KirPKtl CAXCTTtTlMrS. Thursday. Octobaf ft. 14 mm news County Agent's Office National Fire Damage Averages $l Million Daily N. C ANDCE50N It M-rttit evrry week of the rf Is lrlntd as special rrk. Tm mrrks co It M "H Kind to lHcs WrK." last wrk "National 4 II Club Wffk," this rrk -.National Fir Prevention Wfk ft U r4 to have special -ks s-t aside for the ohsrr noe of mny of these tMnrs, but when art talking of lw, fir Fmcntjon Week' should t obmed each wk I the year, ThU if emperlallv Import ant inc llikW Americans died tail year from tint with mora than IJSM American home struck bv lira rach day. Thc fire nut nearly SI million in property damace dally aa well a tsktnc us tou in suncrwn an1 sorrow. The culprit la home fires may be faulty heating equipment, oe I relive or over loaded wiring or other fir hasards. Ut fires are at ill caused bv people. An im porta nt step In preventing home fires Is to ask your lire depart ment to In poet your property and to recommend specUic fire prevention measures, then 101 low their advice. Talking about fire prevention, we were happy to see the fire fifhtlnc rig that Larry Lindsay, north Lextncton rancher, is pui ting together. While this rig has been in use for some time. It has been Improved for better fire fighting. The large tank wun pump and fire fighting nozrej are mounted on a bxe trues: mat can get most anywhere over the rough range of the Lindsay ranch. In addition to this big fire fighting unit. Larry has small er one which he carries In his pickup at all times ready to con trol range or other type of fires which might break out. Thee are lust more rigs to be added to the long list of ranchers who are becoming better rqulpprd each day to control farm Itres before they become out of hand. Soil MoUtur Teats Token Kenneth Smousc. lone rancher. dropped by the office last week to discuss soil and moisture tests. Kenneth has for msny years been taking soli and mols ture tests periodically to deter mine these levels In cropping procedures. Soil moisture was atvoroslmatelv half what com parable fields on the ranch held In the fall of 1JWJ. The double summer fallow has about the same moisture as Is usual In regular summer fallow ranging from 5 to 5S Inches: regular summer fallow was showing 24 to 3 inches. It was Interesting to note that double summer tal low carried approximately twice the amount of nitrogen and moisture compared to regular summer fallow. Tour Appreciation Letters Beesteod Letters continue to come In from chaoerones and 8th grad ers of the Portland School Tour held here last ApriL Several let tera of thanks for the picture album sent to each have ar rived since school started. Many of the boys and girls explain that they had been away from home during the summer ana had not had the opportunity to write. A recent note from the Bob Lovgrens' told us of their ap preciation for a visit irom one one of the boys who stayed at lone Girl Enrolls At St Paul's School Among students returning to St. Pauls School for Girls In Walla Walla. Wit. for the Mid year of the pioneer school l Pamela Proudfoot. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John lrudioot. lone. Mie is enrolled as a soph omore. Greeting Miss Proud fool as new headmltres of the school was Mu I'atherln Oft lev tYH man. who hat sutveU, M lletjwlg Zorb. associated with the school since 1921. The school was founded In 1K72 bv an early rplscopal missionary to provide euucauonai ana cunurai opoor tunltlea for "younc laities- mr In the austere vanincion Territory days. Girls of all laitns, however, are accepted at the school. their home last mrlnc when Rob as In the hospital In Portland recently. Bob Chamberlain and his parents stopped by the Port land honital to visit him. This of course, pleased the Lovgrens very much. M strew Caaaty caor.wEATOZi sommait Pee wesk aadiaf Octobs t (Cacnptlad by Orf Ciep and Livestock It epoetin lea, U. S. Depoitmeat Ail- culture, Psstloavl) Wsadiaa. farttllslaa and sdisv9 provrasstaa with snots) areas of seedlaa la hi J Ik I sie vattosu. Lewee sUvattaaa will wait for nolstur bstrs sead la 9. Small grata euvl feary all flaUhad, Allalfa. clover and rasa seed belaa bunrested. Soma weoaer roll sole (telle ertes made this week but neat livestock me a were holding with hopes foe trapravaoteat la ptlcaa, Cottle belaf gathered from mountain ranaee. Wiater ranges are the wrt la years with many livestock grewen desperata for foil and wiater feed. Much of crala stubble used for winter feed already 90a . Meeting Monday Set to Organize Asian Wheat Tour A meeting will be held In the Pendleton Grain Gruwers build ing Monday, October 12. at T:) pin. fir sH persons In tlAitrrn Oregon who are Interested In the People to People Tour to the Aklan area sHnrd by the Week aad awests at tfca Rev. Kill AUop hixive were Mis. Al sup's mother. Mis. Mabel At klnMtit, her bnlher In law tnd ier. Mr and Mrs. Von Ithodea and their daughter. Tammy. Itiry rturne la thrtr home In I Main on Tuctday. Aitlvtaa Us Reppaer lata Uat week to spend the first week of deer smmi were fed and Many Gruiietts, bruihera of Vie Grtheit, ht , and el Mrs, lUt (;rushen, ail IHitiaivt. He us for envelotxs of al) kinds. Il.e Gaiette Times, eai ful. rorty Told Samples Tested for Sources of Clean Seed We have commented In tnis column on msny occasions dur inr the past thre months on . " . .... new grain standards ana tne ri feet on our growers. We are be coming more coniusea as ume vnth a goes on, however. since it appesrea tnai n would be real difficult to find some clean Forty Fold for seed. n attempt has been made to locate the cleanest source poss ible. I was sure It had been found when I had an Inspection certificate back on a represent tlve sample from the Wilbur Worden ranch In Eightmile. This sample was selected on October with the grade oermicaic showing No. 2 soft white with no listing of contrasting classes, the rancher, reports a recent sale of 9 rows on a carcas grade and yield basis. While finished slaughter steers and heifers are many times sold this wsy, this was the first case I had heard of old cows being marketed. It was a real market for Gerald 4495 yield with care a vses bringing 21 2V a pound depending upon grsde. The cattle sold at Walla Walla cam off irrigated pasture with only a 2 pound weight loss In the 60 made the trio to the Asian area day pasture period while calves Also a complete description of Oregon Wheat Gruwia league. Makhlngton wheat grower have made the tour the lat few ars. all being very success- This will tie Oregon s first sttempt to conduct a tour In I etnertlon with the People to People progrsm which was start ed under the CiM-nhower ad- mlnUtratlon. The tour has to I have at leat 15 ttrrsuns and II caru handle up to i. Countries visited will t Japan. NatlonalUt China. Philip pines, Thailand. Pakistan, and India. The trip will start Jan uary 9 from Seattle and con clude tebruarv H, V.H&. If one wants to continue around the world, this can be arranged. Farming areas will be vUited as well as scenic spot, meetings with government officlsls. West ern whest offices and other points of interest. At the meetln on the above date, slides will be shown by a Washington producer who hat I MOTDC ALL WATER USERS Of Willow and Rhea Creeks and Tributaries that were nursing gained 1.7 pounds per day. The carcasvs were marketed in Los Angeles. Portland To be Scene Of Several National Conventions This is the winter for Nat lonal Conventions to be held In Portland. Since there have been grade being determined by test mnv inouirte on dates of these WPIKlll. WUSl monui lairr sample picked uo by the Mor row County Grain Growers show ed contrasting classes of 1. Since we had referred several the trip w 111 be outlined as well ss procedures thst have to be made In making the trip. There will also be a Question and an swer period. Anyone Interested Is asked to attend and bring others who maybe interested in such a trip. Saddfe-ittcs Meet, SEED CLEANING NEW CLEANER Cr TREATER AT PLANT 20c Per Bu., 40c Per Sack Any Amount 25c Per Bu., 50c Per Sack at ranch, 300 Bu. Minimum. Additional Charge For Less Than Minimum. HAROLD ERWIN fieppnesv Ora. Call Collect S78-S806 growers to this lot as a source of good seed, a sample was col lected again on September 25. Samples were collected with a grain probe mixing them thor oughly and splitting them in three groups. One was mailed to the OSU Seed Laboratory, with importsnt conventions, wt will IVIIIIIIU JUU vt ki i IT, k kit.. I . . . , . , . time. The National Assoc. of InVlfO titW JMCtTlbCrS Wheat Growers will meet In I Portland on January 5 and 6; The last meeting of the 4 11 the American National Cattle. Saddle-lttes was called to order men's Assume af the Hilton Ho. October 5 by Barbara Bloods- tAi iVkrti.. n oj. i wortn. vice presiorm. Kecoras the National Convention of Soil completed and election of and Wjiler reservation Districts oincers was neia. new ouicer Due to the drouth period during the season, we have a critical domestic and stock water problem In the lower part of the county. These hold precedence over use for Irrigation. Please remove til diversions and Pumps so that water may flow more freely to needed users below. IVputy Pwlght Townvnd will be making periodical checks to observe stresm flow and consumption. All cooperation will be greatly appreciated. If rules are nt observed, more rigid action will have to be taken. This covers District S which Includes Morrow and I'matllla counties. This program will hold until es tensive rains or until further notice. Due to no rain at this lale date, stock water for later feeding use may be short. Hilton Hotel. Portland. February 7-11. in addition to these nation- sl conventions, the Oregon Assoc. the Other two going to the of Soli and Watpr Conservation Division of Grain Inspections at Districts will meet at the Sht-r- both Pendleton and Portland, we aton Hotel In Portland on No are Earl Strurkmeler. president: hherrl Lynn OBrlen. vice presi dent; Verlna French, secretary. and Terry Hughes, news report er. The next meeting will be held do not have a purity test back vember 11-13: the Oregon Wheat November 2 at 7.:) p.m. In the conference room above Gilliam and Bis bee Hdw. Anyone In the Heppner area Interested In 4-H horse club Is urged to attend Terry Hughes, reporter yet from OSU but grain inspec- Growers League at La Grande tion certificates from Pendleton on December 1 4 and 5: the and Portland show 2 and 12 Oregon Cattlemen's Association JERRY F. HAINES WATER MASTER STATE OF OREGON, DISTRICT 5 Dwlght Townsend, Stanfirld. Deputy Phone Pendleton 276 7111 or Stanfleld 419 3322 contrasting classes. This amount of contrasting classes makes this source grade No. 3 and our recommendation for a source of seed must be withdrawn. Wilbur says no one has picked up any seed yet from this source, so we are saie. While we don't want to vouch for any seed under the circum stances. Bob Peterson tells me that he has sent in samples on his Forty Fold, one showing no contrasting classes, the other XXI of 1. If grain grading means anything, this should be a good source of seed at Klamath Falls on November 12, 13 and 11 Costs Go To Carcass Sola Gerald Swaggart, Buttercreek PlETE COM OMVEMTORY FOR SALE 20 All Parts on Orders of $100 or Over 15 John Deere Parts on Orders of $250 or Over OFF John Deere Parts on Orders of $500 or Over Heated A mm a . m ALL NEW and USED MACHINERY Will Be Discounted for Cash or No Trade For Immediate Sale All Furniture, Fixtures and Shop Equipment At Arlington Store Also for Sale Ever wish you were fur-bearing come winter when your home is drafty-cold? Modern electric heating assures sunshine com fort for your family even on the coldest days. Electric heating gives you smooth, even heat in every corner of every room. It's cleaner, too no soot, dirt or grease. It's economical electricity uses all it's energy in heating. In dividual room temper- ature control means you hrat only those rooms you use no heat is wasted. Electric heat is practical no fluet, pilot lights or valves to inspect or clean. And you get more room there are no radiators or furnaces to take up valuable living space. Changing to modern electric heat is a low-cost, simple matter. Get professional advice to day from your rural electric system. Tri-Count yipEiEif Co Arlington Pendleton ELECTRICITY the heart of modern living Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties