THE HEFFNEI2 GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 21, 1961 Sec. 2-8 poges School Groups Choose Officers; Girls League Initiates New Members if KAHritNC UNOSTHOH tNj; - nnit t liruiclirr4n Man. trial alinl rrilnh( ,f ih I. ww Cirla Lracur by Mrs Ann, ttrll )atti4l, aihlMtf fur I ho Kfoup. at a Monday rvrnintf wrung In ihr ii rafrtutlu'Ti. 'nili then lntall- Hut other ffirrrs: l OCmmiK, vi ir- ifUtit; ihmnie ynl, sivrriary; karrri .Nrlxin, irrurr. ati.j IbinUir Mjtin. tuilinl Ct.nrt rrttrrsrntailv. Al an lmirrlvi rantlrgnf vrtmny rl;M girls Im imr new imtnlwri of in lagu. Tiny rrr Janrt ralmir-r, Trril OVonnor, Janln Snydrr. HHty HauiiJrr, Maurnrn i-i:ilfoi, Katny Krrnr. IXle I'nk, and .Sandra HuUtrln. Ihf gUU, ihrlr m.lhT, and the (acuity wlvrs wrri niter taiM'd by tila no ami violin lu-t layr. by Mr. Kcrinrth Smouii" an.f hvt daughter, ("her ilyn A Rlrla trio. rurnHed of IW.nnle llynd, Susan Llndstrom, and t'onnle CnrUlophrrson, sang acromanlil by Chrryle Lundcll. fVurlnc from a tea table at tractively centered with a lovely arrangement of yellow anl white dahlia made by Mrs. William lis Una were Mm. Otarle O'Connor and Mn. II W. C'hri tophermm. Jr. CMher ele-tlotia at the high trhool nnvntly resulted In Robert Kmert beln elected prenldent of the aenlor tla. His asaUiIni; offlcera are: Jne Halv-own. vice-f-reldent; Sandra llolsti-ln. act-re-tary treasurer, and Kenny June, sluum! council rcrrM-ntatlve. Th Ir clao advlikora are Mr. J lot -Mcln and Mrs. Damon. The junior rlas vhan4 Mark i ItiKofu-n aa reldcnt; Stan Hol.-W In, vlcr-prnddent; Kuren ilarn. M--rctary-treasurer, ami M ti. I It-tj.l n a? hlin do the H mil In I'atld C at-nli r, fxckideril; Kathy Kccne, srrre lary-trraurrr; TVrrl OConmrf. kludcnl council rereM-ntaive, and fra Chrlto4itMin a rrjj4tr. Thrlr alvlM.i u Mr lv-iiry. Muicnt ooity urriceta in rnarue of atudent affair Ihla )ear are Sid ZJntcr, ireldi'til ; with i llalvornen aa vl e pfrHil.-nt MiMley Inch, aecfetary tn aur er. and Karen llartis tary-trranurer. Mr, nl Mm John Jim an xip Jlmrni returned on Monda from a vacation at the Oregon Coast. It wa quite wet and tl while they were there. Tliey alvj i k r.veiyn irim-tx to Kugeri, where she will enter North er n C'rirUtlan College for her sn lor year. iMa Omega Sorority member are rrmlndi-d of the weiner r to be held at the mountain cabin of Mr. and Mr. Ion llcliker thl rTlday. Niober 23. Mra. Charle M(Klllgtt at Portland and her slatrr-ln law, Mr. Kllen McKJIIgittt of I'alo Alto. Calif, arrival Sunday for a vikii at me borne of Mr M Klllgott'B intnu and families, Mr. and Mr. Ion McKllicmt. and Mr and Mr RU-tiard Mc Klllgtt iuet of Mr. and Mr. Ted ralmatccr are her niece. Janice an! Maur-en llcaly from Butter tnek Mr. and Mr Terry II. Honda!! t'l Monterey, I alif . and Mr (;h.iHh alntt-r, Mra Daniel Ik-aver of I'arker, Ariz., were true! thl week end of Mr. Klmer Hrlffith and th Roy W. ljndtrom. Mr. ;kmI and Mr- Crirnth are couiln. and thin I the IlrM time thev had met. At-.oiher wa Mr. Ilnrold ( herilyn Srnouc. atudent ii.un- J Cngg of Oria Island. Wash . a til representative. Advlor are Mr Miller and Mr. Wea llobdcln wa electtd pres ident of th sophomore class; ( j.tliy llausler, vice preKldent; Karen Nelson. ne-retary-treasurer, and IU-r niece Matthew a. atudent ctiuncll repreentallve, AuvUIng thi clnt la Mr. Meyer. CliMa lxvgren wa elected preaident to guldo his cUsa through their first year vl high niece of Mr. Crlffith's. They all attended the parade and Kuund I'p and were much Impressed by the M-rfor:iince. Sn. Lee llarni left on Sunday after upending a five day leave hen visiting hi parents, Mr. and Mr. Vi-tcr II imt. He 1 asulgnrtl to the U.S.S. Hornet at San Krnn-ilc. Week end (ursfs of Mr lion lljtr of 0leM. Wafl Mr Hale ami Mr Mteret cr hifh m ho lauoiate Tl.ry a aiti mil l the iCi.und tp a n lll iy Canyon on Saturday Mi and Mr, fay lloMeln i4 Kirk. olo, pent M eral ilav lat week V Kiting their Mn and ilaufMer m law, Mr. and Mra Kvrtl HoUteln and family Mi and Mr. lUy lleimblgner ( nt Saturday at Mi Nary Vai ht dub riotlng ten young eple aM. were-I o,i uiun un on an outing. The young wpe en l water kling and wtm ming llaptlnrnal service for Anita Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mr rlrn-r, and Rhonda Marie arid Janelle Kay, daughter of Mr. and Mr, (ill Uilan, were held during the wiirhlp service 01 me united Cburch or ChrUt on Sunday morning by Itev, waiter a. (roweii. MMruors for the Palmer baby were her irrand parent. Mr. and Mr. Marion I aimer and Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Nah. The stioruMir for the Lulan children w-re Mr. and Mrs. Kutene Io-kter and Mr. and Mrs. Carol Miller. Special muxlc wa sung by the choir. "Lrjrd I Want to be a Christian", an old negro spiritual. Gran? Has B(rhr Work Willows (.range began fa, I meeting on Saturday night. Sept. is. Mot of the oflli-er were iresent and It I honed thi fore tells an active winter attendance. Thr lecture's program was a re fresher in balloting, flag salute. nesting drill, and other floor work Members were notified of change In date of the (Xtoner 'oniona meeting. It will be held t the Ithca Creek Grange on Vtobcr 2 with olf ic r exempli fying the 5th. or I'amona, legreo. Home hxonomlcs club wi.l meet at the home of Mrs. Borl Akcrs on Thursday, Oct. 15, for n all day meeting. The next regular Grange meeting will be fk-t. 17 preceded by a pancake Rupper. All (.rangers and ism llles are Invited. Mrs. Lee Palmateer entertained ast Wednesday with a party onoring ner twin aaugnters. Debora and Donna on their fifth I Mr. and I birthday. Little guests present! and Href Miller, Ailene Ca hiwm. itrlin Ktetmsrtn. Vt. T' t. snl Utr rUiete. Harvey Oiiidrr, and fiarbara lalnwr AUo pr. er.t were Mrs Harold .-irf and Jody. Mm. Malfl I'alriwr. Ms l.lroer palmer. Mr I'aul rtty Mm .Sr. Mrs Clro Cr.ll.ters. Mr lut. Mterer. Mrs. Vl0 Hy, Him, t'rtr anikuff. Mrs. jntu Jli4-M-n and Mra l.arry Twill t;mr were la)rd and e b H firnhiiirr.t t j t lll,.Jy rsse, e rrrarn and pumh wrr srv e-l Tlii Sunday w ill be a bg.y one II Sunday it1p, In lone with 4 oOM-rvrd at the lofse I'M te ( burrh of ?uut at II (si a rt followed by the llth at riiul flower Show sponfired by the lone Garden Club at 2 p m In the rafrtorlum Ala on Sunday will h the auitlon f the entire Inventory t4 Hie huiMir Supply beginning at 10 ft a rn Mr and Mis. W. K Melrna h-turn-d on Saturday evening fn.iti ; a three weeks trip through Ihej mldweittern slates. They traveled , to (tnha. Ncbr, where it wa very warm, and then wrr.t ; through Iowa to Mlnneaiviiin ! and South Center. Minn, where j they llte relatives They came,' borne through S-obie, Montan4 1 and al vlxlted In Bllllnc, ar.d, Missoula. Thry traveled throurh ' Lrdo r to Lt-wuton and Pull man before arriving back In I Katern Oregon. ifiriav ffum Mt in tnn .r ' Mr. and Mr. Arnold Crow-ell were her nephew. Mr. and Mr John Cool a m! their daughter in- aw, Mrs. Roger Cool of Neai. Wash., who were enroute home from a trip to Vancouver, Wash. Mher guests of the trowells on TucmI ay were long time friend. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Merrill of The Dalles and Mrs. Jane De Vore of Salem. They had been called to Canyon City by the death of Lon Merrill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grablll. Sr.. of Phoenix. Ariz., and Mr nd Mrs. Robert Grablll. Jr.. and aughter of Pendleton spent Sunday In lone visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stefan! and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Stef- anl and other friends. Mr. Grab ill was a resident of lone several years ago before moving to Pend leton and then to Arizona. Rebckah President Visit Bunchgravs Rebckah Lodge tiy was honored ty ih olfkisl vitit of Mrs I lvrMv Uall. 4 Jun.ll. (tiy, ft (4 Vt Krtkrt ArUy of tntm at their tlMretlef vrprotT II. Tf ' elif, Wim rl Vkepfrat- dent Mrs Hr Wainsrvtl t4 Prridlrt.; pal Pirailrel. lira. Uela fow-rMjn 4 l'.sr.W: .fu rr fu-arrr tf LA CM, Mrs Aitba, Kirs of -rmiion; and Mr Ada I!.. t4 tefedt; i... m it Mii lnrrlrl rirta ffn the l1ge ll-e let.-e fu.fna tarre a pd prlatrly drcorstrd WUh lolS rrnllrrn Ihe jri IrM a rtwm arti ee.d 4 I be Vm Buuquets of mUed f;ef were piacwt sruwnd th0 hall. Mrs. (tall s fkear. er being ail flrrs an4 rvrr gfens, were served In the dining nmmm fnrn braui..'ul: jr drcste tastes The sorts! rn- mitt was Mr paw! IV?1) . i , Mrs, Davl t :inmhn. Mi Ma lutrntrn. and Mrs t iell K- kiral mtn.brrs aiui.-l.d tr. Itrlt t ? prtkah r.vrn li4i at Lr gtn on Saturday, Mr and Mrs Hay Hrirr btfr er tSk tbetr son. Tn. t L"u(een tn Thuradsy lu er.n.ll as a fier- waa at the I'rvieersity of Ctp Tbetr daughter. iJnJa Bse. will ala aiuvd I be I nJrrity tnts leaf M her fifth year ef study. Tf.y rt ned o It i. lay (irtttng ta LaCrande en Sunday to enroll thrtr dauhters al C(. er Or-sSi CoJUj-e of liueatujit seer Mr. and Mi lr MOM and Aikta. Mr. iM Mrs llarvl I NJreer and Jody, and Mr. and Mrs, tuwiskl hip and Ur s ara. The girts will b freshmen More lone News on poge 4 Morrow County Flowers - in All Their Beauty - Will Be On Display At The 13th Annual Public Flower Show and Silver Tea Sponsored By lone Cordon Club Sunday, September 27 lone High School Cafetorium From 2:00 to 6:00 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME! "BEAUTY IS OUR BUSINESS" Awards in Horticulture and Arrangements 4 j i I4 Sis -j ' K1 OUT-OF-TOWN ENTRIES WnDMED CONTfSTS ItlR YOUTH ADULTS SI'lXLAL DAHLIA DISPLAYS THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC S EH VICE BY BANK of EASTERN OREGON IONE BRANCH Member, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. ENTRIES WELCOMED ON SATURDAY 5 TO 7 P.M. SUNDAY- TO 10:3d A. &L JUDGING AT 11:00 AM. C3 O FOR ALL Mrs. Dick Sherer were Mr. and were KJmber Li-e IVttyJohn. Pam mm n mm Do Y i7 D our Part! Give A Pint Si5? IS f UfJT, MS and llim COIwlPETITIOrJ Football (MB fhmm AT BLOOD DRAWING 3 to 6 p. m. MONDAY, SEPT. 28 Heppner Elk's Temple MAKE A DATE TO GIVE THE BLOODMOBILE IS COMING ClinJ DC at o) if 7 S 8 THRU 13 I 5) vJ) u e) 0F AGE! I I FREE CANTEEN SERVICE If convenient, make appointments In Advance by calling Mrs. Orville Cutsforth (989-8473) or Ilene Wyman (676-5809). However, appoint ments are not essential. THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY YOUR HOME-OWNED BANK AS A COMMUNITY SERVICE B ANK OF jastern Oregon HEPPNER BRANCH HEPPNER ARLINGTON IONE MEMBER. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Heppner and lone Saturday, Sept. 26, 1:45 p. m. IN EACH CITY Rodeo Grounds, Heppner and School Field, lone Learn How To Punt, Pass,' & Kick!! FREE INSTRUCTIONS BY Lcs Matthews and Gene Dockter, lone Tom Hughes, Heppner NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED ONLY STREET SHOES OR SNEAKERS PERMITTED GET READY NOW FOR FORD DEALERS NFL PP&K COMPETITION KEPPDJEK AUTO SALES, Inc. Heppner Fords and Friends Are Our Business it Ph. 676-9152