Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 22, 1964, Sec. 2, Page 2, Image 10

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    xxrrxu CAxrrrx-TTMCi. Trt4T. oiUf u. 14
IF TOO need mtUf lUnp tee
any purpuM, call tl the C
stuT1me ttffk. AH styla el
trp, til sue f stamp avail
a iu prompt?,
County Agent's Office
Field Day Set For Judging
Soil Conditions and Tillage
I you?
vote roi
Paul W. Jones
Morrow County
(IHL Advertisement By
Morrow County Democratic
Central Committee. Al Lamb,
Heppner, Chairman).
Schedule for Coaxial Weeks
full el Important l"nU
1 her are a number of lm
ponant events that ahoull be
announced at this time In order
that everyone can set them on
their calendar and keep them
Starting with the Soil Judging
Field Hay on Tuesday, October
77: 4 II leaders will want to
note Wednesday, October 2H, for
the 4 11 Subject Matter Con
ference at Muro beginning at
10:00 a.m.; on October 29 the
Texas Refinery Corp.
Industrial Roofs
All Exterior Coatings
The annual Soli Judging Field
Pay will b eheld this year on
Tuesday. October 27. Thia an
nual event is aimed at ac
quainting ranchers with the
characteristics of their soil In
order that they might better Un
derstand what to expect from
it in the way of needed tillage
operations, fertilizers and expec- j
ted yields. While the event Has
been a real Important one. at
tendance has been small w Ith
the exception of Vocational Ag
ricultural boya from Heppner
out to take advantage of this :,eni!on dv,rv, councils ot
training event ,he Columbia Basin will meet
The Field Day scheduled for the Vert Little Theater In
next Tuesday, will be held at ""iCl" "m-
ih usual sit on the Eait out. North Morrow Achievement
skirts of Heppner. The group Tarty will be held In the lrrlgon
will meet at the fair grounds chool on October 29 beginning
mt in nm mnA iww,i i mm with a pot luck dinner at 6 00
there. Howard Cushman. exten- P-m-! the annual meeting of the
slon soils specialist, wrjon """y vu,mr r,t;lw.,k.,JT'
State University, will be on f Association la scheduled for
hand to auist with the rteld November 6 and 7 with the
Day Farm City banquet set for Sat-
After a training session, a ""lay evening November 7. be
Judging contest will be held and finning at 6:30 p.m. at the multl
Inland Chemical Company has purpose room in the Heppner
advised supervisors of this Hepp- Mich school,
ner Soil and Water Conservation The evening before. Friday. No
District, who are sponsoring the yember 6. 4-11 club members
event, that they will have some from South Morrow county will
u-orthwhil nrrie viihl for hold their annual 411 Achieve-
those who do the best Job in "lent Party at the Heppner High
classifying the solL Why don't cnooi multipurpose room begin
you come and learn more about i-ju p-m.
m urn KjrvKon vea von
ference will be held at the Mar
ion Hotel in Salem on November
5 and 6 and the Oregon Wool
Growers annual meeting at the
Imperial Hotel. Portland, on r.o
vember 8. 9 and 10; the Oregon
Association of Soil and Water
Conservation Districts will meet
In Portland on November 11, 12
and 13.
The Oregon Cattlemen's Assoc
lation annual convention will be
held In Klamath Falls on No
vember 12. 13 and 14.
The annual meeting of the
Morrow County Grain Growers
will be held at the fair pavil
ion in Heppner on Monday even
ing. November 16. The annual
fall meeting of the Morrow
County Wheat Growers Assoc
iation will be held in Heppner
on November 17
that arrived at this office early IRurofat tfil Study
last summer haa started a chain riUf0,0"CI. J",a7
Color, Hair Care
of reaction which has resulted in
a book memorial for lthef Kir
mis. former county extension
acent at the lletiiter library
The letter aald In part. ! know
the other 4 II members In the
county feel the same way I do,
him Airtma waa always reaay
and willing to help us w ith all U
our problems on or off duty at.d
ne is going to be terribly mlMd
oy an oi us. I think it would be
nice if the 4 It club In the
county each donated something
a no had a shelf in the llbraiy
art asiae as a tribute to Miss Kir
mis The clubs could earn money
and each year donate a book, or
doom, to the sh.cli."
The Hoof and Horn Livestock
club recently donated the pre
mium earned fur their blue rib
bon National 4 II Club Week
window to the library for this
nu mortal. Other 4 II clubs have
Indicated they plan to make
some contributions also. A num
ber of books were donated bv the
Klrmls family last summer to the
Exceptional Pi 091am Plana d
rot County Livestock Meeting
As the program develops for
the annual meeting of the Mar
row County U vest oik Growers
Association. It appears that it
will be one of the best In
years. There has been enough In
terest from saddle horse stallion
owners to schedule the stallion
show windows for Friday morn
ing November 6. The Cowbells
are expecting a big crowd to turn
out lor their traditional beef
The Buralettes 4 II sewing
club met October T at the school
house. After the business meet
Ine. members finished their
record books. We held up differ.
ent colors of crepe paper to each
one of us to see what colors
looked best on us.
We met again October 14 after
hooi at the schoolhouse. V
had our Uifcincfcs nwntiorf and
then Judy Davidson talked to
us on rare of our hair. She told
each of us what ahape of face
we had. We meet again October
Christine McCabe. reporter
to the banquet, so better pick up
yours now from either of the
hanks In Heppner or Turner. Van
Matter at Bryants.
Signup te Start Sooo
On New Land Conversion
While all the details will soon
be announced, the new crop land
conversion program which will
be put in effect on a trail basis
In Morrow and Umatilla counties
looks like a good opportunity to
get into a grass iegume-crop ro
tation or retire aome land to
grass that needs a rest.
