w m r .I . i -' a n - a Classified Rates 4 pn rid nlU 7) pew UssctUsv. Cewds e4 Tbeaas 4IJ0 dasained Dlsvlsrr Pt CLASS in TO DlADUNt Mom WtdMfT T vtd btlltM. rash U m. guestm lew snail U who tMvabt to Ue IlkWi 1 Cards of Thanks CARD Of THANKS I with la fil'fru my thank In tf one who attended my "surprise birthday party Sep Irmber 21 at the Barlow iel Jrnf. ami rrrlally my wife and cthrr relatives whij gave It for me. Thank to all. Alvln Barlow, lone 32 c CARD OF THANKS With sineerest appreciation, would Ilka to riteml my thanks to friends and relative for the rard and flowers v. huh I re reived while I was a patient In Providence hospital. Portland These rememhrarwra were deep ly a correlated. Robert Lovgren 32 p CARD Or THANKS I would like to extend my ln cere thanks for the many kind nccs shown me duilns my re rent stay In the hotpltal for rifts, card, flower and visits. Special thanks to te nurclng staff and all employees at Hon err Memorial hnsptta'.. Lury Cook 32 c CARD Or THANKS We with to slnrerely thank all our kind friends for the rards. floral offerings, contributions, gifts of food, and other expres sions of sympathy durtrj; our reeent bereavement. Our thanks also to the ladles of the lone and Valby communities for the delicious dinner and coffee hour served to us the day of the ser vice!, lour thouehtfunc-M and kindnesses will be runrmbrreJ always. Mr. Lrnest R. Lundell Mr. and Mrs. tlco Drake and fmi,y . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell and family Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell and family Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn Sr. and family ' 32 c Notices PLEASE I ! No Hunting on our property during deer and elk season. Larry Gentry. Jim Hayes, Floyd Jones. Lewis Ca. son. 31-32p 5 Work Wonted WANTED Carpentry, cabinet or cement work, rree esu mates. Contact Bruce Bothwell ph. 676 97HG. 23-260C WILL DO SEWING In my home, also alteration. Jovre Hollo- mon. Dh. 676 5542. 235 Church Street 31-32C Wanted WANTED Good used 6 year old size crib with mattress, reasonable. Ph. 676-5875. 32-C CIVIC LEAGUE RUMMAGE SALE. Oct. 16. 17. Trl-Co Equip. Bldg. For pickup call Mrs. pat cuuuonn, twj-tvm, Mrs F. Burkenblne, 676-9690; Mrs. Elmer Berry. B70-ko, Will sort Tues. and Thura. 11 a.m., or leave anytime at door. .ji-uc WILL BUY HORSES Any kind. Call 989-8407. 30-36p For Rent FOR RENT Large 3 bedroom f urnlfJied newly-redecorat e d apartment, close In. All util ities furnUhed. Ph. 676 919a 31 tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry MARKET October 6. 1964 Hops 0; Sheep 2: Cattle 602; Consignors 55; Buyers ev. SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bull., " 15.00 to 17.30 :omme7ciai'"Cows".".13 .00 to 14.40 Utility Cows 12.00 to 13.20 farmer ruttpr CowS 9.50 to 11.70 suctr Fat Lambs 1900 FEEDER CATTLE COMMENT: All cattle were Yearling Steers, 700 to 900 Pds. Steers, 500 to 600 Pds. Steers, Calves, 350 to 450 Pds. ' 50c to $1.00 higher. Better calves 18.10 to 19.40 $1.50 higher. Sell your cattle at ijw tn sn ofl more monev and vou don t gl tonntrt 2.T00 cattle to fill orders. Don't for Yearling Heifers, cet. 600 to 750 Pds 1450 to 16.00 17 Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. tOshwar SO, HermUton TXSN WINK. Mar. K7-M11 For Rent in.ur in llriiur. 1M inn (all TTtf.tHM. Mr.. Joe !n Ml. friMllrinn, 3i 3f run KK.NT 1 l)r.m apart mrni, rurnurini, rirvtly alnt rd. N. D. hallry, t.rt. C7ti !1JI 3J tfc APARTMKNT FOR KENT Furn lhed. conveniently located i all 67fl'jwi4 evenings or Sat urdays. 30 tfc X)R KKMT Modern two bed room apartment. furnUhed. Ileppnrr Clinic. In. 676 9111 W tfc ttm RK.NT OH SALE 6 room houw. 530 S. K, Main. Small down payment, balance like rrnl. Ph. 67e mi 31-34p FOR RENT Furnished 2 bed roiim home. tv): unfurnished U. Ph. U76 5M7. 31-32p FOR RENT Small furnished apartment, more suitable for one person. Norah Rasmus, 100 W. Center St, Ph. G76 5f0. JO-Mc OfnCK FOR RENT. Call Con ley Lanhsm at 676-590 afnr 5 pm. 16 t.'c FOR RENT 2 bedroom duple apartment. Stoves and water furnished. No docs. lit. 676 Wif.9. 