Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 22, 1964, Page 6, Image 6

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    rovti OAstm-Totti
Mn. Neill Mokes
Progress from Foil
Mra, ly Neill. wha mttrti
fractured hip iMt Monday. re
uSUflf from fall In hf home.
It rrcovfrm very aatufartortly
la St. Anthony hospital In IVn
rtlHon, folUmln aureecy per
farmed on her hip on KriJsy.
Mr. NetUa dauchte. Mr
Ralph Scott, ho hat own stay,
in in pendleion uh her son
inlaw and daughter. Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Davta, returned la
Heppner on Monday and reput
ed thai her mother tll pmsifely
he transferred back la Itwwr
Memorial hospital later In the
VUltln Mr. Nelll In IVndle.
ton were Mr. and Mr. Alvin
Wade of Cheyenne. Wvo, and
Mr. and Mrs, Emer Crawford
of Claiaston. Wn who had all
been houserursU of the Nettls
for aeveral das prior lo Mr.
Nelll accident, i
Alio visum here on lhal
week-end was Ouv Met of j
Athena, a aon ol Mra. NeitL
ISth Senatorial District
1. Restore to local government local controls now
In the hands of lnacccsible state bureaus.
2. Simplification of state Income tax returns.
3. Maintain spending with limitations of present
Pft. hv Mua for State Senator Committee.
John Lewis. Chairman.
Qualified For A Full Term
If- - " ' " - - ' - - - y II
H llitmnrrnf 7 1 - III
IVblllWIilUI . ' H
, f n
MORROW j V 4 !fi
rru imtv I . - .v 1
JUDGE ' ' A j II
Paul Jones Pledges to Morrow
County People That He Will:
Provide firm, vigorous leadership at the
court level.
Be careful with tax dollars.
Promote and advocate long range road
Give close personal study to youth and
their problems.
(Pd. Ad. by Paul Jones For Judge Committee, Al Bunch,
Heppner, chairman)
11 14
Doby Glr) Arrives
Capt and Mr, Jay Wfceelhouse
(Jank Martini announce the ar
rival of oaby trL born Septem
bet X at Gilbert. AU, near
Willi ims Air Force u wtrre
Capl Wheelhou It stationed.
Kaien Mart, ho weighed 5 lo
ll M, at birth. U their second
child Sne Ms a brother, Crec.
two years old. Maternal fr-
K rents am Mr. and Mra. Randall
irttn of Heppner and paternal
rran.tiir-nta ana Mr. and Mr
Clarence Wheclhouse. Ole. The
Martins plan to r uth to ae
their new rranddaufhte when
they ftnuh selllnf their calvva.
Dt. end Mra. C H. Wofn
motored to rucen Ult week
whet thev attended the annual
meetine of the Oregon Mate
Medical AsocUUn meetings on
Tiiun.ii and ITIday. While
there, they also VUlted their son.
bill a atudent at Ihe University
of Ore eon.
The Dalles, Oregon)
of Strong, Effective
Mustangs Battle
To 12-0 Victory
Over Pilot Rock
Grtdmen of Heppner lth
C round out a lHich 1 J 0 Utury
urr the Pilot lU-k hlch team
on the FnrkrtV firld Itiday
nlfiht In a defensive battle be
tween the two Greater Oregon
floih teama were stubborn on
defense, and each found the
ruin tough on often. While
the Mustangs were able to roll
up quite a rushin advantage.
Ihey had a harU time puttina
th ball acrwu the rnemy foal
At haUtlme lh n-orr board
hiiui.l a hlinV fur rai'h team.
0 0. and li h Tim PrUcull who
came throuch with a touchdown
in each of the rat intermission
vriotu la net mumpn lor in
lftttiwr lim
In each cae he acored fiom
about five ard out.
In the cour of the evening.
Prtwvll rolled up 102 yarda. be
Inc bv far the leading ground
gainer of the night. He averaged
5 6 ard per carry. Ileppner'a
total ruhing was 1TH yards,
wtth 32 more being added from
pavtrt. One Heliker connected
on three.
Heppner statisticians showed,
that the Rockets made only a
net gain of nine yards for the
night, together with 21 from
pacing for a total of 33. Rocket
statisticians show their total at
ft) net yards.
Coach Jim Putter said that his
tm i ho ht'st on defense
that It has been all year. The
Rockets never threatened to
dent the Heppner end lone, and
it wu a rrindlnir came with
no long runs nor passes.
