Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 08, 1964, Page 5, Image 5

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    Mustangs Thump
Wahlonka Eleven
In League Opener
llrpporr lllh"a Mulin gut
tiff foixl atart III Mralrt
i..;.n Incut f wh!l i !it rrt
day Ibrv thumwd lh Wah
..rka .lak lrlra to 0, on
lh llrppiwr tutf Th win tlrd
Mi Mtilrt wiih Duma u th
ratlv leasu trail.
Th Muatanga did all thrlr
an-tlng In M fl'M tlf . Tun
IhIm.II ran yaida In th firaf
nuartrr lr a louritdown and
Ouartribaih Km Il. llkrf added
lh rstra lnl. This h all th
airing In Ui flrt nuartrr aa
lh Mutng drfrlia Ulil fin
With l'" second quarter barely
t-rrun. Mil Ihk skirted right
rrvl an. un away from Iw-o
laiKli-r. rt"it for 40 yards and
Ilrllkrf apaln ran th TAT.
and th Muatangs k the Irad
Th second half proved miifli
dlffrrrnl aa Hi two drfriiar
hrM tough. The IUtla Ihirat
rned am when they got to th
Mustang 1H ard tin but hat
lo ve up th hall on m
Heppncr had 221 yard ruah
in amt 21 varda passing, Wah.
tonka totaled only oil vai
ui.in anil 3A varda laaalntf
- " . i . . .
oniv i-n yarn
lleppncr'a prnaltlra totaled
only five yarda but penallte
hurl th laglea bailly aa they
hail Hi yaras maracu on agauwi
loach Jim Potter singled ounr. ZH; With Ind Serlr bill
Iav llanna and (irrir rirrc ff
iKiUtandln drfrnmv woik.
llanna had 12 taklra and Tlrrra
had 10 t'oarh IVttrr namd
Drlacoll, Dirk and llrlikrr fur
fin work on offon.
Th Muatanga play hot lo
Juhn Day rllday nltht for horn,
coming, and Indlcailona ar that
th tram will b at full atrength.
Kullliark Iran Roblnaon. out of
ih Wahtonka am with an In
jury auffrrrd at Maupln. n rr
ported to l making a ed r.
c-ovrrv and mlKhl Kt bark into
VUltln la Heppnar loat vak
for thrr daya wrr Mra. (ilra
Boyrr and llrlrn Brr of Brav
rrton. Mra. Horr l a brother of
lvmiry luorr. formnly of
Paul W. Jones
Morrow County
(Td. Advertisement By
Morrow County Democratic
Central Committee, Al Lamb,
Heppncr, Chairman).
i " : : .j
5& iaiiAnii 1 . i i
fUa IptauMia
4 enlral MarkH
16 4
i a
U'a T
7 11
t n
3 IT
tuna 4 HI
Ik I a Mafkrt
I'ttritntia Jrwrlrv
llrtt.rter Ida
I Mil Anrria
Ja k i ( Itrvfon
I Irna'a Apparrl
lliirh Ind l.am K..t I jay.
rien, i, HU'tt Ind hrflra
Iditt ltirn. 4Vk. IHrh Taro
.Mrf (Nla MarkH m, itrh
Tram Nila I'M II AngrL,
City Laoou
Tram W 1.
M.-ii-an tirvatof 17 21
M A II Mlala t
Ural a UI 12 It
Maaona I) I'l
lailry M'dur Cm I'l 10
i.onri ii.rlruiHin 9 II
lUthrl lnulpmrlU (u 4 IA
llif Man-lrra 4 lfl
llit'i Ind Cam Jim 11
ri.ll HT- lllrh In. I Kr-tif Jim
I'MmoII. (M. lliirh Tram Cim'
Mrran l.lvatr, Hi3: lllh
Tram .Hlra Murfan Ulrvitur.
Cotnmarrlol Laogua
Tram W
A I. Parrrtt 17
M 1'alfkk a 13
llrpj.nrr Muda JI4
Rank i.f III 1(1
Cardnrr'a Mrn'a Wrif
Willow Crrrk ( lub w
l'irt Nat. Bank 6
itr !
I IHrh Ind Gam lull Scrlv-
Slrwrrt, M1; lllrh Tram Cam
a. u. Daj-ertt. mt.. io.i; iiijrn
Tram Srrira A. L. l)aiCt.
1)1 t., 2C"J
Ma) of Laogu
Tram W L
llrppnrr Bartr Shop 12 4
llrppnrr I !ka 10 fi
Ux. Oil tVop 9 7
llrppnrr Clranrra 9 7
VI t ola H H
Inland I'lirm. Srrv. M 8
Turnrr. Van Martrr
and Bryant 4 12
llrppnrr Auto Salra 4 12
llik'h Ind. Cam Oliver
Drvln. 210; HUrh Ind. Srrlra
Art Watklna. lllj-h Tram
Cam ypl-('ola. i; lUxh
Tram Srrlra llrppnrr Klka.
Thurador Night Ladia LaoTua
Kurrlm Ina.
C. Kd Cole
L. E. Dick
Kirn Nat. Bank
Wishing Wrll
llumphrrya Inia:
lliirh Tram S-rle Ruck lea
Inauranc-c. 2M2; High Team
f;m Humphreys ImiK, 921;
lllRh Ind. SerWn Jo Ann Vyvk,
.VJl: Illtrh ino. uamo jo Ann
Dytk. 213
Majeske Elected
Bureau President
fn Maleske of LexInKton
waa ehcted president of the
Morrow county farm uureau ai
Its meetlni? In the lone Legion
hall Monday. Ken Cutsforth of
Ilepnner wn chosen first vice
l,l..nf Dnv Baker of lone
eoond vice president, and Terry
Thompson oi lieppner conunucs
na accretarv. tarry tinusay
named votlnir delegate.
Harlan Mct'urdy spoke on the
new wheat trading reflations
and iolnted out that farmera,
not warehouses, have been hurt
principally bv the regulations.
Joe Hay. Farm Bureau field
representative, spoke on regional
meetings scneauiea oy me du
enu First one was at lone Tues
day with Lew Norrls of Salem
speaking on the workmen's com
pensation law. A good crowd was
present from Morrow, Wheeler
and Umatilla counties.
Farm Bureau meetings will be
on the fourth Tuesday of each
WANTED Soft cotton rags. Ga
zette-Tlmca Printing offlcA
Olva you lha Flnail In
In (vary on of lha Comlol
lotM you'll find OORIC
Motor Hotalt offarlna yw
lha bart In larvlea and occom
awoollom, end axlandlng you
e frtandly waleoma.
Dorlo Moyllowar Holal '
Doflo Waldorf Holal
Dorlo 6th Avt. Motor Holal
Dorlo Town Motor Holal
Dorlo Tocoim Motor Holal
KENNEWICK, Waihtnflloni
Dark) Mack AiigM Motor HoM
' Dorta Portland Motor Hotal
Dorlo Polmt Motor Hotal
HAYWARD, Callfomlot
Dorlo Hayward Motor Hotal
Dorlo Minion Hill Motor Ina
OARDENA, Collforntoi
Dorlo Gardens Motor Hotal
OpnJul'Bwt),, ,
In downtown Lot Angola
(atarvotloni, coll lha naorart Doric hottl
Judge Peterson
Tells of Progress
On Willow Project
Jij.l,? fkMar virfii ha la
ur l atatrmrnt Irllina f
lurtriii aiatua t4 tha Wllluw
t r it it jiii J, M'kvt
T?e Army tt- ur nf irra
anil in iutrra ami liartnxa
I i.fitir i.akaril on lha lilolrtt
fa.rat.ly in July. I aald.
"Aa rrmrnibrr, th ittr
u irfirl bafk to our dla-
itu-4 i im r lArmv Curiaa iJ
I n(fiiw-i fr torn allf ht m .
lilt anuria iirnainirtg i.i in un
yatiun fraturr." h aald. Nd
i.! hut tnui li i.l IK rtjt will
l alio a tr. tu irrigation u n.