23 tfc FOR RENT Large modern two bedroom apartment, water and garbage service, built-in stove and oven. Ph. 676 9031. 28-tfc FOR RENT One bedroom house. Lights and water furn lhed. 570 Gale St, 111. 676 9272. 23tfc 8 Services FLOOR AND RUG CARE equip. ment for sale and far rent. L. E. Dick. 676 9U 35 tfc ANNOUNCING LEONARD HAL5EY (Formerly With Lott's Electric) Now Working Independently Install Electrical Heating Irrigation Pump Service Residential A Commercial Wiring, new and remodel State Licensed Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Reasonable Prlcei Call 989 8184 Anytime 31 -35c 9 Livestock, Poultry 2-Day Horse Sale OPEN CONSIGNMENT Oct. 17 and 18 Saturday Grade Horses and All Breeds Registered Horses Sunday Quarter Horse Bonanza AQUA REG. HORSES ONLY. 150 HEAD. 10:00 A.M. EA. DAY Northwest Livestock Co., Hwy. 30, Hermlston THIS IS THE LARGEST QUARTER HORSE SALE EVER HELD IN THE NORTHWEST Catalogs By Request Contact: OMAR BONNEY, aucl 567-5722, Hermlston REPORT Heifers, 400 to 500 Pds. ,17.10 to 17.80 Heifers. .100 to 400 Tds 18.00 to 18.90 T.lrhr Holstcin Heifers. 450 to 600 Pds 14.00 to 15.50 Ueht Ho ste n Steers. 450 to 600 Pds 13.70 to 15.00 10 Heavy jHolstcin Steers. 1200 Pds 15.00 First Calf, Heifers, Springers, head 120.00 to 130.00 INormwesiern wnere you kci don t give away snnnK. Buyers neea more two day horse sale, Oct. and 1& Fhona 567-6655 EVERETT 8rmER, . M7-395I a 10 Farm and Garden IT ) It SALE Oat Write t hone llsrry Jlielpa. hpray, re. XI A. c 11-ACK AN ORDER Vt ImportH Holland buloa, II (jri per no. Isrge variety, wtth Mrs phlli Kmert, lone, phone 42X727.1. J tfc 12 Furn., Appliances CONSIDERING TV. stereo, or rsuio? Compare prices and quality rtir you buy. Shop at L. H DICK, 2K1 Undm Way. 32 c SPIN IT Ct)NSOLE PIANO to be picked up and sold. Want re sfionnlble psrty to aume small mo pvt's. A I -SO EI.KC. OIKJAN. Write or phone Tsll man Piano Stores, Inc., Salem, Oregon. 3i3 5707. 31 -33c 13 Misc. For Sale VACUUM BAGS for most clean- rrs sre storked at L. EL DICK. We'll order any we Jo not carry. 32 e WANTED Piano. For Sale Kltrhen-Ald portable dish wssher. Kitchen Oueen double sink by Crane; aft modern bathtub; thermostatically con trolled floor furnace; a num ber of used doom and windows. Bob Rletmann. Phone 122 T120. 31 32p FOR SALE Good used trested railroad ties. $125. Ph. CY 6- aT1 fat C s.s.'as T.Le CM M The Dalles. 30-3Hp.l6 Chevrolet 4 dr. sedan $495 """"" 1 1 mmt mm jma Rnu. Tirifi-nt rn .u in single and double rolls. Use for drawings, admissions to events. Gezette-Tlmes. llepp ner. Ph. 676-9228. 37-tfc PLACE ORDERS NOW for early deliveries on Christmas cards. Many beautiful ones to choose from. See the big selection at the Gazette-Times, Heppner. 30 tfx LUMBER SPECIALS 2x4. RL, Fir and Larch, Econ. ,,. S15M 1x4. 1x6. 1x8. 1x10, RL, No. ,5 Ponderosa rine. Common. 43 , , , 1x12 2x4. 2x6, 2x8, 2x10. 6 ft lengths only, standard and better flr, 43 S20M S25M S45M Kinzua Corporation Heppner LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 STUDS Ranch Pack No. 5 8 pel $5 i per M SHAVINGS You load $2 JO per load FREE WOOD 4x4 Posts ...... 39c ea. 2x2 'a 10c ea. Open until noon Saturday! Heppner Lumber Co. Ph. 676-9440 14 Automotive Phone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say "276-3611 Collect" Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395.00 Down (your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Need extra cashr Sell unused Items around your clace with Gazette-Times classified ad. 14 Automotive ONE STOP SHOPPING LO-OK at these Deals! Used Cars 19G2 Chevrolet Morua 4 dr. 1CM 1961 Chev. 4 dr. Sedan, air condltlonlnc $2150 I9M Pontlac Slarchlef, 1-dr. hardtop with air conditioner. 