irrt cAirm TiMtt. rrxi. owt il m LOT MUM. tUit fflOETY Mr. Now and Mrs. Tom Driscoll At Home in Portland Curl came from consider. Their hne mn trip Uk tU Jitarr ivt attrnl th lat thrm l Cuilla Lake in north lummrr wr-ddin c4 Mimi July Irrn Idaho, Anne SthmUL daughter t4 XI r. ml Mr timer II NhmMt, to Jimn Thma IH111, n ol Mr. and Mr. Jimn iHtux.ll. all fI llej-pner. w- wer c rhanend in Hu Lutheran churvh Au?uM 15k with lh Kev. Kenneth luHnon rrurmin the rrft-mony. Knierinc on th arm of her father, the Nide was lvelr In a full Irncth town of whlte aatln hr ade. fa.hloned Mill) lone aleevea and '' o nevWIin Acveptln the bouffant aklrt wer two dome i lcin in front anil a matching detachable train with two dome deau tendinf dmn the bark. $h car ried a rmY-nt shaped bouquet I Th cucr-U Is now at horn at . iJmvIn Street, Fairuew. I, iwtr iwtlartd rw! u tchinc hit trt year at lievn cl.t Itith athoitl. and Mr. I Hi rU I aurrt.iui slUrtd Hate luller. tv.ih are graduate of llri'l iwr ll!h oJ th frown revmed hu drew at th I'nitrraliy tf Orson Ut ' High School Girls Report on Summer Highlights to Club of while clamelia fumu ruled tv while carnation. An lUutum el bow length veil was held In tdae with a while !arl tiara. Matron of honor fur her swter m Mm. David Creswick of Salt Lake City. Utah. Bridesmaids were Miss Ronnie BcUma, Heip. ner: Jean Adklruon. Itlot Rw. school roommate of the bride, and Jill Schmidt, sister of the bride. Attendants wore Identical pale preen brocade strectlcneh dnrsse. fashioned with bell ihared skirts, and circlet hats made of matching material with short illusion veil. They carried crescent shaped bouquets of Kreen spider ehrynmhemums. centered with creen Klameltas. Sally Matheny. Heppner. serv ed as flower rlrl. wearing a pale green whipped cream dress with gathered skirt. Her nose gay was of white rosebuds and she wore a circlet of daisies at the bark of her hair. Organist for the ceremony was Mrs. Gerald Jonasson, who also accompanied the soloist. Oliver Creswick. when he sang. "O Per. feet Love." and "Wedding Prayer." ! Lighting the tapers before the ceremony were Janice and Shar on Belden. cousins of the bride, of Spokane. Wn. They wore Iden tical green taffeta dresses with matching bow hats and wristlets made of green spider chrysan themums. Serving as best man for his brother was Tim Driscoll. Hepp ner. Ushers, all fraternity bro thers of the groom, were John J. Nott of Longvlew, Wru, Rich ard Tate. Milwaukie, and Den nls Doherty, Heppner. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Schmidt wore a green whip ped cream dress with white ac cessories. Mrs. Driscoll. mother of the groom, chose a beige suit, with green hat and beige ac cessories. . , . . , The couple greeted thelf rel atives and many friends at a re ception in the church social rooms. In charge of arrange ments were Mrs. Don Evans and Mrs. Orval Matheny, assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Robinson, alii of Heppner. After cutting and sharing the first piece of wedding cake, it was served by Miss Karen Nel son of Hereford, and Mrs. Robert Spike of Echo. Mrs. Robert Snell, Spokane, Wn.. cousin of the bride, served coffee, and Mrs. Darryl Bruning, Portland, sister of the groom, poured punch Passing the guest book was Miss Cheri Sneli, and in charge of the gift table were Miss Bonnie Rogers, Emmett, Idaho, and Mrs. Les Belden of Spokane, aunt of the bride. For going away the bride chose a two piece ensemble of orange and yellow whipped cream print, with white acces sories. .... Cord Date Postponed; Legion to Entertain Department Officers Pate pf the American Legion Auxiliary public card party, re rrntly announced for Monday ntrht. IVtober 19. has arain bc-vn postponed, due to conflicts. I . ..1. . . .. . ii win we nriij one wren taier, Monday. October 26. according to Mrs. Fn Munkers. chairman, starting at 8 p m. at the Legion hall. American Legion Pvt No. F7, and the Legion Auxiliary will be hosts to K-veral state and district department officers at a special meeting Saturday even ing. October 17. The evening w ill start at B.M with a potluck dinner, followrd bv special en tertainment and x-parate bust nesa meetings. A large number of guests are epected from out. of-town. Co-fhairmen for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Arnle Hodman and Mr. and Mrs. Don Munkers. Elks Ladies Night Enjoyed By Many Baked ham dinner, prepared nd served bv the American Legion Auxiliary. Post No. 87, was enjoyed by Elks members and their ladies, last Thursday. pre-empting an evening of cards for the women and lodge for the men. Card play winners for the reg ular Ladies Nlte card session were for bridge, Mrs. Terry Thompson, high: Mrs. Walter Jacobs, second high, and Mrs. Don Bennett won the door prize. Mrs. Ola Ruggles tallied the high pinochle score for the even ing and Mrs. Elizabeth Gullck, a cuest from Seattle, won sec ond. Vinnmg the door prize was Mrs. Martha Van Scholack. Serving a delicious variety of homemade cookies with coffee during the evening were hos tesses Mrs. Herb Ekstrom, Jr., Mrs. Herb Peterson. Mrs. Lind say Kincaid, Mrs. Keith Rea and Mrs. Ray Boyce. Coffee Hour Honors Visiting Relatives P urn met ett ierMV f three Mfh fuJ gill Wrr tharvd wn! memNrr uf the SoroMimUt club at It lutwheon merttnf lat Thuriv n TVa tf the rul, Jo n. Mrha fri. wet the rlub's a hoi- arMp wlnrv-rs .r ah.Mtn( imt-anti-e whool rmwn&hip last rar. lre ihiM girl, fattl Cot link, was attutrd In h-r ru-n- - bv the rluh when attrmlinf UuU' 5tat In Salem. ponrrtl annually f.y the American Leg Ion Auxiliary. fknh Judv ami Marha relwted on hlhiU'tits ol the summer rimti whuh they attended In lu.itulie weeks In July at the Mrthodut rhurrh camn at Wal Iowa Lake. Both were rnthuia u pituint in the camp pro gram, partu ipatmg in many out or a.mnirm. hiking, rraru and tud. Ju.iv t the Udughter of Mr and Mrt Marcel J ore, and parent of Manha are Mr. and Mr. Marshall Ixngrrrt, all of The organlxatlon arul fMnctlon of gmemment was Imprrmlve to Pa it I. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collin, during her wrek'a tav at Clrls' State. Having a part In the actual setting up of a county government was of ital Interest In Pattt. and she had the opportunity of filling the cftice of county commUalon er for Klrk Patrick- county. I named after the retiring Girls Male Director Nancy Ktrkpatrlrk. She recalled that the actual visit ing of the limine of Rcprescnta. tles and State Senate while In session were of great Interest. A srrapbook and souvenirs of the week were shared with club members. The Clrls were introduced by Mrs. Charles Starks, program chairman. Founder's Week of the Nat-1 lonal Federation of Soroptlmist clubs Is being observed this month by the local club. The first club of the national, and later International organization, was chartered In Oakland, Calif.. October 3. 1921. Each year Founder's Week birthday pennies from clubs over the nation are sent In for use In granting fed eration scholarships and fellow shios. A trophy recently received for the clubs float, as first place winner among service clubs en tered in the Pendleton Dress Up Parade, will be put on dls play in Peterson's store win dow. It Is the second year the club has been awarded a trophy for a float entered In behalf ot improving public relations and as a public service project. rmiOAT cmd IA TURD AT Orte It. IT Ctvto Loru lusamooa tola. Tito Cqulptweat tMtUdla. usu t i tvm. FRIDAY. October II Fastball, rfvpfxm v. f lM Rock. at fllot Rock. 1:00 tun. RetwBwh. IOOP hsdL t P-m. SATURDAY. Ortobr 17 Amvttcan LmUmi Dtatitct tntUn9. Laglaat hoU. begin sij with potluck dianet at 8UNDAT. OctobM It Rrvwt Smraasbord dinner. Cath4le pariah holt 3 to T pun. MONDAY. October It Chamber of Commerce. Wagoa Wheel, neon. Order el Rainbow foe GUI. Ma oalc haU. 7 1 30 tun. CI te League, ktnderaartea room. n-m. WEDNESDAY. October SI Odd fellows, IOOr hall. I p-m. Conaervatloa Speech contest High school multtpurpoe f ootii, R fv-tn. THURSDAY. October 22 Soroptimtitm, booh. Horn ol Mrs. Emu Croaaeaa. Smorgasbord to Serve Communities Sunday Final plans are underway IhU week for the annual serving of the lt.irvet Smorganhord at the tathnllc parlnh hall Sunday af ternoun. A wide variety of tie- litlout ftMHU Is promlked to thiVK attending. Senlnit will te from 3 P.m. to 7 pm, with Allar Nn-ieties from Heppner, lone and lxlngton sharing in the responsibilities vt the buffet style dinner, under the reneral chalrnanhli of Mrs. Fd Cunt v. Tickets will be on sale at the door. Speakers Choose Topics on Youth For Conference Sandra Thorpe is Wed To Albert Boothman In Hermiston Church The Covernnr'a State Commit tee on Children and Youth has been developing the program for the VMA Oregon Conference- on children and youth, schedule! for November 19 to 21 In Salem Keynote speakers have now been obtained and are as fol lows: Miss Jean Reynolds, specialist of the Mobilization of Cummun- Ity Resources. U. S. Children s September 26 Joined In marriage Bureau, will apeak on "What U Sandra Jean Thome, dauchter of . ramlly in a Changing llr n,l lr M.lh.n Th.rlw nf NCletV? llermikion in Alherf Kdward Dr William Amos, chief of the IVwthman III. son of Mr. and Division of Youth Employment Mn a I- H.thmn tt nf Ora. nd Guidance Sen'Uvs of the vllle. Wn. Vows were exchane- U- S. l.'pt. of Labor, has chonen ed In Saint John Episcopal the subiect "Training for Em church In Hermiston with the ployment Opportunities In a Rev. Chandler Jackson reading (h"nKlng Society. the double ring ceremony. I . Third speaker is Dr. Kenneth , 'A. Krlckson. suicrlntcndent of i.ien in marnaue u iirr ,..-,,11., . i, tlu fathr. the bride apieared In a on "Educating Youth In are con- taffeta with lac medallions l n.f"n fr.TJli. .. . , . . . 1 1 V UU Ml V V I IC coverca wim pcaris anr, , cerned about problems and op r,K'V;,:7-K,'.-.wvV;,0'tunitles for our youth are .JV' J"r,V:-,.,.; ;V,: urged to attend. Those interested Mrs. Jerry Schubert entertain ed with an informal morning coffee last Thursday, making it possible lor friends and neign bors to meet her grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Maxwell of Baker, and her mother. Mrs. Middie Parker from North Powder, who were spending several days here visiting. Mrs. Schubert served coffee and cookies to her guests that also included Mrs. Jimmy Prock, Mrs. Toussent Dubuque, Mrs, Bill Scott, Mrs. Roberta Dough erty, Mrs. Jerry Dougherty, Mrs. Lowell Gribbie, Mrs. Bud Feck, Mrs. Robert Todd and Mrs. Elmer Berry . Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Parker returned to their homes last Saturday. SCcci Mm mm Club Entertains Past Matrons, Patrons Past matrons and patrons of Ruth Assembly No. 32. Order of Eastern Star, entertained at a potluck dinner Monday evening to especially welcome Mrs. Charles Stout Into the Past Mat ron and Patrons club. On hand for the occasion was a special guest. Mrs. Reva Looker, making her official visi tation from the Oregon Trail Chapter No. 181, in Echo. Mrs. Looker also serves on the Estral Fund committees of the Grand Chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Creswick. now residing In Port land, were also present Hostesses for the social hour and scooped neckline. Her finger tip double net veil was held by a crown of seed pearls. She wore white pearls and carried a bou quet of white roses and chrys anthemums. Her maid of honor was Miss Sharon Donovan, wearing light blue nylon chiffon over taiieta with full gathered skirt. She car rled a bouquet of white chrys anthemums. Bridesmaids were Ter e s a Thorpe, sister of the bride, and Mary Boothman. sister of the groom. Flower girl was Jo Ann Thorpe, niece of the bride. They wore Identical floor length dresses of blue chiffon over taffeta and carried nosegays of white chrysanthemums. Rodger Boothman. brother of the groom, served as ring bear er. Best man was Kent Boothman, brother of the groom, and ushers were David uootnman ana Larry Thorpe, brothers of the wedded couple. t Wedding music was furnished by Golda Mumma and vocalist was La Vern Partlow, who sang O Perteet Love." Decorating the church were baskets of blue salvia and asters, with vases holding white asters on the altar, flanked by lighted taDers. A reception followed at the Columbia Grange hall. After the first piece of wedding cake was cut and served the newlyweds, Mrs. H. M. Walker and Mrs. Ber nard Donovan continued serving. Pouring coffee was Mrs. Ronald following chapter meeting were ion .J J n.., K fcfr Arthur Youth Entertained At Gribbie Home Barbara Gribbie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Gribbie, was hostess to a group of young people who gathered at her home for a midnight hamburger feed following the Homecoming aance rriday night at the hleh school. The btoud enloved earnishine their hamburgers with their choice of relishes, prepared by Airs. oriDDJe and served on a relish tray, alone with potato salad and coke. Need scratch pads? Get them at the Gazette-Times. Irvln Mann, Jr., for Representative Committee, Box 247, Stanfield, Ore., Larry Lindsay, Morrow County Chairman. Oregon Beef Council mem ber, past president of Ore gon Cattlemen's Ass'n., raised on a wheat ranch, past president of Port of Umatilla Commission, non practicing member of Ore gon Bar Ass'n. IRVIN MANN, JR. under stands the agricultural, conservation and economic development problems of f the 28th Legislative Dist rict. He pledges himself to represent Wheeler, Sher- t man, Morrow, Umatilla and Gilliam counties with ' equal regard for the prob lems and needs of each. it"' , JO Your Merchant With Charge Account Service Is Your Friend! If YOU Keep his friendship, and build a good record for the NEXT RED BOOK. Always pay by the 10th of the month. You do not want the adjust ment Department collecting from you. Pay your slow ac counts, and keep our Collec tor away. CREDIT BUREAU OF Umatilla-Morrow County 306 S. E. Court SL P. O. Box 162 Pendleton, Ore. Allen. Presiding at the guest book was Doris Ditlow, and at the gift table were Mrs. Frank Marlow and Mrs. Claud Coats. Others assisting were Mrs. B. E. Getchell, Mrs. Ralph Skoubo, Mrs. R. Bishop, Hazel Miller. Ruth Flock. Mrs. Dewey West and Mrs. C. Hamilton. Many guests were present from of of town. Following a triD to the coast. the couple is at home at 715 N. Chelan Street in Wenatchee, Wn. may contact Donna George, county extension agent, for more Information. Advenlist Church Plans Guesl Day The Sabbath School program a the Seventh day Ailveniis church on t tln-r 17 U l-ln prepared rpe lally gue.ta, a VIMttif pay la ceu oraien. "VUltora are alaa wrlcmne at our raM(ith sh.. ' week we are having oH-n houe eHVlally for our iielj:iHKra. Elder EIwo.nI lUiy.l, patr. an nounccs. iMauw a and actlvlllea are plan ned for everv ai-e rroun. ana crrniii study of a MIe leMn tur Sabbath Sruil iemlcrs will be Inviting their acquaint ances. but a moat cordial wel come U extended to anyone who would like to attend thl HMal program, he emphatuea. Sabbath Sihool service begin at B: a m. In thi Mn1uary on Minor Steet lut off the wcM end of Water Street. Morning wnrhlp nervice Is at ll a m, at whU h lime Elder Itd w" I'teath on . . I'. . . . - l- ... 11...,.!.,.,.. 1 lie f uur r i - March of Dimes Shifts Emphasis To Birth Defects Friends Honor Mrs. Maud Robison Rebekah friends of Mrs. Maud Robison honored her with a Dartv on her K2nrf hlrthdav Wed. nesday. October 7. Mrs. Frank Avnre malA tha KlrfhI'i.r i-ala I and Mrs. Scott . Furlong, Mrs! Larry Cook and Lucille Parrlsh attended. All thle women are members of the Rebekahs and their friendship dates back to tne time that they all lived in Hardman. Mrs. Kenneth Blake, a neigh bor, also came to offer felici tations to Mrs. Robison on her birthday. The National Foundation of! March of Dimes is undergoing a second transformation, accord- Inc to Information received by Mrs. Jack tShlrley) Loyd. Mor row county chairman for the foundation. The first shift came when It transferred Its attention from In fantile paralysis to birth defects and arthritis. This was alter tie velopment of the Salk polio vac cine and polio was virtually vanquished. When it Included financing of research on arthritis, an area In which other, though smaller agencies already were at work It received some criticism. Now the foundation has an nounced that it Is transferring