Tli tritnt. aa rfrrrrd t'ark.
haa lrn irUrd and will l
lliihl.lr.l In th project lr l-.lt
li aald. It will hat tit ap
iiimal i.f lh iralilrnl mmlrr
and its rhairman of th Itivrra
and llaitmra t'onrrra. Aftrr that
th rrirt (ia-a to th Ihlrf of
th Culpa
"Th Mmlna aprara tu ! )urt
ilrht." h aald. "Aftrr th !
rt la irfrrrrd to th ("hlrf of
in fui.a i,t Knvlnrrra it will
! rrfrrrrd hark to varloua arrn
rirs in our diatrld. Thla will be
for rvaluatlun ana mi or iraa
Im a I appro al and rould tak
'.a dava It I rallmatl iw prob
Irma will aria her. An Omni
bus bill will b coming up irst
fln In th U. S. CoiiKreaa.
lMbly by May or June. Our
j'ro)m should t wrll hi ordrr
for thla brat Omnibus bill. If
Included hrr. whUh we ar
aur It wilt be. w will b wrll
In lin to prraa for action on
th project."
The Judge tainted out that
watrr Is a "limiting factor" In
th economy and development of
any arra. and aald that It Is
rapetlally a factor In Morrow
"We have water that prU
away and proves to be more
detrimental In many caaea than
benrf iclal." he aald. "Much of
the arra. and rajietlally In the
larre watershed south and eaM
of llrppnrr. the Willow Creek
dralnace baln. Is subject to
short duration atorm of the
cloudburst te"
He added. "We ar Just now
primarily Interested In a multl
uirtMHu rlim anri fi-iu-rvriir on
this Willow Creek Immediately j
above lieppner, a cam wnun
will give u protection from
further devas fating flools
through lieppner and the Wil
low Creek valley, and also give
u Irrigation and recreation ben-
" "In a storage dam 150 Uft
high and a reservoir with a ca
pacity of 11.500 acre feet, the
fitv ,.t Heooner and the Willow
C'r"ek valley below the dam
would have tbe mucn neeuea
flood protwtlon. would Jiave In-r-i,,iiA
Kt(.rfi for wildlife.
sports fishing and recreation. For
Irrigation the eany aioraKc ui
K.VK) acre feet of water will ben
efit some 3000 acres of fertl e
valley lands with a dependable
late season water supply."
Lions to Repeat Sale
Of Brooms Next Week
The lone Lions club will make
Its annual house-to-house sale
of booms and light bulbs in Hep
pncr and lone next week, accord
ing to Jim Barnett. chairman.
Members, Identifiable with the
wearing of the official Lions'
hats, will be blanketing the Hep
pncr area Monday and Tuesday
evenings, and will be working in
lone Wednesday and Thursday
nights. ,
Money collected from the sales
makes possible the giving of
scholarships in the two towns to
deserving graduating students.
At the same time It helps support
those in tne Associauon ior mc
Blind, from whom the club pur
chases the brooms.
v . u.m.i iimahttr of Mrs.
J U11V I'lWl , . ,
fra tonthors rf Lexington, ana
. . . - ,
Anna Tatum. daughter of Mrs.
Darrell Vinson, are larung prut
leal nurses training; through
r.l ll.mtaln C'nl!nT at St.
Anthony's hospital in Pendleton
enrolling about two wevna
u.niir ia'nlso a member
itliaa tumult , .
of the BMC student ernmcil.
.. B.a u.iHHlactnn returned
warn ' '
c tmm nn fiYtenni'd trlD
OUllilir iviii .
. rn th trin she
IU tanivwiia ' - .
visited many rnenas mm
atives at Los Angeles and Long
v, iion in Kan Bernardino1
Ul lV li, i ' .
and San Francisco. She also call
ed at the home of Ex-Heppner
residents, Mollie Brown and fam
ily at Redlands.
We Will
Deliver Your
Processed Meat
Hogs Tuesday
Cattle Wed.. Thurs.
Sheep Any Day
Follett Meat Co.
Hermlitoa, Oregon
Ph. JO 7-6651
On HarmUton-McNarr
XjCK ( Of Cliaroa
ClQk J Keppnsr,
fg-J-" Lexington
Hunters Visit
In Kinzua Homes
KIN'A Mrs 11 Lfwrn
family and Mr. To-y
i fry and daut trf wrnt to Tli
l.ii.-a Kaiurday tu mrrt Mr.
t iry who a l.ofn on a lrn'y
tlay Irav frfrt th Navy. Ha
.li iriuin tit Vtrrlnla at l!
r.r.ii.. t-t his b-av and hava
ara duty. This waa Troy'a rt
iti4tunlty to nr t his ls
wrrka old dauirhlrr.
Mra, Marl holing entritalnrd
th iKiublrdeck tluli Wdnaday
rvrninjf at hrr h'tn, Itisrra for
Ih rvmin wrnt tn Marrarrt
MK'oimrll. low to VI hltnkard.
and floating to Vinrlnia Mtton
mn.l lllcn Wrhht. Af'i'rl fljtdl
rak with Irnwn au waa arv
rd to th winnrra and Lily May
NUtad, Marr Ahrr, Vonni
Browning. Hnni Carr.t II.
Katbrvn Flack, Virginia Krlao.
and Marilyn lulley.
Ilunttnr company rf ihe
week end at Mr and Mra. Vin
cent Allrna were Mr. and Mra
John Klnr and frU Woods, all
of fori land
Mr. and Mra. Krnnrth Hudson
and family f.f St. Ilrlrna ant
lh wrrk-md vUltlng with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Mangum.
Visiting durin th week-end
with Mr. and Mr. Jlcrs how.
man and family wrr Mr. and
Mra. !at Murphy and n Pat of
Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cojw.
land and Mr. and Mrs. Jtill Cope
land of Springfield.
Mr. and Mrs. William Freauff
of Portland are vlalting and
hunting with Ms. and Mrs.
Rorer Hollomon.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tipton
of Creaw-ell spent th week end
with Mr. and Mr. Leal! BelL
Mr. and Mr. C L. Flack wrre
In llrppnrr Monday evening for
medical care.
Spending the week end witfl
Mr. and Mr. Jack Sitton and
lamllv wra Mn Cora Burnslde
of Sksv and Dave Stesgall of
Mr. Walter Bastlan and Mr.
Frank DeMirltt were in Hepp
ner last Tuesday for business
and shopping.
Mrs. Don Slinkard and Mrs.
Howard Ric and family were
business visitors to Condon Sat
urday. Mrs. Slln Rhoton and Mrs. Red
1 8 -A
- U J vj - 'rj - -1 1 I
Meet Youir Congressmaini
Al Ullman will be in Heppncr for a potluck dinner Tuesday.
October 13, in the Fair Annex.
The Congressman will visit with us and speak on an import
ant subject that evening.
Senator Ben Musa and Martin Buchanan, candidates for
the Legislature, have been invited.
Everyone welcome!
Remember: It's Tuesday, October 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the
county fair annex building, Heppner.
AL LAMB, Chairman
Morrow County Democratic
Central Committee
Heppner, Oregon
Arnie Hedman,
Ex-High Teacher,
Enjoys Business
Turn, bulru-tman abuut
!t trara aro aftrr ntn li
rar aa a hih atbul lrarhr.
Ami llrdrnan. wanrf of t
luriiitur lit, lutika bark with
no rrrm He tr h l"rn t
mi traii,irrf. alihoutth h en
Jo rd doing It Vrry murh.
ilia luring th lat of th ail
hourttr In th "Mrt Our Town"
rootral aiunaoTed by 12 cal
buainraara and th Caxit
lln.r. llrdrnan aa cotrmly
idrntiflrd by thir winners an
rwuncd lat week.
llrdrnan and Ctl Lujan. an
oihrr tra hrr, bought th furn
iture store In January l'.4 itum
Mra On C. In the past
lummrr, llrdrnan bought out las
lluti-tl w ftm In llrnonrr Wriirwa-
dav fr bulnea and ahopplng.
a ' . . I . I ...t . .
yliuarn irri,ri m ,'n.m
arTHr.1 lat w--k to spend soma
Urn vlaltlng with Mr. and Mra.
Louis Lorrngrl and doing some
rxrrld Mark Bora Ta Aabars
Mr mnA Mra I 4 Aahrr t-
cam the parents of thrlr third
child and second son Thursday
n-Mirnln al lh llrrifinrf I'lone r
Memorial hospital. He welched
H lbs.. 11 ox. ana ns on
named David Mark. H Joins
i.n-r iharn ana nrtnnrr.
Steve, and la a grandchild of Mr.
and Mr. Orval Msthewa oi ro
Mra Iila Ferrel was hoate
Tuesday evening to the F. L.
card club at the camp 3 torn
mun.tv hall Winner of filch and
one of the floating was VI
Slinkard and winner of low and
the second floating was Marie
lihntnn Orhera rntovtn this
evening were Evelyn Robinson,
Marilyn Thomas, Marge Aner.
Ada Srhell. Virginia Suton. Ann
D.tln Rarhara Mortlmore.
Carol Norris. and Jeon Medlock.
The Kinzua Women a ciun win
have bazaar Friday morning
th Kinzua Mercantile. At
that time the winning ticket for
the Lon Star quilt win in
drawn. Chairmen for the bazaar
are LoU Hollomon and vonrue
v -,nI I ! ! i
'k 2 - -1
UtttntM CAirTTXTlMEl. Tf. CkfaaVM 1 IHI
f artnrr.
It a a that he the
frrlufn t4 otrraiing hi own
butinra aM ha no d:ra to
rrturn lo tt.oo leaching.
Ami grrw up in niihrrn
Ht.ihir an arwl wrni lhriHJj(fi
Mhia.l there. uUairw.l ,u
riilirf drtrrro from Hi' tilan
(ollrt .! Mural ton In irl and
liw-k adlitlorial training at Hi
I'nitriaiiy of Mi I.Kan. ant af
irr rumini l Urrfun. thrwuch
wf if rtjenlng to Oregon.
Arm taut-It In high acbool In
MiMgan for flv jrara. He
taughi at Athena for two year
and 1111 4 rar al ton Hlh
brfor buying th furniture buai
nra. Arnl's firit ei-rrirni-e In Ore
gon waa during th war In 1WJ
after h had rnliaird In th
army. It waa stationed at Camp
Adair In Polk county and then
waa shipped rnrraras with 34i
rar In lh South Pacific with
ih t'th Infantry.
Whil h pfimarily haa en
gaged In school teaching, he has
had many other Job, enourh to
"make life very Intrrrating." as
Plan Now To
Harvest Smorgasbord
Sunday, October 18
3:00 To 7:00 p.m.
Sponsored Annually By Altar
Societies of Heppner, lone, Lexington
(Pd. Adv. by
I - t .
I t I . . I "
a ) ''
H puis It lit sjiiv vel
irwIuJra m-otU In lr.linf
rw and wnwa.tr to th CM
rata ivrd of liad.
Mr, llrdrnan. Rita
brfu hrr marilaf. Was
rrared In Mkbigart and tr-O
wet mariird In that att n
Tory sav al tMldnrn. MWh
rl, 1; Mrphrn. 1J: J'J- Hi
tal. Hi. t. I Tim, 2-
Arnt la a rwrnhrr 4 i'
iirpprty Pt-i, Aii-iUiS Lrr.
of h lon tJona flub, thanitw-i
t mmrrr, and aine in the
Mrihodut chunh choir.
Ilia well abcked furniture
tor, whkh fraturra roenle
tin t4 floor cverinif and
...i.i. . aa.tl aa furniture. I
rrritit ta th town of Het pner
Ami eatrn!s wu-om . ..
jblW to corn and jwt about
hom furnishing problem an,i
make thrlr nla known to him
lieppner and lona on aala l
th Caxett-t-Tlm) efTW,
Conty'i Store)