11200 1X8 Chevrolet Bel-Air 11000 1K6 Chevrolet SUtlon wagon scso 1937 Ford 4 dr. aedan 6 cyl., auto, trans. SoOO 1 17 uiasmooue Commercials 1963 Chevrolet tt ton pickup, heavy duty canopy $23sd 1961 Ford Falcon pickup $950 1955 Ford Pickup. Heavy duty , $400 1941 Chevrolet pickup 1941 Dodge pickup $150 $100 See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Part FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PIL 676 9921 NOW SHOWING! The All New '65 MODELS RAMBLER PONTIAC BUICK USED CARS 1963 Pontlac Starchief. power equipment, exceptionally clean car. 1963 Bulck Electra, full power. 1957 2-Dr. Hardtop Bulck, power equipment. Used 4-Wheel Drives 1954 6 cyl. Willys 4x4" Station wagon,' one owner, exception ally clean. This is a real buy. 1961 Scout half-cab 25,000 ac tual miles. I960 GMC 4-wheel drive, excel lent condition, worlds of ser vice left in this unit. 1958 4-wheel drive Dodge, brand new motor. 1953 Willys pickup. 6 cyL Used Pickups 1954 GMC pickup ton. This is a good unit 1950 Ford A ton pickup, very clean, with new paint job. 1951 Chevrolet ton, excellent rubber, combiniation bulk and stock rack. Ideal farm unit SPECIAL AH used cars carry Guaranteed Warranty plan for one year. Number of good fishing and hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Good choice of used washers and dryers. 1 used refrigerator. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontlac-Bulck-Willys-GMC Rambler Phone 676-9116 14 Automotive FOn SALE lfCl Ford Faln HT. V m, if,n Will con!Jrr trade, ph. C76 iVA 32 FOR SALE Trailer house, American m'wlel r35'. 1 bed room, bath, kitrhen and living arra. Complete Insulstlon. viim iniriiui. m-i4 . range, oil stove, bed and day. eno with trailer. J. IH. 676 927. 1 tfc 15 Real Estate FOR SALE New. 3 bedroom modern hue. $125 rio moves you In. Phone 676 9152. 32 c cr-mpletely furnished . Building Construction Abo pandem axle hftLl J trailer, $,m Ph. 9H9 &U3. 32 f FOR SALE 3 bedroom house In Lexington. Two lots on corner, prire J4.VH. terms. Dsy ph. 76 9035: after SIX 676- 5526 .Paul Breeding. 3l-Uc FOR SALE 2 bedroom home with furnishings, $4500. fan. tact Lucille Parrlah. 676-5517. 23 tfc I FOR SALE 3 bedroom home. wall to wall carpet, furnace heat, electric stove and refrig erator. $10,000, with $1.0u0l down, balance like rent. Grace Mckerson. ph. 676-9449. 28-tfc Public Notices NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed his Final Account in the estate of John Bryson, deceased, and the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County has fixed Monday, the 19th day nf Drtnber 1U at the hour ?l A-iI;K'r?,d-da 1 the time and the County Court Room In the County Court House at Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon, as the place for the hearing of exceptions and ob jections to said Final Account Objections to aald Final Ac count should be filed on or be fore said date. HUSTON BRYSON Executor of the Last Will and Testament of John Bry son. Deceased ISAMINGER HANZEN Attorneys for Executor 123 S. E Court Avenue Pendleton. Oregon Z9-33C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow Countv. State of Oreeon. as administrator of the estate of Maude Myrtle McRoberts, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby re quired to present same with proper vouchers duly verified to the undersigned at the office of Herman w. Winter, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 24th day of Sep tember, 1964. Iva Berthlna Booker, Administrator Herman W. Winter, Attorney at Law Heppner, Oregon 30-34C CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Hepp ner will on Monday, November 2, 1964. at the hour of 8:00 P. M. of said dav. receive bids for a new 750 G.P.M. Class "A" Triple Combination front mounted pumping engine with 600 gallon booster tank, hose body and other equipment mounted on a new 1965 truck chassis. Specifications for the equip ment may be obtained from the City Recorder of the City ol Heppner, at the Council Cham bers. All bids must be in the pos session of the undersigned Re corder of the City of Heppner not later than 8 c clock P.M. on the 2nd day of November, 1964. and the Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Ted Smith, City Recorder 32-33C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, Executor of the estate of Helen A. Cohn, deceased, and all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased are here by required to present same with proper vouchers duly verified to the undersigned at the office of Mahoney and Abrams, Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 24th day of September, 1964. HAROLD A. COHN Executor Mahoney and Abrams, Attorneys at Law Heppner, Oregon 30-33c When you patronize Gazette- Times advertisers, you help make a better paper. Tell them you saw it in the Gazette-Times. HtttntM CAZirrX-TIMEt. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Pi . , Auctioneer G. R. (Gary) Van Blokland AUCTIONEER sV Livestock IlouM-hold Farm MercfianJiae -sn-L rr at auction THE MODERN WAY" Ph. 676 !iM9 Kt 1. Heppner Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL REMODELING All Types of Building We Can Help You With nana Let Us Modernize Your Kitchen Pral aPsT fmtaal ph. 676 5546 Heppner. Ore, I H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Homea And Remodeling Henry (Hank) Pedersen 3216 S W. Jay Ph. 276-7776 Pendleton Chiropractor Dr. John F. Sufalko CHIROPRACTOR-NATUROPATH Office Hours: 1 to 5 p. m. Weekdays CONDON, OREGON C'ty Council I Heppner City Council Citizens having matters for discussion please bring them before the council. Ph. 678-9618 Dentist Robert A. Todd, D.M.D., Dentistry 233 Gale Street HEPPNER, OREGON ' Hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 5 daily Monday throuuh Saturday Bus. Ph. Res. Ph. 676-5594 676-9232 ElectricianS Pendleton ElectricCo. Bonded and Licensed Commercial Industrial, Resi dential wiring. Electric beat Wiring supplies. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE 1802 S. W. Emigrant, Pendle ton, Oregon. Phone 276-2672. Exterminating Service Ayers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation - Cattle Spray Fogging Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Farm Chemicals Bi-County Chemical m Fertilizers of All Types SprsyltK Farra Chemicals S Convenient Locations lone, 423-7531 Lexington, 989-S423 Condon. S84-35C1 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Heating Co. Will lama Furnaces Complete In stallations CarpeUng linoleum Oil Burner Refrigeration Service DomeBtio and Commercial Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Ph. 878-9418 Heppner Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Heppner, Box 347 Oregon nfln mi un. 6REEN1 . 5n mm Tkursdor. October I. 1H4 Insurance Turner Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. ?-96S3 Monuments Wylie Monument Co. Represented by JERRY SWEENEY SWEENEY MORTUARY Mortuary Sweeney Mortuary Lkerwed Funeral Directors Ph. 676-9000 Heppnar Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9463 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 676-9942 Home 676-9718 Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician A Surgeon 1st National Bank Eld. Ret. Ph. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 The Heppner Clinic C. M. Wagner, M.D. - Physician A Surgeon . 233 N. Gala St. Off. 76-9114 Res. 676-9208 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff .. 1L XX Office Hours: 10 to IX 2 to 5c30 Mon, Tues, Wed. and FrL 1 to 5:30, Thursday. Ph. 676-9253 Sea, 678-9630 Printing The Gazette-Times offers complete Printing Service Dealer. Moore Business Forms in- Pn. 676-9228 ; Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps made to your order Ail sizes ail types , Prompt service , Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract Gr Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9912 Upholstery UPHOLSTERY Awnings, Seat Covers, Truck cushions 613 S. E Emigrant Ph. 276-4781 Pendleton, Oregon Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry A Gift Goods Watches, Clocks. Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676-9200