tmxti axtrrrt rati. nuAr. Qtuht iu m Boardman Census On Sfeady Climb If WAIT IXC MAELJW BOARDMAN The city of Boardman rw haa a nopulation of &il aa announced &jtenbet S3 t lh Ofriutt Siai &Mrd of Omul TTUi U an lrrrr of IW ovr the Ul count of 2J a lew months aco, Thia doea not in clude reaidrnta of a trailer court djointnf town that la not in cluded In the city limits. There are an estimated 100 persona liv In there. There will be another rt.sus taken In December. Th VMmln Pit v Cnunrll in. prosed the second contract with the U. S. Corpa of Engineer at a meeting Tuesday night of last wek. This calls for construction of public structure ana laotii ties, hkh Includea the city hall, fin- station, nark and boat launching ramp. The Altar Society of St Mary's church met lat week at the home of Mrs. Dante Daltoso. The Croup voted as their nest project a tuna raising program u ur rhw nmv and larcer Christ mas crib and figurines. Various activities will be scheduled among members during the nexti two months for raising the j Dinner, Bazaar Sel November 7 By Links Club T rtLTRA JOKtS ll iiM;n).N-Thr Li n k I committee met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Earl Warner with the vice chairman Freda Maieake presiding. Mans were made for the turkey dinner and baraar on November 7 at the nmr lAiri room This la the an nual affair of the Holly Rcbekah Uidt-e. Dinner will be served (ntm .:: laHAm. It wit decid ed to also have fruit cakes at the bazaar lor saie. f . mH was uim hv rVlfh a Jones. Nest meeting Is planned for the home of Mrs. Joel Engle man In lone. Refreshments were served to t, follow Ine ladles: Mrs. Bertha Hunt, Mrs. Joe Vocom. Mrs. Joel Engleman. Mrs. Archie Munkers, Mis. Ai Fetsch. Mrs- Florence McMillan. Mrs. C C Jones. Mrs. Alonio Henderson. Mrs- Frank Rnhlnann Mr A. F. Maleske. Mrs. Oris radbere. Mrs. Charles Cooley and the hostess, Mrs. Warner. Grange Mans Booster Night drmni mill In t-lll 1 r f iwm I Saturday night with the Master Lyle Cox In the chair, nans were Un IjmIm ltviii volunteered tn lt material and make discussed for a booster night three new tabernacle curtains. J which is planned for November This will complete ine re-decora- n. me regular mf unj nut i. Hon or tne anar. , fniwini mt mmm - Mrs. Peter Ma and Mrs. Dal-1 ween game was enjoyed and a (OSO Will DC in nuuunu uir miinri v. church for October. During the lunch following the The next meeting win w mrmng a iu.i . " . , . . . ,k k JL f Mrs. Leroux October ereatlv entoved with Mrs. Ken- miss weighed 8 lbs nd 8 ox. and neth Smouse playing the musical has been named Jinane raaine. 27- numbV on her violin with the Mr and Mrs. Hunt make their - niiu.m ri.ih I i,aein th titw I hom in Boivertorx Paternal in n04UUIlia Jl liUiVMm ki vuu VKrvtn wa I , . m , 11.. met at the grange hail Tuesday were won by Mrs. Ed Hunt grandmother U Mrs. Bertha Hun " " . i . .v.,Lr . umrtf I .a x r r jnno of Lexington and mater nai w" " ';S-"?u."L". ;7m "nS er.;;,,,. ,h.. erandoarents are Mr. and Mrs. . r.i it c !ninfi I wIt.am4 In lrlnffon from his I V Sdaill. i,' ' . - I cr-finni in Pnrtland. lie visited his I Ml Aleths GrvtneM of Committee for the community paients. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Prairie City visited the week end calendar, which will soon be VanWinkle. in Lexington with friends. She !s a.. . fr Rainh Skoubo. I Mr ind Mrs. Donald Hum an-i former lone mjrn scnooi Mn. Vrr- haiium )h. hlrth nf a babv I to.irhr d....aI1 I 4aairhfA t triA Rac KaLT hOS- I WAnnAth KlinPT. uh(j IS CTX- (Via U 30lll I W U(,iiiVI . o - - - Announcement was made that pitai in Portland. The young ployed in LaGrande, visited the s..k u'aiiki n i r Mtffii i a T---4 r7 r ?7 r- syfW v:ivtT V. e-51 L v i ' -s .CI ,-ri;ivti at the Lola th rluh vearbook rluhv Ortober 12. ...1.1 w The next meeung wui w and Mrs. uwk-pnd with his Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colley spent the week-end at the Ollie Reade ranch at Spray and enjoy ed some hunting. Mr- and Mrs. O. w. uuisionn tlat the home or Mr. . rt . n.ln.n Pnlvrt HarwoOa. the home oi Mrs. y VV r.n Rrlo went October 20. witn Mrs. 'V ;'"Hci , Black as co-hostess. At that time mo ioy ii ' "; I Mr- and Mrs. u. w. cuisionn they will have the Federation Uienome or wrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Boyer and UK rr-t I mH c ictar.ln.liu Mr. ana Mrs. I . . .. J I Day program, Mrs. oiaays ; ' ' ", -tn am uy speni uie tate board member, wui oe - Mosler ana enjoyea some m piiit sneaker "slt r,Pes sisiers. mis- lJ- guest speaxer. Thnm.. at Tart and Mrs. Florah Mrs. Russell Miller was hostess Schroeder at Delake. tnr th IJIdlM Ala isocieiy .. j :r- -,. ..i T. c.n1 Mr Kennein tarwooa community cnura ihi ,-n, " .VI :t7 nf . daughter. her home, with Mrs. uien ar- "r " . i " l v a a Lrurn annnr :s in ..... ilTr,rran ralif. The baby weigh wrs. nerman ."V, no.inds. 12 ounces. "l"urr. vr"; firandoarenu are Mrs. Louise .tfe t , 5. i r h - Earwood of Boardman. and Mr. The ladies .will finish, a J quilt SnSlK S Her to be given to uooowm " 'f The Dalles. Mrs ,,S' h Novpmhor 4 Earwood Is in Torranre to help "u?lc..,r' .--V.Tl M for the new arrival, me .labeling mil ac IhoiSl and Mrs. Claud Worden. Mr and Mr. Donald Herrln and daughters Kathy and Cherrie tpent the week-end at Culver at the home or Mrs. Theo uroacn. where they visited with Herrin's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Travis tier Hn 01 Seattle. Wash., and his baby Joins four sisters. The Riverside Pirates will have a ea me with lone nere wooer 16. Mosler and enjoyed some hunt kMint visitors at the C C. Jones house to enjoy some hunt ing were Mr. ana Mrs. uienn Fatrh of Portland. Mr. and Mrs- G. E. Irvin and children and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hutchlns of Arling- ton. Mr and Mrt Oene Maleske anr daughters visited the week end in Forest Grove with their son. Don. who is attending school there. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Majeske re ttirnAri homo last week from a few days spent in Portland and Maupin. Lexington Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Eileen Padber last Thursday nlcht with the following ladies playing: Mrs. June Bellenbrock Mrs. Dean Hunt Mrs. Johnnie Ledbetter. Ell wood Hunt Is a patient In ricneer Memorial hospital. Mrs. Alonio Henderson and Mrs. C. C Jones attended the lone Garden Club meeting Tues day afternoon. They saw a fine demonstration on cutting and preparing dahlias for winter storage by Bill Rawlins. The meeting was at the home of Mrs. Fred Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Breed ing and son Donald visited re- cently home. Breeding Mr. and Mrs. Olivet Cmwlck of Portland visited friends In Heppner Monday and Tuesday, and wree guests at a Tast Mat ron and Patron dinner Monday evening. Creswlck is presently taking care of a mortuary In Molaila while the owners are vacationing, commuting dally from their home In Portland. Follow-up Study On Cancer Staled The th annual follow up In the American CamTt IWuMy a cancer prnto aiuay n aiartrd In Mn-w Ctrtiniy. t tmiuntwera In the county Mil) rln rer"f1 n whether la mrn ami mrn krr rt.Ml- ed In the study In the fall ! 1. are alle or teaa naiKnwio. ar. ni4ina Ia Mrs Marian McfuidV i. n.i,mM rtiairman. the atudv rovrrs mote than l '" HM-le In 1 l?l ciHjntiea In the I'nueq .Mates In ire, the pctaona fur ..i...i iHinv .lialla about Ihrin- rhea and thrlr pattern of life. Ttiev flllea out quemunnan Aaaf tfMa raWraiaf U HrfoAet tm tht llpnveomlnf game an4 featbltiet were Mr. tni Mr aVWtt Canlonwln, new t4 ltlaa. an4 taemer Upp. nr roach. They Utte4 a vet a I friends Friday, continuing on te Walla Walla ftatutrfay on huainest quelUma that aalgrtt lead l d. rancef differ In am frwtn lh Mho dunt. ltrt repeci ia mvtntnmrnt hablu. eapuaurea, and Mir of life. Valuable Information haa a. ready emerged from the study. Aftei two follow-ups. a prellmln . ...ini. mnrirmd that rev. fll pil.l J - - tain danger signals had a Mfh relationship to drama iur . rt.. .iim i j rinrtr. anriing ..iu mriuuj - . PAY YOUR DILLS WHEN DUE and KEEP YOUR CREDIT GOOD rtonrcr Service Credit Information Is moat valuable No commissions charged on collections All money Is paid direct to creditor Pioneer SERVICE CO., INC. SINCE 192 The Men-hanta and Professional Men'a OrranUatlon OREGON -IDAHO UTAH NEVADA DIVISION Division Office: Eugene. Oregon WATCH rO THE GREEN AND BLACK HANDBILLS WITH ACCOUNTS TOR SALE Menus for Riverside High school and Boardman wane r Mr c. C. Car Srora Vle"' Wa.C'rnd Mrs. brothers and sisters-in-law. Mr. "i" r5 Z'Zh nPadbere, Mrs. Lester uw. and Mrs James Herrin and baby namourgers, uunc oh and tfe hostess, rrizes went 10 ofnSdnB andMr and Mil tomatoes or tossed salad and M Cox. high; Mrs. Gene SLSTffiSn and fourachila1en ?uit; Tesd hlgh. and Mrs. Bob nf Fl Pacn Tpy whprp Herrin is I ' i Lfaviusoii, low. of El Paso, 7ex., wnere tiemn is Heks. bread and butter sand- Tim' mtsforth. son of Mr. siauonea wim me u. o. i:,"ltl a rvinoannio tins de Force. It was the first time the Riches, and P'nffPP'f "Psf family had all been together in?own ca?',.rcz. u..t -i-ht vpars I Doiogna sanuwiuio, Mr. fd Mrs. Amis Hug went corn, l-d and ice cream wii to Ashland last Wednesday bunerscoicnioi;pinB. iut The Amacitia club met at me where they visited four days at n "" "r W ."iW th0. homes of their sons in law f. jl ickg baRed potatoes, ' eetin fhose oresent were Mrs. u"rJ? .-7 m berts and lime salad. Bread, but- Bill VanWinkle Mrs. Gene Cole, ter and milk are served with ail meals. Jimmv Cutsforth. son of Mr anu Mrs. Gene Cutsforth has been a patient in Pioneer Memor ial hosoital suffering from a ! hrnlfAn Arm. The Amacitia club met at the A MODERN Business Operation Demands QUALITY Fpra-iiKon. and Mr. and Mrs KToitVi Foro'iison. Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Mefford of Yakima. Wash, were dinner guests at the home of Mefford's sister, Mrs. Florence Root, Mon day on their way to Georgetown, Iwa- .... Wavne Beebe. of Bellineham Wash., was a week-end visitor The Mothers Club of Boardman CraAn uhnnl is KDOnSOfinS a Hunters Breakfast October 17 at the grange hall from 8 a.m. to 12 nnnn PvorvnnB is invited. in- eludi'ntr ladies and children at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil There will be ham and eggs and ... a i t I i . . . J T7. i Art n t CO1 Hamilton. Mrs. Beebe and daueh ters Stariat and Natalie returned home with him after spending the past two months here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Childress ana daughter Geri of Portland hotcakes served. Funds raised are to be used to establish a kin dergarten here- Mrs. Haro 1 d Baker is chairman of the com mittee, assisted by Mrs. vemon Russell, Mrs. Stan Henkle, Mrs. visited last week at the home of Delmar Hug, Mrs. Bob Sicard and Mrs. unnaress Dromer-in-ia' jvirs. uonaia rveioy. nnrt cistr Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ta- I Mrce Vranlc Marlow went to tunc. I . . ...... ... Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Bates Walla Walla, Wash., last week to nnrf rhildren Douelas and Susan visit her aunts. Mrs. inesi oi Portland were recent visitors Zerba, and Mrs. A. C. Knudson. Bill VanWinkle, Mrs. Gene Cole, Mrs Bob Davidson, Mrs. Roger Campbell, Mrs. ai etscn, Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth, Mrs. Roy Martin ana tne nosiess, iurs. rauoerg. Prizes were won by Mrs. Roger CamDbelL hieh: Mrs. Bill Van Winkle, second high, and Mrs. Bob Davidson, third high. John Flint and Beverly David son were week-end visitors at the home of Beverly's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson. Mr. Viint pnlovpd a counle of davs hunting with Vern Vlall. Mr. and Mrs. Bob cool ana children of Pendleton visited the uriolr.onri at tho hnmn of Mrs. Cool's mother Mrs. Florence Mc- Mil an Mr nnH Mra. Jfu Vorom and children spent the week-end in Ukiah at the Forrest Rinehart heme. rWDuIOOlil BALLOT D MEASURE Iffn fx LL OREGON FISH COMMISSION SAYS VOTE NO Thia ia tha atata agency reaponaible for conaer vation of tha Columbia river aalmon reaouroa. U.S. BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES SAYS VOTE NO Thia agency, which apent over $8 million for tha enhancement of the Columbia river aalmon last year, aaya No. 4 ia contrary to tha lnteresta of good conservation. GOVERNOR'S NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE SAYS VOTE NO Thia group opposed Measure 4 after axtanalvs hearings to find out tha facta, aa did tha Oregon Legislative Interim Committee on Wild Life. OREGON GAME COMMISSION SAYS No Increased escapement to tha apawning grounds is currently needed to inaure satisfac tory Columbia river salmon and ateelhead rune for tha future. UNFAIR FISH HOW IS YOUR STOCK OF . . . LETTERHEADS Gr MATCHING ENVELOPES INVOICES STATEMENTS WINDOW ENVELOPES RULED FORMS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . Whatever Your Printing Needs May Be See Us Guaranteed Satisfaction Prompt Service The Gazette-Times Heppner Phone 676-9228 Dealer For Moore Business Forms t4, . Ad.-Solm. tot AH, Inc. Ta Bvaat, Triurr, 101 Irvine. Atrf, Orgl Wm. Wlklm, Uvtmry.