The county ASC office will get
out complete details but It Is
planned that sign-up will start
Immediately. Funds are limited
for this program with I152.0U0
ear-marked for Morrow county.
mere is a sm.uuu limit per oovr
ator for the 3 year contract, this
to be drawn annually or all at
Named Secretary
Evelyn May Jepeen of lone,
hat been elected to the position
of secretary In the senior class al
Northwest Christian Coil's.
Eugene. A fourth year student.
Evelyn la the daughter of Mr.
anl Mrs. Walter Jepsen, "'.
and Is a member of the First
Christian Church. Heppner. These
cfflcers, newly elected, will serve
throughout this year. ThU fall al
Northwest Chrlatlsn College,
marks the largest full time
student body enrollment In the 70
year history of the College, when
41) were enrolled early this
month for the fall term.
Mimeograph Stencils now
available at the Uaielte
Times office.
VTUm yen M feds Oaastft.
Time advertise you half
snake a Wtter pmf. Tall ttias
ye saw It la bTms LseettaTtmec
P& the NEW
Minimum, ivf
beef cattle
aa ii 4 iva OB aa vavsaasaa es 1 re a4
luring the influence of foreign
Imports on the livestock Industry r Pf"iic usea ror rne
here will be dieusmd well wnicn inciuaes seeding
a discussion by Dr. Jim Mc
Arthur, superintendent. Eastern!
the soil that makes a living for
71$ S. MAIN i ; ( PH. 27S4393
MIsc KimUs Book Memorial
Underway at Heppner Library
A letter from a 4-H member
..5- ? "
Oregon Livestock Experiment
station, union, on livestock nu
trttion and management
On Saturday a state veterlnar
ian will dlacusa baby calf losses
and use or the newly developed
oacterm; mere win De a discus
sion of plans for hosting the
American National Cattlemen's
Convention in Portland scheduled
for January as well as tradition
al committee reports.
We feel very fortunate to have
secured Stu Bledsoe, Ellensburg
cattleman who participated in
the "PeopIe-to-People' tour In
grass, planting trees, or turning
it into recreational area. Pay-
menu win be made for grais
seeding and the grass can be
grazed but cannot be put up for
nay. rer acre payments will be
determined depending upon the
productivity Index with the aver
age payment being approximate
ly 1U per acre per year for Mor
row county.
I see a lot of opportunity In
this program for the continuance
of soil bank seeding on marginal
lands, land retirement In areas
where erosion Is a problem, fori
livestock growers with small
fields who would like to get
these back Into grass, for steep
and Irregular fields as well as
the Soviet Union last fall, to be
our banquet speaker. Stu says to others.
come prepared 10 lane a ucep
seat" while he discusses "Russia
for Real" with his colored slides Money receipt books In dupll
taken on the tour. tare and triplicate are on aale at
We expect a sell-out or tickets the Gazette-Times.
SAT. - DEC. 5th
Mew Dimensions in Weirk and fhy
0 r i
I 4
i 4' 4
Chemical fallow with Atrazine
controls cheatgrass in wheat
for only
per month
Descriptive Information
Latest style of Mercury lighting.
Over 2V4 times the amount of light as
Incandescent lamp.'
This charge Includes:
Furnishing and maintaining all equip
ment for one mercury vapor security
light to be mounted on an existing
pole and including electricity charges
and lamp replacement
The practice of chemical fallow with
Atrazine offers wheat farmers the first
reasonable approach to solving the
cheat problem. A single spray of Vj lb.
of Atrazine 80W per acre is applied in
combination with a contact herbicide
such as amitrole. The application
should be made following adequate
rainfall, after the cheat has emerged
but before January 1st
Weeds emerge and die
Seasonal rains move Atrazine into the
weed root zone. It is absorbed by roots
of the germinating weeds. Soon after
the weeds emerge, their leaves begin
yellowing at the tips. Soon, the weeds
die. The contact herbicide takes care
of weeds which may have already
emerged before your chemical fallow
application is made.
Long-lasting control
This program of chemical fallow with
Atrazine gives outstanding control of
cheat and other annual weeds until
late April or May. At that time, some
tillage will probably be necessary, al
though ranchers this past year report
that only a minimum of tillage was re
quired. At present, Atrazine is the only se
lective, long-lasting herbicide which
can be applied with reasonable safety.
Be careful about overlap, however,
since a double or triple dose of
Atrazine could adversely affect next
year's stand of wheat And, don't treat
shallow or sandy soils.
For more information on chemical
fallow with Atrazine, contact your lo
cal pesticide supplier or custom ap
plicator, or write:
Geigy Agricultural Chemicals, Division
of Geiev Chemical Corooration. Saw
miii Kiver Koaa, Ardsiey, N. y.
1. Protects your home and possessions when home
I is unoccupied.
2. Discourages prowlers.
3. Provides safe driveways and roads at twilight
and after dark.
4. Reduces accidents in work areas.
5. Makes It more convenient to work In yard.
6. Increases use of yard for recreation, picnics and
parties after dark.
7. Gets rid of darkness between house and garage
or barn, or in other frequently used areas.
8. Controlled automatically when daylight dimin
ishes, a photoelectric relay switches on the
eht . ; LmJ
City Back Yards Farm Yards Resort Entrances Resort Play Areas
Docks j All-Nlght Parking Lots Village Street Lighting
Service Stations Railroad Crossings Country Store Entrances
For Complete Details Ask
Suburban Driveways
Road Intersections
And Many Others
catATocs or Chwkais rot mooun aoociatuu
G. f ;L'f!iM fill-;
8IQV ta'h
Ceinnibia lasflii iiestdc CDp
Serving Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties