tor KAMI, luuiu fry Com it J; ttfnfj rmoAT. ottf Hmkibm Ml ah HaaMcaaiM IMt laU fame, lppr vt. Giant lBloa. Cram tlm 7IJ0 mi, MONDAY. Octal. 12 QiamUf el Com mart. Wo go a WLmI noon. OrUt ! tastoia ttai, Maoal hall, p.m. HnMH Eatansloa Unit. 10:30 un. 01 In Joa Wrlcjht bom. ft luck oinnci ai noon. WEDNESDAY. Odobtf 14 BMcial IT A mMtina et Iom hlqh school 7130 044 fellows. OOr hlqh school. 7t30 pja. I fallow. lOOr halt. I pan. THURSDAY. October i Wavea WbHl Paul ftoroptunlsta. noon. Ithoa Crk KtC et lh Watroa homo. Ii30 pan. rillDAT and SATUHDAY October II and 27 Civic La?u ummoj Sat. Trt-Ca Equipment building, I I O) 4 L Final Plans Underway For Civic League Rummage Sale MM. AVERT STEINMET2 Joint PTA Meet Bills Mrs. Avery Stein metz Ion and Heppner unit of received a citation from the War ITA annouruf that Mr. Avery Department. StelnmlU will be guest speaker t the Joint meeting Wednesday. tK-totMT H. in ine ion caieiur turn. Because of her educational t ac kentund and broad exper ience In child development and family life. Mr. Stelnmeli U an extremely interesting and en lightening apeaker. ITA leader Mate. She ha studied at the Uni versity of ItJiret Sound, Oregon State University, and Colorado State College, with additional work for television at Michigan Sta'e, and workshop at the. Uni versity of Chicago, under the Ford Foundation, on parenthood In a free nation and at Iowa Slate In child development. At OSU he taught clasac In family relation, waa an tx tcn.'ilon specialist In child de veljpmcn; and i.tmlly life, and served as dejn of women for eight years. Inning World War II, iihe was givti. a year leuvo for a wartime atonic project at I lanor d under the Dul'ont Com pany, where she held the high rut woman's Job, "A sort of dean of women." For this worlt he Mn KfrlnmetZ worked on the staff at Iowa Stale University for seven yean a the extension specialist In child development and family life. Punng these year she devcled a program of parent teenager understand ing, speaking to high school a, semblies first, followed by par ents' meeting. She spoke to more than 17.) youth in one v-nr In this urogram and dl- Mivt nurstlons the students wrote at the end of lectures. i tft iofft Mr.Stelnmet2 attend- A iha Intnrnnllnrtal k'l'drrat Ion of Home Economic In Paris. She I a national honorary member of Future llomemaker of Amer ica. Is president oi ine uregon Home Kconomlcs Association, and I the area representative of education In the Portland branch of AAUW. Mr Clnlnmolt will SOOBK On "Parenthood Banc or Blessing." All are welcome. IF YOU need a rubber stamp for any purpose, cau si ine o--re tie -Time office. All atylea of type, all size of atampa avail able promptly. Pass the butter, please... in an elegant Silver Butter Dish by GORHAM A butter dish to give and use with pride. Sen sible, functional, beautiful. A quarter pound fits perfectly in the removable glass liner. See how the swirling scroll design, unmistakably Gorham, styled in the finest silverplate, perfectly priced at transforms any table. Why not nrr tn rive, another to tpM.7cJ use yourself? f T.I. plan are rapidly materializ ing for the Civic league fall Kummage sale to be held Friday and Saturday, October 26 and 17, at the Trl-Cu Equipment build ing, beginning at 8 am. From the large variety of Item fel, rt,inata-t Iha dale lironi. Use to be even better than av- rrage inn tne civic m-kuj i hoping for a gixxl refcJ)nlt from community minded IndlvlduaLl during the coming week. Any. one wishing to donate rummage may bring it to the Trl-Co. build ing between the hour of 9 and 11 a m. on Tuesdays and Thurs day or take advantage of the pick -up service offered by call ing Mr. Forrest Burkenblne, ph. .!). Mr. Elmer Berry, ph. 676 5Ni6. and in the Lexington vicinity, Mr. Pat CuUforth at 9WIM72. , t , Sorting of rummage Is being done for the first time on a volunteer basl on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 9 and 11 a m. Additional assis tance Is needed for this Job and mother of kindergarten pupils are asked to lend a helping hand. i Irocecds from the rummage sale, held twice yearly, tday an important role toward the sup port or the local Kinucrgarxen program. Fall Meetings Resume For Mother's Club At Robinson Home Qj.vnm! Il-m rt huslnes oc cupied the meeting of the Hcpp- ner MOiners ciud Aionnay even ing at the home of Mrs. Ken- n.,fh Pnhlnann AsKiKtinir th hostess wa Mrs. Everett Struck- meter. Thanks were extended mem bers bv Mrs. Harold Laird, presi dent, for their work on prepar ing the club's booth for the coun ty fair and Its float In the fair nrl rruli nn ratio fTincliierahle discussion was directed toward whether to continue the float entry In the future, as so many members are involved in iair work during the same week. Mnra fttit4v ua tr Ko mArtf be fore reaching a definite decision. Mnmhora vnffvt tn subscribe for one year to the Reader's Di gest magazine to be sent In the club's name for use of patients in I'ioneer memorial nospuai. Hostesses and program com mlttees were named for the re matnder of the year. Mrs. Laird presented seme Ideas on crafts which she had observed during the summer, making Christmas decorations of used egg cartons. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Robert Todd and Mrs. Loren I .n-nri A strawberry dessert salad was served by the nosiesses at me close of the evening. PTA Business Meeting To Precede Program The October meeting of the Heppner PTA will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the lone nigh scnooi, Wednesday, October 14, in or der that members and any other interested ncrsons may hear Gnnrini truest sneaker. Mrs Bertha Steinmetz of Oregon State Oollcpe, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Steinmetz has chosen as her topic. "Parent hood Bane or Blessing?" PTA President Forrest Burk- enblne announces that anyone deslrlncr transportation to lone fnr tho snerifll meetlni? mav con tact him, Mrs. Ed Dick or Mrs. Clyde Allstott. Connie Hynd Seated New Worthy Advisor Of lone Assembly fionnl Hynd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jatk Hynd. waa In stalled as Worthy Advlr f forta Aaacmbly No. W. Order of Itainhow fr flliU, In a M-tting of lavrtidrf fd White at tin Vf at av ti I- hall on Kunilav f-vnn lni. Seitemter 77. Inataillng ff furr was Karen llama, junior pat worthy advlaor. Ilrr iuii lant were Manna SrhafflU of Ituth Aaembty In Heppner. a Installing chaplain; .Hun IJnd trin. grand crioir director, a Inntalllritr marshal; Terrl O'Con nor, iriKtalltng munimn, and Lee O'Connor inntalling re-cordcr. The officer Installed, carrying White IUInbow Bible toppt-cj with artificial lavender orchid, were Mary Nlthol. aucxlate u.