continue! from paga 1) the rrt of lha lalkL Jutl h-rtirth J, OXTonnrSl run un opoed for (HikitUin two on the tate Supreme CVurt. and Justice Uordon Mivn I unopied for loikition three. Fur portion even, however. Judce Kalph ll.dman i.f Orccon Cltv anil Jude Fdtvard II. HoMetl of John Pav. the two hU-h vote welter in trie primary flection, opioe each other, For utle of the Kace In the iicppncr ui.tiirt. uin which all voter In the- county rai hal'ot e.vpt thoe in ll.iar.tman ami Irtlfc'.nt, William J, Ulm IVlru and hail Svar.i. twn ton ran iiui.HcH m the primary r tectum. are in compcilun. In the Irrlion area there will be a special wparate ballot on mo qta-Mion of formmc an Irrl Con Mmmunliv iufk an.l r.v Kiuriai.M i real ion tlutrlct. Three director Elect 7 Willi i am DEVINE L 1 i - PEACE Large Gathering Pays Respects To J. Troedson M.nwlal aenKr were hel.l Saturdav afternnn, CtorHr 17, at the lone L'niteU l"liur-rt uf Cnrwt f.r Johan Tn-.!Mn. Ni, an rarly Mrr'w County hamerail rr hii vm mm ay iVtotn-r 11, after a hort lllne. I llev. Kenneth KcKlnn of Val- I hv Lutheran hunfl j .Mr. Paul Tew mi orcaniM. tare to be selected If the tneure with the albv Lutheran choir l apiroel. On the ballot are unking me aninema. raiirearera ;rie candidate: Orvtll Bmhan wre raul Tew. Kenneth Smotie, IJotH'rt Irak. Herbert ! Ilyrul. Albert Lindtrom. and I (harlea lVherty. Interment w w In lllj:hvlew cemeter)'. Iine. i.elattves from out of town present for the nemees were .Mr, irocuMtna nn in i.iw ami piMion m the nosltlon or miv. laughter. Mr. and Mra. H.ward or. treasurer and recorder, while I Notiacc of IVrtland and a cou-dn. lone will have races for council Mrs John Mulr and Mr. Mulr of nicrt ism Jose. Calif. an. Wllma fclgin. Billy tirlflln. James Keith, and Cov M. Itecd. Additional Interest In the No. vemtn-r 3 election comes from citv race. Hth lone and llepp ner have contesl f.r s)inc ss Itions. Ileppncr will have corn- MONUMENT If MAITHA MATTtSOrl MOM'MKMT Bobby J a Wheeler and !an Clever rnt the week end Ultlntf In Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Mead tlllman urovi to Seneca la aitend a rutodian'a meetinu on Saturday Mr ami Mra. Iuana i;ralev of rtlnrvllle nn-nt un.Uv In Munument tWitlne at the home or her mother. Mr. Ifeeta lllnton Mr ami Mrs Charles Vandetta an' lamny nr jotm lay weie a moo ir thiM Hndlnd the week end here and doln .xne hunl Mr. ami Mrs. II. .Lett Cett-wn p nt a few dava tn Salem and I'oHlan.t on tuiine. (iuckts at the hotne of Mr. and Mis Frank llowvll Met Mis llowtll a sl.tre, Mia. Cartla llaal Ing of lleppner her niece. Gladys Cotfuall i.f INxlland; Mr. and Mrs. Kotfcr Kwel ! Portland ami K'eniteth svli and two aru of ll Hlver. Th Harvest Aal on fiUay nenlnf at lha Uch-n Crarf hall was Vrry well attende.t tiuesta at lha I. U nmh over th ek eml ers Mr and Mis- iH Mower Hlland JUSTICE OF THE (6th District) IF ELECTED- I Will Maintain Regular Court Hours Daily And Be Available At All Times If Needed. ' Equality and Common Sense" (Pd. Adv. by William J. Devine. Hepprwr, Ore.) Other friends present for the funeral Included Mrs. Anne C. Smouse of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Martin of Mora. Mr. and Mis. Dorr Mason and MUs Cecelia Mealy of Tortland. Mr. and Mrs. Krlinji Thorn pwn if Mc.MinnvUle. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDonald and family. Mrs. Nora MeCartin. and MUs Margaret McDaid of The Dalles. M. and Ms. PJ.Cuanhhhhhhhh Mr. and Mrs- P. J. Curran f Pasco. Mrs. Sam Pomerantz. Mr. Harold Martin. Toter Farley. Mr. ana Mrs. Delmer CTawrord. Mrs. A. F. Rohrman of Hermiston, Phil IHIffclns. Jack Hynd Sr.. Charles Hynd. Mrs. C U Lieuallen. Jonn KUkenny, Mrs. Susan McDevitt, Mr. and Mrs. 1-co Goreer, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Doherty. Mr. and Mrs Barney Doherty, Mrs Michael Fitzpatrick. Mrs. Richard Lundell. Pat and John Doherty, Mrs. Rose Doherty. and Mrs. Marjorie Doherty, all of Pendle ton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McEntire, and Jack McEntire of Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Smith and Mr and Mrs. J. K. Doherty, of Pilot Rock, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monahan of Condon, plus many other inenas irom Morrow i and Umatilla counties. Health Care & Elderly? Yes W 1 '. V Let's look at the facts about the proposed Medicare Tax... and a medical care program for the aged that already exists ! What's the hurry here? The supporters of thd proposed Medicare Tax would have you believe that passage of this controversial bill is urgent. . . that persons over 65 are deprived of needed med ical care because they can't pay for it Nothing could be further from the truth. The Kerr-Mills Law, passed by Congress in 1960 and other state and local programs-enable indi vidual states to guarantee to every elderly person who needs help the health care he or she requires. We call this health program.,. Health Opportunity Program for the Elderly. Thou sands of people every day are being helped by its generous benefits. And, unlike Medicare, which would substantially increase your Social Security Tax payroll deductions, this Health Program is already being paid for by a part of your present tax dollar! Medicare Tax? No. Health Care for the Elder ly? Yes! For more information on this program, ask your doctor or call the number listed below. HEALTH OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY 228-4175 OREGON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Youngsters Enjoy Birthday Celebration Flshtccn Vuni:ter upent an cnovaltli afternoon Iai week hclpinrf lild AlUlclt cflctirate In fifth t'trthdav at a imMv Klven hy hl mother. Mr. Clyde AINtott. t;imra and the exclllnir ctft openlnp preceded the Kcrvtng nf refreshment that roti.Mcl f Ice cream and plc cake hacd and decorated p rcwmMe an over-rdred Klncerman cookie. On hand for the idemtant af ternoon were Duane. John and Mike JinavKin. Tana and Iton- nle Il4rry, Lort ami Dvrk Imn lap. Harluira and Cvil Marie AINtott. Dale Munkcr, Clay. Suie. Jov anil Danny Benton. lHnl.e Rill. Connie. LUa and Allen Burkcnblne. 4 mm Elect GILES FRENCH Kcpulliran STATE SENATOR HC KNOWS MOST AIOUT THE MID COLUMBIA AXA He I active, able and Intelligent. He haa the not legUlatlve rpilrHe of any candidate. a He HOT a mcmer of the laM leiiUlature. He ha n, other tditlcal lntriet than the IKth N-natorlal Putrid a He U llevr In economy and rff l lency In govern ment. He I a rccocnUcd tax authority. VOTE BALLOT NUMBER III tPd. Pol. Ad.. French For Senator Club, Bert Keith. Sec. 4th and Court, The Pa Ilea, Ore. I (2LTCmHl7tf ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY - Use Your Charge Card and SAVE! 1000 Items .04 before and now reduced to ffQ Battotu J JTtuad Cotnba Spongaa Sboa String PIECE GOODS BUYS Sleepwear Flannel 3 yds; 1.00 f Printed Corduroy 88cyd. j Plain Corduroy i , . 68c yd. Broadcloth Percales 3 yds! 1.00 BUYS FOR LADIES 1 Bra, Size 32B 20! 1 Maternity Smock, sleeveless 88 30 Cotton Flannel Pajamas 1.991 15 Wool Jumpers 6.99 8 Wool Skirts, reduced straight and pleated 4.88 i 20 Wool Bulky Sweaters 7.88 4 Slipover Bulky Sweaters, reduced from much higher 9.88 DRESS BONANZA 123 Only NOTION SPECIAL It's not too early, to lay away for Christmas. 77 GIRLS' DRESSES Entire Stock reduced to 388 Marked down, repriced, reduced, regroup ed, slashed, bargain, big value, special, spectacular, scoop! It all means you SAVE at our markdown rack. BUYS FOR GIRLS 38 Pr. Denim cut-offs 1.88 80 Pr. Stretch Denim Pants 2.22 40 Flannel Pajamas 1.99 8 Coordinate Sets 7-14 3.00 SPECIAL BUY ELECTRIC BLANKETS 2 yr. guarantee Single Bed Single Control 8.48 Double lied Single Control 8.88 Double Red Dual Control 11.88 BUYS FOR BOYS . HOUSE DRESSES 2.44 10 only 2.88 Early Bird .1.88 Special ? .88 GIRLS' SWEATERS Bulky and Novelty Styles, 37 only 350 BOYS' SWEATERS Entire Stock reduced 399 BUYS FOR MEN 26 Narrow Belts, per inch 01 7 Broadcloth Pajamas 2.50 38 Khaki Heavy Duty Pants 1.99 1 Cardigan Utility Sweater 1.88 41 High Style Dress Shirts 2.44 27 Deluxe Reversible Visible Quilt Ski Parkas 13.88 18 Quilted Nylon Jackets 6.95 SHOE BARGAINS 126 Pr. Boys' and Girl's Shoes, reduced to 3.88 BOYS' SHIRTS 20 only Door Buster! 100 16 Pr. Men's Suede Casual Oxfords ....6.88 MEN'S SHIRTS 83 only Short and Long Sleeve 144 23 Pr. Assorted Styles 88