Its arthritis program to a new voluntary agency, the Arthritis Foundation of America, in which it is hoped all research Into the causes and treatment of arthritis will be consolidated. The National Foundation henceforth will concentrate on birth defects, a field that has been otherwise largely neglected and one which bears an obvious ly close relationship to polio, since both afflictions are assoc iated with children. The foundation now supports 49 birth delect centers and clinics in 26 states but declares that there is a need for at least twice that many. It points out need also to Inform the pub lie on the nature of birth de fects, what can be done to pre vent some of them, and what must be done to lessen the toll thev take each year. With its efforts concentrated in the single area, the founda tion asks renewed public sup port when it launches its an nual fund-raising campaign in January. Spring Shoe Show At Gonry's Tonight Showing of spring shoes of the Air Step Tine will be at Gonty's shoe store in Heppner tonight, (Thursday). Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gonty, owners, announce. A representative of the com pany will be present to show and demonstate the new line, start ing at 7:30. The public Is invited Wishing To Express... . . . my appreciation to the voters of Morrow County for the vote of confidence in the primary election in May. If elected in the General elec tion, I will continue to serve to the best of my ability. Sincerely, OSCAR E. PETERSON, Morrow County Judge My Neighbors rS MONUMENT If MARTHA MATTTSON MOM'MFNT Mts Oe,,., A. lUnay" f lower left Sunday with her n and daughter ft Port land wher they were lit like a plan f I'aMJena. Calif There thev titei Mr. ) lower and will inttke I heir hme Mr. and Mrs William ll.wrl Sillt. JM aixl Fiat.Ue il.mrll (lioe li Pendleton lat TueMay to lt (llff.rtd II. mill w-tto underwent surgery lat wnk at t. Anthony Iwwpital Mia Unwell has -en lhr with Mm Ihrom'h the week. AIo tutting hli lat week wrre rveretl and Marvin Howell, arul th baby, Paddy. Mrs. Van ItUharda and son Hilly returned home lat Wcdnra lay rcnlng from ivrtiand where thi y had Ik-cii on bulncka. Mr. July Martin and two aorta I Ptlnevllle apent the week end hire vlitln?t her folks, Mr. and Mrs l.'rnle Johnson, and her ! -r Mrs. Fram-la Noland and children. Mr. and Mr Cell Keith. Mr. nd Mrs. lull Dual and Hilly Hal aient two or three day hunting on the Clifford Howell mh. The rhurvh HarveM Sale and dinner w ill he held In the legion range hall Friday evening, tic .her Irt. starting at 6 p m. Tickets are adulta 11; children. Mc. and family, t-1 Everyone Is welcome lo attend. Hale in Hospital F. W, Hale, parts manager for Heppner Auto Sale. Inc.. enter ed St. Anthony's honpital. IVn dleton. Monday for surgery. Mrs. Hale went over alo to lx near him It wn eMeclcd that he would return home later this week. Bring the Whole Family to the HARVEST SMORGASBORD Sunday, October 18 3:00 to 7:00 P.M. ST. PATRICK'S PARISH HALL Sponsored By Altar Societies of Heppner, lone, Lexington THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY HEFPNER BRANCH, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OT OREGON wm winter-71ht, Draft-Free TIME to W iJpJp4 on rour ruei Bi ruxo GLASS li th arfffful .iu onhr window matiri.i thai X VEAB GUARANTEC. Look for tha FUXO GLASS on th. a.t C.nuln. rUX-COtASS At Vur Hdwr. JUST CUT AND TACK OM J windows ant doom. er Lmbr. Oaalar 1m-1 Glv you th. In COMFOUT, ECONOMY In wry on of lh Cooilol ol you'll find DOHIC Motor cff.rlna yoM t bt tn irvlc and occom ft datlom, and xUndlng yoi a frl.ndly w.lcom.. SEATTLE: Dor to Moyf lowar Hot.l . ' Doric Waldorf Hot.l Carta 6th Av. Motor Hotal Dorlo Town. Motor Hot.l TACOMAi Dorlo Tacomo Motor Hot.l KENNEWICK, Wathlngtoni Doric Black Angut Motor Haal POTUNDi ' Dorlo Portland Motor Hotel Doric Palm Motor Hotal HAYWARD, Colifornlof Dorlo Howard Motor Hotal IOS ANGELES, Dorlo Mlulon Hill Motor Inn GARDENA, Collfornlai Doric Motor Hot.l OpaoJolyl, anawDorla In downtown lot Angta . .....i il m i , j in mm "wvo'ion., cell th. n.arrt Doric hot.l