-,,rf hu a,tvlif! Khirlv 111, Wa charily; Cherllyn SmouM. hie; Joyce Peck, faith; U-e O'Oinnur, rTorder; Pixie ihk, chaplain; and Terrl O'Connor, drill leader. Tho appointed to the color Mat Ion were i.ina Mcnou, ove: Connie trnert. religion: lumnle Alters, nature: Linda William. Immortality; Jerl Kreb. fidelity: Teresa Tucker, oatrlotUm. and Judy Eubank. service. Outer observer I Bonnie Morgan and Inside observer is a Rowcll. Chosen musician wa Susan Jane Jepsen, and J, 1 I HtttntM CAItTTX TIMtt. Ta4TT. OrSaaW a. 1H4 Members of the choir Installed were Susan Llndstrom. Karen Hams, and Ludnda Smith. Taking part In the crowning ceremony for the new Vonhy Advisor were member or Blue Mountain Chatter of the De- Molay from Hermtston, who u.t. art fimnanli A hv Mr. Har riet Shaw and Pst Dad Advisor, lo.tu-rt S'l-innir Maaler f'mincllor Bret Young placed the crown on Bonnie' bead and other par ticipating were Eddie Champion, waa iuiuii anr- i-(M-n, anci i manuaru uearer mna inaiaiii, choir director wa Teresa Stefan!. J Mike Humble Sr.. councilor; Jim r I - if VtJL - v .1 MISS BOftNIC HYND Card Party, District Meeting on Agenda jtfu.n bail still ! tha mrn of a district a rtjrrtir tnat I Tti Amrftcan Lrtlatk and Autlllary puMie rsrl iny, or iginally slated fe ! in Hep-irmt-r. s ill b he-1 J Monday. tktotjrr 1?. beginnm- at S p in at lh l-rlon hall An frfiW.V. ablo evening of bridge. plrvorhW fd reifesimrnta la pf urniarrj Shw. 5 r: ftlcl.srd Peterson. I S. and Stephen Nhmldt. H. S Teresa Tucker aang "I Hrlioe during the crowning. Serving at the recep'l"" frm a losrly tea iaoi cenirreu vun an arrangement of lavender arvl is hue with lavender tarr wrr Mr. Jame lvtti)"hn and Mr. Ilert-ri Hvrvl. aunts of the w tacrthv advlaor. other decor ation atruut the room featured the color Khrme. rvil t.t tman ruest ITrsrlit were Mr. Ed Schaffn. Mr Kay Ferguson and Mr. Hyde petty. John, all of llcppner. acheduted to Urm at 6Wpra. ssiih a putluck dnrier, Mritibrr and their pusir r tir;rj io attrnd. Rainbow Officer Installed Monday Jean Siewert. ssorthv a Jv !,. In.tslled Kitty OlUrra a her asaiMtate wurthy advlwir Mon day evenln at a frular meet ing of Ituth Assrrnbly Hk 3sX Order of Kalnt-iw f.jf Cnls. In attendant e at the meting, besides the assembly mrmt-er. er Mr. Charle Mnut. ssortny matron of Kuth t haptt-r.Order of Eaatern Star; Mr. l-an Hunt. Ifalnlrtmr hoafrl member, and .Mrs, Lowell Griobie. mother ad- sior pro tem. ANNOUNCEMENT I am a candidate for the office of City Recorder of Heppner and would sincerely apprecUte your vote cm November A My training and experience have bren In office procedure and management and I will. If elected, conscientiously perform the dutle of the office to the best of my ability. Elaine S. George tPd. Ad By Elaine S. George. Heppnerl Elect "Something from the I always omthing Jeweler'.' peclal." Stort Hour: 9 A. M. To 6 P. M. 177 MAIN ST, HEPPNER PH. 676-9200 T CFlEElsl STAM 1 4 .' V '1 JUDGE RALPH M. IIOLMAN JUDGE OF OREGON SUPREME COURT Position, No. 7 Preferred by overwhelming vote In Oregon Mar Association poll Pd. Adv. HoJman lor Swprtmf Cowrl Comm. CIom . Jock. Ctimfl. lorolly Sldg.. folland CELERY IQ1 SWEET POTATOES AND YAMS : Lb. JQc Green PEPPERS 29' CABBAGE lb. k PORK SHOULDER STEAK Lb- J0C TRA-PAC FRESH FROZEN Stewing mm Lb. 29e SWIFTS PREMIUM 1 LB. SAUSAGE ROLLS 3 for $1 12 OZ. PEGS. LINK SAUSAGE 39c pkg. BT THE CHUNK Oregon Chief BOLOGNA 39 Lb. PRICES GOOD OCT. 9 and 10 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It'f nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET imtp COFFEE J 1 SUNSHINE f aT hu tbe iLbi:9' hi snack ?P6ojrfl ftp ,. 51-57 H I PACKAGES ! (7 ll i j ; Q For $ j :'.V $2.35 ; o 1 jl. yfS. TJf.T. YELLOW AND WHITE : MALLET'S t 2 lb. 29c iviince DUNCAN HINES : flljCf A T - I CAKE MDOES 3 ffr $1 1 t j f OSO GOOD LARGE f (f k SPAGHETTI 4 lb. 0 j OSO GOOD ELBOW . SstLVER BOW MACArol 4 lb. Wc Money PACIHC CLEANED X Cbctoml Shrinpi. 7 b H.Q9 'jy ROASTS FRESH . .. .