Heppner had one loucnnown
called back on a clipping pen
alty. Jav Ball showed the top de
fensive effort with nine tackles
and Greg Pierce was cond with
lone Faces Echo;
Riverside Downs
Cardinals, 39-7
lone High's football team,
whose season was started again
Friday when they suffered a
39-7 defeat by Riverside after
being idle for three weeks, will
face the Echo High 8-man foot
ball team at lone Friday at 2
Tho CatAq. ha vp now lost tO
wston and Riverside, after beat-
ine non-league Dufur. Umapine
and Helix . f orteited games 10
them when thev could not field
Riverside's victory Friday was
their sixth of the season and
fourth in league play. After scor
ing twice in the first quarter and
once In the second. Riverside
held a 20 0 lead at halftlme.
lone scored In the third quart
er when Joe Halvorsen plunged
over from the one-yard line after
a long pass play.
The victors added two touch
downs in the third period and
finished with one In the fourth.
Dennis Anderson, Steve Part
low, Jim Partlow, Terry McCoy
and Lyle Hobbs played leading
scoring roles for the victors.
WMlr.nH miMts a th Stan
ley Cox home were Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Mellor, Charlene, Carol and
MifUfv nt navtnn Wn. Mrs.
Cox and Mrs. Mellor are sisters,
rrs not mn r.ART.v tn Dick
our. inose t-nrisimas caras, ior
home or business. With or
without name imprinted, big
selection, reasonably priced,
Gazette-Times office, Heppner. !
Martin Buchanan
(Pd. Advertisement By
Central Committee, Al Lamb,
Heppner, inairmarw.
i ,. :
i -. .
- p f
Public Noticts
in nil cooirrr coo it or
rtit itats or oiikcom roi
In lh Matter nt lh l'thlth-
ment or f ormation of a f ark and
Hw-alln Bialnlvnam Dlatrlti.
lo N known as lh Irrlgon 0m-
munity rarh and Kecreauon ma
trUt and rVtting a Time and
Place for an Election.
wiirnvA m trillion alirned
ku tw.t Ul than nf tl.a rt-i.
Idem free holders of lha area re
queatlng the formation of a park
and recreation district under the
truUlons of OU3 -'UUiu naa
een presented lo the Morrow
County Court, and
WHFRKAS. the aald resident
i holder have irotHVed that
the aame shall be known as the
Irrleon fmmunllv Park and
krcreatlon District, and
WHrJtrS. the pn'iHed dis
trict would have the following
boundaries, to wit: tginnlne at
lha InlrrWH ll.m nf I hi VVi-l line
of Section 1 Township 5 North
K. 20 K.W.M. ana the loiumoia
l!t.r thru-M 'a ahtntf the
Columbia Rivrr la the Kat line
of Section 16 In Township 3
North Ranee 27 E.W.M.: i nonce
South nine and one-half miles
lo ih Southeast corner of Sec
tion 33 In Township 4 Nrth
Range 77. cast: tnence vcm
nine miles to the Southwest
corner of Swt on 31 In Town
ship 4 North Range 2ti E.W.M.;
thence North eight and one
fourth miles to place of begin
ning, and
WHEREAS, a notice of hearing
nas oeen duly puousneu in a
newspaper of ceneral circulation
within Morrow County and,
WHEREAS, said hearings
have been held, and now there
an election for the establishment
of the proposed Tark and Rec
reation Maintenance District be
held on November 3. and
at anrh lvtlrin thn- members
of th Park and Recreation Board
will be voted for.
AND ADJUDGED that this order
shall h ntororl In tho Journal
of the County Court along with
an pennons ana papers iueu
pursuant to the formation of this
proposed District.
DONE and DATED this tnd
day of October. 1964.
County Jude
County Commissioner
County Commissioner
32 35c
Mr. and Mra. Rov Mat
Walla Walla. Mrs. Jennie Hall
of Weston and Mr. and Mrs.
William McMillan of Midland
a'nra iic 1 tnr I act u.'fWLr at t h A
Lee Scrlvner home In Heppner.
The ladies are . cousins of Mr.
Re-Elect This Can -
President Johnson Said:
"A tragic twist of fateful sorrow made me President. From
that awful day on November 22nd, when President Kennedy was
assassinated, I have had but one thought, but one conviction, but
one objective: To be President of all the people, not just the rich,
not just the well fed, not just the fortunate, but President of
all America."
Al Ullman:
Has accomplished much for his district.
Is always on the job.
Is your Congressman and your friend.
Keep him working for you and for all of America.
Re-Elect Johnson and Ullman
(Pd. Ad By Morrow County Democratic Central Committee, Al Lamb, Heppner, Chairman)
none or ittABwa on
morosKO ahnmatio
Nu4lr la ivn that the Council
of Ihe Cllv of Uoardman. Oregon,
having elected to dlen with
Ihe submission of the question
lo the registered voters of Ihe
Cltv of Boardman. will, by vtrtut
of Resolution No. 22 of the Coun
cil paaMKt on tVtober 6. I'-,
hold a public hearing on the
vmh t.w .J rvtnbc-r. llk4. at
the hour of $.W pm. Daylight
Saving Time in me oumu
Chamlwra ol the Cltv Hall, of
ih citv of Roanlman. Oregon,
on the question of the proposed
annexation ol me iuiiwhh "
tibed area to the city or
tloardman. Oregon:
Iteginnlng at Pmi at wnun
Ihe south twnindary line of
Ihe Union Pacific Railroad
Right ol Way Inierwts the
West boundary line of the City
vt Rrdman;
Theru-e In a Westerly direc
tion along Ihe said South boun
dary line of Ihe Union Pacific
Railroad Right of Way to a
point where said boundary
line Intersect the East boun
dnrv line of Toms Camp Road;
Thence at approximate right
angles In a Southerly direction
along said East boundary line
of Toms Camp Road to a point
where said boundary line In
tersects the North boundary
line of the relocated U. S.
Highway 30 ISO North) right-of-way:
. . . .
Thence at approximate tight
angles In an Easterly dlrec.
lion along said North boun
dary line of the relocated U. S.
Highway 30 t Northl right
nf u.au in a mint where said
line intersects the Boardman
cltv limits;
Thence Iti a Northerly dlrec
Hon along the West boundary
line of the Boardman city
limits to the point of begin-
At"the hearing, all registered
voters of the City of Boardman
are entitled to appear and be
heard on the question ol the
proposed annexation.
Dated and first published this
15th dav of October. T-l-
City Recorder
Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has been duly
appointed by the itodiic voun
of Morrow County. State of Ore-
con. Administrator or tne es
tate of JOHAN TROEDSON. de-
ceased, and all persons having
claims against the csiaie oi am
deceased are hereby required to
present same with proper vouch-
ers duly verified to tne Ad
ministrator at the office of Ma
honey and Abrams. Heppner.
Oregon, within six months from
the date hereof. , . ...
Dated and first published this
22nd dav of October, ism
Administrator of the
Estate of Johan Troed
Attorneys for Administrator -
31 -37c
Al Ullman
w Eiffel c
V .v, Him V
They Get The Job Done
JavYcei to Play
John Day Tuesday
HeMner lllgh'i Jane
ball leam will travel to John
Day Tuesday for an afternoon
game with the Grant Union Jay
veea. The young Mustangs hld
a previous one point victory vel
Grant Union on the rodeo
I grounds here.
Trie game oriiinaur
acheduletl lr Monday bul was
postponed because ol conflicts
Public Spirited - Experienced
(IM. Ad bv Morrow County Democratic Central
Committee. Al Lamb. Heppner. Chairman !
Break the One-Party Monopoly
In Salem . . .
vote roH
State Treasurer
Your Money's Safe with Straub!
108 (X) Robert W. (Bob) Straub, Democrat
(Pd. Adv. By Morrow County Democratic Central
Committee. Al Lamb, Heppner. Chairman)
President Lyndon
Mr. .0.tW
ty train W-nday horn f'"'
sAeral weeks In the t t thj
home of het " " "f
daughter. O l : 'L.?
A, hhaw at rtn,tn'dAa.M..
Haget enjoyed plar w Interes
on ihe nwM. tup east wlih th
family, and did ronatderabl
airhtaeelng In Virginia, nh u
la.t privileged I Ult hf
buihpfane In Pennsylvania
ulth Mra- MU5U lxJtie r)
her Km and daughter In law, Mr.
and Mr. Paul Iv-dittl and two
sons, ivnnis and Ronald.
B. Johnson